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The Club

Page 10

by Steele, Suzanne

  As I eye her, I can’t help but think how hot she looks. The customer was right… my wife is very beautiful. My wife is also for my eyes only and she knows that. One of the rules is no fucking talking to customers for just this reason. Men are going to hit on her and I would hate to have to kill one of my patrons but I will. Her looking as good as she does only solidifies my need to address the issue of her sitting with a customer.

  I stand in front of her, getting a read on her, and it doesn’t take long; I can read the woman like a book. I can clearly see the defiance mixed with fear and I will use it to my advantage. Just in the short time I have been away from her today, I have missed her and I’m ready to play. I’m ready to play in my woman’s psyche. It is something I never tire of. I’m certain that years from now, I will still be intrigued with this lovely lady standing in front of me.

  She stands there, just glaring at me. Much of it is an act because she is scared right now. She knows she fucked up but she is trying to show some courage. I pin her into the wall by placing both hands beside her head so she can’t escape. I begin toying with the neckline of her dress, which is low cut enough to reveal her splotchy chest. It gets that way when she’s nervous and she has every reason feel that way. She knows I’m pissed. “You, young lady, have been a very bad little girl in my absence, have you not?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she says, crossing her arms to make her point.

  I calmly reach down and uncross her arms. “Roxanne, where are your manners? When you address me, you are to do so with respect.”

  “I don’t have to because I’m staying here at the apartment.” I stifle a smile. Her childlike ways are one of the things that so intrigue me. She is so fucking naïve to believe I would ever let her stay here at the apartment without me.

  “Did we not cover this already, Roxanne? I run things and you, my dear, belong to me so, therefore, you are to live where I decide.”

  “I belong to no one but myself.” I can feel my temple begin to twitch. It’s evidence that I’m becoming irritated.

  I lean in and growl, this time with more force, “You have no choice! You belong to me! Now be a good girl and come with me. You either come willingly or I’m going to toss you over my shoulder and forcefully carry you from my establishment. Don’t fuck with me, Roxanne. I have enough shit going on right now and you don’t want to be on the receiving end of my wrath. That little session you had last night will seem like child’s play.” By now, I’m snarling, “If it wasn’t for the fact that I am busy right now, I would take you home and string your ass up! Now be a good girl, and come with me.”

  I guess she has sense enough to see that I’m not in the mood to play her little games right now because she follows me out as I grab Alexis and a bodyguard and get in the limousine to head for the castle.

  Diego has already texted me and informed me that the girls we rescued are a mess and they are going to need a feminine touch to get them cleaned up. It will give me a chance to see how Roxanne and Alexis respond to the new girls.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Upon entering the castle, we’re immediately ushered into a room where we view eight beautiful Colombian women who are quite unkempt. Antonio steps up and begins speaking in Spanish.

  “You ladies were stolen at sea from one of my boats by Haitian pirates. You were treated as if you were animals and for this, I apologize. I have exacted retribution on your behalf. These ladies are here to clean you up. This is my wife, Roxanne; she is my number one lady. She is to be respected at all times or you will be dealt with. This is Alexis, her assistant and best friend. She is my number two lady in charge and she is also to be respected. If one of these ladies asks you to do something, it is to be done. I can assure you that it will be cleared with me first. Understand this, and understand it very clearly, I love my wife more than anything in this world. If my wife is mistreated or disrespected in any way, you will be disciplined severely. Does everyone understand?”

  The girls all nod yes. “Go get them cleaned up, my little twins,” Antonio teases, talking to Alexis and me. I understand that he made a big deal about respecting us but it doesn’t mean a damn thing. These women are all the same. They want to be the boss’s woman because it offers prestige. I didn’t come here with those intentions. I came here because I had to and I don’t like the jealousy I’m dealing with right now. I’m mad at myself for even giving a shit. Antonio’s voice breaks the silence and I turn around to see him glaring at me but addressing all of us.

  “Oh, there’s one more thing and this goes for all of you, including my twins. I run things. I am the Boss and what I say goes! Does everyone understand?” They all nod yes but I just continue to eye him like I don’t give a shit because that is exactly what I keep telling myself—that I don’t care. Maybe it will sink in sooner or later and stop the negative shit that is going on in my head right now.

  Getting the girls ready will keep me out of my husband’s line of fire. I can’t help but notice that the whole time Alexis and I are working, one of the girls keeps checking me out. It wouldn’t be so bad if I thought she was just being curious, but that isn’t the vibe I’m getting at all. She is watching me like she’s trying to size me up. I make a mental note to keep an eye on her. One thing is for sure; I want that bitch to stay away from my husband. Of course she has to be the most beautiful of all the women. She is absolutely gorgeous and that’s even now, when she’s dirty and beat down. I resist the urge to fuck up her make-up and try to make her look ugly. The agonizing issue is that she’s so beautiful, making her look ugly isn’t something that can be accomplished with badly applied lipstick.

  I feel Tony’s eyes on me before I ever see him. He crooks his finger in my direction and my heart drops. I was hoping I wouldn’t be in trouble. I made the mistake of thinking that with so many things going on, he would let the sneaking away incident go but I have no such luck.

  When I don’t respond to the crooked finger, he tells Alexis to finish up. He roughly grabs my arm and all but drags me to the fucking dungeon.

  The large hasp sliding through the metal of the dungeon door is having a very sinister effect on me. I shudder as I hear metal scrape against metal.

  “Come here, little girl. We have unfinished business.”

  “Tony, I’m sorry. I promise I’ll be good.”

  “Come on, Roxanne,” Antonio growls.

  “Tony, I promise, it wasn’t what it looked like.”

  He turns and coldly states, “Shut the fuck up!”

  I cross my arms over my chest and look down at the floor. I feel like I want to curl up, as if I could somehow use my arms to shield myself from the wrath of Tony.

  “See, this is the problem; did I not instruct you to address me with respect?”

  “Yes,” I answer.

  He raises a brow and gets right in my face. “Then why are you standing there, addressing me so disrespectfully?”

  “I’m sorry,” I say through clenched teeth because it’s an effort to say. I want to scream that he has all those women here, gawking at him, but I decide against it. I’m well aware how jealous he gets when he sees me talking to men at the club.

  He reaches up and forces my arms down. “Then why are you standing there with your arms crossed defiantly?!? Get your ass over there and stand facing that table with your hands on those stirrups.” He leans in and growls in my ear, “This is going to be fun!”

  I make my way over to a gynecological table with trepidation. I eye the table, trying to figure out what he is up to. When I turn back around he is nude and I still don’t know if this is good or bad.

  “Bend your back and hold on to those stirrups. Don’t rest your elbows; hold on to the stirrups with your hands and bend that back.”

  He gets right behind me and I can feel his breath on my neck as he slowly pulls my G-string down. He whispers in my ear, “The only reason I’m not taking a paddle to that sweet ass of yours is becaus
e you still have my whip marks on you from last night.” His cock is hard and he is pressing it into me. “Maybe I should fuck that sweet ass of yours.”

  “Tony, please no. I’ve never done anything like that before.” I feel his cock jump.

  “There are a lot of firsts you have with me and it may not be today, but I will fuck you in your ass one of these days when you least expect it. The only reason I’m not doing it today is because I’m not using sex to discipline you. I know you and you’ll be bad just to get my cock. You’re wet, girl,” he states as his fingers slide over my opening. “So hot and wet for my cock.” He slaps down on my ass lightly. “Pop that ass up in the air and spread those fucking legs, girl.” He slowly shimmies my dress up further and I raise my ass up as high it will go in response to his slow, methodical touches.

  He makes his way to the head of the table and pulls my breasts out over the neck of my dress. He hesitates as he pinches my nipple and I groan.

  He gets right in my face and growls, “You beautiful, little, fucking bitch, dressing like that to sit with another man. I should shock your ass.” He twists my nipple again and watches as I frantically shake my head no. I really don’t want to be shocked.

  “You wear the dress for me while I have my way with you!” He gets behind me and then waits to purposely fill me with anticipation. He kicks my feet apart, forcing me to spread my legs as far as they will go. He runs his cock up and down my opening, moving every time I manage to get his head close to my opening. I feel like one of those Venus flytraps that wants to latch onto his cock with my pussy and suck him up into me like I’m eating him alive. He knows this and continues to torment me. He smacks my knees apart even though my legs won’t spread any further. I just keep raising my ass and arching my back, inviting him to thrust into me but he won’t. He places his hands on each side of my hips and barely pushes into me. Is he trying to drive me nuts?

  “Girl, you are so engorged.” He slides himself up and down my slit, once again not entering. My whole fucking body is shaking in anticipation.

  Suddenly, without warning, he slams his cock up and into me. I want to touch myself so badly and, as if he is reading my mind, he speaks, “Your hands better not come off those stirrups!”

  I feel like my knuckles must be turning white because I’m hanging on so tightly and when he begins grinding into me while reaching around to rub my clit, I fucking lose it.

  ”Tony, fuuuuck!”

  “You get what you get from me, girl. Your pain, your pleasure, your fucking food, and clothing—it all comes from me. Don’t you ever dress for another man again or I can assure you, you’ll regret it. I have all kinds of ways to torture you and you don’t want to go there, girl…”


  I wake up in the middle of the night and Antonio Wayne is right in my face, whispering as he makes love to me. “You listen to me and you listen to me good! Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness. Since your little shocking episode, I’ve tried not to be so brutal but don’t play me!” For some reason, the fact that he is whispering only increases my fear.

  He gently strokes my hair as he pushes his cock slowly in and out of me. “If you ever screw around on me with any man, I will shock your ass to the brink of death and then I’ll make you watch while I kill him.” His voice is still a low, raspy whisper, laced with threat, sexual tension, and ownership. The mood is sinister and yet sexually stimulating because of those threats. It all works together to pull me deeper into his thrall.

  “There is a real sadistic side to me that you haven’t seen. Don’t. Play. Me. Now be a good girl and tell me whose property you are?”

  “I’m Antonio Ramirez’s property,” I whisper. I know he is dead serious and I will make sure I am never in a situation of letting my guard down with another man. Honestly, after being with a man as intense as Tony, there is nowhere else to go. No man will ever measure up to what we share.

  Antonio Wayne

  Roxanne is an odd sort. She thinks like a man but has the cunning, wit, and body of a beautiful woman. It is a very dangerous combination for her… and for me. It is a combination that keeps me intrigued and on my toes. She’s the type of woman I will never tire of. I have always considered myself a master at the art of breaking women. Some men call it breaking in and others call it turning out.

  I’m not a pimp but a man in my position can’t afford to not have his women under control. Many of them live, or have lived, in the castle at one point or another and if I don’t maintain an aspect of control over them, they will run me over. That is not happening in my world.

  I consider the pimps to be low lives. They take all of a girl’s money and their women are basically treated like dirt. I’m more of a boss. My business is a strip joint and I have a group of girls who work for me. What they do outside of work or the castle is their business. What they do in my establishment or my home, I make a point to make my business. It is necessary for me to have complete control of the women when they’re at work or living in the castle. If I don’t, then the girls will be running things and that is never going to happen, not in Antonio Wayne’s world.

  When I married my wife, I never counted on falling head over heels in love with her. My wife intrigues me to say the least. She was emancipated at a young age and because of this, she is very independent. Where most of my other women are needy and clingy, Roxanne isn’t. She presents a challenge to me and I never know what to expect from the girl.

  I’m going to make damn sure I keep Roxanne close during the process of training these women to work in my club. Roxanne left alone for any amount of time usually means trouble. Her mischievous and childlike ways are only two of the many things that intrigue me about my wife, but that girl’s curiosity can mean big trouble for me. She always manages to outwit the bodyguards and, at times, even loses them so she can get into things but I don’t miss a beat when it comes to my wife. I’ll keep her close while I get the Colombian women situated. If Roxanne feels any insecurity or thinks I’m fucking around, she’ll run. I have no intentions of fucking anyone but my wife. Being a gangster doesn’t make me an adulterer; my playing days ended the day I got married. I take my vows very seriously but I also know, as true as that it, any woman would succumb to insecurity when surrounded by beautiful women. Roxanne’s situation is made worse because these particular women would think nothing of undermining her. The hard truth is that the women in my line of work will usually do anything to be on the boss’s arm. It will take some time but they are all going to have to accept the fact that my arms and my heart are full. I just don’t have room for any woman other than my wife and that’s just the way it is…


  As we make our way to the girl’s dorm, there is a sense of urgency in Alexis’ voice as she fills me in on what’s going on, talking a mile a minute. If anyone knows the lifestyle I have been thrust into, it’s Alexis. She has been here for years and the girl knows the pecking order. I listen intently to what she is saying but her intensity isn’t making me feel secure at all.

  “Roxanne, you are the main lady, the first, so you must always appear confident. Keep your game face on because your confidence could very well be shaken during this process but you can never show it. Always remember that these women are sharks and if they smell blood, they will come in for the kill. Don’t be friendly; be stern and matter of fact. There are going to be times that you’re tempted to be nice because you’re going to feel like you’re being a bitch. Be a bitch. If you aren’t, they will see you as weak and try to muscle in on Tony. For the dancers, it’s always about being the boss’s lady. It gives them clout, respect, and prestige. Always keep me with you. There is power and strength in numbers. When you are in front of these girls, play along with Tony’s games. When he asks us things like who is in charge, you need to say, ‘you are, Sir.’ It’s all part of the process.”

  Alexis stops and looks at me very seriously. “This is a psychological game, Roxanne, and the quicker these girls get bro
ken in, the quicker our life goes back to normal. You have to see this process for what it is: a process of conditioning these women to have an allegiance to Antonio Wayne. He has to have their loyalty because of the criminal activity he is involved in. I can assure you that these women are no threat to you. I have never seen him monogamous like he is with you before now. Woman up, get the negative out of your head, and let’s get life back to normal. ”

  I take a deep breath, hold my head up high, and make it into the room where Antonio is with the girls. Antonio immediately turns and addresses us.

  “Good morning twins,”

  “Good morning,” we reply.

  The Colombian women are eyeing us. Some show a sense of trepidation, others curiosity, but one of them is fucking challenging me with her eyes and I know it. The same woman I already don’t like for being the most beautiful is fucking challenging me. I’ve spent years staring down opponents from across the cage, watching them size me up right before a fight, and that is exactly what this bitch is doing—sizing me up. What most people don’t realize is that dancers take deception to a whole new level. They have this way of purposely throwing shade and then acting like you’re the one with the problem when you call them on it. Example: I don’t know why Roxanne is so mad. I really didn’t mean anything by what I said. I’ve tried to be her friend and she just won’t let me. In a nutshell, they are masters at being the victim. If Antonio Wayne thinks I’m putting up with this shit, he has another thing coming. I know by sheer instinct that this bitch is trouble and I am not one to back down from a fight. Suddenly, I find myself being grateful for all my training in cage fighting. I will be hitting the gym by tomorrow, if not today. In this club, I know the drama will continue. In fact, it’s just fucking beginning and I plan on being ready for whatever this bitch dishes out. Game on, bitch!


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