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Lost Memories: A Lesbian Romance

Page 8

by Lydia Rose


  Ryan was still sleeping when she heard her cellphone ringing. She rolled over in bed and answered pulling the covers back over her head. “Hello.”



  Beth giggled. “Did I wake you?”

  Ryan hearing who was on the phone through the covers off and sat up. “I’m up. What time is it?”

  “Eight thirty.” Beth answered.

  “I slept so well. I can’t remember the last time I slept right through the night.”

  “I bet I could tell you,” Beth said softly.

  “I’m sure you can. What’s up?”

  “Do you want to come over for breakfast?”


  “What time?”

  “Give me a half hour and I’ll be there.” Ryan disconnected the call and tossed the phone on the bed. She now ran for a shower.

  Ryan’s hair was still damp when she knocked on Beth’s door. She had on a pair old jeans and a t-shirt.

  “You’re just in time,” Beth said opening the door. Their lips came together softly in greeting. “I hope you like omelets?”

  “I’m starved and I could eat anything you made.” Ryan followed Beth into the kitchen.



  Beth poured Ryan a cup of black coffee and one for herself. Then she brought over the plates of food.

  Ryan leaned down over the plate. “It smells wonderful.”

  “There’s toast, butter and jam.”

  “You’re spoiling me, Beth.”

  “I have a lot of making up to do so let me enjoy doing things for you.”

  Ryan put her fork down. “Beth, you don’t owe me anything. You didn’t lose your memory on purpose.” She now began to put jam on her toast. “I don’t think your mom is going to be happy with our news.”

  “No, I don’t think so.” Beth shrugged. “It doesn’t matter because it’s my life. Ann’s already given my parents a grandchild.”

  “You’re young, Beth. You can always have children of your own.” Ryan smiled.

  “Are you talking about me dating men?”

  Ryan nearly spit her eggs out. “No. I mean with a donor.”

  “Ryan, do you want children?”

  “I never really thought about it.” Ryan admitted.

  “Me either. So that’s a topic for much later.” Beth grinned. “Besides, we haven’t even made love yet.”

  “Yes, we have,” Ryan mumbled wearing a grin.

  Beth began to laugh. “I mean made love where I remember.” She looked at a grinning Ryan. “You’re picturing us making love, aren’t you?”

  Ryan’s shook her head to remove the memory. “Maybe,” she said staring at her plate.

  “You can’t do that. You can picture me naked and making love to you when I have nothing up here,” Beth said pointing to her head.

  “Beth, don’t sell yourself short. You’ve got plenty up there.” Ryan pointed to Beth’s head.

  “Hardee, har, har. You know exactly what I mean.”

  “Well, if you want me to strip after breakfast, I will.”

  “You are just full of jokes this morning.”

  Ryan shrugged and went back to eating breakfast. “So what do you want to do today?”

  “Whatever you’d like.”

  “Well, I for one would like to lay on your couch and cuddle.” Ryan’s grin was wide.

  “I think we can arrange that.” Beth picked up their plates and refilled their coffee mugs.

  After breakfast, Ryan jumped on the couch and held out her arms. Beth smiled and laid down. Ryan’s arm went around Beth’s waist and her head rested on Beth’s shoulder.

  “Comfy?” Ryan asked.

  “Yes.” Beth picked up the remote and turned on some music.

  It wasn’t long before Beth heard Ryan’s even breathing and realized she had fallen asleep. She rolled over so Beth laid against Ryan’s chest, their legs intertwined.

  It was early afternoon before either one of the women stirred. Ryan stretched the arm that had been around Beth. This movement caused Beth to nestle deeper into Ryan’s body. She put her arm around Beth again and squeezed her close.

  Beth opened her eyes and could feel how close she was to Ryan’s body. She moved her legs off Ryan and looked up. “Hi.”


  “Did I squish you?”

  “Not at all.” Ryan pulled her close again. “It’s perfect.”

  “You feel so good,” Beth said moving her hand over Ryan’s stomach. “I can tell you have a firm body.”

  “I run a lot.”

  “I’ve noticed.” Beth’s hand moved under the hem of Ryan’s t-shirt and touched her skin. Her hand moved freely over Ryan’s stomach and just under her bra before her hand stopped moving. “I know you think I’m a tease, but you stopped breathing.”

  “Sorry,” Ryan said as she let out the breath she had been holding in anticipation of Beth’s touch.

  “So if I put my hand on your breast, are you going to pass out from lack of oxygen?” Beth asked giggling.

  “Only one way to find out.” Ryan took Beth’s hand and moved it under her shirt again.

  Beth began her slow ascent to Ryan’s breasts. She tentatively placed her hand on the lacy bra. “I should have done some research before I ended up in this position.”

  “Just do what feels good to you.”

  “Was I a good lover, Ryan?” Beth asked burying her face in Ryan’s shirt.

  Ryan lifted her chin and kissed her lips softly. “You were a wonderful lover. No one has ever compared to you, Beth.”

  “Not even Lori?” Beth asked shyly.

  “No one, Beth and do you know why?” Beth shook her head. “Because we loved each other. I never loved any of the other women I was with.”

  “Do you think we would still be together if I hadn’t lost my memory?” Beth asked tentatively.

  “Yes,” Ryan said quickly.

  “Maybe once you went off to college you would have met someone else?”

  “Beth, I went off to college and met a lot a women. They weren’t you.” Ryan sighed. “I thought I would die when you lost your memory. I wanted to die.”

  Beth reached for Ryan. “I’m sorry I hurt you so bad.”

  “It doesn’t matter anymore, Beth.” Ryan smiled at her. “We’re together again.” Her hand rubbed Beth’s back.

  “It couldn’t have been fantastic the first time we made love. We were innocent kids then.”

  Ryan giggled. “We fumbled our way through, but it was still wonderful.”

  Beth reached behind Ryan’s neck and pulled her down for deep kiss. Her hand went to the clasp on Ryan’s bra. Once her breasts were free, she fondled them as her mouth devoured Ryan. Beth was now removing Ryan’s shirt in one swift movement. Ryan’s eyes closed as her tongue teased the nipple.

  “I could do this all day,” Beth whispered as she kissed Ryan’s skin. “So good.” Beth hand moved between Ryan’s legs and cupped her gently. “You’re so wet.”

  Ryan looked up and shook her head.

  Beth teased gently with her finger making circles between Ryan’s legs.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” Ryan moaned, but she didn’t stop Beth.

  Beth now went to the button and zipper on the jeans. Ryan lifted her hips to help her slide the jeans down. Ryan pushed them off her legs and Beth’s hand went between her legs.

  “So wet. So wet for me.”

  “Yes, Beth. Just for you.”

  Beth’s fingers went to the waistband on her panties and slid them off. Her hand immediately went to her shaved sex. “Can I touch you?”

  “Please,” Ryan begged.

  Beth cautiously touched Ryan as her fingers delved into the wet folds. “If I do anything wrong, please let me know.”

  “You’re doing just fine, Beth,” she said as her fingers pressed firmly against the bud. “Yes, Beth. Like that.”

  Beth was amazed at the feel of Ryan under her touch. She moved her fingers lower and entered her hesitantly until she heard Ryan gasp.

  “Oh, Beth.” Her moan was long as her hips met the rhythm of Beth’s fingers. “If this is a dream, don’t wake me up.”

  “It’s not a dream,” Beth said kissing Ryan deeply as her fingers thrust. She felt Ryan’s hips rise off the couch as she screamed her name.

  Ryan’s hand reached out to hold Beth’s hand still. “Oh, my god, Beth.”

  Beth rested her head on Ryan’s chest. “Did I do alright?”

  Ryan nodded with a smile. “That was better than the first time we did it.” She giggled. “Are you sure you’ve never been with another woman.”

  “Only you, my love,” Beth said kissing Ryan. “Only you.”

  Ryan looked at Beth. “How come I’m nude and you’re still dressed?”

  Beth rolled off the couch. “I’m sure I don’t know how that happened.” She began walking toward the bedroom. As she did, her clothes were being dropped on the floor.

  Ryan jumped off the couch and followed Beth into the room. Beth stood by the bed waiting for her. “So beautiful,” Ryan said as she took Beth into her arms and kissed her deeply. “So beautiful,” she said touching her breasts. Ryan eased Beth down onto the edge of the bed and lifted her legs onto her shoulder. Their eyes met before Ryan tasted her.

  “Ryan,” Beth said softly as her mouth and tongue pressed firmly against the stiff bud. Her tongue entered her and Ryan felt her body tense with the beginnings of her orgasm. “Ryan.” She screamed out, but Ryan wasn’t done. Her fingers replaced her tongue and she brought her to a second orgasm easily.

  “Come here, please.” Beth eased herself higher on the bed.

  Ryan laid her body over a spent Beth. “You need something.”

  “Yes, you.” She grabbed Ryan and kissed her over and over again. When she finally released Ryan’s mouth, she asked. “Is that what I’ve been missing all these years?”

  Ryan looked at her. “You tell me.”

  Beth held Ryan’s face between her hands. “No man has ever given me such pleasure.”

  “Then I would say yes. Did I jog any memories?”

  “Baby, please don’t think I don’t want to remember, but it’s not there.”

  “I’m sorry that I keep asking. I won’t ask again. We’ll pretend we just met and we don’t have a past.”

  Beth smiled and rolled Ryan onto her back. She was now a woman on a mission. Beth didn’t stop until her mouth brought Ryan over the edge.

  “You are a quick learner,” Ryan said panting out her words.

  They got out of bed around ten o’clock to raid the refrigerator before they went back to bed and made love for the rest of the night.


  Ryan opened her eyes sometime the next morning and moaned. “Please tell me it’s only Sunday.”

  Beth laughed. “Don’t worry, it’s Sunday.”

  “Good because I don’t think I can move. What you did to my body.”

  “I can say the same thing,” Beth said as she moved closer to Ryan. “Do you want to leave the bedroom today?” She asked with a laugh.

  “No,” Ryan said covering them both with the sheet. “Let’s never leave this room again.”


  It was Beth who insisted Sunday night that they sleep in their own apartments to get some much needed sleep. Ryan tried to talk Beth into calling in sick, but she wouldn’t have any of that.

  Ryan opened the door at Four Leaf when her phone announced a text. Taking her phone out of her pocket she read.

  “Morning, sweetie. Thank you for the best weekend I’ve ever had. I love you.”

  Ryan typed. “Best for me too, but I missed you last night. Please be careful on the stairs. I couldn’t bear to lose you a second time. I love you.”

  Beth was sitting in her office reading Ryan’s text when Rachel came through the door. She looked up smiling. “Hey, Rachel.”

  Rachel studied Beth’s face. “Don’t hey me. What’s going on?”

  Beth put her phone down. “Nothing is going on.”

  “You look different.”

  Beth touched her face. “I do?”

  “You got laid,” Rachel said laughing.

  Beth turned bright red.

  “Who is he?” Rachel asking with a smirk.

  Beth lowered her head and whispered. “Ryan and I are seeing each other.”

  “I knew it. You two are destined to be together.”

  Beth raised her head and smiled. “I love her so much, Rachel. I am riding on cloud nine. I’ve never felt this before.”

  “Apparently you have, but you just don’t remember.” Rachel grinned. “I bet Ryan is riding high too.”

  Beth nodded. “I’m under strict orders to be careful on stairs.”

  “I would say so. So when are you two going to move in together?” Rachel asked leaning on Beth’s desk.

  “Rachel, we just got together. I don’t think we’re ready for that yet.”

  “Honey, after eight years, you’re ready.”


  Ryan walked into her office and Hanna followed her into her office. “Morning, boss.”

  “Good morning, Hanna,” Ryan said wearing a wide smile.

  “So did you get the girl?”

  Ryan chuckled. “Yeah, I got the girl. The restaurant you suggested was fantastic.”

  “Glad I could help.”

  Ryan had a hard time concentrating the rest of the day. She looked at the pictures she had taken of Beth over the weekend and she couldn’t wait for the day to end. While she was holding the phone it chimed.

  “What time are you leaving today?”

  “I should be out by 5:30.”

  “I’ll pick up Chinese. Meet you at your apartment at six.”

  “Can’t wait.”

  Ryan now buckled down with her work so she could leave work at the promised time.

  Ryan had just finished getting dressed in a t-shirt and sweats when the doorbell rang. “Hi,” she said smiling when she opened the door.

  Beth held up the bag of food. “Dinner as promised.” She walked in the door and was immediately wrapped into Ryan’s arms.

  “I missed you so much today.” Ryan bent over and kissed Beth deeply. “You taste so good.”

  Beth’s finger went to Ryan’s cheek and continued traveling down her shirt. “Ooh, no bra. Someone’s ready for later.”

  “Can you blame me?” Ryan asked stealing another kiss.


  Over the next month, Ryan and Beth alternated between apartments. Tonight, Ryan was making dinner.

  “Hi, honey,” Beth said as she came in the door carrying her overnight bag.

  “Hey,” Ryan called from the kitchen.

  Beth stopped in the kitchen and kissed Ryan’s cheek. “Smells good. I’m just going to put my bag in the bedroom.

  Ryan wrinkled her nose.

  “You did want me to stay, right?” Beth asked wondering what was wrong.

  “Yes, of course.” Ryan shut off the burner and took Beth’s hand. “Sit down for a minute.” Beth sat down. “Aren’t you tired of this constant back and forth between apartments?”

  “Are you saying you want us to live together?”

  “That’s exactly what I want. I’ve been wanting to live with you since I was seventeen years old.”

  Beth smiled and took Ryan’s hand. “Your apartment or mine?”


  “Huh?” Beth asked with a laugh.

  “Go put your bag away and I’ll get the food on the table. We can talk while we eat.”

  “So you want to get a new place?” Beth asked as she ate her dinner.

  “Have you seen those town houses near work that were just built?” Ryan asked in between bites.

  Beth nodded. “Yes.”

  “Why don’t we check them out this weekend? I’ve seen the floor plans on line and they’ll gi
ve us plenty of room.”

  “How much is the rent?” Beth asked wondering if they could afford to live there.

  Ryan shrugged off her question not divulging the high rent. “We can afford to live there.”


  Saturday morning they scheduled an appointment with the agent to preview the different floor plans. They both loved the unit that had a family room on the first level, living room, dining and kitchen on the second floor. The third floor had two large bedroom and two bathrooms.

  “This one is best suited for us,” Ryan said to see what Beth thought.

  Beth turned to the agent and asked what the rent was. Her eyes opened wide when she heard the amount. “Oh, no,” Beth said looking at Ryan.

  “Donna, can we have a few minutes to talk.”

  “Of course, I’ll meet you downstairs.” The agent left them alone in the master bedroom.

  “No, Ryan. This is too much money.”

  “I know it’s high and I would prefer if we used the money and bought a house.”

  “We can’t afford a house in this area either.”

  “Well, actually we can, but I think this place is a good starting point for us.”

  “Ryan, our paychecks will go toward living here and we won’t be able to do anything else.”

  “Beth, I love you and please forget about the money. I’ll pay the rent and you can pay for food and utilities.”

  “No, Ryan.” Beth shook her head. “I can’t let you do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “I don’t know. It just doesn’t seem fair.”

  “Honey, I wanted to do this for us.” Ryan turned her back. “I won’t lose you fighting over where we should live. If you want to leave things as they are, I understand.”

  Beth went over to Ryan and turned her around. The tears were evident in Ryan’s eyes. “Is it that important to you?”

  “I just want us to live in someplace nice.”

  “Okay.” Beth smiled. “We can fight about the money later.”

  They met Donna downstairs and gave her the news.


  Over the next two weeks, the two women packed up their apartments getting ready for the move. Ryan had arranged for Steve and Hanna to help the day of the move and Beth asked Rachel for help.

  Once the movers left, Beth called out. “Ryan.”

  Ryan popped her head into the kitchen where the women were unpacking boxes.


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