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Vow of Devotion: 2nd Novel Addition (One Urge, One Plea, Keep Me Trilogy)

Page 3

by Scarlet Wolfe

  I sigh and walk with her. Mainly because I don’t have the energy to argue. I’m sick and sleepy. Felicia is going to freak since I’m not in there with her.

  I have to prove to her that she can count on me and that I won’t allow Damon to interfere. If I’m prego, then he has already interfered with both of our plans!


  “What’s going on with you?” George asks after everyone else exits the conference room. “You were somewhere else today, and that hasn’t happened in a long time.”

  “Tiffany phoned here, demanding to speak to me.”

  “What did she want?”

  “I don’t know. I refused to talk to her. Alayna had stopped by, and it pissed her off. She was curious as to what Tiffany wanted.”

  “I am, too, but I could take a guess that probably isn’t so wild.”

  “Yeah, money. It’s exactly what I told Alayna.”

  “Interesting. I was going to say it’s about the kid. I just have a feeling.”

  “Lord, you don’t think my father lied, do you? That kid cannot be mine.”

  “I don’t know, but something is telling me you should hear her out.”

  Rubbing my forehead, I loosen my navy tie.

  “No more bullshit, George. I can’t put Alayna through anything else. She’s already been patient. She also has a huge book deal in the works, so I can’t have her receiving more negative publicity. I mean, we’re finally getting the media to let up a little.”

  “You also don’t want Tiffany going to them. Call her.”

  Rising from my chair, I grab my file folder.

  “I’ll think about it.”


  Pulling my pen from my mouth, I eye the teeth marks and then glance to check the time. Four o’clock. I haven’t gotten a damn thing done since my meeting ended at three. Grabbing my desk phone, I push Helen’s extension.

  “Helen, did Ms. Kinkade leave her phone number?”

  “Yes, she did, sir.”

  “Could you give it to me please?”

  I write down the digits and feel a chill as I pull my cell from my pocket. I can’t believe I’m going to do this, but George has me curious. I also can’t risk having another bomb dropped on us. We’ve had enough surprises. Taking a deep breath, I dial her number.


  “Tiffany, this is Damon Lear. What the hell did you want? And make it quick.”

  “Hello to you, too. Geez, I can’t believe I even considered this was a good idea.”

  “You and me both.”

  “I need to meet with you in person.”

  I sigh. “We’re meeting in a public place. I don’t trust you not to pull some shit.”

  “Fine. How about the Starbucks near your penthouse at five?”


  A baby. Could it be possible?

  The paper gown scrunches against my skin and the vinyl bed I’m lying on. It echoes loudly, and I feel like the entire world knows I might have a secret.

  A big secret.

  Would a baby be a deal breaker for Damon?

  I don’t believe so, but he wouldn’t be happy, and he doesn’t need the stress.

  We don’t need the added stress.

  We’re not even married yet.

  We’re still figuring each other out.

  Then why am I secretly hoping it’s a positive result?

  Along with the room spinning, my mind is doing the same as I cover my stomach with my hand and imagine a little Reed. That is who he would be to me … a beautiful little boy named Reed. It would be a second chance for Damon to witness a healthy childhood.

  Could we give a kid a healthy childhood? I think so.

  The door opens, and I jump from my warm thoughts being so loudly intruded on. A brunette female walks in with purpose as she stares at a chart. She appears to be in her forties and is wearing unusually sexy pumps with her black slacks and white lab coat.

  “Hi, Ms. Wynn. I’m Dr. Marks. I see from your chart you were vomiting in our office.”

  “That would be me. I’m here with a friend.”

  Dr. Marks proceeds to take a history from me, and asks about my last menstrual cycle. After doing some math, I realize I’m late.

  “We’ll do a pregnancy test, and if it’s negative, we’ll draw some blood work to see if it’s an infection or virus.”

  She leaves and I lie back. I could hurl again, and I don’t know if it’s from my nerves or whatever is wrong with me. Being pregnant wouldn’t be wrong. Regardless of Damon’s reaction, which is the only thing I could possibly find negative with that scenario, I would have a part of him forever.

  The thought of him being upset sends me straight off the bed and to the garbage can once again. My phone begins vibrating in my purse, so I wipe my mouth and go to retrieve it. It’s a text from Felicia.

  Felicia: Sorry girl, but can Roger pick you up? The nurse said you’re vomiting and might have a virus. I can’t risk being around you if you’re sick.

  Me: Yes, he can give me a ride, but what if I’m in the same boat as you?

  Felicia: Seriously??!!

  Me: I don’t know yet. I will find out shortly.

  Felicia: Dang, I shouldn’t have called Seth. He wants me to leave ASAP since he’s worried you’re sick. We could’ve gone for an afternoon snack. FOOD is all I’ve been thinking about. Call me as soon as you find out the results!

  Me: Will do. Don’t breathe a word about this to Seth please.

  After I pee in a cup for the nurse, I wait. It’s only minutes when she returns and tells me she’s going to draw blood.

  “So, I’m not pregnant?”

  “Dr. Marks will discuss it with you soon. She asked me to take blood,” she replies as she ties a rubber band around my upper arm as a tourniquet.

  The waiting game begins, and I feel like I’ll never get the news. I try to sit up, but the room spins. My stomach hurts badly, and I have a strong suspicion I’m far from pregnant. I think I’m truly ill with something else.

  Chapter Four


  I inhale deeply as Roger pulls up in front of the Starbucks at 78th and Lexington. “Stay here please.”

  “Of course, sir,” he says as he shuts the door behind me. I button my tan suit jacket and head inside. Other than a few shots of her I saw in the paper and television, when the media was hounding us, I haven’t been in her physical presence in over a decade. Seeing her across the room turns my stomach.

  She stands and smiles as I approach her.

  “Wow, you are aging well,” she says.

  I wish I could say the same for her. She doesn’t look well. She’s wearing way too much makeup on her eyes and on cheeks that are sunken in. Her skin has a yellow hue, too, and she’s way too thin.

  “Cut the pleasantries.”

  She frowns. “Do you want a coffee?”

  “No, thank you.” We both sit, and I resist the urge to fidget. I don’t want to be here, and I can’t help but feel a touch guilty for meeting her without Alayna’s knowledge of it.

  I recall Alayna’s visit with her ex, Michael, at this very location, and it only adds to the anger I’m already experiencing.

  “I’m sick, Reed.”

  “Don’t call me that, and what do you mean you’re sick?”

  For the first time since I approached her, her smile has vacated the premises. She stares down at her cup and strokes it nervously with her thumbs.

  “I have AIDS,” she replies quietly.

  “Shit. Aren’t there drugs for that?”

  “Yes, but I’m past that point. My clock for managing this illness has stopped ticking, and I’m not bouncing back this time.”

  “I’m surprised I feel this, but I’m sorry.” I’m especially feeling sorry for her since tears have crept into the white of her eyes.

  Tiffany finally looks up and smiles. “I always did love your blunt honesty.”

  “So, what? You want money?”

  “No, I … I, um,
want you to take care of my son, Cameron.”

  My eyes blink several times, and I loosen my tie for a second time today. “Uh, why would you want that? Even more so, why would I do that?”

  “Please don’t flip out, Ree—I mean, Damon, but he thinks you’re his father.”

  “What?! You told him that all these years?”

  “Yes, and I’m so sorry. Of course, the young guy who got me pregnant was quickly out of the picture, and I knew you were going to be someone great.”

  I throw a finger out at her. “I can’t believe you did that to your child.”

  “I’m sorry.” Tiffany begins to cry, and I notice a couple of people looking our way. Fuck.

  “I swear if you’re making up all this shit, I will bury you myself.”

  Her eyes narrow on me. “Oh, real classy, Reed. Just beat me while I’m down. Are you going to sic Alayna on me next? She can do a number on my eyes this time!”

  “Shit, calm down. Everyone is staring.”

  “I’m sorry,” she says through a sob before covering her face with her hands. I reach for them and pull them down to the table.

  “Look at me, Tiffany.” She lifts her eyes and pulls her hands free to wipe them.

  “I can’t take care of your son. He’s not mine, and I don’t know him or anything about being a father. I’m getting married soon.”

  “He’s fourteen and a great kid.”

  Tiffany pulls her phone from her purse and begins scrolling.

  “Please don’t show me a photo. I can’t go down this road with you. You’re lucky I’m even speaking to you after what you did to my life.”

  “I know, but you’re my only hope for him. I have no one, Damon. No one. He will end up in the system.”

  There is a tap on my shoulder, so I turn and find Roger. He clears his throat as he glances from Tiffany’s red eyes to mine.

  “Sir, I apologize for interrupting, but I tried to call. Alayna needs me to pick her up.”

  “From where?”

  “Uh, a doctor’s office, sir.”

  I shove my chair away quickly. “I have to go, Tiffany. There is nothing I can do for your son. If you have no family, then ask a friend.” I point to her again. “Also, tell him the fucking truth. I’m not his father, and I’ll never be.”

  I leave her sitting there, crying, and even after everything she put me through, I somehow feel like a complete piece of shit.


  I approach the Mercedes Pullman after Roger pulls up in front of the doctor’s office. Along with Roger, Damon gets out of the vehicle, too.

  Shit, I should’ve mentioned to Roger that I was sick, but I figured Damon would be working. I don’t want him to catch the virus I’ve contracted.

  “This is an OBGYN’s office,” he says. His eyes are sprinting with alarm between mine and the sign outside the building. “Are you pregnant? What’s wrong?” Damon asks, cupping my face.

  I shake my head no in his hands. “I rode with Felicia and became sick once we were here, so they checked me out. I only have a stomach virus.”

  “Oh, thank God that’s all.”

  I jerk his hands from my face. “Oh, thank God? What the hell is that supposed to mean? You’re that thankful I’m not pregnant?”

  He closes his eyes and purses his lips. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to sound like that.”

  “But it’s how you feel. You’re grateful that I’m not carrying your child.” I stomp around him and get into the car. Roger hesitates to close the door, so I give him a look as I cross my arms. He finally shuts it.

  Entering the other side of the car, Damon lays his head back against the seat. “We’ve been over this, Alayna. Of course, I want to have children with you, but I would prefer to wait. I’m not ready to share you with another human being … even a tiny one that is helpless. If that makes me a dick, so be it.”

  Turning my head, I rest it against the seat, too, and gaze at him. He appears overly stressed and tired. I entwine my hand with his. “What if I had told you I was pregnant?”

  “Honestly, I would’ve said the wrong thing since I seem to be good at that.”

  “You’re dodging the question.”

  “You’re asking an unnecessary one since we had this discussion and agreed on waiting to have a child.”

  I sigh. “You’re right. I believed that was the best idea, too, until I thought I might be pregnant. Then, the idea of having a baby that was part of you made me feel incredibly warm all over, and it wasn’t the virus working on me.”

  Damon’s eyes appear pained as he grazes my cheek with the back of his hand. “Are they sure you don’t have something more serious.”

  “Yes, only a virus, but I did change back to the birth control pill. I’m worried the shot might not be agreeing with me.”

  “I’m sorry again for my reaction. I wish you were the only woman who had been in my life. Maybe I would be a better man, but I fear I wouldn’t appreciate you as much. I can be an asshole that way.”

  Unable to resist, I unbuckle and curl my body up against his.

  “You’re not an asshole. You’re a man who has had a lot of changes and surprises in a short amount of time. I love you.”


  I need to tell Alayna about Tiffany, but after our awkward conversation over the baby scare, I knew it wasn’t the right time. I get her put to bed and pour me a scotch. I need it after the news Tiffany left me to dwell on.

  Cameron … poor kid. To think all these years he thought he was mine. He must believe I’m a piece of shit father for not taking care of him. He has to be confused as to why I haven’t. I wonder what she told him.

  Why the fuck am I wondering or even care?

  The bitch almost got me killed by her ex-husband when we were together and practically ruined my life. Thank goodness Alayna came into it and showed me that it could be different and better.

  I heat up some chicken noodle soup and take it to her. She sits up in bed, so I can place the tray across her lap.

  “This is the best I can do without Margaret’s help. I’ll have her fix you some homemade soup tomorrow.”

  “This is perfect. Thank you.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t forget about bending you over my desk. As soon as you’re well, we’ll tend to that matter.”

  She grants me a beautiful grin, but she’s pale, and it worries me. This better be an insignificant virus. After finding out how sick Tiffany is, I can’t imagine losing Alayna to a serious illness.


  To ensure I was OK, Damon was sweet and went into work late this morning. Margaret, our housekeeper, arrives soon after and begins cleaning in the kitchen.

  Her grey hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and she’s in jeans and a green sweatshirt. “Damon sounded extremely concerned about you when he phoned me last night.”

  “Yes, he’s kind that way.”

  “Also generous. The man has overpaid Albert and me for years. I mean, I respect my husband and what he does for the residents in this building, but he holds open a door for a living, yet Damon pays the man an executive’s salary.

  “We also live in the apartments he owns nearby for nothing thanks to him.” She blushes. “I mean, I guess you know that since they’re now yours, too.”

  My eyes widen. She’s implied before that Damon was generous to them, but I’m left speechless by Margaret’s proclamation.

  I didn’t know this information because even though Damon says what’s his is mine, I don’t pry about his finances. I have my own money, and he gives me more than enough.

  “He adores you, and Albert and I couldn’t be more grateful that you came into his life,” she adds. “He had so much more than money to give but couldn’t accept it until you came along.”

  “That’s sweet, Margaret, and I feel like the lucky one.” I take another bite of my banana. “Thank you for coming today, but I don’t need you to make me soup. Aside from my sore abs, I’m feeling better already, and
a BLT sandwich is on the menu for lunch.” I giggle and she smiles.

  My phone rings next to me on the table, and I see it’s my agent, Valerie. “I know, I know. I’m going to call him today. I didn’t want to puke into the phone,” I say as soon as I push the button. “I’ve been ill.”

  “Oh, well, please do it today. He’ll get a complex. Not to mention, we need to get this project moving along.”

  “I’m feeling better, so I’m on it. I guess I had a twenty-four hour bug of some sort.”

  “I’m glad you’re on the mend. Keep me posted.”

  I hang up with Val and excuse myself from Margaret. I pad to my office and pull up the email my agent sent me with Phillip Channing’s phone number. After getting more comfortable in my work chair and blowing out a long breath, I dial him.


  “Mr. Channing, this is Author Alexa Wynn or Alayna.”

  “Hi, please call me Phillip. I’m glad you called.”

  “I was pretty excited when I heard you wanted us to work together.”

  “Great, I have a plot in mind, but I would prefer we meet in person before we begin, so we can get to know each other and throw around ideas. There are some legal documents you’ll need to sign, as well.”

  “OK, how soon were you thinking?”

  “Next week if possible and at my place here in Malibu.”

  I bite my lip for a few seconds. “Uh, sure, that should work. Let me get my flight details worked out, and I’ll email them to you.”

  Before we end the call, he tells me to fly into LAX and makes small talk about the weather, but my mind has already moved on to my gladiator.

  Damn, breaking this news to Damon should be about as fun as me with a virus on a tilt-a-whirl ride. Text him. That will be the easier way to break the news.

  Me: Flying to LAX next week to meet with Phillip Channing.


  Maybe he’s in a meeting.


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