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Love Tango

Page 18

by J. M. Jeffries

  “Yes. Perfect,” echoed the second judge.

  The three judges conferred for a moment and then held up three perfect scores.

  “You won,” Nick said.

  Roxanne thought about fainting, but the excitement kept her on her feet.

  Nancy came out with the trophy and handed it to Roxanne. “I knew you could do it.” She kissed Roxanne and stepped back, turning to the camera. “Isn’t she amazing?”

  The audience broke into wild applause. Roxanne clutched the trophy with one hand and Nick’s hand with the other. “Thank you.”

  “And thank you,” Nancy said.

  * * *

  Nick drove to his parents’ restaurant. Roxanne was still in shock. A bubbly kind of shock. She’d won. She even got to keep her trophy.

  “We have a lot to celebrate,” Nick told her.

  “Are you going to tell your family about our engagement?”

  “My mom knows everything about everything before we ever think it. Of course, I was supposed to pop the question after our great victory, not before.”

  Roxanne laughed. “They’re not going to be disappointed, are they?”

  “I doubt it. My parents don’t care how I get married, they just worry about the who, and they really like you.”

  He pulled up to the restaurant ablaze with light and handed his car keys to the valet.

  Inside was a blast of music, laughing and tantalizing food smells. Celebrations with his family were boisterous and chaotic. Tristan and Portia hugged Roxanne tightly, and her father stood in the background with his arm around his mistress. Their children stood with them, the little girl looking anxious and the boy looking defiant. And while meeting the whole Torres clan, minus the pregnant Nina, was overwhelming, Roxanne felt that she belonged.

  “What a triumph for both of you. A trophy and a proposal all in one day.” Grace handed flutes of champagne to Nick and Roxanne.

  Nick gave Roxanne a knowing look. “I told you.”

  “Welcome to the family, Roxanne.” Grace pushed her into the family area and started introducing her as the next daughter-in-law.

  Nick hung back watching the woman he loved with his mother. Her sister hugged her and her brother gave her a huge kiss.

  Donna grinned at her. “I’m happy for you.”

  Lionel Stanton stepped forward to shake hands with Roxanne. Nick could see that Lionel looked a little uncomfortable, but he was happy to see him.

  Lionel leaned toward Nick. “Your mother and I made our peace.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “Don’t let the woman you love get away because of your pride.” Lionel stepped away.

  His brothers pounded him on the shoulder and back. Lola kissed him and wished him well. Everyone sat at the tables. Grace tapped a glass and called for attention. Silence fell.

  “To the newest addition to the Torres family,” Grace announced. “Welcome.”

  Nick held Roxanne’s hand. She smiled almost shyly. “You realize life is going to be crazy from here on.”

  “I do.”

  “I have an idea.” She held up her hand for Grace’s attention. “Thank you for the warm welcome, but Nick and I are going to be crazy busy and planning a wedding is going to take a lot of time.”

  “What’s your idea?” Grace asked.

  Roxanne turned to Nick. “Let’s go to Vegas. Right now. Tonight and just get married. No muss, no fuss. Then we can get on with the business of living and loving.”

  “I like the way you think, future Mrs. Torres.” Admiration filled him. He glanced at his mother, who smiled.

  “I like the way she thinks, too.” Grace glanced around. “We’re all in.”

  “My show can do without me for a couple days,” Daniel said with a wicked grin at Greer.

  Greer shook her head. “Our wedding is already planned. I spent weeks designing the Rose Parade float we’ll be married on and the minister has confirmed and the reception hall is booked. I want the world to know he’s married to me. There is no going off to Las Vegas for a quickie wedding for us.”

  Nick saw the excitement in Roxanne’s eyes. “Let’s do this. Do you think your grandmother will mind?”

  Roxanne glanced at her grandmother. Donna nodded slightly and glanced at Portia.

  “She’s good,” Roxanne said. “Portia has always wanted a more traditional wedding.”

  Grace stood up. “Everyone eat first. I’ll make a few calls and we can leave after dinner.”

  “Everyone?” Roxanne asked in surprise.

  “I’m not letting my boy get married without the rest of us.” She looked around, counting. “I figure six, maybe seven limos should do it. And we’re not telling Nina until afterward or she’ll be annoyed.” She threaded her way around the tables and into the main dining room, her phone to her ear. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want all the bells and whistles and the big fancy wedding?” Nick asked.

  “I’m sure. I just want to get on with the business of loving you and being married to you.”

  * * * * *

  Keep reading for an excerpt from SEDUCED BY THE BACHELOR by Pamela Yaye.

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  Seduced by the Bachelor

  by Pamela Yaye

  Chapter 1

  Tatiyana Washington was having the week from hell, and hoped for her family’s sake things didn’t get worse. The main breadwinner in her household, Tatiyana feared what would happen if she suffered another financial setback in August.

  Speed walking through Los Angeles International Airport, Tatiyana considered her recent string of bad luck. On Monday, she’d lost her favorite pair of earrings, and her lucrative executive secretary position at the largest software company in the state. On Tuesday her Jeep had died on Hollywood Freeway, and that morning she’d overslept for her 9:00 a.m. flight to Tampa. It was a mad dash to get to the airport, and if not for her cousin Everly weaving her battered Passat in and out of traffic like an emergency vehicle with its lights blazing, she’d still be stuck on the I-105.

  Spotting gate 55A at the rear of the terminal, Tatiyana picked up her pace, expertly dodging children and weary-looking travelers clutching coffee cups. Everything was riding on this four-day trip to The Sunshine Sta
te, and she couldn’t afford to miss the flight. Consulting the monitors, she noticed Flight 74 to Tampa was delayed and sighed in relief. Finally, something’s going my way! Tatiyana approached the airline desk with confidence, convinced she was doing the right thing even though it was a lie.

  “Good morning,” greeted the customer service agent, glancing away from her computer screen, her hazel eyes bright with interest. “How may I help you?”

  Tatiyana read the brunette’s name tag and smiled brightly. Surfing the internet last night had uncovered important information about Markos Morretti, and she wasn’t going to blow this opportunity. “I need a huge favor.” Tatiyana spoke in a hushed voice, as if she was about to spill her guts, instantly seizing the agent’s attention. “My boyfriend’s on the nine o’clock flight to Tampa, and I want to surprise him. Can you work your magic and seat us together?”

  “I’ll see what I can do, Miss. What’s your boyfriend’s name?”

  For effect, Tatiyana glanced around the waiting area, cupped her hands around her mouth and whispered, “Markos Morretti.”

  “Markos Morretti?” she repeated, his name falling from her mouth in a breathless gush. “The divorce attorney with the bedroom eyes?”

  “The one and only. That’s my baby, and I can’t wait to see him! Is he here?”

  The attendant bobbed her head. “Mr. Morretti walked inside the Boeing 738 five minutes ago, and when he strode through the terminal, women whistled and waved. I don’t blame them. He’s so dreamy I almost fainted when he smiled at me—”

  “I know the feeling,” Tatiyana interjected, hoping to win favor with the attendant by indulging in girl talk. She’d do anything to achieve her goal, including fabricating a story about a red-hot relationship with the celebrated attorney, and spoke in a girlish voice to prove she was head over heels in love. “I melt every time Markos kisses me.”

  “I bet. He’s gorgeous, and he smells good, too...”

  To speed up the process, Tatiyana slid her photo ID across the desk and inquired about the delayed flight. LAX was swarming with disgruntled employees and travelers so loud she couldn’t hear herself think. The sooner Tatiyana got to her first-class seat and made friends with Markos Morretti the better. She’d never met the divorce attorney, but after seeing his picture with Mayor Glover in the Los Angeles Times weeks earlier, Tatiyana made it her mission to not only meet him, but befriend him. Markos was going to help her, whether he liked it or not, because no one messed with her family and got away with it. Tatiyana was going to make sure Mayor Glover did the right thing—even if it meant tipping off the media about his one-night stand with her twenty-two-year-old sister.

  “Why didn’t you board the flight together?”

  Tatiyana snapped to attention. Good question. “We had a spat yesterday, and we haven’t spoken since. That’s why I’m here. To apologize for hurting his feelings. I didn’t mean to.”

  “Sounds serious,” she said, leaning forward, her hands pressed flat against the desk.

  Dabbing at the corners of her eyes with her fingertips, she played the role of the distraught girlfriend to the hilt. “We ran into my ex at a movie premiere, and Markos accused me of flirting with him. I still can’t believe it. Why would I want him when I have a loving, romantic man who treats me like gold?”

  “Why, indeed,” she agreed, her tone filled with awe. “From what I’ve read in the tabloids, Markos Morretti is everything a woman could want. Handsome, successful, romantic, and—”

  “Amazing in bed—” Feigning embarrassment, Tatiyana broke off speaking. “Oops, I’ve said too much. I better board the flight before my loose lips get me into trouble.”

  Hearing her cell chime, Tatiyana opened her leather tote bag, retrieved her iPhone and typed in her password. She had a new message from her mom, and seeing the image of her niece warmed her heart. Tatiyana had been gone only a couple hours, but she already missed Allie. The nine-month-old was the center of her world, a bright, bubbly baby with curly hair and chubby cheeks. Cuddling with her niece was the best part of her day. But when she saw Jantel curled up in bed, staring off into space, her good mood always fizzled.

  “You’re all set. You’re in seat 1C, next to your boyfriend.”

  Resisting the urge to dance around the desk, Tatiyana cheered inwardly, grateful her plan had gone off without a hitch. “Thank you, Mercedes. You’re the best!”

  “It was my pleasure.”

  “I’m going to email the airline, and tell them what a great employee you are.”

  “I appreciate that Ms. Washington.”

  “No problem,” Tatiyana said with a wink. “We ladies need to stick together, right?”

  “If you grab your things, I can escort you to the plane.”

  Panic flooded her body, rooting her six-inch heels to the floor. What if the attendant said something to Markos? What if she was exposed as a liar and hauled off the plane by airport security? Swallowing hard, she ignored the butterflies swarming her stomach and dismissed the attendant’s offer with a flick of her hand. “I’m a frequent flyer. I know the way.”

  “I insist.” The attendant took off at a breakneck speed, leaving Tatiyana no choice but to follow her. Inside the tunnel, she fluffed her short, fizzy hair and adjusted her uniform. “Markos has two younger brothers,” she said, checking her appearance in a tiny, handheld mirror. “I saw a picture of Romeo and Enrique Morretti in Hello magazine a few months ago, and they’re total hotties. I’d love to meet them. Have you?”

  “No, not yet. We haven’t been dating long, so I’d appreciate if you didn’t say anything to Markos about our relationship. He’s a very private man, and I don’t want you to upset him.”

  “I won’t say a word. I know how to act around celebrities. I’m an aspiring actress...”

  Everyone is in this town, Tatiyana thought, nixing an eye roll.

  “No worries, Ms. Washington. I’ll be professional and polite.”

  Thankful her cover was still intact, Tatiyana wore a grateful smile. Following the attendant, her heart drumming inside her chest, she hoped her hair and makeup were still perfect. Normally, Tatiyana wore sweats when she traveled, but this morning she’d gone all out. Fake eyelashes, lush curls that flowed down her back, gold accessories to complement her Chanel outfit and peep-toe sandals. Markos Morretti had a penchant for model-types, with long hair and slim figures, and since Tatiyana wanted to catch his eye, she had to look her best.

  “Here we are,” the attendant said, gesturing to the aircraft. “If it’s not too much trouble, I’d love to meet Mr. Morretti...”

  “Thanks for everything.” Anxious to meet her attorney “boyfriend” for the first time, Tatiyana waved and marched onto the gleaming Boeing 738 as if she owned it.

  “Morning,” greeted the flight attendant, giving her the once-over, his interest evident in his toothy grin. “Right this way, Ms. Washington. Let me show you to your seat...”

  Tatiyana expelled a nervous breath. She could do this. Had to do this. Her family was depending on her. Lying went against everything she believed in, but what choice did she have? Her sister was depressed, and she was scared of losing her forever.

  Her gaze landed on Markos Morretti, and she stopped abruptly, couldn’t move. Tatiyana heard a gasp fall from her lips and slammed her mouth shut. He was a living, breathing men’s ad, and seeing him in the flesh was a shock to her system. Blood surged to her girly parts, warming her body with desire, and her heartbeat roared in her ears.

  In her haste to meet him, Tatiyana tripped over her feet. To avoid falling headfirst into his lap, she braced her hands against the wall and straightened her wobbly knees. Tatiyana gathered herself, then adjusted her clothes. To her relief, the other first-class passengers were too busy on their electronic devices to notice her blunder, and Markos—the devastating piece of eye candy—had hi
s eyes closed, earphones in and a pensive expression on his face. He wasn’t paying her any attention, but he would. Men always did when she turned on the charm, and Tatiyana was looking forward to seducing the Italian bachelor. He had smooth, olive skin, chiseled features and thick lips. Lips made for kissing and sucking and exploring between her legs—

  “Here you go.” The flight attendant gestured to the window seat with a nod. “If you need anything, push your call button and I’ll be here in a flash.”

  Stepping over Markos’s long, outstretched legs, Tatiyana swung her tote bag toward him, hoping to wake him, but he didn’t move. How was she supposed to seduce him when he didn’t even know she was alive? What if he slept the entire flight? Then what?

  Sitting in her seat, she was impressed by how spacious and attractive the cabin was. Tatiyana had never flown first-class, and had had to use some of the money in her savings to afford the pricey ticket. Her gaze landed on Markos again—for the second time in minutes—and her mouth dried. Tatiyana smelled perfume on his clothes, a charming blend of fruits and spices, and wondered if everything she’d read online about his dating life was true.

  The pilot came on the intercom, warmly greeting passengers to Flight 74, but Tatiyana was so distracted by Markos’s presence that she couldn’t concentrate on what the pilot was saying. Tatiyana couldn’t remember ever being this attracted to a guy, this taken with anyone, and fanned her face to cool down her overheated body.

  Studying his profile, she heard Lena’s words in her ear and smiled to herself. Her mother was right; Markos did look like a movie star. Weeks ago, Lena and Jantel had gone to his swanky, downtown law firm, but the meeting had been a waste of time. Markos refused to help, insisted the mayor would never cheat on his fiancée and promptly kicked them out of his office. To add insult to injury, his receptionist had handed them a three-hundred-dollar invoice on their way out the door. Tatiyana didn’t learn about the meeting until she’d returned from a road trip with her friends days later. No matter. Tatiyana knew what to do, and this time she’d be calling the shots, not the slick-talking attorney with the bedroom eyes.


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