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Love Required (The Real Love Series)

Page 26

by Codina, Melanie

  “How can I tell her not to do it if you do it, too?” To prove her point, the toy came up and hit Jason on top of the head again. Jason picked it up from his lap and smiled for the first time since they left the house. “She’s got great aim, doesn’t she?”

  Shaking her head, she got out of the car, and said, “I give up.”

  After getting Lexi out, leaving the toy behind, she opened Jason’s door for him. His scowl was back as he stood. Tori once again fought her need to laugh at his bad mood. Closing the door behind him, she said, “You know, if you’re so resistant to letting me take care of you, you could’ve opened your door yourself.”

  Between his arm being casted and padded from surgery on the one side and his ribs being cracked on the other, he couldn’t. But she was going to give him crap over his bad mood until it disappeared.

  “Very funny,” he said as they began walking. “I think you’re enjoying this a bit much.”

  “Does anyone enjoy grumpy Jason? ‘Cause I gotta tell you, he was cute at first, but now I’d like to smack him,” Tori said playfully, although there might’ve been some truth to it. Okay, it was definitely true, but he needed to get over it and let her be there for him. After all, she was the reason for his current condition.

  Jason stepped in front of her, halting her. “I’m sorry, really, I am. But I’m all sorts of pissed off because I can’t even hold you. I’m broken on both sides, and I hate it. Poor Lexi will think I don’t like her anymore, and it kills me.”

  She immediately felt bad for giving him grief. She’d hate it if she were in his position; and since she hadn’t thought of it that way, she apologized. Putting a hand to his cheek, he leaned into it. She ran her thumb over his cheekbone, as she said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t look at like that. In fact, you should be a lot grumpier when you put it that way. But before long, you’ll be good as new, and you can hold both of us as much as you want.”

  “I’m counting the days,” he said with determination. She smiled then kissed him as best she could with the tape restricting her facial movements. What a pair they were, she thought as they resumed walking. Jason had a follow up appointment with his orthopedic surgeon, and she had one with the plastic surgeon. They’d been fortunate enough to be transported to the hospital Gillian worked at after the incident. While in the emergency room, Gillian made sure to use her connections, and both of them were seeing specialists immediately. Jason said it was another perk of being part of his group, and Tori would have to agree.

  When they reached the floor for orthopedics, Tori kissed Jason before he stepped off the elevator. “I’ll be down as soon as I’m done, okay.”

  He gave her a hopeful look. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come with you?”

  “Don’t be silly; go get your arm checked, and I’ll see you in a little while.” She ushered him out and let the doors close. She was a little nervous to see what her face looked like under the bandages. It had been a week, and Gillian had reassured her that the plastic surgeon she had was the best, and she trusted her. Walking into the waiting room, she found Gillian chatting with the receptionist. When she spotted Tori, Gillian promptly removed Lexi from her arms. Tori thought she should be used to them always swooping in and snagging her daughter, but it still surprised her they didn’t ask.

  Giving her a one-sided smile, she teased, “Are you working on this floor now?”

  Gillian leveled a stare at her. “And how do you plan to hold on to this little hellion while lying still to have sutures removed?”

  She had her on that one. “Guess I hadn’t thought that far. I was too busy chastising the grumpy giant.”

  She laughed. “I can only imagine.” Gillian sat when they called Tori back, and within ten minutes she was standing in front of a mirror, looking at the newest scar added to her collection. It wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be, but then again, that was probably because it was better than the other cheek. Pleased with his work, the doctor assured her that the redness of the line would go down as he placed a thin, flesh-colored tape along the length of the wound.

  When she walked out of his office, she was confident with the knowledge that her man would have no problem with her new scar.

  JASON hated feeling helpless. As he waited for the doctor to examine him, he tried not to focus on what he couldn’t do. It only pissed him off more. And the fact that he’d needed to be saved by a cop fresh out of the academy … he didn’t even want to go there. His ego had taken a few major blows when Damien violated the sanctity of his home and harmed Tori. It didn’t matter what anyone told him about it being out of his control—it was going to take time to get over that.

  Sighing again, he was relieved when the doctor finally came in.

  “How’s the patient doing today?” the doctor asked in a much-too-cheery voice for a grown man to use. It only pissed Jason off more.

  “Grouchy as hell is how the patient is doing,” Jason admitted.

  The doctor laughed under his breath as he washed his hands. “From the pain?”

  He checked Jason’s vitals as he waited for an answer. “No, because I have zero use of the repaired arm and can’t lift the good one because of my ribs. I need help using the damn bathroom, and I can’t even give lame, one-armed hugs like this, but I’d settle for them if I could.”

  There was a pause before the doctor asked with humor, “So you’re a hugger?”

  “Yeah, I’d like to hold my woman. In the past three weeks, she’s been kidnapped, then found, then her ex came in to my house and tried to take her again. He sliced up her face that needed over thirty stitches to repair, and then left me like this. It pisses me off that even though the bastard is dead, he’s preventing me from holding the woman he tried taking from me.” Jason’s voice had gotten louder with each word he spoke.

  Apparently, he’d felt the need to take his frustration out on the doctor. He was about to apologize when the doctor said, “All right, how about we x-ray those ribs and see if we can’t get you more mobility with a good binding wrap? You’ll be getting a more condensed cast on the arm if everything looks good, but you still need a cast. Can’t do much about that one I’m afraid.”

  He welcomed the relief he felt at the possibility to be more independent and actually hold his girls. After several x-rays, one cast removal and subsequent replacement, and a torture session where his ribs were bound, he was heading to the waiting room. His mission: to give Tori a lame, one-armed hug. He smiled when he found her in the hall letting Lexi walk around.

  When she saw him coming, she smiled in return, and he almost missed the bandage on her face. Walking up to her, he cautiously wrapped his good arm around her waist and slowly leaned in to her. When her body rested against his and there was no pain, he relaxed. Finding her lips, he gently kissed her.

  Pulling back, she smiled and said, “Look who’s not so grumpy anymore.”

  He laughed. “Apparently I just needed a hug.”

  She winked at him before reaching down to pick up Lexi. He gave her a cautious hug, too, and was pleased when she hugged him back. Feeling content, he walked out of the hospital with his girls.

  Once in the car, Tori said, “Is it okay if we stop by my place? I need to pick up some different clothes for us. Been wearing the same things over and over and I’m getting kind sick of them.”

  Since she had basically been staying with him for the past three weeks, he figured now was as good a time as any to bring up what he wanted. As it always was with Tori, he got nervous about what her response might be. Since he’d been giving it some thought recently, he’d come up with some ideas if he needed to convince her to stay.

  “What if you just brought all of your clothes over?” he asked vaguely. She looked to him in question before turning her attention back to driving. Realizing it was a chicken shit way of asking her, he rephrased, “What I meant to say was, how about we just move all your stuff over to my place, and you can call it your place, too?”

  Tori smir
ked at him. “Call it my place, too? That was really cute.”

  He shrugged, waiting for her answer. She glanced at him once more before they exited the freeway. When they stopped at a light, she turned toward him. “You really want me and Lexi to invade your space on a permanent basis? Because I understand that you need me right now, but I also know there will come a time when you won’t. And I would hate it if you felt stuck with us. Maybe you should wait until you feel better …”

  Jason was grateful his arm was more mobile because he covered her mouth with his hand. “Stop right there.”

  She did, so he added, “This is usually where you start to babble stupid shit that pisses me off. So let’s just cut to the chase. There will not come a time when I won’t need you, so just give me a yes or no answer. Will you move in with me?”

  Tori smiled as the light turned green, and she started driving again. “I’m not the only person in this car who babbles, you know.”

  “True. Now stop avoiding the question and give me your answer,” Jason insisted.

  They’d just pulled into her driveway, so once the car was turned off, she turned to him. “You’re not just proposing this now so you can get out of lifting things, are you?”

  “Okay smartass, what’s a guy gotta do to get a straight answer out of you?” he asked as he kissed the back of her hand.

  “A kiss is always helpful, but I can see you’re getting worried, so yes. We’ll move in with you.” Tori finished with a smile.

  “That’s a great answer. How about we go inside and I can give you that kiss to help seal the deal.”

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” Tori stepped out into the warmth of the day, smiling at the turn of events. Helping Jason out and then getting Lexi, they’d started toward her door, when a voice behind them had her stopping dead in her tracks.

  “Victoria Chambers?”


  JASON felt Tori stiffen at the sound of her former name. They turned around together and stared at the stranger. A few moments passed by before Tori took a deep breath and said, “Why say my name like a question when you know exactly who I am? Or do you not recognize me with my new scar?”

  He wasn’t sure who this guy was, but he didn’t sense any fear from Tori, so he stood quietly next to her and offered his support.

  “My apologies. I only said your name as a question, because I know you don’t go by that name anymore,” he confessed.

  “Then how did you find my address, and why are you here? He’s dead so you should have no business with me,” Tori spat at him. Her anger at the man was palpable as she turned to walk to her door.

  “I may not have any business with you, but I do with your daughter.” At that, Jason had to say something.

  “Okay, who the fuck are you, and what do you want? You have about five seconds to get to your point before I call the police and have you removed,” Jason growled at the small man.

  Straightening his spine, he pulled a business card from his pocket. Handing it to Jason, he said, “My name is Richard Quinn, and I’m an attorney.”

  Jason looked at the address and phone number on the business card and realized whose attorney he was. “I guess it’d be safe to assume that your client is the late Damien Chambers?”

  “You’d be correct. And in light of his recent death, I have been appointed as the executor of his estate,” Mr. Quinn stated.

  “I know damn well he didn’t include me in his will so I don’t understand why you’re here. The last time I saw you it was when you showed up at my hospital bed and informed me I was not allowed back in the house. That my belongings had been packed and could be picked up from your office. And while those might have been fun times for you, Mr. Quinn, I’d rather not revisit them. So, please leave,” Tori snapped. Jason had never seen her temper flare in such a way, and he couldn’t help but get a little turned on by it—no matter how inappropriate the timing. Her fiery beauty was sexy as hell when angry.

  “No ma’am, you are not listed, but your daughter is.”

  “That’s impossible! He didn’t even know she existed, and he never would’ve put her in his will.”

  “If I may sit down and discuss this with you inside, I would appreciate it. Even though I’m well aware I’m not a person you like, I assure you I am not a threat,” Mr. Quinn pleaded. Tori paused to consider his request and looked to Jason before answering. He gave her a nod to let her know he’d be there to back her up if needed. The man wasn’t a threat as far as Jason could tell, and if he had malicious intent, he wouldn’t be asking to sit down and talk it over inside.

  “Fine,” Tori said with irritation, “but I don’t have all day.” Then she marched to her door and let them all in. She set Lexi in her play area as Jason motioned for Mr. Quinn to have a seat on the couch. Jason took the chair opposite it, and Tori stood next to him, hands on hips, waiting.

  Mr. Quinn opened his briefcase and pulled out some papers. Tori looked to Jason with uncertainty, her rage from a few moments ago fading. He motioned with his eyes to the arm of the chair and she took the suggestion. Sitting on it, he was able to put his arm on her leg and comfort her the only way he could. Once he’d finished pulling papers from the briefcase, Mr. Quinn set them on the table and turned them toward Tori.

  TORI soon realized she wasn’t too smart when it came to legal matters. She stared at the papers, afraid to touch them. Unsure what they were, she looked back to the slimy little man she hated, asking, “What part am I supposed to be looking at?”

  “I marked it in the margin, but to simplify, when my client, your ex-husband, drew up his will, he made sure to exclude everyone from it.” Tori knew all too well how he made sure everything was his. “The problem was that he had to name someone as his benefactor. He didn’t want to donate it to anyone—no person or charity. He was quite content with the thought of dying and having his assets sit, benefiting no one.”

  The distaste in his voice confused Tori. “You talk as if you didn’t like Damien.”

  Mr. Quinn shook his head. “He was my client, not my friend. I carried out tasks based on my professional obligations, but I know a selfish bastard when I see one.”

  Jason chuckled under his breath, and Tori was more eager to find out why he was there. “Good to know you saw the real him. Please continue.”

  “As I was saying, he had appointed no one as his benefactor, but a will is not complete unless one is designated. So, being the selfish bastard he was, he decided to designate his “heir” as the sole benefactor of his estate. Since he didn’t plan on having any children, he figured he’d found a loophole in the system. Little did he know, you’d have the final word.” He finished his statement with a smirk, and Tori found herself smiling. It was almost as if he was pleased that Damien didn’t get what he wanted.

  Jason interrupted her thoughts when he said, “So you’re saying that when he designated a child to inherit his entire estate, he did it with belief he would never have any?” Mr. Quinn nodded and Jason continued. “And since Lexi is his only offspring, she gets his entire estate?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

  “Well, isn’t that just all kinds of funny. Talk about irony,” Jason said with a laugh. Tori didn’t know if she wanted to laugh or cry. She didn’t want anything from Damien and didn’t need anything. They should give it to charity, she thought.

  “We don’t want it,” she blurted without thinking. Finding Jason’s gaze, she added, “We don’t need it.”

  “Of course you don’t, baby,” Jason offered as he rubbed his hand on her leg. She smiled, falling a little more in love right then.

  “Unfortunately, since you’re not listed, you can’t make that decision,” Mr. Quinn said.

  Surprised, Tori stated sarcastically, “Well, I know the one year old can’t make that kind of decision.”

  “No, she can’t. But I can make arrangements for the assets to be sold, and the funds can be placed in an account. The account will si
t there untouched, gaining interest until your daughter reaches age eighteen. Then she can make the decision herself.”

  Tori had no idea how much Damien’s estate was worth, and she didn’t want to know. She found herself looking to Jason again, not for answers but maybe guidance. He smiled. “Sounds like a good idea don’t you think? Maybe she could put it toward college.”

  Mr. Quinn interrupted them, saying, “I assure you the funds would allow her to pay tuition at any college she chose and she could even bring a few friends with her.”

  As if Lexi knew they were talking about her, she picked that moment to throw her toy. It bounced off Mr. Quinn’s head, and while Jason couldn’t help but laugh, Tori quickly apologized before glaring at Jason. He just continued to smile and said, “She’s got great aim, don’t you think?”


  Later that evening, back at Jason’s, Tori found herself standing over Lexi as she slept in her crib. It had been a long day, and her mind was still processing all of it. Turning the baby monitor on, she left the room, in search of Jason. She found him awkwardly brushing his teeth with his left hand. Smiling, she filled a cup with water and handed it to him. Before rinsing, he gave her a grin full of toothpaste and said, “I could totally be left-handed by the time this is over.”

  Tori laughed and shook her head, enjoying his lighter mood. She was glad to see the grumpy giant had left the building, at least for the time being. She handed him a towel, he wiped his face before asking, “What’s wrong, baby?”

  He set the towel down and pulled her cautiously against him. Once she knew he wasn’t in pain, she rested her head on his chest and sighed. “I’m glad you can hold me again. I missed your chest.”

  “I missed having you on my chest.” He kissed the top of her head as they stood in silence for a little while. “You gonna tell me what’s running through that head of yours?”

  Tori turned and pressed her lips against the skin of his chest before saying, “I was thinking about Mr. Quinn’s offer to come back with the papers for Lexi’s trust.”


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