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Page 2

by Valhalla(Lit)

  He spoke to me again, but I was too fixated on his mouth to hear what he’d said. I wondered if his lips were as soft as they looked. I wanted to run my fingers over his neck and down his back, so I did. I touched his face and his eyes widened.

  "What the…?" he asked, shocked.

  "It’s a lady, I found her lyin’ here, Kerr. What should we do with her? Kerr, yer scarlet, ya’ don’t fancy her do you?"

  Kerr’s ears reddened more and he put his hand up and touched mine. His hand was rough, but it felt wonderful. I didn’t want him to take it away. His eyes fluttered closed, and Cian grabbed his arm. "Don’t go touchin’ her, what if she’s a faerie?"

  Kerr smiled and our eyes met. "Then I suppose it’d be good to have one on our side, don’t ya’ think, brother?"

  "Aye, Kerr, yer right."

  I took Kerr’s hand and let him help me to my feet. My mother would be appalled that I let a man do something like this for me. She’d always taught me to stand on my own two feet, but right now they were covered in mud, and so was my backside.

  "What’d be yer name, lass?" Cian asked.

  I debated on telling them that I was a Valkyrie sent to look for Bhreac Laochailan. I didn’t want to scare them. They already suspected that I was faerie. I thought about it for a moment and watched as Kerr’s eyebrows rose slightly. He looked me up and down one more time before he took off a green wrap he wore and handed it to me. "Here, you’ll freeze to death in just that. Cover up or you’ll catch the fever."

  I nodded and accepted Kerr’s offer. He was right. I would freeze without my cloak. I went to wrap it around myself and was hit with a vision. I staggered forward and grabbed Kerr’s arm to steady myself. My head swam with the vision of what was to come. The elders had labeled me a visionary and here now, was proof that my powers were growing stronger.

  I saw Cian and Kerr fighting for their lives against a group of men dressed in red. I watched as a killing blow was delivered to Cian. Kerr ran to his side, and was struck down from behind. I sucked in a large breath of fresh air and the vision receded.

  I’d had them since birth. Some Valkyrie elders had once possessed the gift of foresight, but had lost it with age. Mine seemed to be growing stronger the older I got.

  I rubbed my eyes in an attempt at wiping away the slight headache that I was always left with and looked up to see Cian staring at me like I was a leper, and Kerr with a serious look on his face. He patted my hand lightly and moved in closer. "State yer business woman, and quickly."

  I looked at him and nodded. "I seek Bhreac Laochailan of the MacLachlainn clan."

  Cian started to say something, but Kerr put his hand up and stopped him. From the size difference, I’d bet that Kerr could break Cian in an instant, and apparently Cian knew that too, because he shut-up. "What is it that you want to see our cousin for?" Kerr asked.

  Cian tried to say something else, and this time Kerr shot him a nasty look. Cian nodded. "Aye, what business do ya’ got with Bhreac?"

  I looked down the darkened dirt road and back at the two men before me. I wasn’t sure how much leeway my vision had given me. The group of men dressed in red could be arriving any minute or not for days. I never really did get a set timeline—though, that would have been most appreciated. The events in my visions were always open to change if I intervened, and that’s what I planned on doing. I wouldn’t let these two die for helping me. I glanced up to find Kerr watching me closely—suspicion covered his face. He knew something was different about me, I could tell.

  "Do you think we could discuss this somewhere else?" I asked, nervously watching the road for signs of red coats.

  Kerr nodded and glanced down the road. No sooner did he agree to head out with me then I saw the approaching horses. It wasn’t until I saw the red coats approaching that I got concerned. The men on horseback spotted us and their pace quickened. Kerr looked at me and tipped his head down.

  "Go and hide, if they see ya runnin’ ‘bout in that outfit they’ll think yer a…." He stopped just short of saying whore. I knew what men in this time period did with women they assumed to be whores, and it wasn’t kind. As much as I really did want to avoid being mistaken as a prostitute, I wouldn’t leave Cian and Kerr to suffer their fate alone. I stood my ground and folded my arms over my chest.

  Kerr moved closer to me. His six foot five frame loomed over my five foot seven self. I backed up, but then stopped. "I’m not going to hide."

  He reached around me and picked me up. I never saw that one coming. I expected him to argue with me, not to simply resort to moving me himself. I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed at him to put me down. He moved me back behind the same rock I’d landed behind and set me down in the mud.

  "Stay here," he commanded and turned to walk back out by the road. I grabbed his arm and was impressed by the size of it. He was not only tall, but strong, that was clear.

  "I’m not going to hide. You two need me with you, or you’ll…." I stopped just short of saying die.

  Kerr looked and me and bit on his lower lip. "I’ve never raised my hand to a woman before, but if you don’t stay put, I’ll knock ya across yer arse, if need be."

  I argued with him, but was gripped by another vision. This one came so hard and fast that it made me fall over. I held my head tight and cried out from the pain. Kerr grabbed my arms and held me steady.

  In my vision I saw the faces of the men in the red coats. I had assumed that they would be the British, but no, they weren’t even human. I’d seen them before, many times before, they were demons—vampires to be exact. Vampires were evil’s favorite warriors. They were attractive, smart, and deadly. I must have landed in the right place, because they were here for Bhreac too. If they beat me to him they’d kill him or recruit him. It didn’t matter to them, they’d just as soon take him dead than to risk our side having him. I wouldn’t let that happen. Good would win here. I would see to that, or die trying.

  I opened my eyes to find Kerr holding me close. My head was buried into his massive chest. I took in the fresh, manly scent of him, and was happy that I was already on the ground. I would have fainted if I wasn’t.

  I heard the sound of voices near us, lifted my head, and locked eyes with Kerr. I started to say something, but his mouth came down on mine hard. I didn’t fight him as I had Beau. Kerr’s kiss was chaste at first. It stopped being that way when I thrust my tongue into his mouth. I feared that he might pull away, but his body stiffened and his arms wrapped around me tighter. His warm tongue found mine and I suddenly forgot how to breathe.

  "You there, tell me where Bhreac Laochailan can be found. Who’s that with you?" The accent was common British, but I knew that what lay beneath was anything but common.

  Cian answered first. "No, we don’t know any Bhreac, are you sure yer lookin’ round the right parts?"

  "Do not lie to me, little man. I will not hesitate to kill you. I might even enjoy it." I heard the rest of the group laugh, and I shuddered. "You there, in the back, who is that with you?"

  Kerr stood up. I grabbed him to me and whispered in his ear. "They can sense a lie. They are not what they appear to be. They are not human." He nodded at me and started to speak. I pulled him to me and kissed him again, this time with so much passion that he fell forward a bit. My intentions weren’t just to shut him up—they were to feel his lips on mine one more time before we parted ways. When he pulled back, I let out a sultry laugh.

  "How much you willin’ to offer for a night of fun?" I called out, trying my best to imitate Kerr’s accent. I’d spend my entire life studying cultures and time periods. I was equipped to deal with almost anything. Anything, that was, except a group of twenty vampires. Kerr’s eyes widened and I put my finger to his lips warning him to remain silent.

  "We have no need for a whore—we are looking for a man."

  I let out another laugh. "If that’s what you fancy then by all means…."

  "Tell your whore to mind her place," he said in a stern v
oice. "We seek Bhreac Laochailan."

  Kerr stood up slowly and looked over at the men on horseback. I watched as he shifted his tartan a bit. His cheeks were now flushed, both from the cold, and no doubt the rush of the kiss. I unfastened the green wrap he’d let me borrow and pulled my top over my head. Kerr looked at me and his eyes widened to the point that they looked like they’d pop from his head. I stood up from behind the rock and covered my breasts with my arm. "I’ve no clue where Bhreac Laochailan is. I suspect he’s in town. I’ll be lookin’ for him myself soon, he owes me a debt, got a wee one at home that needs takin’ care of. Leavin’ me to lie on my back to put food on the table, whilst he runs about drinkin’ and carryin’ on, has put him on my list, if ya know what I mean." I stretched the truth to the breaking point, okay past the breaking point, but I had an advantage. I knew to believe in my lie.

  I focused on the man on horse closest to us. He seemed to be the leader. His dark brown hair was pulled into a ponytail at the base of his neck. His jaw was thin, and his face was very narrow. I’d never been into men who had fine features before and he was no exception. His black eyes locked on me and I fought the urge to shudder. I’d seen the demon that hid under the mask of a man he wore now. I knew that upon demand the demon could surface and then we’d all be in danger.

  "Who shall I tell ‘em is lookin’ for him then?" I asked.

  The man’s lips curved into a smile. "Corbin, tell him to be on the lookout for Captain Corbin because I will find him. We have some business to attend to with him." His eyes skimmed over me. "And, after I find him I’ll come back for you. You look like you would be good at least for a little while."

  "It’ll cost ya."

  He nodded at me and turned to his men. "No, it will cost you—dearly … I look forward to seeing you again." He put his hand in the air. "Let’s go then."

  Kerr handed me my shirt and pulled the wrap back up to cover me, as we watched the group of guards ride off down the road. "Cian, go to the house and warn everyone. Have them go to the MacDougal’s until I send word that it’s okay."

  Cian nodded. I looked at Kerr. "What about Bhreac? If they find him they’ll kill him or worse … I’ve got to stop them or find him. That’s what I came for. His life is in my hands now … I must find him, and quickly."

  Kerr put his hand on my shoulder. "I think that Bhreac will be fine, let’s get you somewhere safe, and warm." He put his hand out to me and helped me over the slick patch of mud. I eased myself down and nearly fell, but Kerr’s strong hands held me tight. I nodded at him and moved to let go of his hand. He held mine for a moment and let his eyes flutter closed. I was spellbound and just stood there trying to commit to memory every line of his face. A tiny white scar on his chin caught my attention. It was perfect. He was perfect. He squeezed my hand tighter and I could have sworn that I felt him caress it with his fingers before he quickly let it go, and opened his eyes.

  "Are you okay?" I asked.

  Kerr’s mouth drew up in a partial smile. It was one of those smiles that could warm you straight to your toes. I found myself returning it, and moving closer to him as we continued walking. I listened as he hummed several songs softly. His voice was strong and I could tell that he could sing. He stopped after a few and I walked quietly in the incredibly awkward silence that followed.

  "You haven’t once asked me about my attire," I said, curious as to why he wouldn’t want to know more about me.

  Kerr didn’t look at me. He kept his eyes straight ahead. "No, I suppose I haven’t asked. I guess you’ll tell me all I need to know when the time’s right."

  It was a very laid back approach to the ordeal that we were in. I had to admire his strength. He didn’t seem fazed by much, and I liked that. "Well, I think I’ll wait on the story of my life, how about you, what’s your story, Kerr?"

  Kerr looked at me briefly. "Not much to tell. I’m the son of a farmer, Cian’s my only brother, our mother passed away a year ago, she had the fever, and now I just help out with Cian and his family. He’s got two lads and a wee lass now, and a good wife."

  "You don’t have a family?" I didn’t mean for it to come out the way it did, but I couldn’t take it back now.

  He let out a small laugh. "No, I’ve no family of my own. I will soon. I’m sure of that," he said, looking at me out of the corner of his eyes. I suddenly felt like a true outsider. I scrambled to make conversation to avoid the awkward silence.

  "So, you’ve found that special girl then? The one that makes your heart stop when she’s near." I was reaching, but anything was better than walking in complete silence. I didn’t really want to hear about his precious little Scottish girl who made his heart go pitter-patter, but I didn’t want to walk in silence any longer either.

  "Aye, I have."

  I suddenly found myself hoping for him to elaborate a little bit more, but he didn’t. I was crazy, I know, but I needed to hear what his ideal woman was, because I already knew that he was my ideal man, or darn close to it. I tried to think of what else I’d want in a mate, and could only come up with magic. If Kerr had possessed that, then he would have been perfect. He turned and looked at me. "Now, I’ll ask you a question, seems only fair. What about you? Do you have a family?"

  I let out a laugh, but it was anything but small. "No, I don’t have time for a family. I don’t even have any prospects for a husband, well, one … but the elders would never allow … in my line of work it’s hard to settle down and...." I put my hand up and covered my mouth. Women in his day didn’t work, and they most certainly married as soon as they could. I was making foolish slip-ups that could jeopardize the natural course of events. I was sent to find Bhreac and no one else. I was not to alter anyone else’s views, or lives. If a vision came, then I knew that it was okay to step in, but I wasn’t to go above that.

  "I find it hard to believe that no man’s caught yer fancy."

  I glanced over at Kerr and shook my head slightly. "It’s complicated."


  Chapter 4

  "Are you content?" Kerr asked as he tried to get comfortable in the corner of the loft.

  He had brought up hay for me and laid an old blanket he found over it. He even insisted on me keeping his wrap for the night. I lay under the green cloth that smelled of him and watched him trying to sleep sitting up. My belly was full of the bread he’d gotten us, and I was a little light headed from the wine. I watched him, and wanted to be closer to him, but he kept a safe distance. I don’t think that he trusted me. Sure, I hadn’t been completely honest with him, but my intentions were good.

  Kerr looked so uncomfortable as he slept in the corner. It broke my heart to see him that way. Occasionally, his head would fall forward and his eyes would open quickly. I watched him draw one of his legs up. My eyes scanned his upper thigh and I felt my insides get jittery when I saw that the myths about what men wore, or didn’t wear, under their kilts was true. Kerr’s head fell forward again and he kicked awake.

  I sat up. "This is silly, come and lay with me."

  He looked like I’d just announced that I was the devil come to strike him down. "I’d never disrespect ya so," he said, quickly.

  "I wouldn’t find it disrespectful at all if you stayed warm, and didn’t die of hypothermia." I looked into his blue eyes and saw that he wasn’t buying it, so I went even further. "And, I would sleep better knowing you were here to protect me." I almost choked on the words as they came out—they were so very unlike me. That did it. Kerr stood up and came over to me. He placed his sword next to him on the floor and lay with his back to me. I covered him with his wrap, smiled, and closed my eyes. Sleep came quickly.

  I knew that I teetered on the edge of being in a deep sleep, and that made me nervous, whenever that happened that usually meant that I was about to have another nightmare, or worse yet, a vision. Sure enough, I saw the face of Corbin, the British vampire guard. His black eyes seemed to twirl with specks of orange and gold. I watched in horror as his fangs showed
and his face twisted into the demon that hid beneath the surface. Blood ran from his mouth as he approached me. I tried to run, but found that I was unable to move. I put my hands out to keep him at bay, but he pushed right past them. He went straight for my neck and sank his teeth deep into it. Hot shearing pain shot through my upper body. I tried to pry him off, but I couldn’t budge him. I heard his thoughts in my head. He was going to turn me, he’d figured out who I really was and had orders to bring me over as well. I cried out and felt even more pressure on my shoulders.

  "Lass, lass, wake up, yer dreamin’."

  I woke to find Kerr leaning over me, holding my shoulders. I grabbed my neck and found that it was whole. I touched Kerr’s hand and he tried to pull away. "Thank you."

  "There’s no need to thank me, I wouldna wanna have a dream like that one either," he said, his voice shaky.

  I tried to lie back down, but a shiver ran through me and I was unable to get warm again. I knew that it was from the nightmare and the visions. I’d seen so much violence in my life that I had problems sleeping through the night. I wanted to be back on Valhalla right now instead of single-handedly fighting evil. Every bit of me wanted to go and open a portal back to my home, but I couldn’t leave Bhreac Laochailan to Corbin and his men.

  Kerr looked down at me. "You’re still cold. Here," he said, moving his body down onto mine. It was my turn to stiffen up. "I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable, I just meant to warm you, that’s all, lass." And warm me he did. He was easily two hundred pounds of muscle and every bit of his body was hot. I shifted a little to try and hide the fact that my nipples were hardening under the weight of his body, and found that they weren’t the only things hard. My leg brushed past his lower regions and I sucked in a breath as I felt the size of it.

  I wanted to touch Kerr. I wanted to run my fingers over his back and know the feel of his touch. I’d never given myself to anyone before, not once in my twenty-four years. I’d fallen for a few men in my life, but all were forbidden for me because they were Valhalla warriors. Maybe my mother was right—maybe I should take a mortal lover and never look back. Kerr’s red hair fell into my face. I took a deep breath in and let the earthy smell of him linger a moment. I wanted to make a move, I wanted Kerr to be my first, but I was afraid that he already thought me a whore by my dress and behavior today. For some odd reason, it mattered what Kerr thought of me.


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