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Page 20

by Noah

  As if all that weren't enough, the ones who survived the fire were scratching their ankles from flea bites and covered with welts from head to toe. One way or another, nearly all of humanity down there was suffering. Kyle felt like a little kid all over again.

  It had served his purpose well. It was the perfect diversion. He had managed, as he had hoped, to get Aiden and all his people out of their castle, scurrying to help the pathetic humans. He had hoped they would be that stupid, and of course, they were. Which now left Warwick wide open for him to breach.

  The only thing that remained to be seen was the poison. He had dropped it into Caitlin’s drink perfectly, but had snuck out before he could watch her drink it. He assumed she had drank it, and was lying in Warwick right now, all alone, dead or slowly dying. But this time he wouldn’t take any chances—he would head there himself and make sure she was dead. And if not, he would kill her himself.

  Kyle nearly screamed with laughter and delight. Things hadn't gone this smoothly in centuries, and now he finally saw the end of his plans on the horizon. Within hours, Caitlin would be dead, and he would finally, finally, be done with all of them. Kyle breathed deeply as he flew through the nighttime air.

  There, in the distance, he spotted Warwick Castle, wide open, completely unprotected from his visit. Kyle dove down, aiming right for it.

  Kyle kicked open the wooden door, and marched into the room. It was dim in here, lit only by a few torches along the walls. There was a large four-poster bed, on which lay two bodies—an adult and a child. Kyle could smell the death in the air, the illness hanging over the room.

  He approached, expecting to see Caitlin lying there, and was shocked to discover that it was not her, but Caleb. For a moment, he was furious: she had evaded him once again, and her stupid boyfriend had drank instead. Now he would still have to find her.

  But then he relaxed. He realized that, with Caleb lying here, deathly ill, Caitlin would come soon, here, right to him, and he could kill her then. And at least he had poisoned one of them.

  He looked at Caleb and Scarlet, and could tell right away that they were deathly ill, and hadn’t long to live. He smiled more widely. He hadn't expected to kill off Scarlet, too. That was a bonus.

  But he could also see that, for now at least, they were both still alive. That annoyed him. He loved the idea of all the suffering they must have gone through. But he loved even more the idea of them dead. And now was time to finish them off.

  Kyle approached the bed. Caleb didn’t react, and clearly, he was unconscious. It would almost be too easy to kill him. So Kyle decided he would start with the little girl first. At least she was squirming, semi-conscious.

  Kyle walked around to her side of the bed, and as he did, he suddenly stopped in his tracks as he heard a vicious snarl. He looked down.

  Standing there, facing him, was a wolf. He was shocked, because he could have sworn he had already killed this wolf, back in Venice, when he had killed Caleb’s son, Jade. He couldn't understand how it was here again.

  Before Kyle could react, the wolf suddenly lunged, landing with all fours on Kyle’s chest, and sinking its sharp fangs into Kyle's throat.

  The animal was much faster than Kyle had anticipated, and Kyle screamed out in pain, as the sharp fangs cut into his throat, sending blood everywhere

  The wolf would not let go. Kyle grabbed and pulled, trying to extract it, but no matter which way he tugged, it simply refused to open its jaws. Blood sprayed everywhere, as the pain grew deeper and deeper for Kyle.

  Finally, Kyle jammed his fingers into the wolf's mouth, feeling the pain as it tore through his flesh, and pried open the jaws. He then took the animal by its jaw, spun it around, and threw it across the room. It landed into the wall with a thud, and collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

  Kyle, in a rage, walked across the room to finish it off.

  But before he could reach it, he was distracted by voice.

  "Leave my wolf alone.”

  Kyle spun in his tracks, and stared at the bed. He could not believe it.

  There, sitting propped up, was Scarlet. She raised her neck as much as she could, and scowled back at Kyle, defiant.

  Kyle grinned. He turned and marched right for her.

  "You are a brash little girl, aren't you?" he asked. "Well, you're going to pay for that. Now I’m going to kill you, just as I killed Caleb’s son."

  To Kyle’s surprise, the girl did not retreat in fear, or hide under the covers, or try to run or even squirm. Instead, to his shock, she didn't even look afraid. She sat up even more, and scowled back at him.

  "I'm not afraid of you," she snapped back. "And you couldn’t kill me if you tried."

  Kyle stopped in his tracks, shocked at her audacity, her fearlessness. He burst into laughter, leaning back with a deep belly laugh. He liked this one. She had spirit. In fact, if he ever had a daughter, he would want her to be just like this. Fearless in the face of her own death.

  "I like your style," Kyle answered. "Just for that, as a favor, I will kill you quickly.” Kyle took several steps towards her, reaching out his hands, ready to suffocate her.

  But as he approached, he suddenly felt a searing pain slicing through his finger.

  He screamed out in pain, and looked down, and was shocked to see that the girl had been hiding a small, silver dagger underneath the covers. As he approached, she’d somehow managed to slice off his index finger.

  Kyle screamed in horror and shock, as he looked down to see himself now missing an index finger, blood gushing everywhere. He reached up and grabbed a corner of the sheet, staunched the blood, then reached back with his other hand, and backhanded the little girl so hard that it knocked her back onto her pillow, unconscious, and sent her little knife flying across the room.

  Now Kyle was furious. He couldn't believe she’d managed to hurt him. Now, she would pay for that. No more mister nice guy. Now he would not kill her quickly. Rather, he would torture her all night long.

  Kyle came in, this time, to strangle her for good. He reached out, his hand just inches away, when suddenly, he heard a thud, and felt a terrible pain on the back of his head.

  Kyle staggered and crashed into the end table, then turned around to see what it was.

  He was shocked. Standing there was a black girl, dressed in some kind of royal outfit, holding a candelabra, covered in blood. Kyle's blood. She had just whacked Kyle hard on the back of the head, hard enough to send him stumbling. And it hurt like hell.

  "Whoever you are, you're going to suffer for that," Kyle snarled.

  But to Kyle’s surprise, she wasn't scared, either. Rather, she was defiant, too.

  "My name is Lily, and I will pay for nothing," she answered.

  Kyle suddenly let out a roar of fury, and jumped up and kicked her with both feet on her chest, sending her flying back across the room, and crashing into the far wall, unconscious.

  Clearly, this woman, Lily, whoever she was, was a dear friend of Caitlin's and Caleb's—the only one that they had trusted to watch over them. A stupid idea, leaving a human to watch over vampires.

  But a good idea was forming in Kyle's mind. If this Lily was that important to them, then what better way to make Caitlin pay, than to go after her friend?

  Kyle marched slowly across the room, his eyes fixating on Lily’s throat. Kyle could use another slave to do his bidding. And as he looked at her throat, he licked his lips, and realized he was hungry, and would like nothing more than to feed.

  Kyle marched across the room, picked up her limp body, and without hesitating, plunged his sharp fangs deep into her throat. She screamed out as he did, suddenly conscious, but Kyle held her writhing body tight, sucking in deeper and deeper.

  He felt her entire life stealing out from her, as she was being slowly, darkly, turned.

  It had been centuries since Kyle had turned a human, and the feeling was thrilling. He would make this one in his own image, a true vampire slave, and would turn Caitlin's own fri
end against her.


  Caitlin flew through the night sky, racing for all she was worth. In one hand, she clutched the three keys, feeling her father's presence with her strongly. In the other, she clutched the vial holding Violet's blood, feeling the energy pulsing through it, praying, hoping beyond hope that this small vial of blood could save Caleb's life. And praying that then, somehow, they could figure out how to save Scarlet’s life, too.

  On her way from Bodium Castle to Warwick, Caitlin had to fly over London, and as she approached it, she was completely caught off guard. On the horizon, even from this great distance, she could tell something was terribly wrong. Huge clouds of fire rose up into the sky, and as she got closer, she could already feel the heat.

  The sight below her took her breath away. The entire city seemed to be a great ball of fire. The few survivors she could spot ran through the streets, screaming, shouting. Others lay in the streets, lifeless, looking as if they had been infected by the Plague. Caitlin could sense that a great evil had been perpetrated here, and she could sense that it had been done by Kyle and his people. She felt sick to her stomach, and more intent than ever on killing him, if she should ever find him.

  Caitlin also sensed Aiden's presence here, and the presence of his coven members. It must have been very bad, if Aiden and his men all mobilized to save the humans in the city. But she didn't sense Sam or Polly's presence here, and she prayed that they were back at Warwick, defending Caleb and Scarlet, should anyone attack.

  Caitlin desperately want to dive down below, and help the others. But she knew she didn’t have time. She clutched the vial more tightly, and continued on, speeding through the air, knowing she had to get to Warwick as soon as possible, that Caleb's and Scarlet’s lives hung in the balance.

  Caitlin closed her eyes and flew past the horrible landscape, breathing short to prevent the huge clouds of black smoke from entering her lungs. Within moments, the sight was behind her, even as images of humans on fire flashed through her mind. She felt sick to her stomach. But she had to focus on saving the people that she could.


  Caitlin dove for Warwick, and had a sense of dread as she swooped down low. She landed in the courtyard, at a running clip, and sprinted for Caleb’s and Scarlet’s room. She sensed immediately that this place was empty. She could not understand how that could be possible. How could Sam, Polly and Lily not be here? How could they possibly leave Caleb and Scarlet unprotected, when she had specifically asked them only for that?

  She prayed that her senses were misleading her, and that they would be there, in the room, waiting as she entered.

  Caitlin burst into the room, and a pit grew in her stomach. As she feared, Sam and Polly were not there. And neither was Lily.

  Caitlin's heart dropped, as she walked slowly into the darkened room. She saw Caleb and Scarlet still lying there, on their beds. From here, she could sense they were both still alive, although they both looked deathly ill, and the sight felt like a knife going through her.

  Caitlin could not conceive what could have happened. Where could Sam and Polly be? Where was Lily? And where was Ruth?

  Caitlin looked around more carefully, and as she did, her heart stopped. There, lying against the far wall, unconscious, was Ruth.

  Caitlin walked over to her, knelt down, and felt her rib cage. Ruth was breathing, but in a shallow way. Caitlin looked up and saw signs of blood, of a struggle.

  Suddenly, she realized someone had been here, had hurt Ruth. But who? How? And if so, why were Caleb and Scarlet unhurt?

  Before she could figure out the answers, she heard a shriek and a snarl, and out of the corner of her eye, saw something plunging for her.

  Caitlin was so caught off guard, she could barely react in time, as Lily lunged at her, fangs extended, snarling, and threw her.

  Caitlin went flying across room and crashed into a far wall, hard enough to shake the entire room. She slipped to the ground, dazed, and looked up to see Lily charging her again.

  Caitlin couldn't process what she was seeing. It was definitely Lily. But Lily was a vampire. And was attacking her. And was stronger than nearly any vampire she’d ever fought.

  She had been turned, Caitlin suddenly realized.

  And by an evil vampire.


  "Yes, that's right," Lily said, in a deep, guttural voice. "Kyle is my master now."

  Lily lunged again, but this time, Caitlin was ready. She rolled at the last second, and Lily went head first, right into the wall, and Caitlin turned around and elbowed her hard in the small of her back.

  Lily screamed out in pain, as she collapsed to the floor. Caitlin saw her chance to really hurt her, but she couldn't bring herself to. This was still Lily. Her old friend. Who had been turned by an evil, monstrous vampire. It was not Lily's fault.

  Caitlin could sense that deep down, the good was still in Lily. And that she could break free of this.

  So, instead, Caitlin jumped on Lily from behind, and held her in a deadly lock, keeping her from moving, from hurting anyone, or herself. Lily writhed and squirmed for all she was worth, but Caitlin held her tight, as if trying to hold a demon in place.

  "Get off of me!" Lily screamed.

  "Lily, it's me! Caitlin! You've been turned. By an evil vampire. I know that the good Lily is still inside. It is still with you. Release the evil strain. Become the Lily that I know.” Lily writhed and squirmed and screamed, and Caitlin sensed a tremendous battle going on within her. It was as if Lily were battling with herself, as if she were possessed.

  "Caitlin," came a voice, a new voice, from within Lily. "Free me. Please. I don't want to hurt you.”

  Caitlin slowly got up, and took several steps back, watching carefully.

  Lily turned and looked at her, breathing deep, guttural breaths, like that of a wounded animal.

  Lily stared at her, and as she did, her eyes glazed over, turning colors, from brown to black to green.

  For a flash, Caitlin recognized the old Lily. She sensed the epic struggle happening within her.

  Lily suddenly reached over, grabbed a silver knife off the floor, raised it high and began to plunge.

  But she wasn't trying to attack Caitlin.

  Rather, she was trying to plunge it into her own heart. To kill herself, Caitlin realized.

  Caitlin jumped out and grabbed Lily’s hand, just before the knife could reach her heart. She held her grip with all she had, but Lily’s grip was so strong, it was an epic struggle just to hold it back.

  Their struggle seemed to go on forever, both of their hands shaking, until finally, Caitlin squeezed as hard as she could, and got Lily to drop the knife.

  Lily leaned her head back and roared, as if trying to exorcise the demon within her.

  Suddenly, Lily turned and sprinted across the room. She headed right for the huge stained-glass windows, and without pausing, leapt right through them, glass shattering everywhere.

  Caitlin watched as Lily flew out into the night, her huge wings flapping, flying as fast as she could to get away from this place.

  “She disappointed me," came a dark, guttural voice.

  Caitlin slowly turned, knowing whose voice that was.


  He stepped from out of the shadows, missing one eye, his skin charred, and now, Caitlin could see, missing a finger.

  He was a grotesque monster, from the depths of hell

  He walked slowly towards Caitlin, facing her head on.

  “You are a sick, evil creature," Caitlin said. "And you're going to pay for what you did to my friend with your life.”

  Kyle smiled back at her.

  "You couldn't kill me the first time: what makes you think you can kill me now?” Caitlin fearlessly took two steps towards Kyle, squaring off with him.

  "And you couldn't kill me the first time: what makes you think you can kill me now?” Kyle snarled and roared, the roar of an animal in its fury—and Caitlin did the same.

  Two adversaries, squaring off, neither willing to give an inch, they lunged for each other, both aiming right for each other's throats.

  This time, it would be life or death.


  Sam dove down low in the night sky, aiming right for Arundel Castle. It was exactly where he had sensed it would be, and he could feel Polly's energy strongly. He felt Polly in distress, and the feeling coursed through his entire body; he was surprised by the intensity with which it had struck him. He was surprised to recognize how deeply he felt for Polly, almost as if she were a part of him.

  At first, he been angry, jealous, and resentful to hear that she had flown off with Sergei. He’d had a hard time getting over the fact, and at first assumed that it could only mean that she still had feelings for him.

  But the more he dwelt on it, and the more he felt her true feelings of distress, the more he began to realize that maybe it was something else. That maybe she had been duped. Or captured.

  Sam had felt nervous to leave Caleb and Scarlet alone with Lily, but he reasoned he’d be back in just a few hours, and that they were safe, and that Polly's life was in definite, immediate danger.

  Sam dove down right into the interior courtyard of Arundel and stopped, both feet planted on the ground. He looked around warily in every direction. It was quiet, empty. The September night air had grown colder, and a cold breeze came in off the moat.

  This castle was a strange place, shaped like a horseshoe, with a circular, grass lawn in the middle, and a hill on the far end. Its stone edifice was lit only by torches, spread out all along the exterior.

  He could sense danger here.

  "POLLY!" Sam screamed.

  His voice echoed off the stone.

  Sam turned, chose a door, and raced straight for it. It was solid, looked to be a foot thick, but he didn't slow down. He leapt into the air, using his full vampire strength, and kicked it open with both feet. It went flying off its hinges, shattering, and Sam ran right into the castle.


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