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The Club

Page 2

by Steele, Suzanne

  His tongue makes its way between my legs, darting over my clit and sending volts of electricity through my body.

  Each time I feel as if I will go over the edge, he stops.

  “Please, please,” I begin to beg. “Please, I will do anything. You can have anything. I’m begging you to stop teasing me.”

  I have known pleasure before by my own hands but never anything like this. As if reading my mind, he begins to speak again, “Do you masturbate? Answer me and don’t lie to me or I will leave you unsatisfied, seething in your own juices.”

  I’m grateful for the darkened room because I can feel my face reddening at the question. He continues to speak, “The wetness that your body is dripping with right now, I created. Answer me now!”

  “Yes,” I squeak out, humiliated at having to answer a question that is so personal in nature.

  “By the time I’m done with you, I will know your body like the back of my hand, little girl. I am going to take you places you have never been before.”

  Nothing could have prepared me for the orgasm that ravishes my body. While the assault of his tongue continues, I literally feel my body electrify from the top of my head, to the tips of my toes. His cock hardens even more so at the sound of my screams. The pleasure he’s brought me is just too intense for me to even try to stay quiet.

  He situates himself above me, “Open your legs, little girl, it’s time for me to make you mine.” He slowly slides his hardened member into me and intently watches my face. He tenderly brushes the tear from my eye with the pad of his thumb. “It will get better, little one.” Almost as if my body is answering him in obedience, I begin to rock my hips up towards him. He leans down, takes one of my tits into his mouth, and begins sucking and flicking his tongue over my nipple. I can feel my inner walls gripping his large member as another climax starts to hit me.

  “Oh that is a good girl, such a good girl,” he moans as his body collapses beside me after his own orgasm rages through him. Beyond the searing pain of the initial entrance, my body has given into the pleasure that he provided. I have already broken the covenant I made with myself of not consummating my marriage or, at least, not enjoying it.

  I roll over, moving away from this man who has forced my hand in marriage. As much as I hate it, I can’t deny the pleasure he brought me. If he had any doubts about keeping me, they vanished tonight as he made me his. I was a virgin. Now, I am his…

  Chapter Four


  I awake the next morning disoriented. I think the faint scent of my husband’s cologne is what jars me back into reality—the reality of knowing my life is no longer mine. I look over to see my husband glaring at me. He looks as if he is studying me, trying to read my thoughts. I will find out as time goes by that is actually how he operates.

  His voice breaks through my musings, “Go use the bathroom, Roxanne.”

  I can feel my posture slumping. I feel so many different emotions right now. Over and over, I am tormented with thoughts of wishing I could go back and undo my stupidity. Maybe I can talk him into working in his club to pay the money back.

  Dancing in a strip joint is not necessarily what I want to do, but this is a high end gentlemen’s club and it can’t be that bad once I get past the embarrassment of dancing nude. If I am to be honest with myself, it isn’t even him I am mad at; it’s me. How could I be so weak as to have given into him last night? It is like he played my body to a tune that only he could hear. He’s like some master musician of mayhem who used me for his pleasure and then made me enjoy it against my will. This would be so much easier if he wasn’t so good looking. The man is gorgeous and the alpha demeanor he carries only adds to his intrigue. Already I can feel myself being pulled into his web. Yes, I will ask if I can work for him and pay the money back before he gets his hooks into me too deeply.

  I look up to see my husband leaning in the doorway nude. His cock juts out and I look away embarrassed.

  “You shouldn’t sneak up on people,” I hiss.

  He chuckles, but it is sinister in tone, as if he holds some secret knowledge that I’m not privy to.

  He leans down and lifts my chin up with one finger. “Innocent little girls shouldn’t steal money from Colombian gangsters.”

  He raises his brow as if awaiting an answer. All I can do is look down; what am I supposed to say to that?

  When I don’t answer he speaks again, “Come, my little innocent wife, I want to fuck you in the daylight.”

  Heat floods my face and chest and I instinctively know I have turned beet red. How can this man be so blunt about things I know nothing of and, more than that, how can my body betray me and react to his candid words?

  He tugs at a handful of my hair, pulling me up from the toilet as soon as I finish peeing. He pulls me into his face so that we’re nose to nose and growls, “I have a feeling you’re going to be the best present I have ever received. Leave it to my brother to find a punishment so befitting of your crime.”

  He gently pushes me down on the bed. “Bend your legs and spread them.” He must have known that I was going to object because a light pinch on my inner thigh sends them flying back into the mandated position.

  He stares at me with somewhat of a snarl on his face as his fingers play in my folds. In a matter of moments, I am whining his name. He speaks as if he is talking to himself. “I love the fact that you are completely mine, untouched and untainted by any other man. I will watch over you like the treasure you are.”

  My fingers are clenching at the sheets and I eye him as if I am in total confusion. In all honesty, I am. What is this man doing to me? I don’t want to like having sex with him but no matter how much I try to convince myself, my body just isn’t listening.

  I’m certain Antonio Wayne will be keeping a very close eye on his new little toy. He’s obviously becoming very fond very quickly of me—his new wife. I’m assuming my innocence makes him want to soil me. There is a dark place in his soul that wants to stain me and mark me with his brand. I’m absolutely sure that this guy is a player. I can only hope he will tire of me and send me away soon.

  Chapter Five


  I awaken to the shouts of the coyote commanding the girls to exit the truck. Coyotes are common in Mexico. They are the men who smuggle illegal immigrants to the states. The only difference for us is that we have been abducted against our wills.

  We have been dropped at a warehouse and locked in, just waiting for our torment to begin. I am ushered into a bathroom and commanded to strip by the madam. Madam will be the woman who will watch the abductees and help with the turning out process.

  I am then taken so that my hair and make-up can be done and pushed into a bedroom with a locked door. Before Madam departs, she injects me with drugs.

  A Latino man enters and roughly grabs me by the hair, looking me over crudely. I am grateful for the drugs and the fact that I’m barely coherent when he rapes me. The pimps call it turning out. In his warped mind, I now belong to him and as far as he is concerned, I owe him a lot of money. After all, he paid that coyote to bring me to New York. “You should be grateful,” he sneers before he leaves the room while buttoning his pants.


  Life in Antonio’s gentlemen’s club is like life in any gentlemen’s club. There’s drama, drama, and more drama and I fucking eat it up for entertainment. I have been the alpha female for a long time due to the fact that I’m fucking Antonio Wayne and I make no excuses to any of these bitches for being in love with him.

  From the day I graced the doors of Antonio’s club—appropriately named The Club due to the fact it is the place to be—I have been in love with him. This new bitch, Roxanne, being here is not sitting well with me at all. Though Antonio Wayne has made it clear to me that he’s not interested in a relationship, I’m convinced that will change.

  I sashay my way through the dancer’s dressing room as if I own the place. After all, I’m the head bitch in charge.

bsp; I have been spending time researching Roxanne on the Internet. I, of all people, know how true the old adage of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer is and, in my world, it takes on a whole new meaning. Mine is a world where being the boss’s number one lady carries serious clout.

  “Seems our little Roxanne is a cage fighter,” I indignantly inform the other dancers. “Looks like she stole from the wrong people when she tried to fuck the Ramirez brothers over.”

  Now that I know I have everyone’s attention, I continue.

  “Seems our girl has a couple of belts under her belt, if you know what I mean.”

  Alexis giggles as she gets up, “That’s all the more reason for you to quit being a smart ass, huh Sabrina?”

  “No Alexis, but it is all the more reason for you to shut the fuck up because we all know that you can’t fight and we all know I’m not scared to get my hands dirty.”

  “Just like we all know I make more money than any of you bitches,” Alexis answers without missing a beat as she makes her way out to the floor to do just that—make an obscene amount of money. The girl does make a lot of money but she’s the least of my worries because she doesn’t like men. Maybe that’s why she takes their money and makes fools of them every night.

  Alexis makes more money than any girl that works for Antonio and some nights, more than two or three girls combined. There is a reason for it too. Even though Alexis couldn’t care any less about any of the men she hustles, she has a way of making them feel as if they are the center of her world. Her looks don’t hurt either. She has long, corn silk, blonde hair that falls to the top of her ass. Her eyes are cobalt blue and her body is perfect, including the $10,000 custom boob job Antonio Wayne purchased for her.

  Antonio Wayne is the center of Alexis’ world and as far as she is concerned, he can do no wrong. She sees him as a father figure and is more informal than the other girls, calling him Tony. She says that he is everything her father has never been. Antonio has given her the one thing her father never did and that is approval. He provides her with feelings of acceptance that her own family denied her and it is for that simple reason that she will feel forever indebted to him. I’ve spent my time studying all these bitches. After all, a girl needs to know her competition or, better yet, my competition’s weaknesses.

  Antonio Wayne

  Screams from the floor reach the dressing room and, in a matter of seconds, the women are huddled at the door, not wanting to miss the action.

  Becky, one of the dancers, makes her way over to my table and says, “Boss, we’ve got problems. Rico has Roxanne cornered in the hall.”

  I tear through the bar, ripping my way through people to get to Roxanne.

  When I arrive, Diego has Rico picked up a foot off the ground, telling him in broken English, “You no bother Missy.”

  It’s evident by the look on her face that Roxanne is feeling trapped and she’s scared that things are about to get very ugly. Due to my large frame, I’m able to reach through the crowd with ease to grab Roxanne. I yell for everyone to go but when Rico attempts to make his exit, I growl, “Not you,” grabbing him by the back of his collar with my other hand.

  “Rico, Rico, Rico, I’m very disappointed by your lack of respect for my wife. You caused problems in Louisville with Drake and I got you out of that. The agreement was that you were to return to Mexico and yet, here you are, causing me problems in New York. Is this how you repay me after all I have done for you?”

  Roxanne is huddled underneath my arm, trying to stay out of the drama unfolding in front of her, but her body tremors alert me to the fact that she scared of what I might do. I’m certain the look on my face is that of a predator going in for a kill.

  “I had no idea that she was yours,” Rico frantically answers. Even Rico, as feared of a pimp as he is, has a very healthy respect for me. He is well aware I have connections that no one else in New York has. All I have to do is pick up the phone. I have the ability to start a Colombian street war with just one call. My brother, Ricardo, has access to Colombian cartel so Rico won’t be dealing with one enemy, but two brothers who have deadly Colombian connections.

  I’m known for my ability to torture an enemy to bring them under submission. I’m feared by the most dangerous pimps and hustlers in New York and Rico doesn’t want to get on my bad side.

  “Rico, I beg to differ! When you come into my establishment you should respect all of my women, but my wife, Rico? You have hit below the belt. This is unacceptable.”

  I turn my attention to my wife and bend down to growl in her ear, “And you… I will deal with you later.”

  “What is your business here, Rico?” I squint my eyes, turning my attention back to him. “Please assure me that you are not in here trolling, not trying to move in on my territory, or pick up any of my women.”

  “No, No, No,” Rico answers, almost on the verge of panic. He doesn’t want to make an enemy of me; I’m certain he likes all ten of his fingers. I have made a practice of being brutal and even going so far as to cut off body parts, or gouge out eyes, in order to send a message.

  “I think you owe my wife an apology and then you should go.”

  “I’m very sorry, ma’am. Please forgive me.” With that, Rico is gone.

  “Diego!” I scream, “My wife… backed in a corner. The only thing saving you is that you did your job and removed her from a very dangerous situation. What is your job description, Diego?”

  Diego is standing very still and looking down at the floor, scared of my temper. “To watch over Missy.”

  “Very good. I expect this to never happen again!” I answer.

  “Si Señor, Si.

  I grab my wife’s arm and escort her to my table.

  “I need a shot, Antonio Wayne.”

  “Where are your manners, Roxanne?”

  “Please,” she whispers. She’s scared of how I’m going to react to everything that has happened. I nod at the waitress, never taking my eyes off of her. I have her cornered in the booth and it is evident I’m very irritated with this situation.


  The way he is eyeing me is like something I have never experienced. I feel like I can’t look directly into his cold, black eyes. He scares me. I don’t know what to expect from this stranger who now shares my bed. Just knowing what is expected of me would give me some kind of power but I don’t even have that.

  I have no idea my husband has full intentions of literally interrogating me. The same way a prisoner or a criminal would be interrogated, my husband will question me. I will find out it is a common practice that he uses on prisoners when he or his brother needs information from them.

  “Roxanne, Roxanne, Roxanne, what is the number one rule?”

  “Not to talk to the players or pimps,” I whisper. That much I do know.

  “And yet, there you were in the hallway alone, talking to that man. What were you thinking? It was Rico Suave of all people. I ask again, what were you thinking?”

  “He cornered me, Antonio Wayne.”

  He growls in my ear, “Did he touch you, Roxanne? Don’t lie to me!”

  “No!” I answer too quickly. Antonio reaches over, grabbing my hair and kissing me as he makes his way around to my ear and growls, “You’re lying to me, little one.”

  His fingers clench around my face as he begins kissing and nibbling on my bottom lip. “Liar, little liar, mentirosa,” he taunts me.

  “You’re a liar and a very bad one at that, Roxanne. You’re scared. Oh, you are a bad girl, Roxanne. I know he touched you.”

  “I need another shot, Antonio Wayne.”

  “Stop looking away from me, Roxanne. Though I realize this is all new to you, it’s very important that you realize I have enemies, deadly enemies. They will use you to hurt me. Do you understand?”

  I force myself to look into his eyes—two orbs that resemble bottomless, black pools and, for me, they hold no mercy.

  “I understand,” I whisper.

/>   “No, innocent one, you have no idea how cold and cruel my world is.”

  For the first time since meeting my husband, I see sadness in his face it makes my heart wrench.

  Great, now I’m feeling compassion for this monster.

  The waitress comes over without even realizing my plight—being under Antonio’s intense scrutiny. I doubt any of these women have any idea of the anguish I’m going through while being held captive by this man. I am the only woman here who doesn’t want Antonio Wayne, yet I am the woman he has to have. I guess I should be flattered but I’m not; I’m scared and confused.

  He leans in to kiss me and starts to lightly chew on my bottom lip. I have allowed my head to rest on the back of the booth and I can hear little sounds escaping my mouth. This man, a virtual stranger, is able to bring me so much pleasure. Not only is he in my bed and taken full command of my body, but he is beginning to infiltrate my head as well.

  Already I find myself thinking of him and craving his touch. I’m well aware that if I don’t get away from him soon, it will become more of a challenge to not connect with him.

  “Where did he touch you?” Antonio asks, intently studying my face.

  “Antonio Wayne, please, what are you doing to me? I don’t want you and I don’t want to be here.”

  “Liar! Tell me where he touched you.”

  The look on his face promises punishment. Why is he so concerned about another man touching me? It isn’t like I was mauled in the hallway. The only thing Rico did was reach out and stroke my hair. The way he was looking at me was kind of creepy, like he was hypnotized or under a spell, but that was it.

  “He just touched my hair; he just stroked my hair,” I stutter.

  He coyly looks at me, “Are you lying to me, little girl?”

  “No, I promise, Antonio Wayne.”

  “And how did you find yourself in this situation, in a hallway with one of my enemies pawing all over you? How do think I feel about another man touching my wife? What were you thinking?”


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