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Broken Pentacle

Page 13

by Eden Rivers

  Gently, she eased a second finger in next to the first. Alec followed suit, filling her enough that she suspected she might come if he kept moving his fingers just like that, back and forth, easy and slow. Zach made an impatient sound and squeezed her shoulder, and she tried to focus on the task at hand, scissoring her fingers to prepare Alec to take Zach’s cock.

  Everything seemed to be going as planned, with Alec making little thrusting motions, accompanied by unmistakably happy noises. And then he spread his own fingers wide, stretching her enough that she hit the boiling point in seconds flat.

  “More.” She uttered the word through gritted teeth, frustrated when he refused to offer more thrust, more penetration, more delicious stretching sensations.

  But he did slide his hand between their glistening bodies, grab her pubic mound, and offer a nice, firm palm for her to thrust against. With the feel of his hand on her clit, her world fragmented and broke into a thousand pieces, and she cried out as her body spasmed, and her ass clenched tight around his fingers.

  She’d barely caught her breath before he eased his fingers free, giving her wrist a gentle nudge so she’d do the same.

  “I’ll go slow.” Zach snuggled closer to Alec’s back, but rather than make any attempt to initiate sex, he resumed the pattern of long, gentle massage strokes along Alec’s shoulders, neck, back, and thighs.

  Sky lay basking in a haze of postorgasmic stupor, lazy and content. For the moment, anyway. Alec moved his leg higher up on her hip, offering Zach easier access. A ripple of uneasiness tickled through her thoughts, her own or Alec’s, she couldn’t tell.

  “Just my finger.” Zach’s whisper came out low and seductive, calm and steady.

  Alec relaxed then, and when he sighed, she figured everything would be all right.

  “Been a long time.” Zach again, crooning to his lover in soft tones.

  Alec sighed again. “Too long.”

  A pang of regret surfaced. Not quite jealousy, but not an easy feeling, either.

  “You’ll get your turn, witch. No one’s pushing you to the side tonight. Just let’s get Alec over the rough spots first.”

  Embarrassed that Zach picked up on her moment of disquiet, she murmured something to the effect of “sorry.” But Alec squirmed against her, humming under his breath, and she doubted anyone heard.

  “Sliding my fingers out now.” Zach rested his gauze-wrapped arm across Alec’s shoulder and tangled his fingers in Sky’s hair. “Feel me against you, nice and slow, warm and easy.” Although he spoke to Alec, Sky shuddered as if he pressed against her own ass, ready to enter.


  “Mmm.” Alec grabbed her arm, just below the shoulder, and held so tight that she gasped.

  When Zach released her hair and grabbed Alec’s hip, she trembled with anticipation, fear, and raw lust. She leaned into Alec to steady him. Not like she hadn’t been in his position in the past. Not always easy to get the balance right, and with Alec nervous to begin with… A sharp gasp from Alec startled her, but then he laughed, and relief washed over her like cool, clean rain.

  “Just like all the times before. You and me.” Alec chuckled again and tilted his head back against Zach’s. “Oh fuck, that’s good. I thought… Never mind. Just you and me. And the sexiest little witch in the universe pressed hot against my dick.”

  Relieved to be included, Sky wiggled lower, careful to continue offering countersupport to Zach’s gentle thrusts as she lined her soaking pussy up with Alec’s erection. With Alec on his side, facing her, this position offered too much potential to neglect the possibilities. The wild passion flowing off Zach and Alec had a firestorm flaring deep in her belly. Her clit beat a tattoo of anticipation as Alec grasped her bottom and guided her closer.

  Not the easiest thing, with her legs pressed together and Alec’s leg stretched across her hip, but she managed to separate her thighs enough to wriggle onto the head of his cock. When both Alec and Zach sighed in response, she basked in the glow of male appreciation. They were so blessed linked, she swore she felt every silken, well-oiled movement as Zach loved Alec. And as she thrust downward, engulfing Alec with her slick warmth, she had no doubt Zach shared the experience. So blessed linked.

  “Oh!” She cried out as Alec surged forward, spurred by a deep thrust on Zach’s part, and her thoughts gave way to pure, animal need.

  “Witch was…” Zach moaned under his breath. “Thinking too much. She needed a bit of a reminder…”

  “To pay attention.” Alec laughed again, throaty and wild, and plowed farther into her slick, soaking wet pussy.

  Sky’s hair tangled along her sweaty back, sweeping across Alec and Zach’s sides when she tossed her head. Wanting to fill every one of her senses with them, she lapped at Alec’s salty chest, licking and nibbling as if she could consume him. Swallow him into her heat. Her wanting. Her affection.

  She trembled as Alec’s iron-hard cock hit her sweet spot again and again, until finally she bucked against him, every muscle taut, and screamed through her climax.

  Zach grabbed her arm as she writhed through the after spasms of pleasure, his grip surprisingly strong for someone so recently injured. As for Alec, he crooned something in Greek, and though the words were strange to her, their bond conveyed his deep gratitude, his joy in sharing this experience with her. And his love.

  Tears welled behind her closed eyelids, and Sky pressed her forehead hard enough against Alec’s chest that he grunted in surprise. His love for both of them. When did that happen? And what in the name of the goddess was she supposed to do about feelings she’d neither sought nor expected?

  Beautiful thing, that much affection. Zach’s thoughts swelled through her mind. Accept it without fear. No one’s asking anything in return.

  Profound, especially coming from the street smart ex-cop, but…

  Just keep fucking me like this, sweet witch, and we’ll leave it at that for now. Alec managed to convey that line without giving into laughter again, but humor rippled through his very soul.

  Soon, the rhythm quickened, the men no doubt having decided she’d had enough time to catch her breath after her climax, and now hungry for their own. Her clit stung with the friction, and her pussy ached, but she hadn’t felt this free, this whole, since before Jaimis’s attack. Mumbling in a mix of English and Greek, none of it intelligible, Alec quivered against her as if he were filled with electricity.

  Sweat beaded down her forehead and into her eyes, and Zach deepened his thrusts to the point where Sky wondered if they’d all tip over with her on her back, lying on the bottom of a pile of sex-crazed witches. But somehow, they maintained a fragile sense of balance, with Alec bucking and cursing in the middle, fighting his release now.

  Let go, friend. Zach filled the mind-touch with care and concern, not just for Alec, but for her, as well. Safe with us.

  Molten shivers erupted across Sky’s skin as she felt Zach yield to his body’s needs. She felt through Zach. The searing tightness in his balls, the exultation of filling Alec with his cum, and the heightened edge of having her here to share this moment. But through Alec, she felt the panicked battle to let go, and the contradictory struggle to hold on to every bit of self-control he could muster. The wrenching conflict playing itself out across his body and through his soul threatened to tear him apart.

  Zach whispered something meant only for Alec’s ears, and Alec choked out a half-sob as he strained, bucked, and finally melted into the inevitable. He called out both their names in quick succession, loud and fierce.

  The hot rush of fluid trickling out along the creases of her thighs made her want to join in again, spill her own wet juices over Alec’s willing body. For a moment, she almost thought she’d manage it, her breasts full and tingling with that “almost there” heaviness, her back tensed to accept the pressure of another climax. But Alec relaxed against her and eased away in the process of trying to separate from Zach, and she all but whimpered her disappointment.

sp; “Not to worry, witch, we’re nothing resembling done yet.” As Zach flopped onto his back, pulling Alec half on top of him, his fatigue seemed to undermine his promise.

  But going on a wealth of experience ‑‑ male witches had blessed good rebound time, and with any luck… Alec dragged her on top of them, snuggled in a crisscross pile of sweat-drenched bodies, and the two men moved as one to caress her breasts and clit.

  When she attempted to speak out loud, her voice cracked, and she had to clear her throat a few times to manage a hoarse whisper. “Zach’s arm, we’ll hurt him.”

  “Arm’s as satisfied as the rest of me right now. Healer did a damn fine job.”

  “Mmmph.” When Alec treated her to a pussy full of fingers, her body temperature shot up several degrees, and rational speech became a non-option.

  “Want to take this to its logical conclusion tonight, witch?”

  Only one thing that could mean. Alec had faced his demons tonight, and she’d fought back a few of her own. But one wounded little corner of her physical self had yet to make peace with past experience.

  Not sure.

  Ugh, the little girl quiver in that thought filled her with rebellious fury. If Alec could do this, then so blessed well could she!

  Alec slid his fingers free of her body and kissed her forehead. “Not a contest, Sky. Healing comes on its own terms.”

  My terms! Having made up her mind, nothing could sway her from her course.

  Well, except maybe the lack of currently available male equipment. Alec laughed and reached up to ruffle her hair, but Zach just groaned.

  “My rugged cop friend seems done in at the moment, but I believe this witch could accommodate.” Alec dragged her hand down to cover his swelling cock.

  Goddess help her, she couldn’t see why any female witch would want to play with human men. After a moment of mirth, the impending reality set in, and she wondered how to negotiate this scene without scaring up any unwanted memories. Now would not be an opportune time to fill in any of the holes Jaimis had carved out of her battered mind.

  “I, ah, I’m not sure how I want to…”

  Zach cupped the back of her head with his palm, and Alec tilted her face toward his and brushed a butterfly-soft kiss across her lips. As soon as Alec let go of her chin, Zach eased into position with a kiss so silvery full of moonlight and wonder that she felt a brush of divinity, as if the goddess had just swept through the boundaries of their circle.

  “Here, Zach, roll onto your back again.” Alec gave his friend a nudge to accomplish this. “And Sky, we’ll spread you out right here.”

  She loved the feel of his hands on her sides and bottom, strong and confident, soothing and masterful. Alec positioned her lying across Zach’s hips on her belly, so her ass was raised just enough to make entry easy, and Zach would be included, at least indirectly, in their coupling. As she tangled her hands in the damp, rumpled blankets, Alec stroked the path of her spine in long, easy motions, from her neck down to her tailbone and back again.

  Zach shifted slightly, and the warmth of his body underneath her hips and stomach soothed her further. No doubt she’d feel him grow hard underneath her once she and Alec got into this. Maybe Zach would even come warm and wet on her belly when they climaxed. The thought did a lot to whet her appetite and diminish any remaining fear.

  Smiling, she let herself enjoy the moment, and the delicious sense that Alec had again managed to create a new scene for her without pushing things beyond her current comfort levels. Of all the threesomes she’d been included in, she’d never taken one witch in her ass while draped crisscross across the sweaty, satisfied body of another.

  When Alec grabbed the half-empty bottle of sweet oil and tipped a generous amount across the crease of her bottom, she murmured her approval. His finger followed, and she let out a little squeak of surprise when Zach slid a finger alongside Alec’s.

  “Okay?” Zach’s voice held steady, but she sensed his growing arousal.

  “Mmm-hmm. Just surprised me.”

  Together, they stretched her, and she eased back into the pressure, enjoying the attention. Zach’s cock pressed firm against her belly now, and the added little rush of pleasure elicited an appreciative moan on her part. Zach added his own groan of approval when she squirmed against him.

  Soon, the men slid their fingers free, and despite her resolve, she tensed. Would this hurt? Would she remember things at the worst possible time? What if…

  “Slow and easy is the rule here.” Alec knelt with his legs between hers, and she shivered when she felt the head of his cock pressed against her anus. “No pain. No fear. No memory. Only us. Only now.”

  Chapter Nine

  Sky nodded, and Zach reached up to stroke her shoulders as Alec held her hips, entering her with care and compassion, using small movements designed to prevent discomfort. The oil did its job well, and their bodies merged like silk on silk, with only a momentary twinge as tight muscles loosened enough to accommodate Alec’s cock. When Alec treated her to another sequence of mixed Greek and English, she grinned, wondering if sex always broke down the divisions of language for him.

  Fool just can’t think for shit when he’s loving someone.

  The thought was so quintessentially Zach, filled with gruff realism and brimming humor, that she let loose a girlish giggle.

  Wouldn’t have taken you for a giggler, witch. Alec eased forward until his hips pressed against the curves of her bottom, and he buried every last inch of his cock inside her warm and willing ass. Blessed good to hear it, though. S’agapo, Skylark. S’agapo.

  His simple declaration of love washed over her like a healing balm. Maybe that’s all it took, in the end ‑‑ two men who were willing to go as slow as she needed, the ability to laugh away her fears, and love she’d neither sought nor expected. She arched upward, asking for more, and Alec quickened the pace. When Zach’s shimmering, green aura broke free, surging around them to include her and Alec, she whimpered at the added rush of sensation.

  Energy caressed every inch of her skin, sizzling through her being, and soon Alec’s aura flared free as well. More yellow than white hot this time, she wondered about the change at first, but the distracting pull at her ass, and the delicious press of her slippery clit against Zach’s body, did away with further attempts at speculation.

  At some point, her own aura crackled to life and escaped like a willful child. By then, she didn’t even care if the men saw the smudges or felt the imbalance, because her eyes were screwed shut with passion, and her world shrank to the size of three pounding hearts.

  Zach made satisfied little sounds every time she dragged her body across his cock, and Alec treated them both to a long string of Greek-English. The only Greek she understood was the frequently repeated s’agapo. A hint of worry wriggled its way through her thoughts as she wondered if she’d end up disappointing him ‑‑ betraying his love ‑‑ in the end. But then, her body took over, and she gave in to the dance of give-and-take, push and pull.

  At some point, her fingernails got tangled in a corner of gauze from Zach’s bandaged arm, but he brushed aside her concerns and freed her without further comment. Alec leaned forward, bringing more weight to bear on her back as they raced toward the point of no return, and she entertained the fear that Zach might be getting squished on the bottom of the pile.

  “In the best possible way, witch. I can take anything the two of you have to give me.”

  At which point she stopped attempting to keep her weight off him, let all tension leave her knees and elbows, and sprawled limp across Zach’s hips and stomach as Alec covered her back with his chest.

  Warm. Wet. Safe.

  Powerful. Zach’s thought crackled with energy.

  “Yes, powerful.” The power of three, sacred to witches. And if luck was with them, the Three-formed Goddess would see them through the battle ahead. Together. Strong.

  Alec cried out then, pumping against her in the throes of pleasure he hadn’t bot
hered to fight this time around. His voice tore through her like a chant, free and beautiful. And as she trembled under his thrusts, Zach brought his hand down under her pubic mound and stroked her clit. In seconds flat, she keened along with them as Zach spilled warm and wet against her stomach, and Alec shivered again, dragged along with them in their passion.

  They lay still like that, plastered together and limp with exhaustion, until their auras faded and their bodies cried out for sleep. Somehow, they managed to disperse the energy of the circle, do a quick mental check of the wards, and sweep the perimeter with their magic, hunting for hints of danger. With their safety established, they gave into the call of fatigue and met each other again in their dreams.

  * * * * *

  The shrill ringing of Zach’s cell phone dragged Alec out of a deep sleep, achy but satisfied. He smiled at Sky and Zach’s tangled bodies as he climbed over them to reach the phone, banging his shin on the doorjamb in his race for the back bedroom.

  Digging through Zach’s pack, he unearthed the cell phone from under a stash of Hershey Bars. “Alec here.”

  “Nothing else has happened to Zach, I hope?” Sorren’s voice communicated authority, brisk efficiency, and concern.

  “Sleeping.” No chance the elder witch would get more of an explanation than that. Alec grinned as wanton memories played through his mind. “Have we got more trouble?”

  “No, just reinforcements. I’m sending a few more guards from my innermost circle. Scott, especially, you can trust with any needs or concerns. Tara, Jeremy, and Margaret will be with him. There’s strength in numbers, and I feel things are coming to a head soon.”

  Scott ‑‑ Alec wracked his brain until he put a face with the name. A powerful young witch, and a member of Lena’s younger sister’s current love triangle, if Matt had his gossip straight. “Zach insists the three of us have to stand tight to come out safe on the other end. But we’ll make use of the reinforcements as well as we can. Any new insights?”

  “No foreseeings, if that’s what you mean. Just that Matt’s been wild to get back here and help guard you.”


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