Outposts on the Frontier: A Fifty-Year History of Space Stations (Outward Odyssey: A People's History of Spaceflight)

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Outposts on the Frontier: A Fifty-Year History of Space Stations (Outward Odyssey: A People's History of Spaceflight) Page 57

by Jay Chladek

  Conrad, Charles “Pete,” 132, 133, 137–38, 137, 140

  consortiums, space operation, 244–46. See also specific consortiums

  Constellation program, 381–82, 442–43

  contractors: AAP and, 114, 116; ISS and, 343; for MOL, 16; NASA and, 189–90; for Spacelab, 250, 251. See also specific contractors

  control-moment gyros, 123–24, 220, 352, 411

  Convair 990, 253–54

  coolant systems, 157, 228, 328, 342

  coolers, food and beverage, 433

  corona, 130, 195

  coronagraphs, 130

  Corona satellites, 16, 28, 30, 53–55

  cosmic rays, 14, 158, 196, 208, 347, 457

  Cosmos 133, 63

  Cosmos 140, 64

  Cosmos 557, 149

  Cosmos 1267, 229

  Cosmos 1443, 232, 233–34

  Cosmos 1669, 274

  Cosmos 1686, 238–39, 272, 276

  Cosmovision, 98–99

  COSPAR. See International Committee for Space Research (COSPAR)

  Cox, David, 450

  CPSU. See Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU)

  crashes, aircraft, 22–24, 36

  Creamer, Timothy “T. J.,” 348, 445, 446–48, 449, 450–52, 454–55

  Crew Environment Translation Aid carts, 383

  Crews, Albert, 21, 22, 35

  crew transfers, 18–19, 24–26, 37, 55, 64, 184

  Crimea, 465

  Crippen, Robert, 21, 22, 34, 35, 37, 131

  cruise missiles, 41–45, 48

  crystal growth, 263, 264, 291

  Cuban Missile Crisis, 59

  Cubelab-2, 453

  Culbertson, Frank, Jr., 362, 363–64, 364, 365

  Cunningham, Walter, 121–22

  Curbeam, Robert, 359, 398

  CVT. See Concept Verification Test (CVT)

  CZ-2F rockets, 461

  DACT. See Disposable Absorption Containment Trunk (DACT)

  data recorders, 260, 378

  debris avoidance, 462

  Defense Language Institute (DLI), 310–11, 408

  defense systems, 10, 57

  dehydrated food, 128, 433, 434

  Deloffre, Bernard, 251

  Delta attitude-control computer, 232, 233

  Delta IV rocket, 37

  Denmark, 244

  Department of Defense (DOD): funding and, 15, 16, 32, 109; MOL and, 34; NRO and, 33; space shuttle program and, 37, 304, 356

  descent modules, Soyuz: launch routine and, 447–48, 449; original series of, 65, 69, 102–3, 104–5, 107, 162, 166–67; Shenzhou and, 461; TMA series of, 387, 390, 425–26; TM series of, 292, 293, 332–33

  Destination Mir, 353

  Destiny laboratory module, 359, 361, 389, 389, 417

  De Winne, Frank, 436, 438, 441–42

  Dextre, 424, 451, 459

  Dezhurov, Vladimir, 315, 316, 317, 318, 362, 365

  Diamont rockets, 244

  direct ascent, 13

  Discovery, 347; STS-60 and, 313; STS-63 and, 314; STS-64 and, 324; STS-91 and, 340; STS-92 and, 352; STS-96 and, 349; STS-102 and, 359–60; STS-105 and, 362; STS-114 and, 391–93; STS-116 and, 398; STS-119 and, 437; STS-120 and, 415, 416, 418–20, 424; STS-121 and, 394–95; STS-124 and, 429, 430; STS-128 and, 440–41; STS-131 and, 452–54; STS-133 and, 455–56

  Disney, Walt, 8

  Disposable Absorption Containment Trunk (DACT), 401

  Dobrovolsky, Georgi, 83, 90–92, 95–96, 95, 98–100, 102–3, 105–6

  Dobrynin, Anatoly, 200

  docking: androgynous, 182, 185, 187; ASTP and, 180, 181–84, 185–90, 197–98, 201–2; at ISS, 344–45, 358; at Salyut, 69–71, 77; at Salyut 6, 208–9, 212–13, 215–16, 220, 225; at Salyut 7, 229, 237; at Skylab, 123, 125, 138, 142, 143; of Soviet space crafts at Mir, 273, 273, 277, 287, 289–90, 293, 320–21, 329–30, 332–33; Soyuz 10–11 and, 86–87, 88, 96; of space shuttles at Mir, 308, 313–14, 317, 318–19. See also docking module(s); Kurs rendezvous and docking system

  docking module(s): ASTP and, 184, 186, 192, 194, 195, 197–98, 201, 202; Mir and, 318–19, 321; Pirs, 362, 364–65, 443, 454, 459; Poisk, 443–44

  DOD. See Department of Defense (DOD)

  Donatello MPLM, 360, 455

  Dorian satellites, 30, 33, 37, 56

  Dornier Systems, 250

  DOS-1 space station. See Salyut

  DOS-2 space station, 147–49, 154

  DOS-3 space station, 149, 150, 157

  DOS-4 space station. See Salyut 4

  DOS-6 space station. See Salyut 7

  DOS-7 space station. See Mir space station

  DOS-8 Russian Service Module, 341

  DOS program, 76, 182. See also Salyut program

  Douglas Aircraft Company, 16, 17

  Douglas Aviation, 114

  Dragoneye, 439

  Dragonfly (Burroughs), 306, 323, 324, 331

  Dragon spacecraft, 439, 443, 445, 453, 463, 466

  Drew, Alvin, 455

  drogues, 65, 86, 103, 138, 182, 186, 202–3, 213

  Dryden, Hugh, 175, 177

  dry lab, 120–21

  Dubucq, Pierre, 36

  Dunbar, Bonnie, 267, 309

  Duque, Pedro, 389–90

  Dyna-Soar space plane, 15–16

  Dyomin, Lev, 156–57

  Dzhanibekov, Vladimir, 214, 215, 228, 231, 236, 237–38

  Early Ammonia Servicer units, 399, 410, 412

  Earth landing system (ELS), 202

  Earth-orbit rendezvous, 13

  Echo II communications satellites, 177

  EDO. See Extended Duration Orbiter (EDO)

  educator-astronauts, 413, 437, 452

  EECOM. See Electrical, Environmental, and Consumables Manager (EECOM)

  EGIL. See Electrical, General, Instrumentation, and Life Support (EGIL)

  Eisenhower, Dwight, 11, 33, 109, 176

  ELDO. See European Launcher Development Organization (ELDO)

  Electrical, Environmental, and Consumables Manager (EECOM), 134

  Electrical, General, Instrumentation, and Life Support (EGIL), 134–35

  electrolysis, 428

  electrophoresis, 196–97, 232

  ELS. See Earth landing system (ELS)

  embryonic development experiments, 98, 168, 222, 291

  EMUs. See extravehicular mobility units (EMUs)

  Endeavour, 347, 372, 454, 459; STS-88 and, 343–45; STS-89 and, 339; STS-97 and, 358–59; STS-100 and, 360–61; STS-108 and, 365; STS-111 and, 366; STS-113 and, 367; STS-118 and, 410, 412–13; STS-124 and, 423–24; STS-126 and, 431, 432; STS-127 and, 439, 440; STS-130 and, 451; STS-134 and, 456, 457–58

  Energia, 287, 311; commercialization of, 301–2, 322; ISS and, 342–43, 350, 387; LHX-LOX rockets of, 280, 286; Mir funding and, 354; Salyut program and, 152, 173, 271; Shuttle-Mir Program and, 303, 305–6, 308, 329, 336, 338

  Engins Matra, 250

  England, 42, 243–44, 296–97

  England, Anthony, 265

  Environmental Control Life Support System departments, 428

  Era structure, 284–85

  ERNO, 250, 251

  ESA. See European Space Agency (ESA)

  escorts for astronauts’ families, 373–75

  ESRO. See European Space Research Organization (ESRO)

  ethylene glycol, 79, 328

  Europa rocket boosters, 244, 245

  European Launcher Development Organization (ELDO), 244, 245–46

  European Space Agency (ESA), 246, 281, 302, 304; ATVs and, 390, 425; ISS and, 308, 341, 366, 389, 423, 442; Spacelab and, 247, 248–51, 252–53, 254–56, 269

  European space efforts, 243–46, 284–85. See also European Space Agency (ESA)

  European Space Research Organization (ESRO), 244–46

  Evans, Norvin C. “Bud,” 27

  Evans, Ronald, 191, 195

  EVAs. See extravehicular activities (EVAs)

  EVA Skills Development Program, 405–7

  Ewald, Reinhold, 325, 328

; “excess eleven” scientist-astronauts, 122

  exercise, onboard: to prepare for donning space suits, 401; on Salyut, 81–82, 97–98, 154, 158, 160–61, 165; on Skylab, 127–28

  Expedite the Processing of Experiments to Space Station (EXPRESS), 444, 453, 458

  experiments: of Apollo program, 110; of ASTP, 195–97; on ISS, 389–90, 439, 453–54, 466; on Mir, 280, 281, 282, 284; on Salyut, 70–71, 80, 82, 98, 101; on Salyut 3–7, 155, 163, 168, 207–8, 212, 222, 274–75; of Shuttle-Mir Program, 315–16; on Skylab, 127–31; Spacelab and, 258, 260–61, 262, 264, 266, 268; STS-107 and, 372–73

  Explorer 1, 11

  Extended Duration Orbiter (EDO), 372

  external tanks (ETs), 241, 379–81, 391, 392, 393–94, 455, 458

  extravehicular activities (EVAs): handholds and, 210, 219, 230, 349; ISS construction and, 345, 349, 351–52; ISS Expedition 1 and, 359, 360; ISS Expedition 3 and, 361–65; ISS Expedition 4 and, 365–66; ISS Expedition 5 and, 367; ISS Expedition 6 and, 382–83; ISS Expedition 8 and, 390; ISS Expedition 9 and, 390; ISS Expedition 10 and, 390; ISS Expedition 11 and, 392–93; ISS Expedition 13 and, 395; ISS Expedition 14 and, 397–99; ISS Expedition 15 and, 410–11, 412, 413; ISS Expedition 16 and, 417–20, 422, 423–24, 432; ISS Expedition 17 and, 429–30; ISS Expedition 18 and, 431–32, 437; ISS Expedition 20 and, 439–40, 441; ISS Expedition 21 and, 443–44; ISS Expedition 23 and, 451, 453; ISS Expedition 25 and, 456, 458, 460; ISS Expedition 26 and, 456, 458, 460; ISS Expedition 27 and, 456, 458, 460; Mir EO-2–EO-4, 277, 278, 280, 281, 282, 284–85; Mir EO-5 and EO-6, 291–92, 293–94, 295–96, 297; MOL and, 19; Salyut and, 210, 212–13, 219–20, 224–25, 234–35, 236, 274–75; Shuttle-Mir Program and, 320, 322, 331, 337, 339; Skylab and, 125, 135, 138, 140, 142; Soyuz and, 64, 69; Spacelab and, 254; space suits and, 172, 210, 399–405; staged, 365, 383, 399, 410, 432; training for, 405–7

  extravehicular mobility units (EMUs), 210; about, 399–405, 400, 403, 466; carbon dioxide and, 440; EVA training and, 339, 406; ISS and, 362, 365, 382; tools of, 404–5

  Eyharts, Léopold, 338, 339, 414, 423

  F-1 engines, 51, 113

  Falcon rockets, 439

  Faris, Muhammed, 278–79

  Farkas, Bertalan, 226

  Fast Reaction Experiments Enabling Science Technology, Applications, and Research (FREESTAR), 372

  fecal collection, 77, 126, 427

  fecal samples, 129

  Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, 12

  Feoktistov, Konstantin, 72–74, 73, 107, 181, 182, 183, 228

  Ferguson, Chris, 459

  Fi-103 cruise missiles, 42–43

  Fili factory, 76, 342

  Filipchenko, Anatoly, 70, 191, 197

  film in space, 28–29, 30, 56–57, 123, 155, 157, 172, 385. See also photography

  Fincke, Michael, 390, 430, 438

  Finley, John, 21, 22, 35

  fires: on Apollo 1, 116–17; on Columbia, 261; danger of, 19; on Mir, 326–28, 340; on Salyut, 99–100; Soyuz and, 64, 234

  FirstLab, 453

  Flade, Klaus-Dietrich, 302

  Fletcher, James, 123

  Foale, Michael, 309, 312, 331–37, 389, 390

  foam from external tanks, 379–81, 392, 394

  Fokker VFW, 250

  food in space, 216, 386; ASTP and, 201; ISS and, 433–36, 436; Salyut and, 230; Shuttle-Mir Program and, 315–16; on Skylab, 126, 128–29, 131, 143

  Ford, Gerald, 200, 205

  Form 24s, 323

  Fossum, Mike, 394, 395, 429, 460

  France, 231, 244, 262, 284, 339

  Freedom, 303–5, 306–7

  FREESTAR. See Fast Reaction Experiments Enabling Science Technology, Applications, and Research (FREESTAR)

  From the Earth to the Moon (Verne), 5

  Frutkin, Arnold, 181, 245

  fuel: early Soviet rockets and, 47–48, 52; hypergolic, 18, 46, 47; pressurization systems, 221–22; and resupplying Salyut, 167, 208, 216, 220, 231, 234; for Skylab, 124–25; system repair and leak on Salyut 7, 234–36. See also refueling

  fuel cells, 19–20, 124–25

  Fuglesang, Christer, 398

  Fullerton, Gordon, 21, 22, 35, 265

  functional cargo block (FGB) nodes, 58, 62, 229, 341; Zarya, 342–43, 344–45, 349, 350, 351, 459

  funding, 3; of AAP, 117–18; of Apollo program, 34, 109, 113, 115; DOD and, 15, 16, 32, 109; of Mir, 354; of MOL, 32, 33–34; of NASA, 109, 117–18, 306–7; of space shuttle, 241

  furnace experiments, 168, 197, 215, 216, 230, 231–32, 237, 293

  Furrer, Reinhard, 267

  Gagarin, Yuri, 1, 12, 81, 84, 104, 446

  Galileo II, 254

  gap filler, 392–93

  Garan, Ron, 429, 460–61

  Garriott, Owen, 122, 127, 132, 141, 142, 252, 257–58, 259, 260, 430–31

  Garriott, Richard, 430–31

  Gemini 2, 24

  Gemini 7, 82

  Gemini 8, 24

  Gemini program, 13, 16–20, 18, 24–28, 25, 32, 82, 109

  Georgia, republic of, 438

  Germany, 6–7, 43, 72, 299, 302. See also West Germany

  Gerstenmaier, Bill, 320

  Gibson, Edward, 129, 132, 144, 145, 252

  Gibson, Robert “Hoot,” 317, 426

  Gidzenko, Yuri, 355, 356, 357, 358, 360, 366

  Giffords, Gabrielle, 456–57

  Gilruth, Bob, 181, 182, 185

  Glazkov, Yuri, 171–72

  gloves, 210, 402, 406

  Glushko, Valentin, 52, 152, 153, 286–87

  glycol coolant, 228, 328, 342

  Goddard, Robert, 6

  Goddard Spaceflight Center, 444

  Golden Fleece Awards, 198

  Goldin, Daniel, 304–5, 306–7, 340, 361

  Goodwin, Linda, 320

  Gorbachev, Mikhail, 297, 298, 299, 305

  Gorbatko, Viktor, 70, 171–72, 226–27

  gravity, 5; artificial, 6, 8, 207, 267; effects of, on human body, 81, 454; experiments on zero, 168, 196–97, 207, 231, 237, 372, 385–86, 425; indicators of, 448; micro, 14, 268, 366, 372, 425; readapting to, 142, 161, 218, 285, 388; zero, 326, 435

  grease guns, 432

  Grechko, Andrei, 172, 173, 271

  Grechko, Georgi, 160–61, 166, 212–14, 218, 238

  Gregory, Fred, 262, 263

  Griffin, Michael, 392

  Grissom, Gus, 116–17

  Grumman Aerospace, 116

  Gubarev, Alexei, 83, 160–61, 216, 217, 218

  Gürragchaa, Jügderdemidiin, 228

  Hadfield, Chris, 319, 466

  Haigneré, Claudie, 322, 365

  Haigneré, Jean-Pierre, 302, 332, 352–53, 365

  Haise, Fred, 146

  Handler, Philip, 179–80

  Hardy, George, 181, 182

  Harmony node, 415, 416–17, 422, 423

  Hartsfield, Henry, 21, 22, 34, 35, 267

  Hawker Siddeley Dynamics, 250

  heat plasma, 380

  heat shields, 19, 24–26, 293, 439

  helium, 19, 265, 458

  helmets: EMU, 402, 404, 466; for MOL, 27; Orlan, 209

  Helms, Susan, 360, 362

  Hemphill TX, 369, 376, 377–78

  Henize, Karl, 265

  Hermaszewksi, Mirosław, 219

  Hermes space shuttle program, 284

  Herres, Robert, 21–22, 22, 23, 36

  H-II rockets, 442

  Hobaugh, Charlie, 374

  Hoshide, Akihiko, 429, 430

  Howell, Jefferson, 376

  HTV vehicles, 439, 442

  Hubble Telescope, 33, 268, 349, 397

  humidity, 79, 154, 165, 402, 428

  Hurley, Doug, 459

  Hurricane Dean, 413

  Hurricane Katrina, 393–94, 458

  Husband, Rick, 369–70, 371

  hydrogen-alpha telescopes, 130

  hydrogen bombs, 15, 51

  Hydrolab, 210

  hypergolic fuels, 18, 46, 47, 52, 261

  hypergolic propellants unsymmetrical d
imethyl hydrazine (UDMH), 52

  ICBMs. See intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs)

  ICM. See Interim Control Module (ICM)

  Igla rendezvous system: Mir and, 273, 277; Salyut and, 70–71, 85–86, 96, 156–57, 166, 170–71, 213, 233

  IGY. See International Geophysical Year (IGY)

  ILS. See International Launch Services (ILS)

  IMAX cameras, 385

  India, 235, 307–8

  Institute of Electrical Welding, 236

  Institute of Space and Astronautical Science of Japan, 429

  Instrument Pointing System (IPS), 255, 262, 264–65, 266, 268

  Inta, 250

  Integrated Cargo Carrier, 349

  intelligence gathering. See reconnaissance

  intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), 16; Soviet, 11, 45–48, 50–51; U.S., 7, 10, 17–18, 24, 25, 37, 47, 350. See also specific types of missile

  Intercosmos program: Mir and, 281, 282; Salyut and, 217, 217, 219, 220, 222, 226, 227, 228–29

  Interim Control Module (ICM), 350

  International Committee for Space Research (COSPAR), 175–76, 178, 179

  International Geophysical Year (IGY), 176

  International Launch Services (ILS), 343

  International Programs Office, 176, 245

  International Space Station (ISS), 389, 459; Alpha name of, 357–58; background and overview of, 308, 341–42, 466–67; coordinate system for construction of, 352; data transfer and, 347–49; Expedition 1 at, 355–60, 356; Expedition 2 at, 360–62; Expedition 3 at, 362–65; Expedition 4 at, 365–66; Expedition 5 at, 366–67, 414; Expedition 6 at, 367, 375–76, 382–88; Expedition 7 at, 386, 388; Expedition 8 at, 389–90; Expedition 9 at, 390; Expedition 10 at, 390–91; Expedition 11 at, 391–93; Expedition 12 at, 393–94; Expedition 13 at, 393–95, 398; Expedition 14 at, 397–99; Expedition 15 at, 399, 410–13; Expedition 16 at, 413–14, 415–20, 420, 422–26, 424, 432; Expedition 17 at, 414, 425, 428–30; Expedition 18 at, 430–33, 437; Expedition 19 at, 437–38, 439; Expedition 20 at, 436, 438–41; Expedition 21 at, 441–42, 443–45; Expedition 22–23 at, 442, 445, 448, 449–55; Expedition 26 at, 456–57; Expedition 27 at, 457–61; Expedition 30 at, 462–64, 463; Expedition 35 at, 466; food aboard, 433–36, 436; future of, 465–67; initial construction of, 308, 343–47, 349–52, 381–82; logbook of, 345–46; POCC and, 259; as a safe harbor, 381; tasks aboard, 449–50; Zarya FGB and, 342–43, 344–45, 349, 350, 351, 459

  intra-vehicular activity (IVA), 291, 362

  IPS. See Instrument Pointing System (IPS)

  Isayev, Aleksei, 72, 101

  Italian Space Agency (ASI), 359

  Italy, 59, 244, 359

  IVA. See intra-vehicular activity (IVA)


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