Lost Memories: A Lesbian Romance

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Lost Memories: A Lesbian Romance Page 6

by Lydia Rose

  Walking back to her apartment, Beth took out her phone.

  “Lizzie, how are you?”

  “I’m good, mom. How are you and dad doing?”

  “We’re fine honey. Your sister tells me that Ryann Allen is working at your company now.”

  “You mean Ryan.”

  “No, Lizzie. I mean Ryann. That’s her real name. When she was about thirteen or fourteen she insisted that everyone call her Ryan.”

  Beth began to giggle. “You’re kidding?”

  “No, honey. You’re not hanging around with her again. She was always a bad influence on you.”

  “Mom, Ryan is a terrific person.”

  “Oh, dear. Have you broken up with that young doctor?”

  “No, mom. I’m still dating Jason.”

  “Good. You don’t need the likes of Ryann Allen interfering in your life again.”

  The way her mother was reacting, Beth realized that her mother was aware of the relationship she had with Ryan before she lost her memory. “Ryan and I are friends.”

  “Is she dating anyone?”

  “Yes, mom, she is.”


  “I’ve got to get ready for my date, mom. Say hi to dad for me.”

  “Have a good time, honey. Good bye.”


  Ryan was packing up the picnic basket and looked at the clouds overhead. “I think we’re in for some rain. How about we move this picnic indoors?”

  “Sure,” Lori said standing up and folding the blanket.

  Once in the apartment, Lori and Ryan took a seat on the couch.

  “I had a good time today, Ryan.”

  “I’m glad you decided to spend your day with me. Are you working tomorrow?” Ryan asked as she took Lori’s hand.

  “I don’t go in until three o’clock.” Lori rubbed Ryan’s hand as she looked into green eyes. Her arousal was evident in the dark eyes.

  They both crashed together kissing. Ryan tugged on Lori’s lower lip as her tongue opened her mouth. Deeper and deeper the kisses became until they broke away breathless.

  “Take me to bed,” Lori whispered into her ear.

  Ryan stood up and held out her hand to Lori. A smile touched her lips as she led Lori into the bedroom. Ryan reached for the buttons on Lori’s shirt. Slowly she released the buttons as her lips tasted Lori’s neck. Lori’s hands couldn’t be stilled and her hands went to Ryan’s jeans. They giggled because both women tried to undress the other without success.

  “Let me, Lori. I promise you can take my clothes off in a minute.”

  Lori lowered her hands and waited as Ryan removed her clothes slowly, but always kissing her skin as she did. As each piece of Lori’s clothing hit the floor, her breathing increased. By the time her underwear dropped down her legs it sounded as if Lori was running a race.

  “I want you, Ryan. Let me take your clothes off.” Lori begged.

  “I can do it faster.” Ryan threw back the covers on the bed before she stripped her clothes off in record time.

  Lori moved back onto the bed as Ryan moved between her legs. A moan sounded in the room by one or both of the women.

  “You have a beautiful body, Ryan. I knew you were hiding something magnificent under those clothes.”

  Ryan’s lips captured Lori’s kissing her tenderly. Their cores were wet and slick as they slid against each other allowing their passion to take over. Ryan’s mouth tasted the salty bud making Lori’s verbal communication impossible to understand. Her head was guided by Lori’s hands learning what made this beautiful woman scream out in ecstasy.

  “I knew you would be a good lover. Come up here so I can kiss you.” Lori kissed Ryan with such passion taking her over the edge again. “Let me make love to you, Ryan. I need to touch and taste you.”

  Lori’s skill as a lover was causing Ryan’s heart to flutter, but as she brought her over the edge it was Beth’s face that she saw when she closed her eyes. Ryan spent the rest of the night trying to erase that image and see only the woman who was now asleep next to her.


  Lori left Ryan’s bed at eleven to get ready for work. They were both spent and satiated by the time they crawled out of bed.

  “I hope it’s an easy day for me,” Lori said coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her.

  Ryan laughed. “See if you can get some sleep before you go into work.”

  “What you did to my body last night, Ryan.” Lori shook her head. “I’m not off again until Thursday night.” Lori dropped the towel and began to collect her clothes from the floor. “Can I see you Friday night?”

  “Come to dinner here.”

  Lori kissed Ryan at the door passionately before she reached for door handle. “I’ll call you later if I get time.”

  “I’d like that,” Ryan said holding onto the door as Lori disappeared down the hall.

  Beth was just coming out of her apartment building and saw Lori rushing to her car. She took notice that Lori wore the same clothes she had on the day before. Maybe they both were moving on with their lives and they could go back to being friends again.


  Ryan was standing in line in the cafeteria when a voice whispered in her ear. “How are you, Ryann?”

  Ryan’s shoulders came up in surprise. She turned and saw a smiling Beth standing behind her. “I know you didn’t remember that on your own. Who told you?”

  “My mother,” she said giggling.

  “Yeah, she refused to call me Ryan.”

  “I like Ryan better anyway.”

  “Well it was your idea for me to change my name to Ryan.” She pointed her finger.

  “It was?” Beth asked surprised.

  “Yes,” Ryan laughed. “I had it changed legally at eighteen.”

  “Why did I want you to change your name?”

  “You always called me Ry or Ryan. You never called me Ryann. Just as I never called you anything other than Beth.”

  They sat at a table together without discussion.

  “So did you have a good weekend?” Beth asked hiding her smirk.

  “Yeah, I did.”

  “I didn’t take you for the romantic picnic type,” Beth said with a giggle.

  Ryan raised her head from her plate. “You saw us?”

  “Yes. I also saw her leaving your apartment Sunday morning.” She laughed softly.

  “I don’t think I like you living next door to me.”

  “Aw, come on, Ryan. I’m your friend. You can talk about her.”

  “Lori’s terrific. She smart and funny.” Ryan paused as her eyes drifted. “I enjoy her company.”

  “It sounds like you might be in love?” Beth asked.

  “No, Beth. I’m not in love. We’re having fun. Maybe someday I might feel that way, but I don’t feel that way now.”

  “Does she know that you’re only in it for fun?”

  “Beth, we’ve only been going out a few times. I’m sure Lori feels the way I do.” Ryan looked at Beth across the table. “Are you in love with Jason?”

  Beth nearly spit her water across the table. “In love? Are you kidding me?” She leaned closer. “He runs hot and cold. Sometimes I really don’t like him.”

  “So why are you still going out with him?” Ryan asked pointing her fork.

  “I’m done with him. He wasn’t happy that I wouldn’t sleep with him Saturday night.” Beth lowered her voice. “He got so angry. I thought he was going to hit me.”

  “Beth, you better not go out with him again. Lori didn’t really have anything nice to say about the guy. There’s plenty of men out there that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. Don’t settle for anything other than true love.”

  “It’s hard, Ryan. Every guy I’ve dated turned into such a disappointment. It must be me.” Beth lowered her head.

  “Hey,” Ryan said waiting for Beth to lift her head. “It’s not you. Trust me, it’s not you.” Beth looked at her with those sad blu
e eyes. “Let me take you to dinner tonight?”

  “What about Lori?”

  “She’s working.”

  Beth nodded acceptance. “I think our lunch hour is over. Thanks for talking with me, Ryan.”

  “You know I’ll always be here for you, Beth. Always.”

  Beth half smiled and nodded again. “Thanks.”


  Over the next two weeks while Lori was working, Ryan and Beth spent the evenings together. They would alternate between apartments. They would cook the evening meal together and then sit and watch TV together.

  One Friday evening, the two women sat on the floor eating popcorn as a movie played in the background. The only sound the women made was their munching as they stared at the screen.

  Beth picked up a piece of popcorn and tossed it at Ryan. A low giggle left her mouth as she tossed another kernel. Ryan turned to Beth.

  “Cut it out,” she said unable to keep the smile off her face. This time the popcorn landed in the V of her t-shirt. As Ryan tried to retrieve the stray kernel, another one hit her in the face. Ryan pounced like tiger. She had Beth flat on the floor and held her hands over her head. “You think you’re so funny.”

  Beth giggled. “Yes.”

  Ryan grabbed a handful of the popcorn and put it down the front of Beth’s t-shirt. “Now that’s funny.”

  “Yuck, that was loaded with butter.” Beth moaned.

  “You should have thought about that before you started this war.”

  They looked into each other’s eyes as their cores met on the floor. Ryan slowly released her hold on Beth’s wrists, but they stared intently into each other’s eyes. Beth watched as Ryan’s eyes moved to her lips.

  “What’s going on?” A voice asked to the left of the women.

  Ryan looked over and saw Lori standing in the living room. She quickly rolled off Beth.

  “Uh, we were just having a popcorn fight,” Beth said laughing.

  “I can see that. I knocked on the door and you obviously couldn’t hear it over the screaming.” Lori watched as Beth moved the bottom of her shirt so the popcorn could escape.

  “Hi, Lori,” Beth said holding out her hand. “I’m Elizabeth.”

  “Sorry,” Ryan said finding her voice. “Lori Williams, this is Elizabeth Hale.” Ryan glanced at the clock. “I thought you were working until midnight?”

  “I got off early and thought I would surprise you.”

  Beth picked up the popcorn bowl off the floor and walked toward the door. “It was nice to meet you Lori. Ryan talks about you all the time.”

  “Well, she hasn’t said anything about you,” Lori said looking at Ryan.

  “Thanks for dinner, Ryan. Have a good weekend.”

  “Good night, Beth.”

  Ryan now began to pick up the popcorn that was scattered on the floor.

  “I’m sorry for barging in, Ryan. I heard loud voices and I thought.” Lori’s hand went to her head. “I thought you were in trouble.”

  Ryan put the bowl down again. “There’s nothing going on with me and Beth. We’re just friends.”

  “Close friends I could see.”

  “I told you that Beth and I grew up together. Didn’t I?”

  “No, you didn’t. She’s the one dating Peters?”

  “Was. They broke up.”

  “So she’s straight?”

  Ryan looked at Lori and then lowered her eyes. “Apparently.”

  Apparently? “Do you want me to leave, Ryan?”

  “No,” Ryan said as she kissed her lips softly. “This is a nice surprise.”

  “Are you sure, Ryan?”

  Ryan reached for Lori’s hand. She turned off the TV and led them to the bedroom. “Very sure.”

  Once in the bedroom Lori began to back pedal. “I’m not in the mood to make love, Ryan.”

  “I understand, Lori,” Ryan said quietly as they got into bed together.


  Beth walked back to her apartment laughing softly. As she opened her apartment door, she remembered the intensity she saw in Ryan’s eyes moments before Lori walked into the apartment. Beth thought Ryan was going to kiss her and she almost felt disappointment when Lori interrupted them.


  Beth sent a text Saturday afternoon to Ryan. I hope I didn’t get you in trouble.

  A few minutes later, Beth’s phone rang. “No, you didn’t get me in trouble,” Ryan said with a chuckle. “Lori knows we’re friends.”

  “Good. I was afraid she might think something was going on with us.”

  Ryan didn’t know what to say, so she said. “Everything is fine. So what are you doing today?”

  “Nothing much. What about you?”

  “Well, Lori’s working so I have nothing planned. Do you want to do something?”

  “What did you have in mind? Beth asked with a giggle. “More popcorn fights?”

  “No.” Ryan answered with a giggle. “How about something nice and sedate like a walk in the park?”

  “Meet you downstairs in a half hour?”


  Beth began to laugh as they approached each other.

  “What’s so funny?” Ryan asked.

  “The look on Lori’s face when she walked into your apartment.” Beth answered. “Did you have a lot of explaining to do?”

  Ryan shrugged. “I’ll have to remember to lock my door.”

  “Yeah, that might have helped.” Beth turned. “She did spend the night?”

  “Yeah, but all she wanted to do was cuddle.” Ryan answered softly.

  “So she was pissed?”

  “Maybe a little.”

  “I’m sorry for ruining her surprise visit,” Beth said touching Ryan’s arm.

  “It wasn’t your fault. Lori doesn’t have the same sense of humor that you and I apparently have. She didn’t think it was funny for you and me to be throwing popcorn at each other.”

  “Throwing? You shoved enough popcorn down my top that my bra was stained with butter.”

  Ryan giggled. “Well, you asked for it.”

  They both began to laugh out loud.

  “Ry, did we always have fun like this?” Beth asked holding her stomach.

  Ryan nodded. “We did, Beth. We were always laughing and having fun. It could have been because we were young and in.” Ryan caught herself. She was about to say young and in love. “Anyway, I think our personalities just clicked.”

  Beth nodded, but she could only take Ryan at her word. She caught Ryan’s slip and it made her ache to remember that part of her life. They sounded like they were very much in love. Beth wondered what her life would be like if she never had the accident. Would they still be together? All she knew now was that she enjoyed spending time with Ryan and would hate if something happened to their friendship.

  Ryan’s phone began to ring. “Sorry,” she said before accepting the call. “Hi, Lori. How’s work?”

  “Busy, but I thought while I had a moment I’d give you a call. What are you doing today?”

  Nothing much. I’m just taking a walk in the park.” Ryan didn’t mention that she was walking with Beth.

  “Maybe we can do something tomorrow?”

  “Sure. I can make dinner for us?” Ryan asked.

  “How about I cook tomorrow? Come to my apartment at five.”

  “Okay. See you then. Have a good day.”

  “You too, love.” Lori disconnected the call.

  “I’m sorry for listening, but I noticed you didn’t tell her you were with me.” Ryan didn’t comment. “She doesn’t really think there’s something going on with us?”

  “Let’s sit down a minute.” Ryan led her to a nearby bench. “I think Lori’s head is saying nothing is going on, but her heart isn’t there yet.”


  “Lori lost her last girlfriend to a friend. Melanie was friends with this woman who recently divorced. They fell in love.”

  “Oh,” Beth said softly.
r />   They began to walk again, both lost in their own thoughts. Beth was going to ask Ryan if she wanted to hang out this evening, but she didn’t think Ryan would be receptive.

  Sitting alone in her apartment reading a book, Beth looked at the screen when her phone began to ring. “Hi, Ann.”

  “Hey, Liz. How’s it going?”

  “Why did you tell mom about Ryan?”

  “I know, Liz. I’m sorry. The moment the words left my mouth I regretted telling her.”

  “Yeah, she didn’t like the idea that I was hanging around with Ryan. I guess she knew about my relationship?”

  “Everybody knew about your relationship with Ryan. You both were so in love you didn’t care who knew.”

  Beth was surprised by Ann’s words.

  “So how is the doctor?” Ann asked.

  “We broke up.” Beth answered.

  Ann began to laugh. “You find fault in all the men you date, Liz.”

  “No I don’t.”

  “Oh yes you do. What did this one do?”

  “He turned out to be such a tool.”

  “You know, Sis. Maybe you should start dating women because men and you never work out.”

  “I’m not attracted to women.” Beth insisted.

  “I’ve told you that you were at one time. How’s it going with Ryan?”

  Beth told her sister what had happened the night Lori walked in on them. Ann was laughing hysterically. “I would have loved to be a fly on the wall that night. Was her girlfriend pissed?”

  “Let’s just say she wasn’t happy.”

  “Liz, can I ask you a question and you answer me honestly?”

  “Without hearing the question, I don’t know,” Beth said with a chuckle.


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