Lost Memories: A Lesbian Romance

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Lost Memories: A Lesbian Romance Page 5

by Lydia Rose

  “Hey,” Rachel said when she answered.

  “Hi.” Beth paused. “Did you tell Ryan that I’m seeing someone?”

  Rachel didn’t respond immediately.

  “Well, that explains why she won’t even talk to me.”

  “Liz, what do you expect her to do? Ask if the two of you can double date. It’s time for Ryan to move on with her life. It is long overdue.”

  “I thought we were friends,” Beth said keeping her voice low.

  “Ryan can’t handle just being friends with you, Liz. Can’t you see that?”

  “She’s taken the necklace off.”

  “She did?” Rachel asked excited.

  “She didn’t have it on this morning when I saw her.”

  “Good. That means she’s trying to move on with her life. To leave the past where it belongs, in the past.”

  “I know you’re right, Rachel, but I wish we could have remained friends.”

  “Liz, how many ex-boyfriends are you friends with?” Rachel asked with a chuckle.

  “I get your point, but I don’t remember that so in my mind she’s not an ex.”

  “Well, to her you are. Haven’t you done enough to her?” Rachel sighed.

  “I know I have. I know how I hurt her all those years ago, but I don’t remember doing that. It’s as if it happened to someone else.”

  “I know you don’t remember, Liz, but she does. Let her go.”

  “So you can have her?” Beth asked critically.

  “Ryan’s not interested in me. Believe me I wish she was, but she’s not.”

  “I’m sorry, Rachel. I didn’t mean to jump down your throat.”

  “You almost sound jealous?” Rachel asked chuckling.

  “Despite everything, I want Ryan to be happy. I want to be happy.”

  “So how is it going with Jason?”

  “He’s nice.”

  “Nice? Oh, that sounds like the kiss of death.”

  “Not at all. He treats me nice.”

  “Have you slept with him yet?” Rachel asked.

  “Rachel,” Beth said raising her voice. “I’ve only gone out with him twice.”

  “So tonight is your third date?”


  “We will talk on Monday and you can tell me how he was in bed.” Rachel insisted.

  “I’m going to say good-bye now,” Beth said reaching for the end button. She could hear Rachel laughing as she ended the call.

  “Sleep with him,” Beth grumbled to herself. She wasn’t even sure that she was attracted to Jason let alone let him take her to bed.


  Ryan watched from the shadows of the parking lot as Beth came out of the building with her date. She could see he was well over six feet tall as he held Beth’s arm as they walked to the car. Beth was wearing a black dress and low heels. He had on a dark pair of pants and a dress shirt and tie. From Ryan’s vantage point she watched him open the car door for Beth and held her hand as she stepped into the car. Ryan watched the car until it was out of sight. She walked to her car and drove over to the bar.

  Ryan was sitting at the bar nursing her beer when a woman approached.

  “Would you like to dance?”

  Ryan was ready to turn the woman down until she turned and faced her. The woman had dark shoulder length hair and blue eyes. She reminded Ryan so much of Beth that she felt tongue tied.

  The woman smiled at Ryan. “I’m Lori,” she said holding out her hand.

  Ryan took the hand in hers and said. “Ryan.”

  “That’s an unusual name for a woman,” Lori said with a laugh.

  “I think my parents knew I was going to turn out to be a lesbian before I was born,” Ryan said with a grin.

  “So?” Lori asked again. “Dance?”

  “I’d like that,” Ryan said taking Lori’s hand.

  The two women danced most of the evening. The music shifted from fast to slow. After the third slow song, Lori whispered into Ryan’s ear. “How about getting out of here?” She felt Ryan’s body tense and laughed. “I don’t mean for that. I just thought you might want to go for coffee or a bite to eat where we could talk.” She leaned back so she could see Ryan’s face. “So we don’t have to yell to hear ourselves.”

  Ryan took Lori’s hand and led her out of the bar. “Where do you want to go?”

  “There is a café just down the street.”

  “Great. I’ll meet you there in a few minutes.” Ryan waved and walked to her car.

  They walked into the café and sat at a table. “So are you hungry?” Lori asked smiling.

  “I’m always hungry,” Ryan said with a grin.

  “Good. Let’s go for it.”

  After the order was placed, Lori began with her questions.

  “So tell me about yourself.”

  “Well, I grew up in New Jersey. Went to college in New York and worked for a software company there until Four Leaf bought them. They offered me a job and here I am.”

  Lori chuckled. “That was the fastest life story I have ever heard.”

  “Not much else to tell,” Ryan said with a shrug.

  “I’m sure there is more, but we have plenty of time to get to know each other.”

  “What about you?”

  “I was born and raised in California. I’m a registered nurse at San Jose General. I originally wanted to be a doctor, but I didn’t want to spend all that time in school. I enjoy what I do so that’s all that matters.” Lori smiled. “Yes, mine is short and sweet too, but as I said we have plenty of time to get to know each other.” Lori raised her eyebrows. “Unless you aren’t interested in getting to know me?”

  Ryan waived her hand. “I’m very interested in you, Lori. There is just something about you that intrigued me from the moment you came over to me.” Ryan knew what that was, but she couldn’t tell Lori that. The more she spoke with her the more she realized how different she was from Beth. Originally, Ryan thought they looked alike, but besides the hair and eye color they were so different. What was keeping Ryan interested was the genuine smile that Lori wore. Lori was happy and it showed on her face and in her eyes. Ryan had been out with too many women that smiled at her across the table, but quickly she realized it was just a facade.

  “Good. Now that we’ve settled that. Let’s eat.”

  As the women walked to their cars, Lori asked for Ryan’s phone number. They exchanged phones and she asked. “I’d like to do this again. I’m working all week, but would you like to have dinner Friday night?”

  Ryan handed Lori back her phone. “I’d like that very much.”

  “Great.” Lori leaned over and gently kissed Ryan’s lips.

  Ryan was smiling as Lori stepped away. “Call me and let me know you got home safe.”

  “I will. Good night, Ryan.”

  “Good night.”

  Ryan was just getting out of the car when her cellphone rang. “Hi. Are you home?”

  “Just got in. What about you?”

  “I’m still in my parking lot, but I’m home.”

  “Well, talk to me until you get inside so I know you’re okay.”

  Ryan laughed. “I live in a very nice neighborhood.”

  “I’m sure you do, but this way I get to keep talking to you.”

  Ryan opened her door and went inside the building.

  From the building next door, a figure stood in the window watching Ryan in the parking area. She knew whoever Ryan was speaking to, she seemed happy. “What do you care who she is speaking to. Go to bed.” Beth said to the empty room.


  Ryan was running in the park Sunday morning, but this time she was enjoying herself. No longer did she find the need to run until she could barely stand. She was happy that she went to the bar and happier that she finally met someone that seemed normal. Lori looks may have reminded Ryan of Beth, but that’s where the similarities stopped. Lori seemed more open and carefree than the guarded Beth she had always loved. As s
he made her way halfway around the lake, her phone rang.

  “Hey,” Ryan said into the phone.

  “Hi. I thought I would call you before I left for work.” Lori took a deep breath. “I just wanted to tell you I had good time with you last night.”

  Ryan smiled looking up at the sky. “I had a really good time too and I can’t wait for Friday night.”

  “Me too, Ryan. Sorry, but I’ve got to leave for work.”

  “Have a good day, Lori and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “You bet. Good bye, Ryan.”

  “See you,” Ryan said before disconnecting the call. She now continued her run.

  Beth was sitting in the grass opposite from where Ryan stopped to take a phone call. She noticed how casually Ryan was running and when Ryan approached, she spoke. “Hey.”

  “Hey, yourself.” Ryan sat in the grass next to Beth. “How are you?”

  “Good. Yourself?” Beth asked.

  “Great.” Ryan didn’t feel the pain and awkwardness she usually found around Beth. “So how are you and I’m sorry I don’t know your boyfriend’s name?”

  “Jason. We’re doing fine. How about you? Have you met anyone?” Beth asked.

  “I did. Her name is Lori and we’re going out again Friday night.”

  “What does she do?” Beth asked.

  “Registered nurse.” Ryan pointed. “Jason?”

  “He’s a resident at San Jose General.”

  “That’s where Lori works. What’s his last name?”


  “I’ll have to ask Lori if she knows him.” Ryan smiled. “Small world, isn’t it?”

  Beth nodded. “It sure is.” She wasn’t thrilled that Ryan’s girlfriend and Jason worked in the same facility. The world was growing smaller by the moment as far as she was concerned.

  Ryan stood up. “I need to go take a shower. It was nice to see you, Beth.”

  Beth stood up with her. “Would you like to come to dinner tonight? I mean if you aren’t doing anything with Lori.”

  “She’s working.”

  “So is Jason.”

  “What are you making?”

  Beth laughed. “You’ll just have to come over and find out.”

  “Can I help cook?” Ryan asked as they walked toward their buildings.

  “Nope. I’ve got it covered.”

  “What time?”


  “Okay, see you then.” Ryan turned right and Beth went to the left. She didn’t know if spending time with Beth was the right thing to do, but maybe with Lori in her life it would be alright.


  Ryan could smell the food in the hallway. Beth opened the door before she could knock. “Is that crabs I smell?”

  “Well, they aren’t Jersey’s blue crabs, but yes.”

  “How did you know I love crabs?”

  “I didn’t. I just remember sitting at a large picnic table in the backyard of my parent’s house.” Beth chuckled. “Newspapers were laid out on the table and everyone eating.”

  “Yeah. Your dad and uncle used to go down the shore and came back with a bushel of crabs. I was always invited because they knew how much I loved crabs.” Ryan looked at Beth with her eyebrows furrowed. “You remember that?”

  “Not that you were there, but eating crabs I do.”

  Beth had prepared the crabs, corn on the cob and potato salad.

  “Wow, Beth. You certainly went all out on this meal.”

  “You made me cioppino, so I had to do just as well.”

  They both sat at the table cracking the crab and enjoying the sweet meat inside.

  “Maybe you are starting to remember some past memories?” Ryan asked while she cracked a shell.

  “I just don’t know why you have been completely erased from my mind,” Beth said softly.

  Ryan picked up her plate and emptied it in the garbage. “I guess in the end I was an insignificant part of your life, Beth.”

  “That not true, Ryan.” Beth wanted to tell Ryan what she had discovered, but knew it wouldn’t change anything so she didn’t tell her.

  “It doesn’t matter, Beth.” Ryan sighed. “You’re happy with your life and that’s all that matters.”

  “So tell me about Lori?” Beth asked changing the subject.

  “I told you she’s a registered nurse and that’s why she won’t be available until Friday. Lori’s sweet and very pretty. Genuine. You know what I mean?”

  Beth just nodded.

  “I’ve gone out with too many women who didn’t show me their true selves.”

  “How do you know Lori isn’t doing the same thing?”

  “I don’t get that feeling from her.”

  Ryan declined the offer to stay and watch a movie with Beth. She used the excuse that she had brought work home and she needed to do that.

  “Thanks for dinner, Beth. It was delicious.”

  “Thank you for coming over.”


  Ryan and Beth only ran into each other briefly during the week. Either Beth was going into the cafeteria or Ryan was just leaving. They would talk for a few minutes and then move on with their day.

  Friday night, Ryan rushed home and got ready for her date with Lori. She wore a pair of dress slacks and a sexy red blouse.

  “You look beautiful,” Lori said as she came into Ryan’s apartment.

  “Thank you. You look great too.” Ryan took in the light dress slacks and an open blouse over a silk tank top.

  Lori leaned in for a kiss before they left the apartment. “You are such a good kisser.”

  Ryan smiled. “Thanks.”

  They sat in a restaurant that Lori had chosen. The crowd was mainly same sex couples. Ryan looked around smiling. “Good choice for dinner.”

  Lori returned the smile. “I thought you might enjoy this.” She reached for Ryan’s hand. “The food is very good too.”

  “Before I forget, I wanted to ask you if you know Doctor Jason Peters.”

  Lori released Ryan’s hand. “Why?”

  “A friend I work with is dating him.” Ryan could see the tension in Lori’s face.

  “Does this friend know you and I are dating?”


  Lori lowered her head. “Will she tell him?”

  “I doubt it. Why would she? I didn’t tell her your last name or anything.”

  “You didn’t tell her my last name?” Lori asked leaning forward.

  “Lori, I don’t even know your last name.”

  Lori finally relaxed and smiled again. “My last name is Williams.”

  “I get the feeling that you don’t like Doctor Peters?”

  Lori shrugged, but didn’t respond.

  “What’s wrong with him?” Ryan asked then added. “I won’t say anything to Beth.”

  “He’s arrogant,” Lori finally said.

  Ryan chuckled. “Aren’t all doctors arrogant?”

  Lori grinned. “Yes, some are. Peters is arrogant without the talent. I’ve seen him bring a nurse to tears because of a mistake he’s made.”

  “Is he violent?”

  “I don’t think physically, but verbally.” Lori looked at Ryan. “How good a friend is Beth?”

  “We grew up together, but I hadn’t seen her in eight years.”

  Lori studied Ryan for a minute before continuing. “Maybe he’s different outside of the hospital.”

  “You’re probably right. I can’t see Beth dating a verbally abusive person.”

  Lori sensed that Beth meant something more to Ryan, but she had no right to ask.

  Once the dinner conversation moved away from Beth, they both had a pleasant evening.

  Back at the apartment, Ryan asked. “Would you like to come in for a while?”

  Lori nodded. “Sure.”

  “Can I get you something to drink?” Ryan asked as Lori took a seat on the couch.

  “I’m fine, Ryan. Sit down with me.” Lori patted the cushion next to

  Ryan sat down and Lori leaned over and kissed her mouth. They kissed over and over. Hands caressed each other, but never strayed to parts Ryan’s body was begging to be touched. After an hour, Lori stood up.

  “I think I should leave before I won’t want to.” Lori held out her hand for Ryan. “You’re a very sexy woman, Ryan Allen.”

  Ryan giggled. “I could say the same thing about you.” They walked together to the door holding hands. “Do you want to do something tomorrow?”

  “I’d like that. What do you have in mind?”

  “How about a picnic lunch in the park across the street?”

  “A picnic?” Lori asked with a smile. “I haven’t been on a picnic in years.”

  “Is that a yes?” Ryan asked squeezing Lori’s hand.

  “A definite yes.”

  “Come on over around noon.” Ryan’s mouth found Lori’s lips again and she kissed her deeply.

  “Oh your mouth is lethal.” Lori looked deeply into Ryan’s green eyes.

  Ryan leaned back and looked at Lori. “Is that bad?”

  Lori shook her head vigorously. “Not at all, but I don’t know how long I’m going to be able to resist you.”

  Ryan moved her hand up Lori’s arm. “Why would you?”

  “At the moment, I can’t find any reason.”

  Ryan opened the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Lori nodded as her throat suddenly felt tight. No other woman had seduced her so quickly without even trying. “Good night.”

  “Text me when you get home.”

  Lori nodded and walked down the hallway.


  Ryan laid out the blanket and dropped the picnic basket between them. She now was on her knees opening the basket. “I’ve got sour dough bread and some of the best cheeses you’ve ever tasted. Then we have deli sandwiches when you want.” She looked at Lori’s smile. “I didn’t bring wine because the park doesn’t allow it.”

  Lori’s smile widened. “You are something else, woman. Do you know that?”

  Ryan moved the basket and moved closer to Lori. “I can be a romantic fool at times.” Her smile opened as she watched Lori’s eyes darken with arousal.

  “You are definitely romantic, but a fool you aren’t.” Lori leaned over and kissed Ryan’s mouth softly.


  Out of the vision of the two women, Beth watched them. She knew they had chosen that spot because it was away from the others in the park. Her view point also kept her out their view. She watched the two women talking and then the dark haired woman leaned over and kissed Ryan. It took Beth by surprise and she sucked in a deep breath. Watching them Beth felt jealous. How can I be jealous? I’m not a lesbian. That’s what Beth said to herself, but she also had the knowledge that at one time she was Ryan’s lesbian lover. Even though she had no memory of that time, she could almost sense it somewhere deep in her subconscious mind. Beth got up from her bench and walked back to her apartment making sure she wasn’t spotted by Ryan.


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