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The Playboy and the Single Mum (Vintage Love Book 2)

Page 15

by Alexia Adams

  “Of course I was—” The rest of her reply was lost in his kiss.

  “Let’s not do that again, okay?” he said as he kissed down her neck and let his fingers trace the v-neckline of her dress until they came against the firm swell of her breasts.

  “Not do what?” Her head was flung back, one hand was in his hair, and the other clutched his shoulder.

  “Not sleep apart. It was hell.” His lips traced the path his fingers had taken moments before.

  “Agreed. But don’t you think we’d better get to the party?”

  He raised his head, satisfied that Lexy’s eyes were now glazed with passion and not clouded with worry as they’d been when she entered the room. “The only good thing about not winning is that I don’t have to stay so long at the after party.”

  “I don’t recall you staying long after you won in Russia,” she reminded him.

  “Touché. At least this time if we get photographed making out, it will be old news and no one will care.”

  She gave him a stern look, one she used on Max when he was about to do something naughty. “Maybe you should just keep your hands to yourself.”

  He laughed. “With you around? Not going to happen.”

  And it didn’t. By the time they made it back to his room two hours later, they were both gasping for breath.

  “Daniel.” Lexy moaned his name as he cupped her breasts, his thumbs and forefingers rolling her already tight nipples.


  “You are always a winner to me.”


  His luck completely broke in Mexico. After passing one of the slower cars, the driver missed his braking point for the corner and hit Daniel in the rear, spinning him into the Armco barrier. His car was damaged; he was out of the race.

  “You okay?” the voice of his chief mechanic came through his ear piece.

  “Yeah, I’m okay. I think the rear suspension is broken.”

  “Sorry, mate.” Not as sorry as he was.

  The track marshals surrounded his car and he had to leave his beloved Eva behind. He waved to the crowds as he made his way to the garage on the back of a moped. Despite being out of the race, he stayed at the track and helped the team get Robert, his teammate, home in first position. After finishing second in Texas, Daniel had been fourteen points ahead in the championship. But with today’s non finish, Robert surged ahead and was now eleven points in front. Fortunes changed quickly in this sport. He had to win both remaining races to clinch the title. Second place wouldn’t cut it anymore.

  What if this drop in form continued? Even before the accident, he’d been fighting the car, not driving it. All he’d ever wanted to be in life was an F1 driver. Without his career, what was he? Just a pretty boy who liked to read. He pushed the issue to the back of his mind. It had to be the Did Not Finish making him question everything. But the malaise was twice as bad as it had been in Texas.

  “Daniel, I must speak with you.”

  He turned to see Gian-Franco strolling toward him, his eyes narrowed and his mouth a firm, hard line. Dieu, Daniel was not in the mood for a “what are your intentions toward my daughter” talk. ’Cause hell if he knew at the moment.

  Daniel forced a smile and unclenched his fists. “I’m surprised you’re not at the podium ceremony, with one of your drivers placing.”

  “This is more important.” Gian-Franco crossed his arms over his chest, his stance suggesting that the race wasn’t the only thing Daniel was going to lose today. “You think that if you weren’t involved with Alexandra, you would have won the race.” It was an accusation, not a question.

  “I never said that. It was a racing incident. They happen all the time.” Just not usually to me.

  “I can read your body language. I’ve been involved with this sport since before you were born. I know how drivers think. They always look for a reason to explain a bad day so they can avoid it next time. Have you ever crashed out in a race before?”

  “You know I have.”

  “Ever finished second or worse?”

  “Of course.”

  Gian-Franco took a step closer. “Were you sleeping with my daughter at those times?”

  “No, sir.” Daniel held his ground, not quite sure where this conversation was heading.

  “Then don’t put your current lack of form down to her or your relationship. You are a professional driver. One of the best I’ve ever seen. Your talent is amazing. But even the most talented sportspeople have off days. Listen to a man who has made more wrong choices than right. A good woman doesn’t make a man weak. She makes him stronger. Now, put today behind you and win the damn race in Rio.”

  That meant a lot coming from a man who represented a rival team. “Thank you.”

  Gian-Franco waved and then hurried towards the Ferrari garage.

  By the time Daniel returned to the hotel, his body felt heavier than a Humvee. Gian-Franco’s words were slowly sinking in. Today’s incident had nothing to do with his relationship status, but he wasn’t up to being sociable. He knew, though, that Max would want to tell him all about his afternoon at the track with Lexy. Daniel could still remember the first race he’d attended and how he’d told every single staff member at the chateau that he was going to be a driver one day.

  He slid the key card into the lock and opened the door, bracing himself for Max’s onslaught. The room was silent. Maybe Lexy had taken Max and Genevieve out, guessing that he’d want some quiet time. Except he didn’t really want to be alone; he’d like to hold Lexy. Now that their relationship was out in the open, he wanted to spend every moment possible with her.

  Striding into the sitting room, he stopped. Where the sofa had been now stood a massive tent made out of the cushions and several blankets. As he stared, Lexy’s head appeared out of the top.

  “I made a fort. Come inside,” she said before disappearing.

  He kicked off his shoes and jacket and crawled under a blanket. “Where’s Max?” Surely she’d made the tent for him.

  “I got him and Genevieve their own room for the night. I told Max you would be sad your car got broken and you’d need some quiet time.”

  “And you built me a sofa fort?”

  “I built you an amazing sofa fort. Come on, this is the best fort you’ve seen in a long time, isn’t it? And you were the one who told me that men are just boys with bigger toys. When Max is sad, a fort always cheers him up. I thought I’d give it a try.”

  It was kind of working. A small smile twitched at the side of his mouth. “What do we do in this amazing sofa fort? You obviously have more experience than I do.”

  “Well, I’ve got a few refreshments.” She pulled a room service tray out from under the coffee table. She’d ordered chocolate chip cookies, potato chips, popcorn, and some mini pizzas, all things he normally denied himself during the race season. But beside the kids’ assortment of foods was a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. “And I picked up that book you wanted to read.” She slid him a copy of Harper Lee’s last novel.

  “So we eat junk food and read?” He grabbed a handful of popcorn then put a few kernels into her mouth when she opened to answer.

  “That’s what I do with Max. But the one thing about sofa forts is that they get kind of warm. So in this adult version, clothing is optional.”

  She unbuttoned her blouse and slid it off her shoulders. He could see the outline of her nipples against the white lace of her bra. Next she shimmied out of her trousers, revealing the matching boy shorts.

  He swallowed. “I really like your fort.” He traced a finger along the lace top of her bra. She drew in a shuddering breath, pushing her chest closer to him. He leaned over and sucked her nipples through the fabric. Threading her fingers through his hair, she held his head to her chest. Crashing had its compensations.

  He slid off her underwear, and she unhooked her bra and tossed it with the rest of her clothes. She sat naked beside him, no longer ashamed of her body. He was going to make this last as lon
g as the race should have. He poured a glass of whiskey, dipped his finger into it, and drew the outline of the track on Lexy’s body. He then licked it off, spending a long time on the curves that encompassed her breasts.

  “Daniel, please,” she begged after the third lap. “Take your clothes off. I want to play, too.” He slid a finger into her, massaging her from the inside.

  “Not yet. You went to a lot of effort to build this fort. I’m going to reward you for it.”

  He took his time doing justice to her hot, wet heat. Her head was thrown back on the sofa base, her arms spread wide—all his to do with what he wanted. It didn’t get much better than this. As he continued to lick and caress, her head thrashed from side to side, her hair in wild abandon around her. And when she orgasmed, she yelled his name. He may have lost the race, but he’d won the prize.

  “My turn,” she said when her body stopped vibrating.


  But she was already unbuttoning his shirt, her tongue flicking across his nipples as she unfastened his belt and slid down his zipper. He raised his hips to help remove his clothes. Before he could position her, her lips closed around him. “Mon Dieu, Lexy…”

  It wasn’t the first time she’d done this to him, but it still pulled him inside out. She was alternating between sucking and licking, her fingers caressing the inside of his thighs and higher when his phone went off. It took three rings before he recognized the distinctive tone he’d assigned to his brother, Jacques.

  “I have to get that.” He could barely get the words out of his throat—how could he talk to his brother?

  He managed to locate his phone in his trouser pocket and pull it out. As he slid the icon to answer, Lexy resumed her torture. She kept her eyes on his as she slid her mouth up and down on him. If he wanted her to stop, he just had to say so.

  He didn’t.

  “Hello?” he croaked out. This was going to be the shortest conversation ever.

  “Daniel, I have great news. The crime boss Maya testified against is dead. We can come out of hiding now,” Jacques said.

  “That’s fantastic.” It was really great, but not as wonderful as what Lexy was doing to him now.

  “Are you okay? You sound a bit odd.”

  “Fine. Just can’t talk now. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”

  “Sure. We’ll come to your race in Rio.”

  “Great. Bye.”

  He flicked the phone off, closed his eyes, and let the woman who meant as much to him as racing rock his world.



  “Hmmm?” She didn’t open her eyes. Didn’t want to acknowledge that another day was starting. She just wanted to lay here next to Daniel and never move again. They were still in the sofa fort, blissfully naked and satiated after a night of lovemaking.

  “I need your advice,” Daniel said. He stroked a lazy hand up and down her back.

  She opened one eye. “About what?” At his concerned expression she sat up and put a hand on his face, caressing his cheek.

  “I’ll start at the beginning.”

  “It’s a very good place to start.”

  He smiled and she managed to pull in a deeper breath. “Earlier this year I received an email from a Santiago Alvarez, claiming he was my half brother and that our father wanted to meet me. Evidently, my alleged father has cancer and isn’t expected to live long. His dying wish is to see me before he passes.”

  “How did you respond?”

  “I ignored it at first. As a quasi-celebrity I get a lot of these requests to meet, even claims of being family. They all end in asking for money. I thought this was one of the same.”

  “But now you think it might be legit?”

  “He’s been emailing me regularly, so I finally looked him up. If he’s the Santiago Alvarez I researched then he’s rich in his own right. He doesn’t need my money. Finally, two weeks ago he sent me details of a DNA test from himself and my father and asked me to also submit a sample. I did it while in Texas and, according to the results, it’s not a scam.”

  “Oh my God, you’ve found your father. Haven’t you ever wondered what he’s like?”

  “A bit, when I was a kid. But I was happy with Jacques and his grandfather. I don’t need more family.”

  “So, what advice do you want?”

  “Until I met you, I had no interest in meeting him. But now, after your reunion with your dad and seeing how happy it’s made you all, especially Gian-Franco… Should I go? Santiago wants me to fly to their estate in Mendoza, Argentina, after the race in Rio. Just for two days to meet my father.”

  “What are you worried about?”

  “He’s dying. Do I want to meet him only to lose him right away? What’s to be gained by that?”

  “For you, probably nothing, but can you imagine his relief? He’ll be able to go to his grave at peace. You are an incredible man; your father will be so proud of you. I can understand him wanting to see you just once.”

  He paused. “Okay, I’ll go as long as you’ll come with me.”

  “I’m not sure I’m included in the invite. Plus, I can’t leave Max and Genevieve.”

  “It’s a package deal; I go with my entourage, or I don’t go. Dude has come this far, I think he’d be crushed not to get to go to Argentina. Speaking of fathers, have you heard anything from weaselly Wesley?”

  She swallowed. “Not yet. I’m hoping his advisors have told him that a nasty custody fight will ruin his father’s chance of making it to the White House. No way will Wesley cross his parents.”

  “I think you’re right.”

  “What about your other brother, Jacques? Weren’t you speaking with him last night?”

  “He and Maya are coming to the race in Rio as well. I’ll let them decide if they want to come to Argentina or not. Damn, I hope Jacques doesn’t want his plane back. For a guy who started this journey alone, I seem to have accumulated quite a posse.”

  “How do you feel about that?”

  His hand cupped her breast and he lowered his head. “Right now? Amazing,” he said against her skin.

  Don’t fall for a good-looking man, because you’ll never hold onto him.

  Chapter 14

  Lexy paced. They’d arrived in Rio early that morning and gone on a quick sightseeing tour, but neither Max nor Genevieve had felt great so they’d returned to the hotel. Daniel had gone off to a meeting with his team. He was on edge as well. Eleven points behind in the championship meant he had to win both of the next races. Papa wasn’t coming to the Brazil race, as he had commitments back in Italy. She was rather relieved because the last time she’d been in Rio with her father, it had been memorable for all the wrong reasons.

  But what had her pacing the hotel room was the imminent arrival of Daniel’s brother Jacques and his wife, Maya. It was stupid to be nervous, but somehow meeting people Daniel loved and respected was much more daunting than integrating with his entire F1 team.

  Would they judge Lexy because she was a single mum, dragging her child around the world after a man she had no hope of holding onto? Because as great a time as she was having with Daniel, she was very aware that he hadn’t mentioned the “L” word at all. The old song advising her that “it was in his kiss” was complete pants. Unless he said it out loud, she wouldn’t believe it, via exchange of saliva or not.

  So, what was holding her back from admitting her feelings? She’d known she was in trouble when he’d walked out her flat door weeks ago carrying Dude like he was the coronation crown. When Jacqueline had accused her of being in love with Daniel she hadn’t denied it. But was she? She certainly went through the wringer while he was on track. And when he walked into the room it was like all the air was sucked out of her lungs. Her body came instantly alive, and for the first time in her life she was excited to start each day. Especially when it began with Daniel snuggled up next to her.

  They had seventeen days left in their stipulated road trip. Thankfully, Destin Designs ha
d been excited to capitalize on the increased sales her affair with Daniel had afforded them, and had latched on to the suggested campaign. They’d even sent her several new outfits to wear when in public with Daniel. Their relationship had been devalued to an advertisement.

  Daniel had hinted he still wanted her with him after Abu Dhabi. But what about her job? Her studies? And could she really drag Max around the world because she had the hots for an F1 driver?

  Said man walked into the room, and the questions dulled to an uncomfortable niggle. It was hard to think of negatives when he was near.

  “Jacques just texted me. They’ve landed and will be here within thirty minutes or so, depending on traffic,” Daniel said as he pulled her into his arms for a kiss.

  When he eventually released her lips, she asked the questions that had been bugging her since she heard his brother and sister-in-law were coming, “What if we don’t get on? What if they don’t like me or think I’m not good enough for you?”

  He laughed and kissed her again. “Not a problem. We tell them to get lost. I don’t need Jacques. I’ve got a spare brother now.”

  He dipped his head to kiss her again when the bedroom door flung open and Genevieve raced out. “Lexy, Max can’t breathe. I’ve given him his asthma inhaler three times and it isn’t helping.”

  She ran into the room, Daniel right on her heels. Max sat on his bed, incredibly pale. “It’s going to be okay, honey. We’re going to get you some help to breathe, okay?” She sat on the bed and pulled him onto her lap, stroking his hair.

  What kind of mother was she? Kissing a man while her son in the next room was dying.

  “I’ll call for an ambulance,” Daniel said, picking up the hotel phone on the bedside table.

  Max’s lips had a bluish tint to them. She had to do something. Sitting here waiting was agonizing. “Let’s go down to the lobby so the ambulance attendants can get to him quicker.”

  She bundled Max in a blanket, grabbed his favorite stuffie, and started toward the door. Except she had so many tears in her eyes, she stumbled over the bag she’d left in the hallway earlier.


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