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7th Kind 1: Christmas in Dreamland

Page 8

by Cheryl Dragon

  “We’re not done. I know there were other boys in that crash. Are they alive or did you dissect them?” Meg demanded.

  Hastings turned, and his big round face and bald head became almost as maroon as her dress. “We had dead adults to dissect. I’ll see that you get all the files. You’ll be our next generation expert on alien anatomy. They do a good job of mimicking us, but they aren’t us. The boys we raised are very close. There are others spread out strategically where we need them. But you would do well to beware of those who crashed here recently. Trust must be earned.”

  “Fine. I can’t change your mind. While I have you here, I do have another issue that is pressing. I would like to request a change in personal quarters assignment.” Meg’s stomach fluttered with fear, but she had to formally do this.

  “You want an upgrade?” Hastings lifted an eyebrow. “Your work was good, but wouldn’t you rather have some time off?’

  She shook her head and smiled. “I want to be with my guys. Ike, Charlie and Henry. We would like some vacation time together, too.” Hastings could do anything, and she knew it. Military command scared Meg a little. He could take the men away or ship her off. Meg wasn’t foolish enough to think she had all the power. Neither did Hastings.

  “You fell for it. Foolish. You’re asking for trouble, and there is no way to know how it will end.” Hastings sighed.

  “I fell for three men. Don’t you dare try to take them away, either. I’ll go public, and you know I can. You can try to make me disappear, except I know too many academics who’d love to blow the cover off of Dreamland.” She grinned smugly.

  “Don’t threaten me.” Hastings marched up and towered over her.

  “It’s a promise. I’ve sent a file with information to someone I trust. If anything happens to me, and I mean anything, the truth will out. If they don’t hear from me for a whole month, they have instructions to open it and make it viral.”

  “You know how essential secrecy is.” Hastings wasn’t convinced.

  “So do you. I won’t leak anything that causes mass panic or endangers human lives; just governments cover ups that’ll outrage all those crazy conspiracy theorists. It’s enough proof to bring out CNN. I’ll bring your quiet project into the light. All I want is my guys and me to be safe and to work toward the same goals you are.” She folded her arms confidently.

  Hastings shrugged. “Fine. I don’t care who you sleep with. Do the work, don’t lose the mission and keep it quiet. We don’t need all of Dreamland knowing there are aliens among us.”

  He stalked out of her lab.

  Meg twirled in sheer joy. She hadn’t done that since she was a little girl. It seemed silly, but it felt right. Her work wasn’t done. The antidote would be a whole new challenge, but the big problem was over. She got to keep her men!

  * * * *

  After work, she found her guys in their room. Rolling her suitcase full of clothes behind her, she strode in as if she owned the place.

  Henry nudged Charlie who turned. “Looks like we’ve got a new roommate.”

  Ike emerged from the bathroom and grinned at Meg. “Things went well?”

  “Was there ever any doubt?” She had to admit she’d had some doubt that she’d get away with it.

  “Hastings knows you know about us?” Charlie took her suitcase and set it in the corner.

  “Absolutely, and he’s okay with my moving my room assignment. I have to find an antidote for the dust. Hastings trusts you guys. And a little threatening never hurts.” She wrapped an arm around Charlie and another around Ike. She kissed them each and spun to kiss Henry.

  “No testing on the others?” Henry asked.

  “Nope. I digitally recorded my experiments and replayed them. He can’t say he didn’t get to observe the tests.” She used air quotes for added impact. “How are you guys healing?”

  Ike held out his arm. “All better.”

  His arm looked as if nothing had happened to it at all. “Wow! I knew you guys healed fast, but this is great.”

  “You want us to be in pain?” Charlie pouted.

  “Hush. I’m just impressed with your skin. That gives me an idea for an antidote, sort of.” She twirled and fell back on the bed.

  “You look as happy as ET when she gets a bag of treats—or a group of stray tomcats.” Ike flopped down next to her.

  “I am thrilled.” She couldn’t stop smiling.

  Henry slid in on her other side. “You’re not worried about what people will think of it?”

  She laughed so hard she almost snorted. Covering her mouth and nose, she shook off the giggles. “No! Let them think whatever they want. I’ve always been the geek who didn’t have a boyfriend and the four-eyed, too-tall girl no one asked to dance. Now, I have three boyfriends who are the hottest guys in Dreamland. Let them say something to me.”

  Charlie climbed on her and kissed her playfully. “We will flaunt it daily.”

  Maybe someday. For now, she had other priorities. “We can’t do it too much. We have to try to keep your alien status quiet. But right now, you three are completely overdressed for my evening plans.”

  Without arguing, the trio stripped naked and Meg watched happily. Three hard bodies surrounded her on the bed and removed her clothing. Finally, she went to the nightstand and got supplies plus her purple probe. She slid the toy under the pillow for later and brought the lube and condoms to the guys.

  “Since the lady won the day, I think she’s in charge.” Henry kissed her shoulder.

  “I think she’s in charge whenever she wants.” Ike claimed her mouth.

  “Okay.” She knelt on the bed and pulled Charlie to her. Taking her time, she kissed him and stroked his cock until he was fully hard. She slid the condom on and rubbed him to her pussy. The need was undeniable, and she fitted herself on his cock fast.

  Henry pressed behind her, and she nodded. The lube on her asshole made her shiver, but when Henry filled her rear, she took him all this time. Triumph and pleasure rippled through her, but Meg wasn’t done. She reached for Ike.

  He moved in close as she worked his erection in her palm. “Stand up,” she said.

  Ike stood, and she shared his cock with Charlie. Meg rocked back and forth on Charlie and Henry as Charlie fucked Ike with his mouth.

  “You want to fuck Charlie?” she asked Ike.

  He shook his head. “I’ll wait for round two.”

  “Ike, do you ever get fucked?” Meg tightened on Charlie’s cock as he picked up the pace.

  “No, he likes to do the penetrating.” Henry nuzzled the back of her neck.

  She leaned back and whispered in his ear for him to get the toy from under the pillow.

  Henry retrieved it and lubed the probe. Meg took it and kissed Henry as she slid it around to Ike’s rear.

  “You’ll pay for that,” Ike warned.

  “You’ll love it.” She held the probe to his asshole and flipped it on.

  Ike’s groan told Meg he didn’t hate it. Henry and Charlie fucked her faster, but Henry’s strong hand helped her support the toy and advance it a little into Ike.

  “Damn.” Ike fucked Charlie’s mouth, and Meg sucked Ike’s sac, feeling him tremble. Maybe it was just the toy, but she doubted it. Ike needed to relax a bit.

  Henry was a master of the toy, and she gave into relief as her orgasm hit. Stretched and satisfied, Meg squeezed both cocks as they fucked her harder. Charlie fingered her clit, and Ike pinched her nipple. They weren’t done with her, and Meg tugged Ike’s balls.

  Ike shouted and his cum landed on her and Charlie. Henry ground to her ass and kissed Charlie over her shoulder now that his mouth was free. Ike knelt down and kissed Meg.

  The toy fell to the bed and buzzed. Charlie’s hips snapped and Meg shuddered, clinging to Ike. Finally, Charlie grunted on release. The heavy breathing made Meg smile against Ike’s mouth.

  “I think we’re going to have a late dinner.” Henry kissed her neck then Charlie’s.

Definitely. I want to play with Ike and the toy some more.” Meg wiggled free from the sandwich and retrieved the purple vibrator. “Is it wrong or just ironic that I so enjoy probing aliens?”

  “We’ve all enjoyed probing you.” Henry shrugged.

  They all laughed, and Meg realized just how humanized they were. Liz’s guys wouldn’t get the joke. Her men were perfect for her!

  * * * *

  Early the next morning, Meg woke and slid on nothing but her lab coat and shoes. Walking out to the nearest exit, she watched the sun rise slowly over the desert horizon. She was more or less a lab rat and loved her climate-controlled conditions, but she also loved the view of the rugged natural terrain.

  Sitting on a bench, she looked up at the still somewhat-starry sky. It was as vast as the desert. Both looked empty, but plenty of things lived there. The Keelons were one alien race that Earth had to deal with soon. Meg wondered how many more were out there.

  The door opened, and Meg turned to look at her three guys.

  “Hi,” she said.

  “Running away from us already?” Ike asked.

  “Never.” She patted the bench.

  “We thought maybe you’d gotten abducted,” Charlie said.

  Meg guessed he was only half joking. He sat on one side, Henry on the other, and Ike stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders.

  “It’s so pretty,” she said. “You know there are people out there who stay up all night watching the sky for aliens. They want an encounter of the first kind. I get to have all kinds.”

  “Is that like the movie?” Charlie asked.

  “Yep, third kind is observing an alien. Fourth kind is abduction. Let’s see, there’s not a foolproof list but I think fifth was voluntary contact or exchange of info. Sixth was injured or killed by the close encounter. Seventh was sexual, sometimes involving a hybrid pregnancy.”

  Ike nodded. “So we’re the seventh kind?”

  Meg blushed. “Well, we’ve been careful so I’d say no little hybrid is on the way. But technically, yes. And I intend to have plenty of very close encounters.”

  Henry chuckled. “Not right here, we’re not. Let’s go inside and have a little hot sex before work.”

  Meg rolled her eyes innocently toward the security cameras. There weren’t many secrets in Dreamland, but Meg would do her best to enjoy her encounters, save Earth from the bad aliens and keep her men safe and as happy as they made her.

  About the Author

  A lover of unusual things, Cheryl Dragon enjoys writing unique stories with sinfully hot erotic romance. Her two favorite settings are Las Vegas and New Orleans...where anything can happen! Cheryl lives in the Chicagoland area with her deaf albino cat. By day she analyzes numbers for a division of a large international conglomerate, which leaves the creative juices free for her erotic romance novels.

  Cheryl loves to talk to her readers and can be found at

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