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Hustle Me

Page 24

by Jennifer Foor

  I shook hands with the middle aged man that I was competing against. "Good luck man."

  The shit got real quick and I was soon stuck on a shot that could cost me the whole competition. Sweat was rolling down my face and the crowd was silent as I speculated how I was going to fuck this up. I needed confidence so I looked up toward the crowd to see my mother's face. It was the person sitting next to her that caught me by surprise.

  Charlie smiled at me with tears in her eyes. Next to her sat Ryan and Elle, who were waving their arms around to get my attention. It had to be the liquor, or a figment of my stressed imagination. There was no way it could really be Charlie.

  I looked directly into her eyes and paid no attention to the crowd of people as I waved to her. She smiled and waved back. Real or not, it was enough to light a fire up my ass and get focused.

  The crowd was quiet as I lined it up and kicked at my ball. It came off of the rail and knocked in the nine early, giving me the win. The crowd went crazy and I looked to find Charlie, but she wasn't there and neither were Ryan and Elle.

  Chapter 37


  I couldn't believe I was even considering this. The whole drive to Virginia Beach was a blur. I was lucky that my brother was asleep for the whole time. At first I thought my friend’s idea to find Jammer was a terrible mistake. For all I knew everything he said was the truth. If he didn't want me than I was making a complete fool out of myself. Still, there was a part of me that just prayed I was wrong about everything. At the end of the day I was still so unsure.

  I'd never been a desperate person. I dealt the hands that I was given and learned to adjust my lifestyle around it. After years of living like that, it was just easy to blend in with whatever was going on around me. I was like a human chameleon.

  I will not forget the feeling that I got in the pit of my stomach when we pulled up at the convention center. As much as I had wished for this to be happening, I feared being rejected.

  I grabbed the pool stick case out of the trunk and followed my friends and my brother into the large building where the event was being held. The place was packed with vendors and people. We made our way through and got to the room where the actual matches were being held. Just before walking inside to find Jammer, a man walked right into me. I turned to make sure he was okay and realized just who the person was.

  Jammer's father stood right in front of me and he looked pissed. "I see how much my son follows directions. You can keep them both now, because I am officially done." He pushed himself away from me and headed toward the exit.

  I felt Elle's arm touch my shoulder. "What was that about?"

  "I have no idea."

  We finally got inside the door and I saw him for the first time. He looked bad, like he was going to be sick. He was too far away for me to call out to him, so I started climbing the stands to find a better seat. With my brother and friends in tow, I spotted Jammer's mother sitting all by herself. When she saw me she got a huge smile across her face. She stood up as I approached her. "You don't know how happy I am to see you. I don't know the whole story, but I know that he needs you. He's struggling."

  We all sat down just as his match was beginning. He sat on his stool when it wasn't his turn and studied his opponents every move. I held his case between my legs and noticed that he obviously was using another stick. As much as he talked about the one I was holding, I knew he would appreciate me bringing it for him to use.

  "So, how is he doing?" I leaned over and asked his mother.

  It was very quiet while the matches were going on, so we had to whisper. "Yesterday's matches were difficult for him, but this has been the hardest. He's in the semi-final round now."

  I knew Jammer was good at pool, but I had no idea he was good enough to have come that far. "So, he has a chance to win the whole thing?"

  She smiled and grabbed my hand. "He's going to win, Charlie. I can feel it and now that you're here, I just know it. How did you know he was here? Did he tell you?"

  I shook my head. "We saw him on television. I just...I just had to come."

  She squeezed my hand again. "He's in love with you, you do know that right?"

  I kept her hand in mine and looked down at him. "Yeah, I'm in love with him too."

  "This was all for you, Charlie. He did all of it so you could be happy. I think my son assumed that if he walked away you could forget about him and move on."

  "He was wrong."

  "You can tell him yourself after he makes this shot."

  I looked down to see that he was stuck behind another ball. I'd seen him make the shot before, but it wasn't easy. He was struggling, I could tell. For some reason he looked like he was drunk. His eyes squinted when he looked down to figure out the direction he needed to hit the ball. This shot could determine everything.

  I was so nervous for him that my eyes started to water. I couldn't believe he was doing all of this for us. At that moment he looked up and looked right at me. Ryan and Elle started waving their hands around to get his attention. He waved and I waved right back, smiling the whole time.

  He bent down and took the shot. The object ball knocked the nine in and Jammer won the game. I was so excited that I pulled Zach, Elle and Ryan out of our seats to meet Jammer at the entrance. I couldn't wait to be in his arms again. If I was allowed, I would have jumped down and went through the taped off area to get to him.

  I saw him putting his stick away and looking up in the stands for us, but I couldn't get his attention from where I was standing.

  I felt tugging on my leg. "Charlie, I have to go to the bathroom."

  Zach picked him up. "I got this. Go stand over there until we get back."

  Elle and I both agreed and made our way to the wall located beside the entrance. I peeked back into the tournament room and located Jammer, but he was no longer alone. A very pretty blonde was hugging him and whispering something in his ear.

  I didn't know how to react. I mean, we weren't together and I couldn't expect women to not hit on him. He was very attractive. Still, it made me uneasy knowing she was touching what was mine. I wedged my way through the crowd of people trying to exit. I had to get to him. I had to know if I was what he wanted.

  Tears were rolling down my face as I made my way closer to where I saw him standing. When we were directly across from each other, I froze in place. My heart was racing and my mouth felt dry. I didn't know what to say or do.

  I knew I couldn't fret about it any longer. The blonde grabbed Jammer by the arm, but when he turned and looked up to see me, they both froze. "I'm not imagining this, am I?"

  I shook my head from side to side.

  He whispered something to the girl and she let go of his arm. When she walked towards me, I didn't know what to expect. "I think you just made him the happiest man on the planet." She patted my shoulder and walked away from us.

  I pointed toward her but looked at Jammer. "So, she wasn't trying to get with you?"

  He laughed and shook his head. "I told her when we met that it was never going to happen since I was still hung up on my old girlfriend."

  I took another step toward him. "I saw you on television." I reached out and handed him his case with his original stick inside. "I figured you needed this."

  When he took it, he kept his arm extended and moved toward me. "This is the only reason you came?"

  I shrugged. "Well, it was one of the reasons." I took one more step toward him.

  He reached the back of his hand up and wiped away my tears. "God, I miss you so much."

  "Jammer, I need to know why you're here." This was something he swore he would never do again. He didn't want people recognizing him for his knowledge of the game.

  "I think you know the answer." He kept rubbing my cheek with his hand as he stepped closer, so that we were almost touching.

  "Tell me."

  He leaned his head down so that I could feel him breathing. "I did it for us. I did this for you."

  I shook m
y head but stayed close. "But...the tavern is mine free and clear. I don't understand."

  He traced my lips with his. "My father told me that if I walked away from you, he would remove the lien and forgive the loan. It was the only way to ensure you didn't lose your home and the business. As far as being here, well, as slim as the chances, I knew if I wanted you back, I'd have to have fifty grand to pay off my dad, or he would be back on your ass and we'd be back where we started. Charlie, I'm one match away from winning that money, but I just have to know something."


  "Win or lose, I can't live without you. Take me back, Charlie. Give me another chance. My mother left my father. It's just the two of us, but we could all be a family together. I know you want that."

  I nodded. "You're right; it's all I ever wanted."

  "So, can I come home?"

  I reached my arms around his waist. "If you promise to never leave again."

  He pressed his lips softly against mine. "Win or lose, I promise there is no other place I want or need to be. I will go wherever you go, as long as we are together. I love you, my Lena."

  My stomach filled with butterflies, like I waited so long to hear myself being called that. It was like my mind remembered it from so long ago. "I love you too."

  Our reunion was cut short by Ryan smacking his body into us. Jammer picked him up and gave him a big hug. "Buddy, I missed you so much. Are you taking good care of your sister?"

  He shrugged. "She's always sad, when are you coming home?"

  "As soon as I am done shooting, we are all going home together. How does that sound?"

  He got a big smile on his face. "Awesome!"

  Elle and Zach came walking toward us hand in hand, followed by Jammer's mother. "We figured you would be in here. Are you two better now? Have we finally heard the last of Charlie's miserable complaining?"

  I pushed Elle for making fun of me. "Shut up!"

  "She's got a point. You haven't exactly been easy to be around lately," Zach chimed in.

  Jammer reached his arms around me from behind. I felt him kissing the side of my cheek. "I'll take care of her from now on, because I'm never letting her go again."

  His mother walked up to us and hugged us both. "I'm so happy to see the both of you smiling. You have time before the final match, if you two want to be alone. I'm sure the rest of us can find something to do."

  Jammer smacked me lightly on the ass. He grabbed both of the pool cases and threw them over his shoulder. With his free hand, he found mine and waved as we exited the building without saying another word to anyone.

  Once outside, he put down the sticks and leaned me up against the building. "I can't wait another second to kiss you again."

  His mouth was aggressive and I met his pace as our tongues mingled together. My hands slid inside of his shirt and I felt his warm skin. I pulled him even closer as we continued kissing. He pulled away and kissed all around my mouth. "So, it's a proven fact that sex relaxes the mind. I think we should go back to my room and practice relaxing."

  I giggled and kissed him on the chin. "Sounds good to me. I mean, I'd hate for you to be stressed before the big match."

  We started walking in the direction of an old motel. “I don’t know if I can make it inside the room before I get you naked. I’m so turned on right now and it’s been too long.”

  I had to admit, it made me happy to hear that it had been a while since he’d been with someone. It made me believe that maybe I was the only person he wanted to be with and that he really did have hopes of us getting back together. “We better hurry then.”

  When Jammer stuck his key into the door, I couldn’t control myself any longer. I slid my body between him and the door and started unbuttoning his pants. We shuffled into the dark room and he used his foot to close the door behind us. His skin tasted salty from sweat but the smell of alcohol wasn’t as strong as our first kiss. His hands grabbed a chunk of my hair and he pulled it back so he could kiss down the base of my neck. I closed my eyes suddenly remembering how amazing it felt to be kissed by this sexy ass man. He drug his lips over my chin, letting his tongue work its way back up to my mouth. I heard him grumble as his lips met mine again. “I need you so bad.” He grabbed my shirt and tugged it off of my head. I reached back and unhooked my own bra, shaking it off of my breasts, while Jammer yanked down my pants. He kissed the skin between my breasts while moving my pants below my hips. Gentle kisses were placed down my abdomen and when I felt my pants falling past my knees, I also felt where his mouth was headed.

  With both of his hands grabbing each of my legs, they traveled up until the beginning of my thighs. His tongue teased the smooth skin above my sex. I licked my lips as I watched him so close to touching me there. “Baby, you are so fucking sexy.”

  I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled it over his head. As soon as his head was free from fabric, his hand started playing with my lower lips. He spread them open and inserted his finger inside of my heat. I leaned back against the dresser and closed my eyes, focusing on how it was making me feel. Jammer placed small kisses all around my thighs, before taking his tongue and pressing it against my clit. His first touch made me buck against him. He pulled away and licked it again, while still moving a finger in and out of me. Right before I started to cry out, he stood up and lifted me onto the dresser. He took my legs and placed them around his hips. I couldn’t believe how badly I wanted him to be inside of me. I scooted my ass off the edge of the dresser and felt him teasing my sex with his hardness. He slapped it against my clit, each time while sucking both of my nipples. I felt his hand cup my breast and pinch the tip just as he entered me with his erection.

  It felt so tight and so tremendously amazing to feel him driving deep into me. I tightened my legs around his hips and reached my arms around his neck. I knew his tight ass was working hard to steady his eager pace.

  “Charlie…you feel so good.”

  “Don’t stop.”

  I could feel the texture of him as it glided against the walls of my sex. I’d become so wet that it was starting to make a slapping sound when our skin smacked together. My breasts were bouncing around as I began pushing myself into his thrusts. The harder he pounded the more I mimicked his movements. I teased his tongue with mine, meeting them outside of our mouths. Jammer bit down on my bottom lip and pulled it away with his teeth.

  I could feel my muscles tightening as he moved even faster. The warm sensation started between my legs, but rushed throughout my whole body. Jammer’s hands dug into the cheeks of my ass as he heard me crying out. He tossed his head back and tightened his face as he filled me with his release.

  Afterwards we just stayed wrapped in each other’s embrace. I kept my legs tight around his hips.

  He kissed me softly and held his head against mine. "You know, the guy I'm playing is really good. He won the whole thing last year."

  "It's a good thing that I own a freaking bar and am in the market for a new bartender. The one I hired sucks." I laughed. "Jammer, win or lose, you still win. Sure, it's less money, but we have something that is way more important than any amount of money. We have a family."

  He smiled and kissed me again. "Yeah, we really do, Charlie. We really do."



  1 year later

  “Mom, how many times are you going to keep checking the door?” Ever since we opened for the morning shift she had been watching the doors. A local newspaper was doing a story on the tavern. My mother was just a little too excited about it. Since she’d been living with us, we’d turned the tavern into a local favorite.

  Everything turned around for us after playing in the U.S. Open. I may have only came in second, but after being picked up by sponsors and joining the pro-circuit; I was making a pretty good side income. Sure, I had to travel here and there, but usually Charlie went with me. My mother lived with us and never minded watching Ryan if we needed to go out of town.

  In the past
year Charlie and I had become closer, if that was even possible. You’d think that after working all day together and living under the same roof, we would want to kill each other. The truth was I think we were better together.

  Did I believe that I was really in love with her as a child? Of course not, but I do believe we had a special connection that had always existed. I don’t really know the exact moment that I fell in love with her, because somehow it seemed like it was always there from that moment I walked back into her life.

  One day we would get married, but for now we were happy with our relationship. We were still both learning; going through the motions together. I’d never lied to her again and I promised that I would always try to be honest.

  Ever since Charlie changed her name to McNally she seemed like she was happier with where she came from. I wouldn’t say that every part of her past was that great, but as far away from the truth as she once was, somehow she had still found her way back to where she belonged.

  Wherever Charlie was is where I wanted to be. After a year she could still seduce me with her eyes, and satisfy me with every touch. My parents were the exact opposite. One week after leaving my father, my mother hired a lawyer. She was a few days from being legally separated for the year necessary to proceed with a divorce.

  So many times my father tried to contact her and so many times she shut him down. I think that after feeling like a prisoner for so many years, she was finally getting to live her life again. When my father wouldn’t stop threatening her, she came up with some of her own threats, some of which could send my father to prison for a very long time. After that, he backed off and the last we heard he was seeing someone new. It was only a matter of time before she realized he was an asshole, but that wasn’t our problem.

  I would like to say that her still having a thing for Charlie’s father was weird, but somehow, it brought the four of us together as a family. Ryan wasn’t Charlie’s son, but he called my mother mom-mom and loved her like a grandmother.


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