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Forever Doon

Page 24

by Carey Corp

  Reverend Guthrie signaled and the music rose to a crescendo, then cut off. “Yer Majesty. M’Laird. Are ye ready to begin?”

  As Eòran joined the crowd, I stepped closer to my intended and grinned with every bit of love I felt coursing through my veins. “Aye!”

  The passion of my response provoked catcalls, cheers, and laughter from the people around us—our people. I pumped my fist in triumph, and the unmistakable voice of Fergus yelled, “Pipe down, lad, or the lady may change her mind!”

  Veronica leaned around me and responded, “Why, Fergus Lockhart, are you jealous? Just wait until I tell Fiona!”

  The crowd roared and I smiled proudly. “A proper Scotswoman, she is.”

  She arched a flirtatious brow as a gentle breeze blew her hair back from her face. Something low in my gut tightened and my pulse pounded in my ears. I leaned in close, her scent of honeyed berries filling my senses as I cupped her cheek and ran my thumb over her full lips.

  When the pastor cleared his throat, I jerked my hand down and stepped back, hardly able to believe I’d lost my head and almost kissed her in front of the holy man and five hundred spectators. “Pardon me, Reverend.”

  He gave a solemn nod, but his eyes twinkled. “Laird, please take your betrothed’s hands. Right ta right and left ta left.”

  “You’re wearing your ring,” Vee whispered.

  “Aye, my brother kept it safe for me.” I guided Vee to cross her arms and she placed her hands in mine, forming the traditional infinity symbol. “Are ye sure ye’re ready for this?”

  “I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life.”

  Her smile ignited tiny explosions in my heart and I squeezed her hands as the Pastor began the ceremony, projecting his voice for all to hear. “Just as the Protector brought the two o’ you together and will form everlastin’ ties between you, we bind your hands in a symbol o’ your commitment to one another.” He took the multicolored ribbons from his pocket, tied in a knot at one end, and looped them around our hands. “These cords represent the Calling, a sacred bond that draws two hearts together through time and space. A divine union, tha’ once accepted, intertwines the two souls throughout their lives.”

  He wound the cords again, completing a figure eight. “Ye may now state yer intentions.”

  I hadn’t prepared what I would say, but smiling into my love’s eyes, the words came easily. “Verranica, you are the holder o’ my heart. The stealer o’ my breath. The light shining in the darkest corners of my soul.” Her gaze softened, and for a moment I was struck speechless by gratitude for this magnificent creature who knew my worst and loved me still.

  “Ye are my perfect match. The one I was born to stand beside. And I vow to spend ever’ day o’ my life showing ye how absolutely, indescribably I love you.”

  Tears glistened in Veronica’s eyes and it was all I could do to hold back my own as she began to speak.

  “Jamie, destiny brought us together, but even if it hadn’t, even if there were no such thing as a Calling, I would have found you. You’re my compass, the one who guides me home. You’re my strength when I want to fall apart. You’re the hero from every dream I’ve ever had.” Her throat constricted, tears leaking from her eyes. “I choose you, James Thomas Kellan MacCrae, to be my co-ruler and partner for life. As I am bound to Doon, I am yours forever.”

  Reverend Guthrie wove the cords around us once more, laid his hands atop ours, and bowed his head. “We ask for the Protector’s blessin’ upon his chosen servants, James and Veronica. As the rulers of our great kingdom, these cords also symbolize their Completing. They have accepted the call ta rule side by side, to balance, support, and challenge when need be. We ask that ye give them wisdom and guidance ever’ day o’ their long lives. Amen.” He lifted his hands to the sky. “In this unity there will be great power!”

  As all of Doon roared their approval, something buzzed through our joined hands, and when I met Vee’s startled gaze I saw that she felt it too.

  “Ye may kiss your queen!”

  Our hands still bound and tingling, I leaned down as Vee rose on her toes, and I brushed my lips against hers.

  “Laird MacCrae!” a distance voice shouted.

  I jerked back and spun to find Gideon half dragging someone toward the clearing. I squinted and recognized the man as one of those we’d sent to guard the skeleton army. Blood darkened the side of his head and he appeared barely conscious.

  Our hands still bound, Vee and I raced to meet them at the edge of the field.

  “Gideon, report!”

  “The rest o’ the guards are dead, m’ Laird.” Gideon stopped before us and bent at the waist, sucking in ragged breaths. “Adelaide has mobilized her army.”

  The reverend, who had followed us, began to unwrap our bound hands as Doc Benoir rushed forward to help the injured guard.

  “Where, Gideon?” Vee asked as she shucked the last of the ribbons from her fingers. “Where is her army headed?”

  “To the bridge, Yer Majesty. To cut off the Destined from enterin’.”

  “She knows about that?” I questioned.

  “Aye. From the guard. It’s no’ his fault, m’Laird. She flayed the others right in front o’ him.”

  Gideon straightened and I clapped him on the back. “You’ve served the kingdom with great honor this day, Captain. Thank you for warnin’ us.”

  “I would do it again, if need be.”

  Fergus began to yell orders, attempting to mobilize people into squads, but mass chaos reigned. I ran back to the field and leapt onto a nearby boulder, put my fingers in my mouth and blew. The whistle had the desired effect, everyone freezing to look in my direction. “Do not panic! We’re safe under the ring’s protective shield. Assemble your weapons and be ready to move at the queen’s order. Now go!”

  As I turned back to where Vee stood, the wounded soldier leapt up from the ground, brandishing a wicked looking blade. With an ungodly shriek, he lurched at my queen. She threw up her arms and her eyes flared in terror. I jumped from the rock, but even as my feet hit the ground, I knew I was too far to stop the knife as it descended in a wide arch toward her heart. I screamed her name, but couldn’t hear my own voice over the roar of my pulse.

  I willed my legs to move faster, and as I pulled my dirk, a body flew through the air, tackling the rogue soldier to the ground. With a burst of speed, I reached Vee and caught her as she tumbled back, a horrified gasp passing her lips. “Gideon.”

  The soldier pushed a body off him as he rolled to his feet. My commander’s lifeless eyes stared back at me, a blade protruding from his chest. I palmed the dirk and charged, but as I knocked the soldier to the dirt, his figure flashed and then transformed into Veronica. “Jamie, wait!”

  Vee’s wide, aqua eyes stared back at me in terror and my arm froze mid-stab. In that split second, my brain knew it was the witch, and yet, I hesitated. I’d almost killed the real Veronica before. Forcing out my fear, I plunged the weapon toward the Vee-Addie thing’s heart. And she disappeared, my blade slicing harmlessly into the damp earth.

  My gut clenched and I rammed my fist into the mud. What a blasted idiot! How had I let her fool me again? As I rose up, a tickle of purple smoke drifted past my ear. “Aww . . . ye do miss me.”

  I spun around and sprang to my feet, yelling as I moved. “Vee, get back inside the shield!”

  Unwittingly, we’d stepped just outside of the ring’s protection in our eagerness to get to Gideon and the fake wounded soldier. Veronica turned and fled, and it only took two steps for her to make it back inside. Wicked laughter buzzed around my head as I helped Doc Benoir drag Gideon’s body back to safety.

  The witch was playing with me. Quite literally, getting inside my head, trying to steal my joy. Now she knew about the handfasting and that I was bound to Veronica for eternity—a fact that would surely inflame her wrath. And worse, she knew the Destined army assembled on the other side of the bridge. We had lost the element of surprise, our stro
ngest advantage.

  Inside the safety of the bubble, my head clear of Adelaide’s taunts, I knelt beside Gideon and checked his pulse, but Doc Benoir was already shaking his head. Fergus ran to join us and dropped to his knees with a gasp. He’d become Gideon’s apprentice at the tender age of ten, and had told me many times the man was like a father to him. With a quiet sob, Fergus closed his mentor’s eyes for the last time. Vee knelt beside him and held his hand.

  Reverend Guthrie spoke a quick prayer for the commander’s soul as tears streamed down Fergus’ ruddy cheeks. I felt his pain. As a lad, Gideon had been my hero—and today, despite my doubts about him in the last months, he’d proved worthy of the title. He’d died to save the queen’s life, and in turn, mine.

  Grasping Fergus’s trembling shoulder, I whispered the only words of comfort I could. “He died with honor, my friend.”

  I stood and helped Veronica to her feet, my mind turning to Gideon’s last warning. “Ye need to reach Mackenna through your Calling. Tell them no’ to cross until we can hold off the army.”

  She swiped tears from her cheeks and nodded. “Our connection is shaky at best . . . I don’t know if it will work.”

  “Try, love. Use your emotion—your fear for our people, your anger at the witch.”

  She searched my face and then closed her eyes. People surged all around us. Men arrived and helped Fergus carry away Gideon’s body. The doc and Reverend Guthrie left to attend to their various duties, and finally, Vee opened her eyes.

  “I can’t reach her,” she squeaked. “It’s like she’s just on the other side of a curtain—I can hear her, but she can’t hear me.”

  A hand clamped onto my shoulder. I turned to find old Alasdair. “Hold her hands, lad. Her connection with Mackenna is fading now that ye’ve committed your souls to one another.”

  Vee’s eyes appeared to take up half her face as I took her hands. “How do we—”

  “Just do what ye were doin’, Veronica,” Alasdair instructed. “Jamie, lend her your strength.”

  Vee closed her eyes and I held tight to her hands, doing the same. With all my will, I projected power into her and suddenly I could hear Vee’s voice in my head. “Ken, don’t cross the bridge yet. The skellies are on their way. It’s an ambush. Kenna, can you hear me? It’s a trap!”




  Duncan raised his eyebrows in disbelief. “Are you sure?”

  “Yep. I’m getting birds . . . and sunshine.” I shrugged. “Like a Disney princess montage. That’s it.”

  My boyfriend and I stood in the middle of the newly restored bridge just after sundown. Doonians and Destined, packed and armed to the teeth, waited restlessly on the riverbank for me and my best friend to open the portal. “Let me try again.”

  Crouching Tiger to Hidden Dragon—Come in, Hidden Dragon. I shook my head to indicate the Calling still wasn’t working. Hidden Dragon, if you can hear me, we’re at the bridge. Waiting for your cue.

  I closed my eyes and held my breath as Vee flickered like a hologram and then materialized with Jamie at her side. What’s he doing here?

  Um, that’s a long story. She blushed. The three of us were standing on the Brig o’ Doon in early evening, and although I could feel Duncan next to me, I could no longer see him or the hundreds of people waiting to cross.

  Spill. I raised my brows, doing my best imitation of the Evil Highney.

  Later, she promised. Did you hear me about the skellies? They’re assembling at the bridge.

  How many? I asked, doing my best to estimate how many we’d seen in the field.

  Adelaide’s army has grown into the thousands, Jamie answered. Pushin’ them back without the Destined army as reinforcements is unlikely. And even with your troops, we’re outnumbered two to one.

  So not used to this, I interjected. Hold on . . .

  Opening my eyes, I quickly filled Duncan in on the skellie situation and the new three-way Calling. Duncan frowned as he absorbed the news. “Tell Jamie not to face them without us.”

  “ ‘Kay.” I shut my eyes again and relayed the message to Jamie.

  Vee’s apprehensive gaze darted between her boyfriend and me. Could we try the mountain pass?

  Jamie shrugged. There’s no guarantee that rebuilding the bridge also restored the portal in the pass. That’s a long way to go, and a lot o’ lives to risk without assurances.

  Vee wound a strand of hair in her hand, one of her “thinking” tells. Maybe there’s a way we could check.

  And what if the skellie army goes on the offensive? We have to at least try to lure them away from the bridge.

  As I waited for them to get on the same page, Duncan tugged at my sleeve. One sec, guys . . .

  I blinked up at Duncan’s anxious face. “Is he listenin’ to ye?”

  I shook my head. “He wants to try to lure the skellies away from the bridge.”

  “Nay.” Duncan invaded my space as if he were actually talking to his brother instead of me. “Tell Jamie—”

  “Stop.” I was tired of being the MacCraes’ personal go-between. Squeezing my eyes shut, I turned my focus back to Vee. How did you connect Jamie into our Calling?

  We got handfasted. The Completing, they answered at the same time.

  I held up my hand, indicating that they should hold on. Turning my attention back to Duncan, I asked, “You love me, right?”


  “Quick, now tell me you’re mine.”

  “Mackenna, what—”

  “Just do it, okay?”

  He shrugged. “Mackenna Reid, you may be daft in the head, but I am completely yours.”

  “And I’m yours. For always. Forever. Now, take my hand and close your eyes.” I grabbed Duncan’s hand and let my eyelids drift shut. Vee and Jamie were waiting on the bridge under the stars right where I left them, and Duncan . . . was definitely not with us.


  Opening my eyes, I regarded Duncan with a sigh. “What do you want me to say to your brother?”

  Duncan’s brows pinched together like I was truly cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. “Tell him not to confront the skellies in some misguided suicide mission. Tha’s a terrible idea.”

  I held up my hand indicating he should hold on while I relayed the message. After listening to Jamie curse for several minutes, I opened my eyes, and replied, “I’m not going to repeat your brother word for word. But he does want to know if you have a better idea.”

  “Tell him I do.” My boyfriend chuckled sheepishly. “But he’s no’ gonna like it.”



  I crouched at the mouth of the miniature bridge in the castle gardens, ring hand extended. Waiting. The minutes ticked by, and my arm began to shake. Were we crazy to think that hundreds of people would be able to cross into Doon on a tiny five-foot wide bridge without being noticed? Probably so, but it had to work. We had no time for an alternative.

  Where are you, Ken?

  There was a soft touch on my shoulder before Jamie whispered, “Any sign from Mackenna?”

  I shook my head. “I’m going onto the bridge.”

  “Nay, ye’ll be too exposed,” he hissed under his breath.

  “Then use that big bad arrow machine of yours to cover me.”

  Staying low, I crept farther up the incline of stone. We’d decided on a small party to accompany us: Ana, Fergus, and a small unit of royal guards. We were all armed to the teeth, including the crossbow Jamie had purchased back in Indiana. Oliver had wanted to come and “kick some skellie-bum,” but he was still too weak from his injuries. As a compromise, I’d agreed to bring a few of his smaller explosive devises. One of them jangled in my right pocket, ratcheting up my nerves. The round metal ball had a pin like a grenade, but I didn’t entirely trust the bomb not to detonate and blow me to smithereens.

  I stopped at the top of the arch, hunched behind the stone balustrade, and fingered the tear-shaped bottle in
my right pocket. Some thought it was a useless vial of lake water—Fergus among them—but I had to believe it would work. Why else would Jamie have come to me in a dream to lead me to it?

  The ring pulsed, buzzing up my arm, and I yanked my hand out of my pocket, just as two quick whistles sounded behind me. The warning signal. Still crouched, I held out my glowing hand and glanced over my shoulder. Jamie and the others had moved into the formation that we’d practiced—the royal guardsmen fanning out and moving forward, while Jamie, Ana, and Fergus hung back to guard the mouth of the bridge.

  I strained to see the threat through the dark, but heard them before they came into view.

  Click-clack. Click-clack. Click-clack.

  Bone against bone. To use Kenna’s analogy, they sounded like a thousand giant cicadas moving as one. Jamie raised his bow, signaling Fergus and Ana to do the same as the four guards pulled their swords and disappeared into the darkness.

  “Come on, Kenna.”

  As the words left my mouth, I turned to find the air flickering in front of me, the light of my ring transitioning from red to white. This was exactly the scenario we’d hoped to avoid. The Destined greeted by an army of creatures as they crossed into the kingdom. I rose slightly and whisper-yelled back to Jamie, “The portal’s opening!”

  “Ready. Aim. Fire!”

  The swish of arrows filled the night as Kenna and Duncan shimmered into view.

  I raced forward to warn them and lost my power of speech as I saw the hundreds of unfamiliar faces lined up behind them. Recovering quickly, I grabbed Kenna’s hand. “The skellies are here!”

  “We’re ready for them,” Duncan assured me. He put his fingers in his mouth and made three sharp whistles. Did they train all princes to whistle like that?

  Without turning, Jamie directed our crew to split down the middle. They moved to either side of the bridge, still firing. The skellies moved into the light, and I watched in horror as arrows bounced off of them like Nerf darts. Addie’s protection spell guarded them from being harmed. We weren’t even slowing them down.


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