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Love Required (The Real Love Series)

Page 8

by Codina, Melanie

  “Bite me,” Jason grumbled, hoping Logan would drop it.

  “Are you expecting an important call?” Logan asked. He should’ve known better than to hope, and since Logan was capable of driving a saint mad with his persistence, Jason confessed.

  “Yeah, I’m expecting an important call,” he said as he tried to jot down some notes for the job they were working on. After a few moments passed, and Logan hadn’t pushed further, Jason resisted looking up. If he had indeed dropped it, he didn’t want to rehash it. Directing his gaze toward the opposite side of the large room, Jason took in the amount of work their crew had completed yesterday. It was more than expected, for a Monday, and he was happy knowing they might just finish ahead of schedule.

  Slipping his pencil behind his ear, he moved to take a closer look at the archway they would be working on tomorrow. Wednesday. The day he had a date with Tori. His phone vibrated against his leg.

  Quickly shoving his hand in his pocket to pull it out, he was not the least bit surprised at his anxiousness. When he finally got the phone out and saw the screen, his disappointment grew exponentially. Logan’s caller ID glared up at him, the profile picture of him flipping the camera off. The image only added irritation to his already growing pile of emotions.

  Turning to Logan, he could see he still had his phone to his ear, like Jason was actually going to answer the call. Jason pulled the pencil from behind his ear and threw it at Logan. “I’m not going to answer it, douchebag.”

  Logan let out a laugh as he dodged the pencil and put his phone away. “So what you’re saying is that a phone call from me isn’t an important thing.”

  Jason shook his head as a small smirk graced his face, grateful for the banter to distract him. “That’s exactly what I’m saying. Don’t we have employees you could be harassing?”

  “Already done. I know my duties, big guy,” Logan said as he moved up next to Jason again, handing him his stupid pencil. “Now, you gonna tell me whose phone call you’re waiting for?”

  Jason walked over to a nearby table and, leaning against it, he dropped his pad of paper down before crossing his arms and looking back at Logan. “Sorry man, guess I’m a bit tense this morning.”

  Huffing a laugh in agreement, Logan said, “I’d say so. You want tell me what’s got you tied in knots?”

  Logan and Jason had been friends since high school, and even though Jason wasn’t a talkative guy, if he were going to talk, it’d be to Logan. Well, and Jake. Pinching the bridge of his nose, Jason closed his eyes and sighed, trying to relax. When he opened his eyes, he found his friend patiently waiting.

  “I’m waiting for a call from a woman, okay. And before you say something like ‘just call her,’ the answer to that is, I can’t. She has my number, but I didn’t get hers.”

  “Well, that was your first mistake. Since when do you give out your number, instead of the other way around?” Logan asked with sincere interest. “And when did you meet this woman? It’s the first I’ve heard about it.”

  Jason shrugged. “I met her at the wedding, and I haven’t seen you since then.”

  Tension rolled off Logan at the mention of Gillian and Jake’s wedding, and he dropped his gaze from Jason’s. Jason wanted to be sensitive to Logan’s feelings about it, but he wouldn’t sugarcoat the truth either. Logan had been a bit tough to be around the week prior to the wedding—understandably so. Even though he and Logan were best friends, Jake was his brother, and he was truly happy for him. Logan was the one who screwed things up; he would have to suck it up.

  After a few moments, Logan asked, “Someone from the wedding who you hooked up with? Wait, didn’t you have my son with you that night?”

  “I’m going to pretend that you didn’t just say something as asinine as that. Seriously, man? Come the hell on.” Jason glared at him. When Logan just raised his eyebrows, as if he really wanted an answer to his question, Jason glared harder and damn near growled through a clenched jaw. “No, I did not hook-up with some random chick while I was watching my two nine year old nephews. You can be such an asshole sometimes, you know that?”

  Logan’s shoulders slumped. “Sorry man, not really sure why I thought that.”

  “I could take one guess why.” Jason shook his head and continued, “Time to get the hell over her and move on … she has.”

  Logan’s eyes took on that far-away look, which was customary when he thought about his ex-wife. Jason pitied the guy, but it was his own damn fault. Nodding, Logan moved to lean against the table next to him, his expression now exhausted. It only took him a moment to recover as he asked, “So, who is this woman who has you all anxious?”

  Thankful they were back on track, Jason smiled as an image of Tori popped in his head, “A red-headed beauty named Tori.”

  Logan snorted a laugh. “Dude, did you just say ‘red-headed beauty’?”

  Totally comfortable with what he said, Jason nodded and let a big smirk cross his face. “I sure as hell did. Logan, my man,” he said as he patted his friend on the shoulder, “she has this amazing set of green eyes, pale creamy skin, and dark reddish-brown hair. Her hair is such a unique color, even your sister was shocked silent by it.”

  Logan looked at him like he was crazy. “Allie was silent? Holy shit … that must’ve been some hair.”

  Jason added, “Aside from the obvious attractiveness, she’s got a great sense of humor. Totally sarcastic and funny. She was great with the boys, and my favorite part …” He paused for dramatic effect as his best friend waited for it. “… she winked at me.”

  “Well, hell, why didn’t you just start with that?” Logan said with a laugh. “I know what a hard-on you get for a chick who winks at you. I think it’s weird, but I know it’s your thing.”

  He shrugged, once again comfortable with himself, “Hey, some guys have a thing for asses, some for breasts. Me? I love all of those, too, but damn, give me a woman with a witty sense of humor and a fun, sarcastic side, and I’m a goner.”

  “Okay, so you’re a goner for this woman. Is that how you let her get away without getting her number?” Logan asked. Sighing, Logan’s words killed the buzz Jason had gotten from telling him about her.

  “She had my business card, and I figured it was a closed deal. I’m thinking of calling her work and possibly leaving a message there for her if I can. Hell, I have her damn spare tire in my truck.”

  “Not sure how you ended up with her spare tire in your truck when you met at a wedding,” Logan said.

  “It’s a long story,” he said as he looked at his watch. “Let’s grab some lunch, and I can tell you all about it.”


  Jason and Logan had just sat down at a patio table at their favorite taco shop when his phone rang. He was once again met with disappointment when he saw his brother’s name flashing on the screen. Answering it, he said, “Don’t you have anything better to be doing than calling me?” He made sure he was cautious about ribbing his brother in front of Logan. That would just be all kinds of fucked up to talk about Jake and Gillian having sex in front of him.

  “I sure do, bro.” Jason could hear the smile in Jake’s voice as he spoke. “But I had to call and ask why the head caterer from my wedding would be leaving me a message asking for your phone number.”

  Jason paused mid-bite at Jake’s words, the chip in his hand forgotten. “You got a message from Tori?” he asked with obvious excitement.

  “Yeah, I did. She rambled on about how she had your number in her pants but washed them and now she can’t read the card. I figured I’d call you first and make sure you wanted her to have your number.”

  “Hell yeah, I want her to have my number. We have a date scheduled for tomorrow, and she was supposed to text me her info. I was worried she had changed her mind,” Jason confessed.

  “She sounded a little desperate to get your number,” Jake offered before Jason heard him defending himself to Gillian. “Okay, maybe desperate is the wrong word to describe her,” Jake
clarified a second before his phone was overtaken.

  “Jay?” Gillian’s voice made him smile.

  “Hey, Gilly. Did I just hear you assault my brother?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but if he says stupid crap like that again, he’s gonna be awfully lonely the rest of his honeymoon,” she said with mock offense. Jake’s voice in the background was pleading his defense. Apparently the thought of being “lonely” on your honeymoon was enough to make Jake beg for understanding.

  “Anyway,” Gillian said after she told Jake to be quiet, “why is my caterer calling and looking for you? You didn’t have a one-night-stand with her and then give her a shit number, did you?”

  “Jesus. What the hell is it with you Baxters assuming crap like that about me today?” Jason asked with irritation.

  After a moment of silence, Gillian said, “I’m sorry. I know you’re not that kind of guy, Jay. I just got worried because I loved what she did for the wedding, and she does catering on the side, so I wanted to use her again. So, ugh, I’m sorry … forgive me?”

  His irritation dissipated. “You’re forgiven.”

  “You said ‘Baxters.’ Did Logan say something like that, too?” she asked. “Tell him to apologize to you as well.”

  Even though Logan kind of did earlier, he knew the guy would still do whatever Gillian said. “Gillian says you have to apologize to me, too.”

  Logan rolled his eyes as he shoved a rolled taco into his mouth and mumbled, “I already said sorry, and you know it. Now tell her that.”

  Obviously overhearing Logan’s response, Gillian laughed before saying, “Good, now do we give her your number?”

  “No,” Jason said. “I want hers now. I’m all anxious waiting for her to call me.”

  Gillian let out a small laugh. “I bet you are, big guy. I’ll text you as soon as we get off the phone.”

  Jason hung up and set it next to his food. Digging in to his now slightly chilled burrito, he tried to patiently wait for the text to arrive. Once he got it, he quickly saved the info to his contacts, like it was going to disappear or something. Then he took a few moments to come up with what he wanted to say to her. He wanted to be playful, hoping he could make her laugh.

  When they finished eating, Logan excused himself to the restroom, and Jason promptly dialed her number. After two rings he heard her voice—soft and sweet—come across the line.


  “So I heard you were trying to get ahold of me. Something about losing me in your pants …” he said with humor.

  “Oh God, I hope this is Jason Michaels, because he’s the only person I recall losing in my pants this week.”

  Jason laughed out loud, and the anxiety that had taken up residence in his shoulders dissolved.


  TORI sighed as she rolled over and looked at her clock. Even if she was grateful for having the day off, it hadn’t been her intention to start it so damn early. And she couldn’t even blame it on her daughter. Between the vivid dreams and her aching hands from the night before, well rested she was not.

  Her crew had a standing job with a church one Tuesday a month, and it always exhausted her. She didn’t really understand how the church managed to have so many people show up to their weekly dinner events.

  Rolling back over, she glanced through the doorway into Lexi’s room and saw her sleeping still. Living in a small place worked out perfectly fine for the two of them, and it gave her peace of mind to have Lexi so close. She looked quite comfortable, snuggled up with her bear, her blanket tangled around her feet. With a soft sigh and matching smile, she flipped the covers back and made her way to the bathroom for a shower before Lexi woke.

  As soon as Tori turned off the shower, she could hear the demanding wail coming from the bedroom. Shaking her head, she quickly popped her head out and grabbed a towel as she tried comforting her daughter from a distance. “Hang on baby girl, Mommy’s coming.” Wrapping her head in the towel, she grabbed her robe off the door and flung it on. Once Lexi spotted her, her cry turned to more of an excited whimper as she held her hands out to Tori.

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” Tori said with a kiss and hug before she made her way into the kitchen. Or maybe kitchenette was a better description. Since she lived in what was now classified as a one-bedroom apartment, with attached office space, it was originally a garage. Her landlord, Hal, had converted the garage for his disabled son. He wanted him to have the luxury of independence, but still be nearby. Unfortunately, his son got ill and passed away unexpectedly, leaving Hal alone.

  Tori poured herself a glass of orange juice and padded over to her favorite spot on the couch. Reading to Lexi while nursing her every morning had become their new routine. Since the rest of the day she took a bottle, it made her time in the morning with her more precious. It was a closeness neither shared with another.

  It also made her think of her mother and how she wished she’d met Lexi. A small part of her liked to believe that her mother protected and guided her after she fled from Damien. She definitely knew someone had been watching over her.

  Shaking off the darker thoughts, she picked up the book of children’s stories and began reading to her daughter, mentally mapping out what the rest of her day would be like. Wednesday was when she helped Hal with groceries and prepared individual meals for him. Since she loved cooking, and was quite accustomed to making large portions, it was no hardship to do this for him.

  When she was done with all of that, she hoped she’d be able to find something worth wearing for her date that night. Her desire to look good for Jason had kept her awake late last night. Certain that she was going to need at least an hour to pick her wardrobe, she would have to make sure not to fall behind on her tasks that day. She smiled as she once again let the anticipation of going on a first date flutter through her chest. It was an excitement she hadn’t thought she would ever feel again. Knowing that Damien hadn’t stolen that from her permanently, had her smiling even bigger. That sense of satisfaction was immeasurable.

  JASON checked the inventory list his foreman handed him. Placing a work order for the upcoming job was his goal for the morning, and he was thankful his head wasn’t nearly as far up his ass as it was the day before. It was a little baffling how anxious he was waiting for Tori to call him. Looking forward to the evening ahead, he thanked his foreman and made his way to the onsite office he and Logan shared.

  Dropping down into the seat at his desk, he put his phone next to the laptop and got to work. Logan strolled in a few minutes later with their lunch. He took the offered bag with his sandwich in it without even looking up from the screen. Mumbling his thanks, he blindly pulled the food out and began eating while he finished his work. A few minutes and half a sandwich later, Logan asked, “So, you know where you’re taking your date tonight?”

  Leaning back in his chair, Jason finished the food in his mouth before answering, “I have a few places in mind, but was thinking of asking her where she felt like going.” He shrugged.

  “Not a bad idea. Nothing worse than making plans only to find out you were totally off base with your choice. Shit like that on a first date could probably derail the second date before dinner even hits the table,” Logan said as he took another bite of his sandwich.

  Jason smirked at his friend. “You speaking from experience? Didn’t know you were an authority on first dates.”

  “Not on first dates, but I’m definitely an expert on being totally off base. Been there done that, even with my wife of seventeen years. Problem was, Gillian was always quiet about things when she was bothered. I used to think that was her being weak.” He paused and seemed to be reflecting on something before adding, “Now I know that was just her trying to make me happy.”

  Logan shook his head and shoved more food in his mouth. Jason hated seeing his friend like that, but was glad it didn’t happen all the time. It seemed to be only when he realized he had screwed everything up all by himself
. Wanting to lighten the mood, Jason said, “I don’t know too much about her, but I can tell you she’s not a vegetarian. She tried to make me think she was, then confessed, saying ‘I totally eat meat.’”

  Logan started choking on his soda. Jason laughed, happy he succeeded in lightening the mood, as Logan’s feet hit the ground, and he proceeded to cough. Taking another bite of his own food, Jason waited for him to recover.

  When Logan had found his voice, he said, “You’re an asshole. You had to say that when I had a mouth full of soda?”

  Jason shrugged and smiled bigger. “Didn’t plan it that way, but I enjoyed the outcome.”

  Logan was cut off from responding further when Jason’s phone rang. When he saw Tori’s name on the screen, he felt a shot of excitement course through him at her unexpected call. Then it quickly turned to concern at the thought that maybe she was calling to cancel. If he needed to give her another reason to go out with him, he would, but there was only one way to find out, so he answered.


  There was no response, so he pulled the phone from his ear and looked at the screen. The connection was still there, but she didn’t seem to be. Listening closer, he could hear noise in the background and then a high-pitched baby squeal, followed by a slurping, sucking sound. It was so loud in his ear, he had to pull it away for a moment. He could hear Tori talking in the background but couldn’t make out the words. For a split second he felt like he was eavesdropping, but squashed that down because she was the one who called him. Well, maybe not intentionally, but it was still true.

  He said hello again, a little louder, and was met by a baby giggle. Looking up at Logan, he laughed. “I’m pretty sure I got butt-dialed by an infant.”

  Logan stood from his chair to discard his trash. “Smart kid. They keep learning younger and younger nowadays.”

  Jason snorted. “Quit using words like ‘nowadays;’ it makes you sound old.”

  Resuming his listening, he started talking to Lexi, “It sounds like Lexi is playing with Mommy’s phone, isn’t she?” He knew she wasn’t going to answer, but he paused anyway before saying, “I’m going to hang up the phone now baby girl and call you back, so if the ring scares you, I’m sorry.”


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