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Forsaken (Ancients of Light #1)

Page 4

by Heather Fleener

  She recognized the steely strength in him then, she hadn’t paid it much heed until now. He was in complete control of his emotions, his Vampire instincts, and this situation. The realization eased her own internal dissent, freed her in effect. Ella hardly recognized her own voice, it was so throaty with need when she answered him, “I am afraid of my own reaction to you…given your nature, your affiliation…but can you stay for…” She faltered, it was hard to tell him what she wanted, what she was thinking, when she wasn’t sure herself, “…but I can’t….we cannot…I don’t want…”

  Cole smiled, it was enough. He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers, “I understand your breed, Ella…we will not take this so far that we violate your beliefs, but I am going to touch you…Let me?” It was the first time he had asked her permission and Ella had the feeling it was not something Cole did often. She had already been seduced by their exchange; her easy nod only confirmed it.

  His hand resumed its motion and a second later his eyes broke away from hers to drift downward. A final pull at the material revealed silver lace beneath the dark sweater. The material was sheer and pushed her sweet curves up so deliciously that his eyes went jet black with uncontrollable want. He could readily see the peaks of her breasts tighten against the material and the beauty of her lying there caused him to stop a moment just to catch his breath.

  Cole wanted to gauge her reaction so his eyes sought hers when he slipped his hand over to palm the fullness bound in that fine lace. He did not miss the throaty sound that she trapped behind tightly pressed lips. Leaning forward until his face was an inch from hers, Cole watched her eyes shimmer with green sparkle when he dragged his thumb back and forth across the peak with deliberate slowness.

  Her breath caught and then she whispered, “Damn it Cole…don’t make me want you.” Ella cringed internally because her tone sounded all needy and hot, making her words seem a plea for something else entirely. Cole had picked up on that as well and just smiled when he cupped her flesh more firmly and then repeated the movement with his thumb.

  Dropping her head back, she did not have the willpower to stop the moan of pleasure he wrung from her that time. Her back actually arched up to him to encourage his touch. When he granted her silent request, she whispered his name, barely audible and her body went soft and pliable on the bed. At that particular sign of surrender, Cole released his hold on her hand and tugged the sweater up the remainder of the way. Ella whined even as she obliging lifted her arms, “This is insane…”

  He tugged it free and tossed it away before grasping her bare shoulders. Caressing the silky skin over her collarbones, his voice was rough with need, “Look at me, Ella.”

  Ella did, but heat flooded her cheeks when he spoke next, “I am going to pleasure you Ella, drive you mad, until nothing exists for you but the feel of my mouth, my hands…” She knew with one look into his eyes that he was making no boast; he intended to do just as he claimed. Not trusting her voice, she shook her head at him, her eyes filled with trepidation.

  Cole grinned and nodded his head in sync with the shaking of hers. He pressed her back down to her pillow, “I want to look at you, Ella.” Letting the pad of his thumb wander over the fullness of her lower lip, he was suddenly serious. His voice turned back to that tenderly authoritative tone he had plied her with minutes before, “You have my vow not to harm you Ella. I will do nothing to betray the trust you have placed in me.” He could see it in her eyes, before she ever nodded her acceptance, that he had conquered her fear.

  Ella had thought he would resume his teasing caresses; however, Cole rolled her hip so that her back was presented to him. Before she realized his intention, he was drawing down the zipper of her skirt. His other hand traced circles over her spine. It was a soothing touch, but thoroughly arousing. Cole had robbed her of any motivation to resist…something had shifted in her and she had no doubt that he would take it no further than she wanted. He rolled her to her back once more and she actually smiled at him when she felt his hands graze her hips and then take hold of the material, tugging it downwards.

  Freeing it from the curve of her hips, she watched him and could feel the heat from his gaze as he watched his hands moving over her. Taking his time, Cole tugged the skirt down bit by bit, the cool air greeting each inch of her heated skin. He gave a final tug and slipped it off her legs.

  Ella shivered, but was feeling anything but cold. His fingers had begun a lazy drift up her leg as soon as he had dropped the skirt to the floor. If she tried really hard, she could forget that Cole was anything more than a sinfully handsome man pleasuring her with his magical hands. Raising a hand, she indulged herself by rubbing her fingertips through the dark hair at his temple. Her touch broke his avid study and his gaze swung up to hers. The intensity of it caused Ella to timidly withdraw. The strength of his presence and the passion in his eyes, focused on her, was overwhelming.

  His tongue moistened his lips, giving her a good glimpse of the elongated points of ivory behind the upper. Cole wasn’t about to break the connection between them and leaned forward in closer study when he commanded gently, “Touch me, Ella.” Only when she returned her touch to its former place and then grazed her fingertips lightly down and over his jawline did he return his attention to his earlier task.

  Shifting, Cole dropped his hand to her thigh and swept it all the way up to her hip. He settled his attention on the lace there even as he rubbed his cheek into the stroke of her hand. Tracing repeatedly over the pattern in the silver material, he had it memorized by touch before he lifted his eyes to hers again.

  He decided in those moments, regardless of his well-constructed plan, that at least some part of her was going to belong to him before he took his leave. Keeping his gaze locked on hers, he allowed his fingers to sweep lower on her abdomen, skimming the very edge where the lace met skin. She whimpered and he rewarded it by dropping a light kiss just above where his fingers teased.

  Ella reacted instinctively, lifting to keep her skin in contact with his mouth. She took no offense when Cole laughed because he immediately pressed his lips down and gave her a kiss on that same spot. When he circled his tongue slowly around her navel, she drew in a gasp of air and held it. The throbbing in her skull had left and dragged her inhibitions away with it. She needed no encouragement to touch him then, both hands pushed into his hair and gave a demanding tug.

  As slowly as he could manage, Cole traced a lone finger down the center of the lace below, feeling her wet heat through the flimsy material. His face was harsh with focus while he lingered there, rubbing firmly against the material. He murmured encouragement when she rotated against his hand. Her hips did a slow, shifting dance and Cole allowed her to dictate where his touch would be for long minutes before he withdrew.

  Ella did not even have time to express her disappointment before his palm grazed the peak of her breast. Growling low in his throat, he plucked the flesh between thumb and finger, and then alternately pressed the lace firmly against her skin, rubbing his thumb to and fro.

  Cole repeated the dual actions again before he slid his hand over and gave the same treatment to the other side. Her hips were now restless in response to his play. He dropped his lips against hers, not to kiss, only to claim, “You’re hot for me Witch.” He thwarted her attempt to lure him into a kiss with the brush of her lips, shaking his head, his voice gritty with need, “I have to taste you Ella.” He knew exactly the line of her thoughts by the emotions playing on her face, she was certain he intended to take her throat. The fact that she wasn’t protesting was another battle won.

  Instead of moving to that enticing column of skin, his lips dropped to her chest to replace the tease of his fingers. Cole lapped unhurriedly at the tight pebble, wetting the material there with his tongue before drawing both lace and flesh into his mouth. Her low sounds of pleasure told him just how much she enjoyed that particular sensation.

  Ella heard the throaty moan and knew it was hers. Cole was making her c
razed and she could not keep up as he continuously moved from one pleasure spot to the next, creating riotous waves of heat deep inside her. She let her eyes drift closed even as she felt the scrape of his fangs through the material. It did not startle her, but rather amped up the need she felt for him. Clinging tightly to his shoulders to keep him there, she attempted to let him know how much she wanted him to continue without actually begging him to do just that.

  Cole let her feel the scrape of his fangs with every pull of his mouth and followed the light sting each time with the flick of his tongue. Shifting only to press his lips to her other breast, he reveled in how she seemed to respond more hotly to the blatant display of his Vampiric nature. He maintained the wicked pleasures until Ella was mindless and writhing.

  He jerked her up into the tight hold of his arms long enough to release the clasp at her back and toss the lace away. Cole did not intend to give her time to become self-conscious. Arching her back over the strength of his forearm, only for a second did he linger in his study of the perfection of the fiery immortal before leaning down to take one rosy bud into his mouth. He gave it a sharp tug with his teeth. He did it again when she raked her nails over his biceps, pleased with the growly demand she did not try to contain. Burying his free hand in her hair, he pulled sharply to get her to lift her gaze to his before he returned her to the bed.

  Only when Cole stretched out beside her did she become aware that at some point he had removed his own shirt. The warmth of his bare chest was enticingly pressed to her side now. Needing no coaxing, she turned her face towards him to nudge her cheek against that warm expanse at the same time her hand sought to explore the muscles of his chest. She had found him devastating in his fine clothes. Her first glimpse at him without them had her purple toes curling with the flash of desire that wound its way all the way down through her.

  He was ridges of muscle with a light dusting of dark hair, just enough to be sexy-hot. Had the fact that his skin was not the naturally pale cast of the born Vampire not been enough to clue her in, the few scars from old wounds on his chest and shoulders would have been. Swallowing hard, she allowed her fingertips to learn the ridge of the one high near his shoulder before she raised eyes to his, her whisper touched with an awe of disbelief, “You were human.”

  His eyes not were already black with the height of his desire, but if they had not been, her words would have pushed them there. His jaw clenched hard at her words and instead of answering her, he shifted quickly and took her in a blistering, open-mouthed kiss, intent on removing those thoughts as far from her mind at present as he could.

  Ella didn’t disappoint him, she could not resist the carnal play and her arms wound around his shoulders. Arching, she rubbed her bare torso sensuously against his. He felt her delight at the sensation in her tremors, but he kept up the hot thrust of his tongue hard and deep into her mouth until she was squirming again.

  Pleased to have distracted her, he released her and shoved her back down to the bed with rough movements. He was growing harsh, struggling to control his desire to claim her. The beauty blessed upon the Witch breed was the stuff of legends, but he had never encountered one that made his gut clench with desire the way that the Fire Maker did. Her breasts were full, pert, and the dusky little buds had tightened into achingly hard peaks that were begging for more of his attentions. He toyed with her, cupping each in turn. Letting his fingertips tease at her nipples, he finally delivered a soft, rolling pinch to each.

  His eyes raked in the perfection of creamy flesh spilled out before him. Cupping her cheek with one hand to hold her attention, Cole lazily splayed his hand down over her abdomen and began a purposeful descent. Rather than protest, Ella turned her face more fully towards him, her eyes were pleading, and the message was understood. He dropped his lips to hers in a lazy, slow kiss, waiting to thrust his tongue in until he palmed the center of her heat.

  Ella cried out at his intimate touch, completely lost. Nuzzling her face into the cup of his hand, the rolling of her hips matched pace with his tongue as it was thrusting into her mouth. Her nails scored his back at the feel of his fangs dragging against her lips. Emboldened, she pressed her tongue forward into his mouth, flicking heatedly at the extended points.

  The bold action brought forth a harsh groan. Cole pulled back, rising up over her until she met his eyes, “There is no turning back from this Ella. I am going to have my fill of you, you understand this?” She did not hesitate with her nod of agreement, but his instincts were relieved at her quick acceptance. He would not be able to leave without satisfying the need to savor that part of her.

  Ella sighed with longing, her eyes sweeping over his broad chest, and dragged her hand through the tangled mess of her hair. Simultaneously she was pushing back the stray thoughts that were screaming at her to stop the madness with the Dark one. It was a wasted effort, as any remaining resistance would have been demolished when his hand settled low at her hips to tear the material away with a hard yank. The cool air washed over that heated part of her, immediately replaced by the warmth of his hand.

  He was studying her again, measuring her reaction to each tiny movement. Ella rolled her hips invitingly and was rewarded as his middle finger delved into the slick folds. She gasped as Cole began rubbing at the very center of her and bucked her hips up hard in response. Her eyes were filled with sparkles when they clashed with his this time and he grinned at her.

  His hand retreated as he admonished. “Easy…I am driving you mad, remember?” The heat of his blackened gaze belied the teasing tone and he rubbed his finger to her once more. Leaning down, his lips brushed against hers with each word while his hand continued to stroke, “Be still, and let me love you.”

  Ella was struggling to keep her hips from driving insistently to meet his touch and cried out when he deepened his strokes…pressing firmly, but not entering. The heat he had built in her was pulling at her magic; she could feel tingling warmth seeping into her hands. When Cole dropped his mouth back to her breast, suckling hard at the tip, she felt sparks form on her fingertips.

  Cole lifted his face only enough to smirk up at her; he had felt the heat too. Watching her expression, he extended his tongue and delivered a long, slow lick. She sucked in a hard breath and this time he chuckled because she had sparked once more. Lowering his mouth deliberately back down to pay full attention to the task at hand, he murmured against her flesh, “Reign it in Fireball, I want you hot, not in flames.”

  He delivered light, fleeting brushes of his lips while he allowed her time to take focus on breathing and pulling her power back. Even after the warmth emanating from her skin dissipated, he waited long minutes more until she rocked up against him and made an impatient sound. It was all the encouragement he needed to resume his play and he nipped at her with teeth and fang just as he pressed that single finger slow and deep into her tight heat.

  Ella scratched her nails down from his shoulders, digging in, demanding. He withdrew only to drive hard and fast once more. She relished the strength she could feel in his shifting muscles as he worked over her. Lifting her hips, she was silently insisting that he not stop the pleasure and the next time he drove deep she mewled his name in a soft, begging plea. She needed him to push her over that edge.

  Cole skimmed his lips over her collarbone and shoulder and then whisper soft over her throat. He felt the calling once to bury his fangs in her flesh. Ella felt him pause and she rolled her head to the side, knowing full well what she was offering, surprising herself with how desperately her body was demanding it. Cole recognized it for what it was and knew he would take her up on the offer, but he wanted her pleasure at the same time.

  He moved his palm up, cupping her once more before he slid his fingers higher and began plucking at the little center of pleasure buried there. A responsive quiver ran through her entire body. Cole continued to play slowly, alternating teasing circles around and squeezing the flesh between his fingertips. He was pacing it to build her fire and when
she was pressing up feverishly to meet his probing touch, he knew she was on the verge. Kissing and then licking at her pulsepoint, he promised, “This will push you over the edge, Ella.” His thumb rubbed hard against that sensitive spot when his fingers drove into her, timed perfectly as his teeth broke her skin.

  Ella screamed with the intense wave of pleasure that knifed through her. Her hands yanked at his hair, her only lucid thought to keep his mouth on her neck and his hands on her. She lost her breath with each delicious tremor and could not seem to get pressed close enough to him.

  Cole smiled arrogantly against her neck and continued to draw on the wound. Her taste was as fine as everything else about her and he was content to feel her body trembling while he took full enjoyment at her throat. When he felt her body go limp as the intensity began to ebb, he slid his finger deep into her center once more while his thumb resumed a slow circular massage on that little bit of flesh. As soon as he heard her moan of pleasure, he gave her a bit more of fang, pressing deeper in time with the thrust of his finger. She was mumbling incoherent witch-speak at him. The innate rotation of her hips against his hand was urging him to continue and bring her to another peak.

  He withdrew his fangs and licked a path up her neck before moving over to her lips. Cole settled there with a kiss. She was bold now, kissing him back wildly. The thrusts of her tongue into his mouth were in time with the movement of her hips, the drag of her hands over his skin greedily demanding more. He removed his hands long enough to push her to the center of the bed, while keeping his claim on her mouth.

  Sliding both hands up and over each delicate bone of her ribcage, he ended by cupping the fullness of her breasts in both hands and teasing the peaks until she was growling in demand. Breaking free from their kiss, Cole moved over her and settled his hips against hers. He ground down slowly to let her feel his need. His hands found place on either side of her head and tightened into the tangled tresses as he supported his weight on his elbows. He went completely still and waited for her to open her eyes.


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