Love Required (The Real Love Series)

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Love Required (The Real Love Series) Page 9

by Codina, Melanie

  Hanging up, he waited a beat before calling the number back. After three rings, a laughing Tori answered, “Hello?”

  “Hi, did she get scared when the phone rang?” he asked.

  “Actually, you startled her. The look on her face before she got excited about it was hilarious. How did you know?” Tori asked.

  “Because I’m calling you back. She had somehow called me, and there was no other way to get your attention.”

  “Ha! Ten months old and already calling guys. I should be very afraid.” Tori laughed, and Jason could hear her talking to Lexi. It brought a smile to his face as he listened. A moment later, she was back. “Sorry about that. I hope she wasn’t interrupting anything important.”

  “No, just having lunch. It was a pleasant distraction.”

  “Then I’m glad she called you. I have to tell you, though, I was worried you were calling to cancel on me,” she admitted.

  “Funny, ‘cause that’s what I was worried about when I saw you calling me.”

  “Nope, not me. Besides, you have my spare tire,” she said with exasperation.

  Smiling even bigger than he already was, he said, “I knew that tire would come in handy.”

  He loved the banter between them. She was funny and fun to be around. Add in all the sexy parts, and Jason almost groaned at how much he was looking forward to their evening together.

  “Yes, handy indeed. I will have to make sure I add that to my list of things to do when I want to hold someone hostage. Steal something of theirs so they have no choice but to submit.”

  With that, his body’s physical anticipation heightened. He wanted to keep talking to her, but knew he needed to get his shit done or there would be hell to pay in the morning when his men didn’t have what they needed to get their jobs completed. “It mainly only works with objects of significant need or large ticket items. You know, like cell phones, cars, prosthetic limbs. Any of those would work.”

  She barked out a laugh, louder than he’d heard from her yet, and Jason couldn’t help but laugh with her. “All good stuff to know! I will have to make a list of people I know with prosthetic limbs and determine if they have something I want.”

  “Sounds like a great plan.” He paused, a moment of insecurity passing through him. “So … does six-thirty still work for you?”

  After a few moments of silence, in a soft voice, Tori answered, “Yes. See you later, Jason.”

  “Later, Tori,” he answered before she hung up. When he set his phone down on the desk, he took in a deep breath and let it out, enjoying how content he felt after talking to her. When he felt a crumpled up piece of paper hit him in the forehead, he glared over at Logan.

  Logan put his hands up in mock surrender. “Sorry, man, couldn’t help it. I was afraid you might start spouting poetry with that dreamy look on your face.”

  Shaking his head but holding in a laugh, Jason said, “Did you really just say ‘dreamy look’?”

  Logan smiled confidently. “I have a teenage daughter. What’s your excuse for sounding like a chick?”

  “Hey, if sounding like a chick, gets me the chick, then I’m all for it.” Logan looked to be considering what he said, and they both got back to work. He focused on the task at hand, telling himself that the sooner he got it done, the sooner he’d be out of there, and the sooner he’d be on his way to Tori’s. Thoughts of his evening were put on the backburner, but his anticipation remained on a low simmer.


  TORI took another deep breath—in through the nose, out through the mouth. That was what they said to do to help calm down, right? Her nerves were getting the best of her, and Tessa wasn’t helping. Friends were for moral support, or so she thought. Shaking her head, she listened to her best friend tell Lexi about how important it was for Mommy to go on a date with the hot hunk because Mommy needed orgasms to survive. While she absolutely agreed that orgasms with hot hunks were desired, Tori knew that her evening wasn’t going to end that way. There would be no sex. Sex wasn’t something she thought she could handle just yet.

  The whole evening was going to be a test in her ability to participate in activities that were considered normal for women her age. Activities that she hadn’t partaken in for over three years. Not since before. Not since Damien took over. Prior to meeting Damien, she had a very healthy dating life. Attractive and confident, she had friends, she had a job, she had a life. She also had her mom.

  She thought the loss of her mother was the lowest point in her life. Looking back now, she knew that wasn’t true. The memories of her short marriage to him crowded into all the very low points, and that is where they stayed. Damien had been a predator, and she the prey. Weakened by the crippling pain of loss, he hunted her until he had consumed every part of her. She took one more deep, cleansing breath as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, and thought to herself, or so he thought.

  She was empowered by the fact that she outsmarted Damien. So when she felt down about something, she reminded herself that it had been worse before. Instantly, she felt better. Even after he went to jail, and thought he had left her alone and lacking everything she would need to survive—money, shelter, food—she had outsmarted him. They were small victories that fueled the fire of her survival.

  Her internal pep talk was interrupted when she heard a car pull into the driveway. Tessa must have heard it, too, because she took that opportunity to tell Lexi, “Hot hunks like this guy are usually hung like a horse and strive on giving orgasms. In most cases, multiples. Can you say or-gaz-em?”

  “Tessa! Stop that!” Tori scolded. Tessa was at least smart enough to look a little embarrassed and gave her a sheepish smile.

  “Not like she can talk anyway. Besides, this is all very useful information that I wished someone would have told me. She doesn’t have a big sister, and I’m her aunt, so it’s my job to make sure she is informed.”

  “How ‘bout we wait a few more—or a lot more—years before discussing orgasms with her, okay?” Tori whispered urgently, wanting to end the conversation before Jason could hear it. How awkward it would be to start a first date being caught talking about orgasms.

  Moving toward the door, she slipped on a lightweight, blue cardigan over her simple black dress. It was fun and flirty as it flared from her hips, ended above her knees, and was finished off with a pair of wedge sandals that wrapped around her ankles. She was pleased as she took in her appearance, skimming her hands down her front before pulling her hair out of her sweater and smoothing it over her shoulder. She was wearing it loose, per Tessa’s instructions, which included the reason: men liked long, loose hair and it made kissing even hotter. Tori preferred to wear it down, because she could without the fear of consequences now.

  Tessa picked up Lexi and walked over to Tori. “Give Mommy a kiss, and wish her luck for at least two orgasms.” She had stretched out the word to emphasize it. Tori knew she was gonna need to find another sitter soon before Auntie Tessa also told Lexi about erections.

  Tori pulled her daughter into her arms for a hug and kiss. When she handed her back to Tessa, she said, “Call me if there’s a problem, and please, for the love of God, stop trying to get my daughter to say orgasm.”

  Tessa shrugged, totally disregarding her request. Tori just shook her head as she turned and opened the door to find the aforementioned “hot hunk,” with his hand mid-air, attempting to knock. A slow smile spread across his face as he took her in, and she sent up a quick prayer that he had not heard her say orgasm.

  JASON let a slow smile spread across his face. She was beautiful. He let his hand fall from the mid-air position. “Hello.”

  There was a pink tinge to her cheeks, and she had a hesitant smile as she answered. “Hi. I guess you found the place okay. You could’ve honked, and I would’ve come out to the car.”

  Seriously, what kind of man did that? “I think I’ll pretend that you didn’t just say that. Even stupid men know that’s not how to pick up a beautiful lady.”<
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  He extended his hand as she stepped over the threshold when he heard her friend say, “Well shit, they do exist.” Looking up, he noticed the woman from the reception holding a squirming Lexi.

  Smiling, he offered his hand to shake. “Hi, I’m Jason.”

  She took his hand and said with a flirty smile, “Hi. Tessa. But you can refer to me as Plan B.”

  Jason smirked and held back a laugh as Tori scolded her. He ignored the “offer” instead asking, “May I?” as he put his hands out for the baby. Before either woman could answer him, Lexi had already extended her arms in response and was quickly in his reach.

  He smiled down at her and said, “Hi there, pretty girl. Make any more phone calls today?” Lexi just smiled at him as she rubbed her fingers on his cheek, clearly amazed with the texture of his beard. His niece, Ella, had the same fascination, so he was used to it. “I sure hope you didn’t. I think I would be a little jealous.”

  He gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and handed her back to Tessa, who mumbled, “I know I’m jealous.”

  Jason smiled as he turned his attention back to Tori, who was glaring at her friend. “Shall we?”

  She turned her stunning green eyes on him and smiled. He suddenly felt like it was a struggle to take in oxygen. In the light of the setting sun, the green of her eyes actually sparkled. The different accents of red in her hair were almost glowing where the light hit them, and he fought the urge to put his hands on her—to glide them down the length of her long hair. She was breathtaking, and all he could do was stare.

  “I think that would be a good idea. I’m a little worried about what might come out of Tessa’s mouth next,” Tori said with feigned irritation and a pointed look at her friend. Jason broke his stare away from Tori, turning it toward Tessa and the baby. “Oh, I’m sure you have nothing to worry about.” Unable to help himself, he reached out to Lexi, gave a teasing tickle on her belly, and said with humor, “Can you say orgasm?”

  Lexi giggled. Tori groaned and, from the corner of his eye, saw her face drop into her hands. He looked up at Tessa and winked. She fanned her face and said, “Oh hell, it was like a command.”

  Jason couldn’t control his laughter any longer, as Tori grabbed his arm, pulling him toward his car. “Just remember, Tess, payback’s a bitch!”

  Getting himself under control, he moved her hand to rest in the crook of his elbow as they walked to his car. Looking down at her next to him, he couldn’t erase the smile on his face if his life depended on it. Her cheeks were a brighter shade of pink, and she was lightly shaking her head. Her embarrassment was adorable and sexy all at the same time. He silently cursed the sweater she was wearing for blocking his view of her chest, wanting to know if she blushed in other places.

  When they got to his car, he opened the door and she stopped to look up at him. “So apparently you have the ability to hear just about everything.”

  He smiled and shrugged. “I wouldn’t say everything.”

  She raised one eyebrow at him. “Then what would you say?”

  In a low voice that showed his confidence, complete with a slight smirk, he said, “I would say that two is a minimum requirement of mine.”

  He heard her gasp before closing the door on the beautiful blushing face with wide green eyes.

  TORI was going to kill Tessa. There was no doubt about it. Sure, she’d need to make some solid plans, like where to hide the body and set up a really good alibi, but it was going to happen. Jason had heard the whole conversation, and now Tori had to go on a first date with this hot hunk, and the promise of at least two orgasms had already been laid on the table. ‘Can you say orgasm’ will be the words she whispers in Tessa’s ear as the final breath leaves her body. She could see it all play out so perfectly in her mind.

  Jason interrupted her evil planning when he opened his door and got in. The gloating smile on his face made it apparent he achieved some level of satisfaction over her discomfort. She could only imagine the look on her face. Her cheeks were hot with embarrassment, and goosebumps spread across her skin as she thought of his comment—more like promise. She took in a shaky breath, willing her heart rate to drop. Between the embarrassment, the anticipation of the first date, and now the sudden rampant flow of hormones, she was in danger of combusting.

  As Jason put the car in drive he asked, “Anywhere in particular you’d like to go tonight? I know you’re not a vegetarian, so I have some thoughts, but I’d like to take you somewhere you’d like.”

  Where would she like to go? How about his bed, or couch, or recliner, or even a clean carpeted floor? Actually, she’d settle for his lap in any location. Realizing that stupid breath didn’t relax her in the least, and her thoughts continued to escalate, she rolled her shoulders in an attempt to gain some control. After a few moments, and hoping her voice didn’t betray her, she summoned a witty comeback. “I’m sure I’ll find whatever ‘thoughts’ you’ve had satisfactory. Unless you don’t think you can get us there.”

  A second later, the double meaning in her words must’ve registered. He groaned, and all she could do was grin. When he looked over at her, he smiled in admiration. “That was a great comeback. I do believe I’ve met my match.”

  She offered him her own smug look as she settled in for the ride. A few seconds of silence passed before he added, “Oh, and Tori, just so you know. I may have met my match in sarcasm, but I meant what I said.”

  Looking at him in confusion, she waited for him to continue. They stopped at a light, and he reached over to her, taking her hand in his. Gently, he lifted it to his lips for a kiss. She sucked in a silent breath at the warmth of his lips on her skin. Another beat later, it was gone, and her hand was resting in his against the center console. When she looked at their hands, then back up to him, he said confidently, “Two is my minimum requirement. Everything past that is just icing on the cupcake.”

  And just like that, the inferno blazed on.


  JASON was hopeful he hadn’t crossed a major line by saying what he said, but he couldn’t help himself. He had inadvertently overheard what she and Tessa had been talking about when he stepped up to the door, and it took everything in him not to laugh out loud. But when the opportunity presented itself, he had to take it. He was a pretty straightforward guy, so he let all his colors out for Tori to see.

  Fortunately, she seemed very capable of handling him. The surge of satisfaction that passed through him was a rush. The electric current that had been simmering all day spread across his skin, intoxicating him. Oh yeah, it was definitely a rush. One he had never felt before. It was more than lust. It was just … more.

  He knew she was something more than he had experienced before, and he was dying to know what more with her would be like. The thoughts and visions that swamped him were almost too much, especially when trying to control himself around Tori. The minute she opened her door to him, his body hardened. And when she blushed at his words right before he closed the car door, his blood pressure dropped as a large volume of blood rushed south.

  The combination of her hair color and the blue sweater she was wearing made her eyes even more vivid than he remembered. Add the blush in her cheeks, and he was a goner. It was going to be a long night. One full of uncomfortable shifting and awkward positioning if he didn’t get things under control. He made a promise to himself to try and steer their sarcastic remarks away from the sexual undertones they were already dangerously skirting around.

  The night was unseasonably warm so he hoped, as he made his way toward downtown, the night air by the water would be comfortable for her with what she was wearing. The silence in the car wasn’t unwelcome, it was necessary. They each needed their moment to just ease in to being around each other. When they got closer to downtown he asked, “So, I know you eat meat.” He smiled at her before continuing, “But do you eat seafood?”

  “I could eat either. I assume it’s one or the other?” she asked.

the steakhouse has both. But there’s a great seafood place right across the street,” he offered. When he glanced over at her, he saw that her head was leaning against the headrest as she looked at him. Her face showed she was totally relaxed around him. Another surge of … something … washed over him. He gave her hand that he still held a small squeeze as he turned his gaze back to the road.

  “I can’t decide which I want. So we should go to the steakhouse since I’m certain they have a meal that would allow me to have both,” Tori stated, her tone indicating she was pleased with her decision. He agreed.

  “Sounds like a smart plan to me.”

  It didn’t take long to find parking, and there wasn’t really a wait to be seated since it was a Wednesday. Within minutes, drink orders were placed—Jason following Tori’s lead with an iced tea. Once the waiter left them, she perused the menu for a moment before setting it down with a satisfied grin. “Definitely a good choice. Steak and shrimp is the way I’m going. How about you?”

  He smiled, “Sounds perfect, I’ll do the same.” The waiter dropped of their drinks, promptly took their orders, then left in silence. Time for some conversation, he thought.

  As if she had read his mind, she sat back in her seat and rested her hands in her lap as she spoke, “So, Jason, tell me. Why is a guy like you single?”

  He huffed a laugh. By the twinkle in her eye, he knew she’d figured out he wasn’t a guy who beat around the bush. He would have no problem answering her direct questions.

  “So we’re going straight to that then. Okay. Let’s get it out of the way.” He took a sip of his drink and then leaned on his elbows—relaxed, but front and center for her inquisition. He wanted her to know she had his full attention. “Well, the truth of the matter is that I’m single because I’d yet to meet a woman who brought out the need in me to settle down. Now when I say that, it doesn’t mean I’m some kind of man-whore. It just means there hasn’t been that special person. As it is, I’ve been pretty content with my life. I have a large group of friends and family all nearby, and we spend lots of time together. I’ve not been a victim of loneliness.”


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