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Love Required (The Real Love Series)

Page 17

by Codina, Melanie

  She took a sip. “Hmm, well, if you insist. I bet you’ll have loads of fun in the ladies room.” With a wink, she continued, “There would be plenty of admirers … like that one in line with you.”

  Jason huffed a laugh and wrapped both arms around her, “Well, if you want to bring up admirers, you should know there are at least ten sets of eyes on those sexy legs of yours right now. And every one of them is trying to figure out a way to get them wrapped around their waist.”

  Her finger trailed a path up and down his chest, teasing him. She smiled coyly and asked, “What about you? Is there a set of legs around here that you’re wishing were wrapped around your waist? ‘Cause I can totally be your wingman. You just show me who, and I will definitely talk you up.”

  She wanted to play, huh? Jason loved her sarcastic side, but also knew he didn’t want to joke about some things. He wanted to make sure she understood her legs were the only ones he was thinking about. Only hers. “Baby, the only legs that have my attention are yours.”

  She smirked, and he felt her slip one of her legs between his, rubbing up and down like a cat. He wanted to purr at her sexiness.

  “So, you’re not the least bit interested in any other legs?”

  “Not in the least,” he assured her, giving her leg a squeeze between his.

  “Positive? Because we might be able to find someone who would be open to joining us.” The sultry tone of her voice coupled with her words were almost his undoing.

  Jason’s eyes widened, and he sucked in a breath. “Did you really just say that? Holy shit … are you trying to kill me?” His beautiful little smartass was playing hardball.

  Again, she giggled. “What?” she asked with feigned innocence. “Are you saying that’s not something you’d like? Tessa has offered plenty of times. I could just call her …”

  His nostrils flared, and he pressed firmly into her, his erection obvious through his jeans. A man could only handle so much. “You feel that?” he growled in a low tone.

  Tori nodded, unfettered desire sparkling in her eyes. “That’s all you. I’ve been dealing with that since you walked out of the house wearing that dress and those boots.” His body ached as he pressed into her again to emphasize his point. “You are the one who got me like this, and only you can satisfy my cravings.” Jason hoped his expression conveyed just as much as his words did.

  The world around them had already disappeared, but when the lights in the venue fell, shrouding them in semi-darkness, he could feel the hum of their combined arousal cloaking them. The music for the main act began to fill the air, followed by excitement of the crowd, but all he could see was her. Shielded in the darkness, he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up.

  Unable to wait any longer, his lips descended on hers, and he took. When he felt her legs wrap around his waist, his hips pushed forward on reflex, seeking more contact. He moved his hands to her ass, securing her tightly against him. She whimpered as she ground herself against the bulge of his jeans, torturing them both. His hold was firm as held her immobile, trying to prevent instincts from taking over. They were in public, and her pleasure was for him alone. When she tried to move again, he growled and dropped his lips to her ear. “You are playing with fire my little Cupcake.”


  TORI wanted to crawl out of her skin from the anticipation. She and Jason had been torturing each other all evening. As the concert progressed, it became harder not to just grab his hand and drag him out of there, all while making demands like ‘Take me to your place and make me scream your name over and over.’ Every time she came in contact with Jason’s body, she realized he was suffering all the same. Between the straining bulge in his jeans and the rumbling growl she felt coming from his chest, she knew he was right there with her. Thankfully the concert was over.

  Their whole group walked out together. At the beginning of the evening, she’d thought it silly that they all had their own vehicles. Now, though, she was grateful. She didn’t want to deal with dropping people off. It might have been a bit callous of her, but she was dying to be close to Jason. After saying quick goodbyes and making promises to drive safely, Jason was finally helping her into his truck.

  Before he closed the door, she felt a breeze as her skirt lifted, followed by the undeniable presence of his teeth pressing into her butt cheek. She let out a squeal and turned to look down at him. He was grinning like a Cheshire cat, obviously happy with her reaction. Keeping his gaze on hers, he lowered his lips and kissed the area he’d just bitten. Then the grin was back as he said, “Couldn’t help myself. I’ve been dying for a piece of that ass all night.”

  Shaking her head, she laughed at his not-so-subtle innuendo, saying, “Well, is that all you want, just a piece?”

  He hopped onto the side step and crowded into her space. His voice was low and firm as he gripped her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Oh, I want a lot more than just a piece, Tori. I want it all.”

  A shiver moved down her spine, leaving goose bumps in its wake. Her hands found the back of his neck, and her fingers teased the short hair there as she said, “Then I think you better take me back to your place so you can have it all … all night long.”

  One side of his mouth lifted in a half-smile, and his eyes brightened. “Really, I get to keep you tonight? All to myself, at my house, in my bed, for the entire night?”

  Excitement laced his words as he finished his sentence. She wanted to laugh at how something so simple as being at his house, alone, could make him that happy. She nodded. “You sure do.”

  As if he needed to make sure he understood, he asked again, “Tessa is staying with Lexi overnight, and I get to keep you?”

  Tilting her head to the side, she asked, “Is that okay with you?”

  Leaning in, Jason captured her lips for a chaste kiss. “It’s more than okay, baby. I’m just so excited I had to make sure I wasn’t hearing you wrong. Are you okay with it? It’s your first night away from Lexi.”

  Tori was pretty damn certain she loved Jason. She knew it, but she just hadn’t told him yet. And when he put his own desires aside to acknowledge his concerns for her, she wondered why she hadn’t. Tori was in love with Jason, and it was something she needed to make sure he knew. Even if she was a bit chicken-shit for not saying it. She would. Soon.

  Until the right moment came, she would do her best to show him her feelings. Stroking his cheek, he leaned into her hand, seeking more of her. “Could you be any sweeter?” she asked in awe. “Yes, I’m okay with it. You deserve a night of my undivided attention. I want all of you, too.”

  His lips were on hers a heartbeat later, consuming her. The passion they had been battling all evening, which had temporarily dimmed there in the cab of his truck, ignited again. Needing to rein it in, she broke the heated connection. With her hands on his face, she leaned her forehead against his, their breaths coming deep and hard. “Take me home, Jason,” she whispered.

  After one more quick kiss of his lips on hers, he hopped down from his perch and closed the door without another word. Tori smiled to herself. Yes, she loved Jason Michaels, and tonight seemed like the perfect time to tell him.

  JASON once again found himself trying to control his inappropriate thoughts. His desire to drive his truck through every vehicle slowing his exit from the dirt lot. His need to slide Tori across the front seat and into his lap. His longing to pull over to the side of the road and slam his over-hardened body into hers over and over again.

  These extreme emotions had plagued him since he first caught sight of his emerald-eyed beauty. And as he thought on those emotions, he recalled all the times he gave his friends crap over being whipped. It didn’t take a genius to figure out he’d fallen hard on his ass for Tori. He wasn’t lying when he said he wanted all of her, and he intended to take all of her.

  It didn’t take them too long to get out of the packed parking lot, but it was still longer than Jason liked. These strangers sitting in traff
ic with him were wasting his time—his alone time with Tori. Reaching over, he took her hand in his, needing to touch her. They smiled at each other, not speaking and not needing to. He could see the excitement in her expression and loved that it mirrored his own.

  Not long after, he was pulling into his driveway. Instructing Tori to wait there, he exited the truck and grabbed her bag from the back. When he opened her door, she gave him a questioning look. Taking her hand, he pulled it as he dropped his shoulder to her waist. With a surprised yell, followed by her laughter, he was striding toward his front door, Tori resting firmly over his shoulder.

  Her hands were hovering on the waist of his jeans, playing with his bare skin before slipping below the waistband. One of his hands caressed the softness of her legs and the other brushed over the mound of her ass. Giving it a playful smack, he said, “Behave yourself back there, Cupcake.”

  Tori giggled again, “So says the caveman carrying me to his lair. I can only imagine what your neighbors would think.”

  The image of her draped over his shoulder, her long hair reaching for the ground, firm ass high in the air, popped in his head. He groaned at the erotic vision that tugged at every testosterone-laced cell in his body. Given the lack of blood in his brain, he was impressed by his ability to still function with menial tasks such as opening the door. And closing it for that matter. After securing the locks and tossing his keys on the table, he headed straight for the stairs.

  Tori’s arms, now wrapped around the front of his body, were making their way toward his straining erection. A man could really only handle so much, he thought as his hand captured both of hers, halting their assault. “I said, behave.”

  “How do expect me to behave myself when your ass is in my face. I need to touch!” she said in a voice mixed with arousal and sarcasm.

  Jason strode into his bedroom, dropping Tori’s bag on his way toward the bed. Stopping in front of it, he let her body slowly slide down his front, his hands gliding up the back of her thighs until her ass filled them. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and their eyes met. Silent as they stared, his hands cradled her against his body while hers rested on his shoulders. Her hair was tousled from her upside-down journey, making her even sexier than before—easily the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.

  They were tightly wound and their breathing was shallow, as the current between them grew in intensity. Tori’s hand moved to his neck, finding his hair. For a moment, she stroked it gently. Then, fisting it tightly, she held his head immobile as she leaned toward his face. In a sexy voice she asked, “Can I misbehave now?”

  TORI watched as lust flared in Jason’s eyes. She’d never been so brazen as she was with Jason. Something about him and the way he looked at her fueled her desires to the level of combustion. He was a drug her body craved. With her hand still gripping his hair, she held his gaze while she slowly slid her tongue across his plump bottom lip. Teasing the beast. He sucked in a shaky breath, and she felt the band on his restraint snap.

  His lips claimed hers, then she was falling. Held tight in his arms, her back met the bed. His hands found her hair and angled her head to the side, exposing her neck to him. Jason knew her body well; he seemed to take note of every noise and every whimper she made. Telling him where to return again, and he always did. Sliding his tongue upward, he found her weak spot and nibbled on it. Each scrape of teeth across her sensitive nerve endings sent a pulsing sensation down to her core. Never had she imagined there could be a direct current passing between the two areas. When he sucked hard on the sensitive area, she gasped, and her body began rubbing against his, seeking more contact.

  Like always, he knew she needed more. Lifting off her, he pulled the top of her dress down, exposing her chest to his hungry gaze. He shifted his weight so he could cup her aching breasts before feasting on her feverish skin. She watched as he nipped, sucked, and licked. Wetness pooled between her legs, and she once again arched her body into his.

  She sighed, closing her eyes as she whispered his name. Not knowing what else to say, it was all she could get out, but it was all he needed to hear. His weight left her body and her eyes shot open. She watched as he tore his shirt over his head before getting to work on her belt and dress. Within moments, she was lying before him in only her panties and boots. He slid off the bed, and she continued to watch as he removed his own boots and pants. Standing above her, his eyes traveled the length of her almost naked body before landing on her boots, causing a shiver to overtake her.

  Reaching out, his finger found the skin of her inner leg and followed the path his eyes had just made. When he reached her foot, he picked up her leg and kissed her just above the boot before sliding it off. “I really like your boots, baby. But I’m feeling a bit selfish tonight.” Placing her leg down, he repeated the action with the other leg as he continued, “I don’t want any of your skin hidden from me.”

  Staring at his boxer briefs, she gave him a sultry smile. “The feeling is mutual. Lose the briefs, handsome.”

  He grinned back at her before his hands found the waistband, and he lost the briefs. Standing before her, gloriously naked, she watched as he gripped his hard length. He slowly moved his fist as he waited. “If you like those panties, baby, you better get rid of them … now.”

  At his command, she moved without hesitation and quickly removed the final barrier. He didn’t take his eyes off hers as he retrieved a condom and rolled it on. Her eyes bounced from his to the movements of his hands. The stark rawness of his actions brought her wanton side further to the surface. Lying back on the bed, she could no longer stand the distance between them. Beckoning him, she held her hand out. “All of me, Jason … come get what’s yours.”

  With a growl, he moved to her. Prowling up the length of her body, his hands squeezed, his tongue stroked, and his teeth grazed until his body was nestled in the cradle of her legs. His skin was hot against hers, and her body relaxed at the sensation of rightness just from having his weight against her. Jason’s hips moved, sliding his erection against her hot center. She gasped, and he caught it with his lips. When he broke away, he stilled above her, capturing her gaze. Then he slowly slid inside.

  He watched her as he always did. She knew everything she felt played across her face. The sweet ecstasy of how he filled her never got old, and she could feel him respond to her expressions. It was a loop of actions and reactions that fueled each other. Jason paused, letting her body stretch and accommodate his intrusion. Tori’s hands traveled the planes of his back, from neck to ass, loving the strength she could feel residing there.

  Jason slowly started to move his hips, pulling away from her, before doing it all over again, pulling a sigh from her. There really were no words to describe the pleasure she felt, just from being with him like this. The love she felt for him began to swell in her chest and threatened to pour out. Biting her lip, she wrapped her leg around him, urging him to move faster.

  One of his hands found the back of her neck, and the other found her hip as he moved with more urgency. Bracing her body under his, he rocked his hips, grinding them against her enflamed nerve endings. It was the sweetest torture. In and out, his body pounded into hers as they both reached for the release that hovered in the distance. Feeling his need mount, her body responded and clenched around him, pulling a groan from him. Jason dropped his face to her chest and once again began an all-out assault on her sensitive flesh.

  Taking her nipple in his mouth, he sucked on the tip before letting his teeth bite down gently. She gasped, and the sensation shot down to her now throbbing core. The loop of sensations continued as her responses fueled his actions. His hand moved from her hip to ass, lifting her into his body more firmly, sending him deeper. Grabbing his hair, she pulled him from her breast to her mouth. She needed to taste him, too. Together, they fed off each other as Jason’s movements quickened, demanding their release.

  Moments later, her body coiled like a spring and then let go. Her head fell back as sh
e cried out his name and dug her nails into his shoulders. Jason grumbled a curse before dropping his face to her neck. His teeth found the tendon there as his thrusts became more labored and his body tightened above hers. Riding out the waves of her own pleasure, she felt him swell moments before his body exploded within her.

  When their movements slowed to a stop, she relished the weight of his body on top of hers. With a smile, she thought to herself how this was exactly where she was meant to be.


  JASON had taken full advantage of having Tori all to himself. It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy having Lexi around; he just hadn’t realized the how great it would be to have Tori’s attention solely on him. And vice versa. Did that make him greedy? Probably. Did he care? Maybe a little, but he tried to ignore it. Lexi was in good hands, and they’d both see her in the morning. Right now, though, Tori was all his.

  Nestled tightly into his side, Tori lay with a soft, naked leg draped across his. Her arm was resting on his chest, and her fingers were currently tracing an unknown pattern on his skin. Her long hair was spread out behind her, and Jason found himself twirling the ends of it around his fingers, loving the silky texture. Loving the feel of her body against his. Loving her. His arm reflexively tightened around her at the thought of love, breaking whatever trance she was in.

  Lifting her head, she propped it up on her fist resting on his chest, and gave him a shy smile. Reaching up, he swept her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. Everything felt right, and he knew it was time to lay it all on the table. He wanted her, all of her, just like he said earlier. She may not have realized that when he said all, he really meant all. He wanted to own her heart the way she owned his.

  Tilting his head to the side a little, he asked, “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

  She rolled her eyes and scoffed at his words. “I’ll accept pretty as a description, but I think beautiful might be a bit above me.”


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