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Diva In The Dugout (All Is Fair In Love And Baseball)

Page 9

by Hittle, Arlene

  Apparently she was meant to keep nothing from this man, not even her biggest mistake. Par for the course, she supposed, since he played a big part in that giant screw-up. Shame washed over her, as strong as ever, and she walked over to the window. “This isn’t Daddy’s first run for mayor. He was in the race when I got pregnant.”

  “Did he win?”

  “Nope.” She heard him rise from the couch, felt the air rustle as he came up beside her. She kept her gaze trained on the plaid curtain so she didn’t have to see more disapproval in his eyes. “He dropped out of the race because folks in Brannen didn’t want to put the town’s future in the hands of a man who couldn’t even control his own daughter.”

  A growl rumbled from Dave’s throat. “Did he say that?” When she didn’t answer right away, he put his hand under her chin and tipped her face up so she had to look at him. Amazingly, he seemed more angry than disgusted. “Did he?”

  She shook her head. “Peter did.”

  “Your father’s campaign manager?”

  “My brother, too.”

  He tightened his arms around her. “I shouldn’t say this about your brother, but I hate him already.”

  “Join the club.” The heat from his body warmed her. It protected her, insulated her from whatever nastiness Peter was sure to bring with him. She fought a smile. “Wait until you meet him.”

  “If he treats you like crap, I don’t think I want to.”

  A herd of footsteps in the hallway signaled the camera crew was inside…and on the move.

  “Sounds like we don’t have a choice.” Mel wrinkled her nose as she stepped away from him, intending to put a respectable distance between them before Peter discovered their hideout.

  But Dave wouldn’t let her go. He caught her by the hand. “Political aspirations aside, your parents are great.”

  “Yeah.” She sighed.

  “There’s a ‘but’ in your voice.”

  “You’ve seen them together. They’re still crazy for each other after all these years.”

  His eyebrows shot high. “That’s bad?”

  “The way they make lovebirds look like strangers used to embarrass me to no end.”

  “And now?”

  Ashamed to admit she was jealous of her own parents, she ducked her head. But Dave waited patiently for an answer, and he’d been so sweet to her today, even though she didn’t deserve his kindness, she wanted to give him one. Maybe he wouldn’t laugh. “Watching them together reminds me what I’m missing.”

  Time stopped. A muscle ticked in his jaw and his Adam’s apple rose and fell. Then his lips tipped into the sexy grin she remembered so well. He pulled her back into his arms and whispered in her ear. “Envy no more, Mel. We can have that.”

  Chapter Ten

  In the middle of the playroom at her parents’ house, Mel stared into Dave’s earnest hazel eyes, hypnotized by the promise they held. When he bent his head to kiss her, she met his lips with renewed hope that, against the odds, they could make it work.

  When his hands dropped to her rear end to grind her against a part of him ready and willing to play, she wanted to forget her brother and his henchmen were looking for them.

  And for a moment, she did. Her fingers scrambled to untuck his shirt. She needed his heat and strength to feed her own. She slid her hands underneath his shirt and brushed her fingertips along the bare skin of his back. He groaned and hiked up her skirt.

  Cool air caressed her bottom, bared by thong panties. With it, sanity returned. “Dave, stop. We shouldn’t—”

  Before she finished her protest, the playroom door thunked open and Peter loomed in the doorway, flanked by cameramen.

  They were just a blur. Dave shielded her with his body and whirled her around. Thank God he had a protective streak. Maybe this way her panties wouldn’t be on film for posterity. She scrambled to straighten her skirt. Now presentable, she stepped out from behind Dave.

  Her brother’s upper lip curled into a sneer. “Still can’t manage to keep your panties on, can you, Mel?”

  “Shut up, Pete.” Beside her, Dave tensed. She squeezed his hand and refrained from flipping Peter the bird.

  “Real mature, sis.” Peter’s already-pink face deepened three shades.

  “About as mature as you springing a camera crew on us,” she shot back. “You couldn’t have given me fair warning?”

  “Father could have told you days ago if he’d wanted to.” He sneered again. “Probably figured Loverboy wouldn’t show if you told him about the cameras.”

  “I’m comfortable with cameras.” Dave’s response was more of a growl.

  Peter reached up to reposition his toupee, and turned his beady stare on Dave. “I’ve seen how comfortable you are in front of the cameras, Joe Boxer.”

  He paled beneath his tan before grumbling. “That’s Mr. Boxer to you.”

  “I don’t think either you or Mel is in a position to negotiate, do you?”

  Dave slid his arm around her waist. “I think you should show your sister—and me—some respect, since you’re giving us the power to make or break your father’s political career.”

  She hid her smile as her brother spluttered, then turned on his heel and stormed out of the room. She whispered her thanks.

  “Any time you need me to put that blowhard in his place, let me know.” He tweaked her nose. “Just one of the many ways I aim to please.”

  This time, she laughed aloud. Maybe she and Dave could build the kind of relationship her parents had.

  While she tried to round up her scattered thoughts, the housekeeper appeared in the doorway. “Dinner is ready.”

  “We’d best get to the table before it gets cold.” She needed to distance herself before she bought into a foolish fantasy, so she took off without waiting to see if he followed.

  Dave’s promise taunted her. Her parents’ love was the stuff of fairy tales. No way could they have a relationship like that. Not with their rocky start. Too bad, because the idea was more appealing than she wanted to admit.

  Halfway down the hallway, he caught up to her. “We can write our own ticket to the future, you know. You just have to believe.”

  Oh, she wanted to believe him. It’d be fantastic if their reckless past had laid a solid foundation. She let him hook an arm around her waist as they neared the door. Inside, he pulled out a chair for her and filled her water glass before his own.

  All the right motions, for sure. She gave Dave credit for trying. She also gave him points for getting along so well with her parents. She’d expected at least a few fireworks, but Daddy was on his best behavior. He hadn’t used the word “deadbeat” yet.

  Still, with Peter smirking at them and the camera crew hovering around the dining room, strained didn’t even begin to describe the atmosphere.

  And I thought Sunday’s dinner was hard to choke down. Today, she could barely even look at her plate without feeling nauseous.

  “Melinda dear, I wish you’d brought Tara with you today.”

  Her father nodded his agreement. “Yes, sugar. You know we always get a kick out of seeing her. I bet Dave would like to see her, too.”

  Mel threw a nervous glance at Dave, wondering if he knew this was a test, and if he’d pass.

  He squeezed her knee under the table, the grip strong and comforting. Maybe he did know what to say. “I would. But Mel and I agreed my first meeting with you should be an adults-only shindig. Besides, I’m here until Friday. Tara and I will have time together tomorrow.”

  “Doesn’t she have school?”

  Dave glanced her way, so she nodded. “I’ll pick her up after and we’ll spend the rest of the day together.”

  “Good thinking.” Her father’s assessment, accompanied by a faint smile and nod, gave Mel leave to let out the breath she’d been holding. Dave passed the test.

  Her mother’s frown said the ordeal wasn’t over yet. “I suppose Lu is babysitting again? Melinda, you rely on that girl entirely too often.”
  She got defensive. “I didn’t want Tara to get stressed out if Grandma and Grandpa started yelling at her daddy, okay?”

  She relaxed when Dave increased pressure on her knee. “A decision I support with all my heart.”

  “He just wants Mel to himself so he can get up her skirt again.” Venom dripped from Peter’s voice.

  Her parents, well used to her brother’s crude assessments of her character, tactfully ignored him.

  But Dave shot to his feet, his hand heavy and reassuring on her shoulder. “Remember the talk you and I just had about respect?”

  “When my sister does something to deserve my respect, she’ll get it.” Peter sneered. “Letting you get in her pants in Tara’s playroom is hardly admirable behavior.”

  “You did what?” Her mother’s pleasant smile fled. “Oh, Mel. You’re dumber than I thought.”

  Mel’s face was about to spontaneously combust. “Oh god.”

  Was that a growl rumbling from Dave’s throat? It was.

  “I don’t know what you think you saw, Petey Boy, but you were clearly mistaken.”

  Mel gave him a grateful smile, but he wasn’t done yet. “Attacking your sister is uncalled for.”

  “Somebody has to shame her into behaving properly.” Peter flashed the perfect, white teeth their parents had paid good money for. “And since our parents spoil her, the job falls to me.”

  “Enough!” His fingers dug deeper into Mel’s shoulder with each syllable. “Mel, we’re out of here. No one has a right to talk to you that way.”

  Still shell-shocked, she let Dave lead her out of the kitchen and through the front door. When they got to the car, her hands shook too much to unlock it.

  Dave’s hand covered hers, steadying her uncooperative fingers. “Let me. You’re in no condition to drive.”

  She handed him the keys and slumped into the passenger seat instead. She tried to calm her racing thoughts as Dave navigated the long driveway.

  Desperate to think about something—anything—besides her mamma’s insult, which was so much worse than Peter’s, Mel focused on Dave’s hands. They rested loosely on the steering wheel at three and nine o’clock. He was in command of the Honda even though he seemed completely relaxed.

  His hands were like the rest of him. So strong. So capable.

  The memory of just what his hands were capable of sent a shiver racing across her shoulders.

  Dave noticed. “Need me to turn down the air?”

  She shook her head, but didn’t trust her voice just yet. When she thought she’d be able to speak without breaking into sobs, she thanked him.

  “For what?”

  “For standing up to Peter like that. You didn’t have to.”

  His voice was firm. “Yes, I did. I meant it when I said he has no right to speak to you that way. No one does.”

  “Oh.” She could barely push the word past the lump in her throat. Maybe he really did care for her. Not even her parents defended her so passionately.

  He stopped the car and fixed her with his hypnotic hazel eyes. “I don’t deserve your thanks. I owe you an apology.”

  Mel stared into the depths of a gaze layered with meaning she had yet to discover, and tried not to squirm again. Damn, he was intense. So much deeper than she’d ever given him credit for. “What for?”

  His lips tipped into a grin. “For laying it on too thick back there. I never intended to convince your folks I’m God’s answer to world peace. I’m sorry, Mel. You were right about me. I wasn’t ready for fatherhood five years ago.”

  She swallowed her “No shit.” Dave’s honesty didn’t deserve a sarcastic answer. “What changed?”

  “When my mother was on her deathbed a year ago, she made me promise to give up all my vices—the booze…women…drugs. I said I would…but only to ease a dying woman’s mind.”

  His eyes never left her face, but they turned unfocused and dreamy. “She knew me better than I knew myself, because I was already on my way to life in the slow lane. Another woman changed me, Mel.” His voice dropped. The gentle stroke of his thumb against her cheek fluttered her already-faltering heartbeat. “I never forgot the blonde bombshell who left me in the middle of the night.”

  The husky declaration melted her last shreds of resistance. If he’d never forgotten her, maybe they could have a happily-ever-after like her parents. Mel wanted so much to believe that. She leaned into his caress, then closed the gap between them and brushed her lips to his.

  Strong fingers threaded through her hair, and he deepened the kiss. Memories rushed back, memories of how strong she’d been all those years ago. How fearless. How easily they fit together, like two halves of one whole. So hot—and so right.

  She wanted that again.

  A whimper escaped from deep within her. From a place only one man—this man—had ever touched. Dave’s tongue stilled.

  “Don’t stop now,” she murmured.

  Mischief danced in his eyes. “I wasn’t planning to.” In one smooth motion, he slid one hand under her blouse and undid her bra.

  Her breasts sprang free, nipples chafing against her top. Thank God for deserted country roads and approaching dusk. She scrambled to unbutton the last barrier between them. As soon as the air-conditioned breeze rushed over her skin, her nipples puckered.

  Appreciation lit Dave’s face. He cupped her breast, running a thumb over the tight bud. “Beautiful as ever.”

  Then his hand left her breast to explore destinations further south. The other hand cradled her head close to his lips. He kissed her again, and smiled against her mouth while his other hand played with the elastic on her panties. “Loving the easy access.”

  When he parted her thighs and slid a finger under her panties, she had no doubt the whimper she heard was hers. Her thighs clamped down on his hand to urge him deeper.

  At the same time, she reached for the zipper on his charcoal dress slacks. Their bodies were made for each other. Waiting one more minute wasn’t an option. “You’re about to break the longest dry spell this side of priests and nuns who’ve taken a vow of chastity.”


  Mel’s fingers closed around Dave’s throbbing erection and he groaned. Her touch, those tentative, exploratory strokes he’d replayed so many times, were even better than he remembered. He wasted no time taking control. He lowered the Honda’s seat and maneuvered her beneath him. Her breasts were soft against his chest and her thighs cradled him intimately.

  Her wet heat called to him, begged to be filled—and he was more than happy to oblige. Millimeters separated him from heaven when he froze.

  She whined and arched her hips off the seat. So close.

  God, it’d be too easy to pretend ignorance…to bury himself in her again and again until he lost all control. It was the release they both wanted.

  Instead, he eased back and forced himself to focus on something other than pleasure. Then he choked out a one-word explanation. “Protection.”

  The flame of passion in her eyes sputtered out and she wriggled out from underneath him. “Mamma’s right. I am stupid.”

  Dave stroked her cheek with his thumb, her blush of intimacy still warm beneath his skin. “Not at all. We both got swept away.”

  “Shit.” Her breasts jiggled as she slapped the dashboard with her palm. “I quit taking the Pill three years ago because there was absolutely no chance of my having sex.”

  “No problem.” Dave feigned casualness. “We’ll pick up some condoms at the nearest drugstore.”

  She cast a pointed look at the erection tenting his boxers before her lips curved into an anything-but-sweet smile. “I can take care of that for you.”

  His cock jerked in response and he wanted to scream out, “Yes, please.” Instead, he shook his head. “I can wait. This has to be fun for both of us.”

  “It will be.” The heat of her fingertips seared him through his shorts.

  Before he could protest again, his shorts were down and her tongue danced
along his shaft. Dave groaned. If this was wrong, he didn’t want to be right.

  When she pulled away, he traced her lips with his thumb. “Your mouth is still magic, Lin.”

  “Why thank you, Muscles.” A light laugh accompanied the words.

  After a few more kisses, he was centered enough to start driving again. His foot was heavy on the gas pedal because he was on the hunt for the nearest drugstore.

  There, on the right. Walmart. He swung Mel’s Honda into two spaces in the superstore’s parking lot. “Be right back.”


  Mel laughed as he speed-walked into Walmart. She didn’t blame him one bit. She ached to finish what they’d started, too. Being with Dave again reminded her of her life before Tara, when she was still young and carefree. It was a heady feeling, and she couldn’t wait to recapture it, if only for a little while.

  Problem was, they had nowhere to finish it. She was way too old to make love in a car. She already had a crick in her neck that wouldn’t quit.

  Dave slid back into the driver’s seat not even five minutes later, toting a plastic bag that bulged even more than the front of his pants.

  “I appreciate your enthusiasm.” She laid her hand on his thigh and the muscle twitched under her palm. “But we have a problem. Lu’s at my place with Tara.”

  He leaned in for a quick kiss, a triumphant gleam in his eyes. “I have a room at the Holiday Inn by the airport.”

  “That sure of yourself, eh?”

  His grin faltered. “I didn’t want to assume you’d let me stay at your place.”

  That made sense. Mel squeezed his leg in apology. She really ought to stop thinking the worst of him. “Thank you for that.”

  The minute she stepped through the door to Dave’s hotel room, a serious case of déjà vu walloped Mel upside the head. Every last detail of the first night they’d spent together came back in a rush. Dizziness washed over her and she wobbled on her sensible low-heeled sandals.

  With no hesitation, Dave wrapped his arm around her waist to steady her. “You okay?”

  “Fine.” Mel swallowed away the last of her wooziness and willed the heady rush of being back in Muscles’ arms to take its place. She didn’t know why she was so surprised. Of course she remembered the night that changed her life forever. “This room looks just like the last one.”


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