Fall of Icarus
Page 17
Signaling toward the waiter, Yen scanned his card and paid for their drinks. Pointing down the street toward one of the neon flashing marquees, Yen led her toward the movie theater as they resumed their pleasant conversation.
When the lift doors opened on the entertainment level of Farimas City, a half dozen solicitors approached Keryn. Holding out flyers, coupons, and assorted necklaces, they nearly surrounded the small group who exited the elevator with her. Pushing her way past, Keryn absently took one of the brochures from a solicitor, giving her something to read while she walked. She hadn’t come to the entertainment district with a destination in mind. Instead, she had simply wanted a chance to walk and clear her mind while, simultaneously, looking for a bar that would catch her eye.
The brochure in her hand was full of bar listings for the lower city. Keryn read by the flashing neon lights as she strolled past the already intoxicated Crewmen and soldiers who whistled suggestively. Brushing her flowing silver hair out of her face, she ignored their comments and continued reading. About halfway down the page, one of the advertised bars caught her eye.
The Frozen Nebula, it read, is a bar that caters to the Warrants and Officers of the Fleet. Its well-kept interior and affordable drinks make it a premier establishment for the upper echelon of Fleet leadership.
Keryn knew that anyone reading an advertisement like that would actually be less likely to search for the Frozen Nebula. Even the write up sounded arrogant, meaning that it probably kept a rather short clientele list. Under normal circumstances, Keryn would continue looking for a more popular place. But currently, with everything weighing heavily on her mind, a bar with a sparse population was exactly what she needed. Reading the directions on the brochure, Keryn slipped through an alleyway and turned right, heading deeper into the center of the entertainment level.
Though she heard the loud music pouring from the nearby bars and was blinded by the flashing marquees, Keryn ignored these as she searched the row for the Nebula. Reading off the street numbers, she walked a few more blocks before finding the bar. Set slightly back from the rest of the garish bar facades, the Frozen Nebula was a rather unassuming building. Its clean white bricks reflected the brash lights of the more aggressive bars, though its own sign was severely subdued by comparison. Carrying only the bar’s title in rather blockish letters, it lacked the neon glow of those nearby. A single, heavy wooden door led to the glowing interior. Through the window, Keryn could see a few patrons seated amongst the well-spaced tables. It seemed like the perfect place to escape reality for a few hours.
Keryn stepped through the door and let it swing closed behind her. As soon as it settled into its frame, the loud sounds of music and conversation disappeared. The entire room was soundproofed, blocking out the wild partying just outside its door. The interior of the Frozen Nebula was a mirror of its sterile exterior. Dark wooden tables were well spaced and seemed to absorb the dim light of the bar. Though a soft music played, no one danced. Instead, it seemed to be a communal area to which Warrants and Officers came for camaraderie and to hold intelligent conversations. It seemed like a far cry from the bars Keryn had frequented since joining the Fleet. Young herself, Keryn had grown accustomed to gyrating bodies and music so loud that her whole body vibrated in rhythm. Glad for the change, Keryn walked to the bar and ordered a drink.
Spinning in her stool until she faced the rest of the bar, Keryn leaned back against the brass railing and looked at the crowd. Many of the tables were occupied by couples. Hunkered over in obviously private conversations, they reached out toward one another with innocent touched of the hand and arm. Keryn frowned. She had hoped to come to the Frozen Nebula to escape thoughts of couples and romantic rendezvous. She should have known better. Shore leaves were notorious for starting physical relationships among lonely members of the Fleet.
“You don’t look happy to be here,” a strong male’s voice said from beside her.
Keryn jumped, surprised to have not heard someone approach in such a quiet bar. Turning, she was even more surprised to see who it was. Jumping quickly down from her stool, she stood at the position of attention.
“Eminent Merric,” Keryn said, still standing at attention. “I didn’t realize it was you.”
“Stop that,” he said, aggravated. He waved his hand absently, telling her to relax. “If I wanted all the pomp and circumstance, I would have remained on the ship. Down here, we’re just two single people enjoying our shore leave.”
Keryn could smell the alcohol on his breath and could see the slightly red-rimmed eyes. She wasn’t sure how much his drinking played a role in his blatant pick up line. Though he was probably far from being drunk, she was pretty sure that the alcohol was helping with his confidence.
“What makes you think I’m single?” Keryn asked, trying to change the subject. Merric was a very handsome man, with a strong Pilgrim jaw line and well-defined muscles that were evident through his tight shirt. His looks aside, he was still her superior officer and even contemplating a physical relationship with him was something she wanted to avoid.
“Come on now, Keryn,” Merric said, leaning in closer. “Everyone in the Fleet heard about your lover’s quarrel after your promotion. You and Magistrate Xiao have been avoiding each other like you’re each carrying a plague. It’s obvious you’re not together.” He ran a finger suggestively up her arm. “It’s probably for the best anyway. You deserve a better man than that.”
Keryn turned and looked Merric in the eye. She couldn’t deny that she found him attractive, but she also couldn’t deny that he was arrogant. As much as that might be true, she realized, he was no worse than Yen, and she had almost immediately fallen for him.
“Buy me a drink and I’ll decide who is the better man,” she said with a smile.
Ordering two drinks, Merric led Keryn to a back table where they would have more privacy. As they talked, Keryn was not surprised to find that Merric had graduated top of his class both at the Academy and Pre-Captain Course. The second-in-command of the Revolution had been promoted early all the way up the line, much like Keryn was doing now. In fact, professionally, they were very similar. It was pleasant for Keryn to find someone who nearly matched her own occupational ambitions, if not personal goals.
They talked for a couple hours, though when Keryn tried to figure out what, specifically, had been said, she found it all to be one big blur. In part, she blamed it on the strong alcoholic drinks that Merric had ordered throughout the night. Part, though, was the fact that she hadn’t truly been overly interested in the topic of conversation. She had taken her shore leave begrudgingly and at the command of Captain Hodge, but she had every intention of avoiding the topic of work while relaxing. Instead, she found herself deep in conversation with her immediate supervisor.
Draining the last of her glass, Keryn looked at her watch and was stunned to realize how much time had passed. Though there were no true days and nights on the space station, her body still aligned itself with the watch on her wrist, which told her it was now creeping into early morning.
“I’m sorry, Merric,” Keryn said apologetically, “but I really need to get some sleep.”
Merric dropped his hand onto her thigh and suggestively rubbed the inside of her leg. “You know, you don’t have to go home alone tonight.”
Keryn wondered what it would be like to be wrapped in his muscular arms. It had been quite some time since she’d been with someone and the blaring opportunity almost made her immediately agree to his proposal. Still, she felt uncomfortable with the thought of sleeping with someone she just got to know, even if she had known him as a supervisor for over a month.
“I can’t,” she said, shaking her head. “Not tonight at least. Sorry.”
Merric nodded and withdrew his hand. “The invitation is open ended. Just give me a call if you change your mind.”
“Thank you for the drinks and the company,” Keryn said as she stood. Politely, Merric stood as
well until she had turned toward the door.
Exiting quickly, Keryn was surprised by the heat outside the Frozen Nebula. The scent of sweating bodies and other unnamed bodily fluids assaulted her and she suddenly remembered how distant a world the inside of the bar had been. For a moment, she turned around and looked back through the window to make sure the entire evening had not been a hallucination. Reassured by the still clean white bar front behind her, Keryn walked into the street and began heading back toward the lift that would take her to the residential level.
After making it nearly halfway down the street, she had to pause as one of the movie theaters opened its doors and the patrons of the late night film exited. Standing patiently, leaning against a nearby building, Keryn alternated between watching the crowd leave and remembering her enjoyable evening with Merric.
As the crowd thinned and Keryn prepared to step back into the street, she found herself frozen in place as an unusual couple exited the theater. Linked arm in arm and laughing at one another’s jokes, Keryn couldn’t believe her eyes as Yen and Iana walked out, oblivious to Keryn’s presence, and turned away from her, heading back toward the stairs and elevators.
She seethed with anger as a deep seeded sense of betrayal settled over her. The sight of her best friend and former love walking so casually and, apparently, affectionately together infuriated her. The feeling of a knife being plunged into her back made Keryn stagger backwards and lean even heavier against the stone fronted bar. Her lower lip quivering, Keryn bit back the tears that threatened to fall. Unable to stop them, she angrily wiped away the few tears that did stream down her face. Turning away, not eager to follow the new couple, Keryn looked back the way she came. A few blocks away, shining white against the other dark bars, the Frozen Nebula called to her. Wiping her face with the back of her hand once more, she regained her composure before walking back to the bar.
Opening the door, she immediately saw Merric, still seated at the table she had left him at a few minutes before. She walked over slowly, holding back her desire to rush over and simply sit in his lap, and stood beside his shoulder. Merric seemed genuinely surprised to see her, but found himself unable to misinterpret her sultry look.
“Does this mean you’ve changed your mind?” Merric asked smugly.
“Any port in the storm,” Keryn whispered.
Merric furrowed his brow. “I didn’t quite catch that.”
“I said this means that I would like to go back to your place tonight,” she said more confidently.
Smiling, Merric stood and slipped an arm behind her back. Leading her out of the bar and back toward the lifts, they didn’t say a word to one another. Keryn still brooded silently over what she had seen and savored the warm, strong hand gently caressing the small of her back. They rode the lift together up to the residential level and walked the short distance to his hotel which, as she had assumed, was significantly nicer than the one she had been staying at. Passing through the lobby, they entered one of the elevators. She smiled as he pushed the button for one of the top floors, the floors that contained the hotel’s suites. No sooner had the elevator doors closed than he leaned over and kissed Keryn passionately. She responded quickly, pressing her body against his and wrapping her arms around his neck.
They entered his hotel room in a whirlwind of sexual activity. Clothing was quickly peeled away as his hands rolled over every inch of her body. Her own hands fumbled clumsily with his tight shirt, pulling it over his head hastily before his lips were able to find the side of her neck and shoulders.
That night, their bodies were twisted into a myriad of positions well into the morning, until finally both of them collapsed into the bed from exhaustion. He was every bit the lover that Keryn expected him to be: he was a rough lover with wandering hands, but took care of her every need. After they were done and they lay panting and sweaty in bed, Keryn realized that she was content but not satisfied. With her anger sedated and the adrenaline fleeing from her body, she immediately knew the reason why, and hated herself for thinking it.
Merric was a lot of things, but he was not Yen Xiao.
Yen awoke and stretched, feeling the tension in his back and shoulders ease. Though rested, he had slept awkwardly on his side with his head unsupported and his arm pinned beneath him. Now, as blood flow returned to the limb, he could feel the pins and needles spread painfully from his elbow to his fingertips. Flexing the numb digits, Yen sat up on the couch.
He wasn’t in his room. Yen doubted he was even in the same hotel. The layout of the room seemed somehow wrong. The curtains lacked a certain luster that he had found in the room Adam had rented for them. Even the material of the sofa on which he sat felt rougher and less refined. Slowly, as the cloud of weariness fled from his mind, Yen remembered where he was. The night before had been spent with Iana; first at the café, then at the movies. When she had offered to take him back to her hotel, he had readily accepted her invitation. Yet, he wasn’t waking up in her bed, nor was she beside him.
“Good morning, sleepy head,” a female called from behind him.
Turning stiffly, Yen saw the short blonde Pilgrim exit from the bedroom. A large towel was wrapped firmly around her torso, hugging her breasts and hanging loosely over the rest of her body. She used a second towel to dry her still dripping hair.
Yen smiled at Iana. “How did you sleep last night?”
“Hmm,” she said as she furrowed her brow in thought. “I was both cold and lonely last night. How about you?”
Yen scratched his head, feeling slightly uncomfortable. “I’m really sorry about that. I really didn’t think that was how the evening was going to turn out. Not after I had such a good time with you all afternoon.”
Walking around the couch, Iana sat down next to him, throwing her naked legs over Yen’s. The slit on the towel fell aside, opening dangerously far up her thighs. “Don’t worry about it. I understand, I really do. I’m not going to lie to you though. I can’t remember the last time I was so disappointed by someone not sleeping with me.”
Yen caught his gaze falling to where the two sides of the towel, and subsequently both her legs, met. “It’s not because I don’t find you attractive, Iana. You really are beautiful. I just can’t do this right now.”
Iana sighed as she slid her legs off his and covered herself again. Looking straight ahead, she refused to meet his stare. “You really love her, don’t you?”
“Honestly, I don’t think I realized just how much until last night. I had an incredible time with you, but when we got back here and I saw you naked…”
Iana blushed at last night’s memory. “We don’t have to talk about that.”
“Sorry,” Yen apologized, blushing slightly himself. “You looked beautiful, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Keryn. It was her I wanted to be standing in front of in a random hotel room. It just felt like I was betraying her by spending the night with you.”
“Those are some pretty serious emotions.”
Yen laughed slightly. “You’re not kidding. It’s just so invigorating to finally tell someone this. I don’t think I knew how much I loved her. Now, all I want to do is go find her and tell her how I feel.”
“Wow. I can’t really think of another way to say it than that.”
Though Iana seemed like she wanted to be happy for Yen, he could still see her pouting. Her full lips were pursed and her pale blue eyes twinkled mischievously. It was a look that Yen was sure she had practiced and used before, with great effect. Even now he found himself wanting to reach out and console her.
Sensing the awkward tension between them, they both spoke at once.
“I should really get ready to go,” Yen spoke while Iana said, “I really need to get dressed.”
Iana stood quickly and walked back toward the bedroom. She tossed her body towel casually aside without closing the door to the bedroom, leaving a clear, tempting view for Yen. He suddenly found it hard to swallow as he, for the s
econd time, found himself admiring her firm and well proportioned body. Though he could feel his blood stirring, Yen knew it was just lust and not the full love that he felt for Keryn.
“I wasn’t just feeding you lines last night, you know,” Yen said over his shoulder as he turned away from the temping view. “I really do want to help you with your assignment on the Revolution.”
“That’s sweet,” Iana replied as she exited the bedroom, having slipped on a bathrobe to cover her body. “But now that I know that Keryn is the new Squadron Commander, I think I might be able to do my own jockeying for a position. Thank you, though.”
Yen turned toward her and put his hands on Iana’s shoulders. “I hope this doesn’t make things strange between us when we’re working together.”
“Are you kidding me?” Iana laughed. “You’ve seen me naked. There isn’t much more comfort two people can have together than that.” Smiling at one another, there was another pause before Iana spoke again. “Go, Yen. You know she’s in the city and if you let her get back to the Revolution without telling her how you feel, I’m going to do it for you. And when I do it, it’ll include a lot of really sickeningly sweet words that are going to make you look like a sissy.”
Yen laughed heartily. “I’m going, I’m going. Thank you for putting up with me.”
He let the door close behind him as he left Iana’s hotel room. The elevators were directly ahead, but he stood in the doorway, his hand still clutching the door knob. Part of him was proud of his fortitude and loyalty to Keryn. Another equally strong part of him was still kicking himself for not taking advantage of a beautiful woman when he had the chance. Finally, through a battle of wills, Yen let go of the door and walked to the lift.
The elevator doors slid closed as soft music began playing as he rode the lift down to the lobby. Though he knew she had to be staying somewhere, Yen didn’t even know where to begin looking for Keryn. The Farimas Space Station was a sprawling construct, full of hundreds of streets and alleyways. Yen had no way of knowing if Keryn had stayed at a hotel or if she had splurged and rented a townhouse during shore leave. Hell, he realized, he still wasn’t completely convinced Keryn had even bothered to take shore leave at all. Lately, she had become so married to her position that it seemed impossible to drive a wedge between her and the Squadron.