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Aiding the Dragon (Stonefire British Dragons Book 9)

Page 15

by Jessie Donovan


  Aaron should’ve stepped away as soon as he found his release. After all, he and Teagan weren’t a couple and probably never could be.

  But as he stood with Teagan in his arms and her wrapped around his body in more ways than one, he couldn’t bring himself to do so.

  His dragon spoke up. And why is that?


  Why? She is not her. Give Teagan a chance.

  A part of him wanted to. But what about our responsibilities back home?

  Teagan tightened her arms around him and Aaron focused back on her. He’d never seen her so quiet. “What are you thinking, love?”

  She sighed. “Just that I want more of this.”

  “Sex on a counter?”

  She glanced at him with narrowed eyes. “I’m trying to be serious, Aaron.”

  Lightly rubbing circles on her back, he answered, “Then tell me in detail what you mean by ‘more of this.’ I can keep a secret, you know.”

  She searched his gaze and he held his breath. Why he wanted her to confide in him, he had no idea.

  Teagan finally let out a long sigh. “If I say sex with you, will you start cracking on about having a magical penis?”

  He grinned. “Well, you did seem to enjoy it.”

  She rolled her eyes. “That’s not the point.”

  “So you did like it.” He roamed a hand up her back to fist her hair. “Maybe one of these times we can both be naked at the same time. Then I can really work my magic.”

  “I’m not sure when that’ll be, though.”

  His dragon hummed. See? She thinks of being with us again. It should be every night. Then we can take care of her always.

  Stop planning my bloody future.

  He kissed the corner of her mouth. “Then surprise me. Even if I have to wake up early and go without coffee again, it’ll be worth it if it means I get you naked in either of our beds.”

  She shook her head and her hair tickled his chest. “You say that now, but it could be this evening or days from now. I don’t have the most predictable schedule right now.”

  Gently tugging her hair, he moved to kiss her jaw. “Anticipation is a heady thing, Teagan O’Shea. Maybe one day I can convince you of that.”

  As soon as the words were out, he wanted to curse. Aaron was only on Glenlough for a short amount of time. He had no right hinting of a future.

  Especially when Teagan could lose everything if the clan found out about them.

  He took her lips in one final, rough kiss before he stepped away and pulled out of her.

  His dragon huffed. Don’t let her go.

  What the hell are you talking about? I can’t walk around the clan with Teagan attached to my dick.

  That’s not what I mean.

  He paused and simply said, I know.

  Aaron took Teagan’s waist and lifted her off the counter and back to the floor. She stumbled a second and crashed into his chest.

  He held her tightly, more than aware he should push her away.

  After a minute, Teagan’s whispered, “I should go, Aaron. There’s a lot to do.”

  He gave her one last squeeze before he released her. “Find me whenever you need me, Teagan.”

  He expected a snarky reply, but Teagan merely nodded. “I need to go.”

  She adjusted her dress and exited the back door.

  Standing in silence, Aaron clenched his fingers and forced himself to turn away from the door. Teagan’s wasn’t his to go after.

  Besides, he had assignments to do. Bram and all of Stonefire were counting on him. He wasn’t letting anyone down because of a female ever again.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A loud crack next to her ear woke Teagan and she jumped to her feet. Scanning her office, she found her grandmother lowering her cane to the ground. “What are you doing here, Gran?” she demanded.

  Orla looked to the crowded sofa and back to Teagan. “I could do with resting my old bones first.”

  Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Teagan cleared one side of the sofa. It seemed everyone was a critic. “Hurry up before you fall over and hurt yourself.”

  Orla tsked as she maneuvered her bum onto the cushion. “Odd that you’re giving health advice, granddaughter, when you’re not taking care of your own.”

  Teagan smoothed her hair and sat back in her own chair. “I eat, I sleep, and I’m in perfect physical shape. Are you sure you’re not losing your mind, Gran?”

  “Oh, stop it, Teagan Marie O’Shea. You’ve lived in this office for the last three days. I think you need some help and so I’m here to offer my services.”

  Teagan sighed. “Gran, I appreciate the offer—”

  “I won’t fall asleep every five minutes. You, on the other hand, won’t be able to defeat anyone if you remain cooped up in this room.”

  Teagan felt as if she were five years old again and having to explain herself. “The DDA has strict deadlines, which weren’t helped by the fact that Clan Greenpeak waited until the last possible second to submit the names of their visiting judges.” She patted a stack of papers. “Once I send these in today, I can have a proper sleep at home.”

  “Again, someone else can fill out paperwork.” Teagan opened her mouth, but Orla beat her to it. “I understand proving yourself. After all, I was in your position. But unless you learn to delegate, you will work yourself to death, Teagan Marie. At least let me help you until the bloody challenge is complete and you send those males running home with their tails between their legs.” Her voice softened. “I may be old, but I’m not useless.”

  For a brief second, Orla wasn’t the former clan leader full of bite and a steely will. She was simply an elderly female with longing in her eyes.

  Her dragon spoke up. Let her help. She has no great-grandchildren, mate, or job to occupy her time. Give her a task. Gran has always hated being idle.

  Teagan sighed. “You can help, but with a few conditions.” Orla raised an eyebrow and Teagan continued, “You have to promise not to change any of my decisions or issue orders in my absence. Even if I’m unconscious, the task falls to Killian first to take charge.”

  “I’m not used to following others, but if it gets me out of my damn cottage and gives me something to do beyond watching the grass grow, then I suppose I can try my best.”

  That was the closest thing to a promise her gran would give. “Right, then this pile needs to be filed—”

  Orla waved a hand. “The DDA hasn’t changed their filing process in fifty years. I’ll double-check to make sure everything is filled out and ensure they send a confirmation receipt.”

  Teagan frowned. “Everything is as it should be, Gran.”

  “Look, you’re sleep-deprived and overworked. There’s nothing wrong with a quick check. I’m not trying to overstep my boundaries. I just want to make sure there’s one less item for the other clans to use against you. Could you imagine if a missing letter on a name ended up canceling the challenge? The others would rally the support they need to attack and do who knows what. Glenlough may be strong, but we’re not invincible.”

  Her beast sighed. She’s right. Let her help us. Maybe after a quick nap, we can go for a short flight. The exercise will maintain our strength. I also miss the sky.

  Me, too, dragon. Me, too.

  Teagan stood. “I will take your help, Gran.” She paused before adding, “Thank you.”

  “No need to be so formal. Now, hurry up and sneak out before someone comes knocking.”

  “If they do—”

  “I’ll take the message and redirect as much of it to Killian as possible.”

  Teagan looked around the room, wondering if she had forgotten anything important.

  Orla thumped her cane on the ground. “I’ll tidy up a bit as well. If I find anything that needs immediate attention, Killian will sort it out. Go, Teagan, before I smack your bum and chase you out. No matter how long you’re leader, I will always be your grandmother first and foremost.”

  She smile
d. “I love you, Gran.”

  “Aye, I know. Now go.”

  Teagan hesitated one more second before she plucked up her mobile phone and headed out the door. She took the back exit out of central command and stepped into the fresh air.

  Since it was barely six in the morning, few people were awake and walking around. It was easy enough for Teagan to make her way without being questioned by curious or anxious clan members.

  However, when she reached the fork in the path, she stopped. One way would take her back to her cottage, but the other way went to Aaron’s.

  Beyond him dropping off meals at her office, she hadn’t seen or spoken to him for three days. She shouldn’t yearn to hear his deep English voice, but it had occupied much of the dreams she’d had during her naps.

  She wondered if he’d welcome her showing up at his door so early in the morning.

  Her dragon sighed. Just go. If he doesn’t want to see us, then he’s unworthy of our time in the first place.

  Tired as she was, Teagan didn’t argue and took the fork toward Aaron’s cottage. She reached the back wall of his garden, looked around, and scaled the wall. She stopped at the back door and took a deep inhalation before lightly rapping on the wood.

  As the seconds ticked by, she debated leaving or not.

  Just as she turned away, the door opened and a voice gravelly with sleep said, “It’s early.”

  She looked over her shoulder. The sight of Aaron’s hair sleep-mussed brought a smile to her face. “If you look this disheveled on your own, what would you look like if you had someone else in bed with you?”

  Rubbing a hand down his face, Aaron replied, “If you think I’m going to be witty this early, you’ll be waiting a long time.”

  He yawned, and she took advantage of his action to trail her gaze lower. His bare chest called to her, and his semi-erect cock punching against his boxers turned her mouth dry.

  She wondered if he’d been dreaming of her.

  Her dragon sighed. Dreams don’t matter when he’s standing right in front of us.

  She ignored her beast. Keeping the want from her voice, she met his gaze and raised her brows. “Good morning to you, too. If I’m that much of a bother, I can just leave. I don’t need you witty first thing, but a little welcoming would nice.”

  She took a step away, but Aaron’s strong hand gripped hers and yanked her inside. She barely had the chance to squeak before he pulled her close and kissed her gently. “You know what I’m like without coffee in the morning. Not grunting every word is about my limit. Welcoming requires a little motivation.”

  She looped her arms around his neck. “I don’t want to start a bad habit. I like to save my seductions for special occasions.”

  He brushed the hair from one of her cheeks and over her shoulder. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but why are you here?”

  As she stared into his lovely brown eyes, full of nothing but curiosity, she decided to be honest. “I’ve been ordered to rest, but when I came to the fork in the path, I was pulled here.” She laid her head on his chest. “You help me forget about the world outside, and I need that right now.”

  Aaron merely stood there, rubbing her back in silence. Doubt yet again reared its ugly head. She had no right to put him in such a spot. After all, he’d stated their relationship was purely physical from the start.

  Then he stepped back and released her. The hug was him just being nice.

  She cleared her throat. “Don’t worry, I’ll go and leave you in peace. I shouldn’t have come here.”

  Before she could bat an eyelash, Aaron scooped her up and lifted her against his chest. He grunted. “You’re not going anywhere. You need to rest.”

  If anyone else had tried to pick her up in public, she would’ve slashed their arms and wrestled them to the ground.

  Yet as Aaron carried her in his arms and walked toward his bedroom, she snuggled against his warm chest. His heat and steady beating heart lulled her to sleep.

  Her beast spoke up. He will watch over us. Sleep.

  Why do you trust him so much?

  He is meant for us. He will stand by our side.

  Aaron laid her down on the bed and climbed behind her. As he wrapped his arms around her middle, he kissed her ear. “Sleep, love.”

  With Aaron’s heat at her back, Teagan closed her eyes, and the world went blissfully black.


  Aaron listened to Teagan’s even breaths and hugged her closer to his body.

  He was in trouble.

  When she’d shown up at his front door, barely able to stand upright with shadows under her eyes, anger had coursed through his body, followed by concern.

  She was working too bloody hard.

  He’d done his part to feed her, but since she wasn’t his mate or even his girlfriend, he had no claim to force her to do anything else. He understood clan leaders had duties, but even Bram back home would take a break every once in a while, more so after he mated Evie Marshall.

  His dragon spoke up. If you would pull your head out of your arse, then you’d see she should be ours. No one else takes care of her. We should be able to. Just imagine how much stronger she’d be with someone always at her back.

  He hugged Teagan a little closer to him. It’s not that simple.

  Maybe it is.

  Not wanting to argue with his dragon, Aaron buried his face in the crook of Teagan’s neck and closed his eyes. With her warm back against his front and her wild feminine scent filling his nose, he instantly fell asleep.


  Aaron stood at the foot of a hill, scanning for Teagan. They were playing chase and it was his turn to find her.

  He finally caught a glimpse of black hair waving in the wind at the top of the hill. He quietly inched his way up, determined to surprise her.

  Lying on his belly, he crawled the last few feet until he could see Teagan sitting on the ground and leaning back on her hands, basking in the warm sunshine.

  Something was wrong. She should’ve been waiting to attack him, not sitting out in the open with her eyes closed.

  Opening her eyes, she looked straight at him and smiled. “Aaron. Come, I want to introduce you to my newest good friend.”

  Curious, he stood and walked toward Teagan. However, when he was nearly to her, the dark-haired, olive-toned form of Nerina appeared from out of nowhere. “What are you doing here?” he demanded.

  Teagan stood and walked to Nerina. Teagan answered, “Nerina told me how useful you were to stir up jealousy. The male I truly wanted has noticed.” The blond-haired form of Colm crested the hill and swept Teagan off her feet. Teagan gazed up at him and said, “He’s Irish and won’t cause any problems when I mate him.” She looked to Aaron. “It’s time for you to go home.”

  Aaron took a step toward Teagan and Colm, but they vanished. He was left alone with Nerina.

  She laughed. “You aren’t worth the trouble. Go home and stay there. Why would any of us want an English dragon-shifter to tear apart our clans? If no one wants you on Stonefire, then maybe there’s a reason.”

  Nerina snapped her fingers, and Aaron sailed through the air, over the Irish Sea, and landed at the gates of Stonefire. Bram stood in front of locked gates. His voice rang out. “You failed us, Aaron. You’re no longer welcome on Stonefire. Leave and never return.”

  Aaron tried to shift, but his mind was silent.

  His dragon was gone.

  The gates to Stonefire grew taller and taller until Aaron stood alone inside a steel pen. A small window appeared, with his mother peering through. Disappointment shone in her eyes. “You’ll be just like your father, useless and untrustworthy. You’re the reason I’ve never had an easy life. Leave, and maybe I can finally be happy.”

  His mother shut the window. Aaron stood alone, his dead father’s laugh echoing inside his new prison.


  Teagan’s voice snapped him back to reality, and he opened his eyes to find her hovering over him.
She searched his gaze. “Are you all right? You were muttering and are covered in sweat.”

  He rubbed a hand down his face. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a nightmare. Most of them had stopped once his father had left all those years ago.

  The question was whether he should tell Teagan the truth or not.

  His dragon growled. You should.

  Why? So she can think I’m weak? I’ve spent over half my life proving my worth to the clan. As Stonefire’s representative, I can’t give her a reason to question the alliance.

  This isn’t about the bloody alliance, and you know it. If you don’t take down your walls for Teagan, then for who? It’s not weak to admit faults. Maybe she is the one to help us finally leave this past behind and look toward the future.

  Teagan’s voice prevented Aaron from replying to his beast. “While it’s nice you get along with your dragon, talk to me. What the bloody hell was going on? And don’t bother saying nothing.” She moved to straddle his stomach and extended a talon. “Do I really need to threaten you for the truth?”

  His beast huffed. Two against one.

  For once, Aaron didn’t want to challenge her or his dragon. He sighed. “I had a bad dream.”

  Teagan raised an eyebrow. “And?”

  “And what? People have bad dreams all of the time.”

  “Maybe, but not when I’m lying right next to them. I’d rather not have you sweating all over me every night if I can help it.”

  He paused and echoed, “Every night?”

  “Don’t change the subject. Just be honest. Otherwise, I’m leaving.”

  He didn’t answer and hurt flashed in her eyes. She leaned to swing off the bed, but Aaron placed his hands on her hips to keep her in place. “Telling you will change things between us, Teagan. Are you sure you want that?”

  She retracted her talon and brushed his cheek with a finger. “Considering I came here instead of my own cottage already means things have changed between us.”

  His dragon huffed. Don’t push her away, too.


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