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Lost Memories: A Lesbian Romance

Page 10

by Lydia Rose

  Beth’s hand came out in greeting. “We’re both happy to meet you.”

  “You too. I’ve heard a lot about you two,” Monica said with a grin.

  “I hope it wasn’t all bad?” Ryan asked.

  “It wasn’t, Ryan. If it hadn’t been for you, I never would have met this wonderful woman.” Monica reached for Lori’s hand.

  “So it all worked out in the end,” Beth said with a smile.

  Lori nodded. “We should all get together for dinner one night.”

  Ryan looked at Beth for approval. “We’d like that. I’ll call you.”

  When the two women walked away, Beth said. “That could have been very awkward.”

  “Yeah, it could have been,” Ryan said. “Would you really like to have dinner with them?”

  Beth shrugged. “Sure, why not?”

  “You are something else, Beth,” Ryan said chuckling.


  Ryan and Beth were on their way to Connecticut to spend Christmas with the Hale family. Since the office was closed between Christmas and New Year’s, the two women decided on Cathy’s suggestion. They would be spending Christmas with the Hales and New Years with the Allen family. Next year, it would be the opposite.

  The plane landed and Tom met them as they gathered their suitcases.

  “Hi, dad. Thanks for picking us up.” Beth said going into his arms.

  “Hi, baby. Welcome, Ryan. Your mother is so happy that you both are here.” Tom grabbed one of the suitcases as they walked to the car.

  Stepping out to the cold air, Ryan commented. “It’s so cold. I had almost forgotten what that felt like.”

  Beth took her arm. “I guess we’ll get used to it over the next two weeks.”

  “You two look beat.” Tom started the car. “Let’s get you home so you can get some sleep. It’s going to be a full day tomorrow.”

  Beth sat in the front seat with her dad and Ryan leaned her head on the window with her eyes closed. They had been flying most of the day and she couldn’t wait to change and get into bed.

  “Honey, we’re here,” Beth said awakening Ryan.

  Ryan yawned and stretched. “I’m up.”

  They walked into the house and Cathy rushed to the door. “Liz, I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “Hi, mom. We’re happy to be here too.”

  “Hello, Mrs. Hale.” Ryan tried to stifle a yawn.

  “Thank you for coming, Ryann.”

  “Ryan, let me show you to the room so you can get some sleep. I’ll be right back, mom.” Beth led them up the stairs. Tom had already put their suitcases into the room.

  Ryan sat on the bed and unbuttoned her coat slowly.

  “Let me help you,” Beth said as she tossed her own coat on a chair. Once she had Ryan into a pair of sweats, she pulled back the covers. “Get some sleep. I’ll be back in a little while.”

  Ryan just nodded as Beth closed the door.


  Ryan awoke early the following morning. It was still dark out when she turned to find Beth curled close to her. She looked around the room. The room was different, but it was the same bed she and Beth had made love in the first time. She was leaning on her elbows when Beth spoke.

  “What are you looking at?” She asked barely opening her eyes.

  “This is the same bed, isn’t it?”

  “The same bed as what?”

  “Yeah, I guess you wouldn’t remember. The first time we made love was on this bed.”

  Beth sat up. “Really?”

  “Yes. It’s in a different house, but it’s the same bed.” Ryan laid back down on the mattress.

  “I wish I could remember our first time?” Beth asked quietly.

  Ryan rolled over and faced Beth. “It doesn’t matter, Beth. You said you enjoyed it and I hope you meant it at the time.”

  “I have a feeling that I enjoyed it very much,” Beth said smiling before she lightly kissed Ryan’s lips.

  “Where’s the bathroom?” Ryan asked.

  “Through that door. Close the door on the other side if it’s open. It’s a Jack and Jill bathroom.

  Ryan grabbed her cosmetic bag before going into the bathroom. After she took care of business, she began to brush her teeth.

  Beth came in a few minutes later to brush her teeth too.

  “I was going back to bed,” Ryan said with the toothbrush in her mouth.

  “Me too.” Beth smiled at Ryan in the mirror.

  Ryan was the first one back in bed. Beth locked the door to the bathroom and now moved to the bedroom door and locked it.

  “What are you doing?” Ryan asked with a grin.

  “If you leave doors unlocked around here, someone is bound to come walking in.” Beth lifted the covers on Ryan’s side of the bed forcing her to move toward the center. “Let’s see if we fumble this time,” she said with a wide grin.

  An hour later, the two girls heard voices and movement outside the bedroom. Someone walked over to their bedroom and knocked softly.

  “We’re up, mom. We’ll be down after we take a shower and get dressed,” Beth said through the closed door.

  “Okay. I’m going to make some breakfast.”

  “Thanks, mom,” Beth said kissing Ryan’s mouth.

  “You don’t think she heard us?”

  “Their room is at the end of the hall.” Beth shrugged as she threw the covers off. “I don’t care if she did anyway.”

  Ryan followed Beth into the shower. “It was an hour before they showed their faces in the kitchen.”

  “I was just about to come up and get you two,” Cathy said putting the plates on the table.

  “Good morning,” Ryan mumbled.

  “Good morning, Ryann.”

  “Where’s dad?”

  “He had to pick up something from the store that I forgot to get.”

  Ryan dug into her eggs and ate heartedly. “These are great, Mrs. Hale.”

  “Ryann, please call me Cathy.”

  “Only if you call me Ryan.” Ryan answered.

  “I’ll try, but I’ve been calling you Ryann since you were a child.”

  Beth giggled. “But you’ll try, right mom?”

  “Yes.” She sat down at the table with them. “So did you have a good sleep?”

  Ryan nodded without looking at Cathy knowing her neck was probably bright red.

  “We slept fine, mom,” Beth said throwing Ryan a wink.

  “Then why were you up so early?” Cathy asked with a smirk.

  “Ryan had to go to the bathroom.”

  “Uh huh. Yes, that’s what it sounded like,” Cathy said standing and poured them each another cup of coffee.

  Ryan buried her face in her hands and Beth just laughed.

  “So what time is Ann getting here?” Beth asked.

  “They won’t be here until this evening. Ann and Paul go to his parents during the day. We go to their house early to watch James open his gifts and have breakfast. Ann and Paul come here for lunch and then go back to his parents in the evening.” Cathy explained.

  “I can’t wait to see James. I’m sure he’s so big now,” Beth said talking about her now three year old nephew.

  “So have you two decided on a wedding date?” Cathy asked.

  Ryan knew this was only going to be the start of Cathy’s interrogation.

  “We’re thinking sometime next summer, but it’s going to be a very small wedding in one of our friend’s back yard.”

  “Hardly worth flying out for that kind of wedding.” Cathy complained.

  “You and dad don’t have to be there. Ryan and I are big girls.”

  “Of course, I’m going to go to my daughter’s wedding.”

  Beth winked at Ryan. She knew that comment would get her to change her mind.

  “Will your parents be there?” Cathy asked Ryan.

  “My mother said she wouldn’t miss it.” Ryan smiled at Cathy.

  Tom walked in the door. “Merry Christmas,” he said
as he came into the kitchen handing Cathy the bag. “Ryan, let’s go see what’s on TV and let the ladies work on preparing us a wonderful meal.

  Ryan kissed Beth’s cheek and followed Tom into the other room.

  “Mom, you’re not going to a lot of trouble for lunch, are you?”

  “I’ll put a casserole in the oven for lunch.”

  Beth checked on her dad and Ryan an hour later. She came back to the kitchen smiling. “They are both asleep.”

  Cathy chuckled. “That’s because of your morning activity.”

  “Well, dad’s asleep too.”

  Cathy laughed. “Your father falls asleep the moment he hits that recliner. It has nothing to do with morning activity.”

  “So you’re jealous?” Beth asked with a wide grin.

  “No, I’m not jealous,” Cathy said indignant.

  Beth wiped her hands on a towel. “Then you’re not doing it right,” she said as she left the room. Beth slowly walked over to the couch and sat next to Ryan. “Why don’t you go lay down in bed?” She whispered in Ryan’s ear.

  Ryan opened her eyes. “I’m not sleeping. I’m just resting.”

  Beth pointed to her dad. “Yeah, just like dad is doing.” A snore came from Tom and they both laughed.


  The dinner was in the oven, the table was set and everyone was dressed waiting for Ann and her family to arrive.

  The doorbell rang and Cathy ran to the door. “Merry Christmas.” She called as the three new people joined the group. Cathy picked up her grandson and kissed his face. “Hi, Jimmy. How are you?”

  James kissed his grandmother and held out his arms to his grandpa.

  Ann came around her parents and went into Beth’s arm. “Hi, sis. I’ve missed you so much,” she said with a kiss and a hug. Ann turned her attention to Ryan. “Ryan, I’m so glad you could join us.” Ann squeezed her tight. “Come meet my husband and my son if we can get him away from his grandparents.” Ann held out her hand. “Paul, this is Ryan Allen.”

  Ryan held out her hand to him. “Paul, glad to know you.”

  “You too, Ryan. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  “I hope it wasn’t all bad,” Ryan said with a chuckle.

  “All good,” he said with a smile.

  Ann took her son from her mother. “Ryan, this is our son James.”

  Ryan took James’ little hand and shook it. “I’m happy to meet you too, James.”

  James tucked his face against his mother. “He’s still shy.” Ann put James down on the floor.

  Ann, Beth and Cathy went into the kitchen to finish the meal preparation. Tom brought out some of James toys and put them on the floor. As he began to play with them, Ryan joined him on the floor. James looked at her for a moment before he finally smiled and handed her one of his cars. They now began running them over the carpet and crashed into each other.

  As Cathy and Beth placed the side dishes on the table, she bumped Beth’s shoulder. “See, Ryann is going to make a good mommy.”

  Beth watched as her partner played on the floor with James. At that moment, Ryan looked up and winked at her. A smile immediately touched her lips.

  Ann put her hand on Beth’s shoulder. “You’ll make a good mommy too,” she whispered in her ear.

  Beth just nodded, but didn’t respond.

  After dinner, Ryan tried to help with the cleanup, but was pushed back into the living room with the men.

  The three women covered the leftovers and began to wash the dishes that wouldn’t fit in the dishwasher.

  “So how was your flight?” Ann asked.


  “Ryan was sleep walking when they got here last night,” Cathy said with a laugh. “But she found her strength early this morning.”

  “Mom.” Beth scolded.

  “That will teach you to have sex in a house where your mother is. She hears and knows everything,” Ann said laughing.

  “Yeah, I forgot about that.” Beth shrugged. “Well, we’ll just have to leave for New Jersey sooner.”

  “You will not,” Cathy said quickly.

  Beth and Ann laughed together.

  When they went back into the living room Ryan was leaning with her back against the couch. James had crawled into her lap and was asleep against her breast.

  “Isn’t that sweet,” Ann said looking at the scene.

  Ryan’s eyes opened and looked over smiling. Beth reached for her phone and took a picture. She now sat next to Ryan. “He got over his shyness quickly.” Beth leaned her head on Ryan’s shoulder. “That’s my spot though.”

  “You are very welcomed to join him,” she said in a whisper.

  Beth kissed Ryan’s cheek as another flash went off. This time it was Ann.

  “I think it’s time for us to hit the road. We’ll be up early tomorrow morning.” Ann began to gather their coats and then walked over to Ryan. “Can I have my son back?”

  Ryan lifted him up to Ann. James didn’t open his eyes. “I think this guy is wiped out.

  “Between playing at Paul’s parent’s house and you playing with him, you all wore him out.” Ann chuckled. “Hopefully, that means he’ll sleep all night.”

  There were hugs and kisses all around. Ann walked up to Ryan and whispered something in her ear. All Beth heard was. “Me too.”

  The house was quiet after everyone left.

  “Anyone want anything,” Cathy asked.

  “No thanks,” Ryan and Beth said.

  “Then I’m going to bed. Remember, we all have to be up early.” Cathy and Tom went up the stairs. “Good night,” they both said.

  “Good night.” Ryan and Beth replied.

  “So are you ready to run?” Beth asked as she sat next to Ryan on the couch.

  “No,” she said squeezing Beth close. “I had a good time.”

  “That’s because you weren’t in the kitchen being teased by my mother.”

  “Why? What did she say?” Ryan asked nervously.

  “She was teasing me about hearing us this morning.”

  Ryan’s head fell. “Again?”

  “Yes. As my sister said, you know better than to have sex in house with mom. She knows and hears everything.”

  “Shit.” Ryan’s hand covered her face.

  “No, but I threatened to leave for your parent’s house early.” Beth chuckled.

  “Well, I can hold out if you can,” Ryan said.

  “Hell no. We just have to be quieter.” Beth grabbed her hand and led Ryan to the stairs.

  As soon as they stepped in the room, Beth locked the bedroom and bathroom door. Ryan was halfway out of her clothes and Beth wasn’t far behind. They both jumped into the bed and under the covers because of the cold.

  Ryan fitted herself in between Beth’s legs and put the covers over their heads. “Remember, no screaming.”

  Ryan kissed Beth with such passion that a moan escaped her lips. Her kisses were now on Beth’s neck and collarbone. She continued her decent and only stopped to adore her breasts. Beth began to squirm under Ryan’s ministrations. As Ryan’s mouth met its destination, Beth’s moaning increased. “You have to be quiet, honey.” Beth put the pillow near her mouth and moaned into the pillow as Ryan hit her mark. Beth tried her best to be quiet, but as she came Ryan shuttered at the noise she made. There would be more teasing tomorrow.


  Cathy Hale knocked on the girl’s door early the next morning. After receiving no answer, she tried the doorknob. It was locked from the night before. She went into the other bedroom and came in through the Jack and Jill bathroom. She stood there watching for a few moments before moving to the bed. Cathy could see that Beth was nude and sleeping on Ryan’s chest. She shook Beth’s arm.

  Beth lifted her head off Ryan and smiled. “You want to make love again?”

  Ryan opened her eyes wide as she saw Cathy standing next to the bed. “Honey, wake up.”

  “Just give me five minutes and we’ll make love a

  Ryan giggled. “Beth, your mother is here.”

  “Where?” Beth mumbled.

  “In our room.”

  Beth finally opened her eyes and looked over her shoulder. “Mom, what are you doing here?”

  “It’s time to get up.”

  “Couldn’t you have just knocked,” Beth said rolling off Ryan.

  “I did, but I couldn’t rouse either one of you.”

  “How did you get in here?”

  Cathy pointed to the bathroom door.

  “I got up to go to the bathroom at five and forgot to lock the door,” Ryan said whispering. She now got out of bed and began picking up their clothes off the floor. “What time are we leaving?”

  “Tom is putting the gifts in the car now. We’re leaving in a half hour.”

  “We’ll be ready,” Ryan said.

  Cathy just stood there.

  “Mom, can you leave so I can get out of bed.”

  “Sure. Sorry.” Cathy went to the bedroom door and unlocked it before stepping through.

  Beth sat up on her elbows. “How come you have clothes on and I’m naked.”

  “When I got up to go to the bathroom, I put my sweats on.” Ryan shrugged. “I’m not used to this cold anymore.”

  Beth threw the covers off and went into the bathroom while Ryan made the bed and finished cleaning up the room.

  Beth knew they were spending Christmas morning at Ann’s house so she sent their gifts directly to her house.

  Merry Christmas they all called as they came in the door.

  James was sitting on the living room floor playing with one of the wrapped boxes.

  Ann saw the look on her mother’s face. “Don’t worry, mom, he hasn’t opened anything yet.”

  After all the gifts were opened breakfast preparations began. Ryan stayed behind with the men.

  Ryan got on the floor with James and they played for a while with his new toys until they both tired. Both Ryan and James fell asleep on the living room carpet. James laid across Ryan’s stomach with the pacifier in his mouth.

  Cathy came into the dining room and deposited the coffee pot on the table. She glanced into the living room and then went back to the kitchen.

  “You wore your girlfriend out again. She’s asleep on the floor with James,” Cathy said smirking.

  “You’re going to wear that girl down to nub, sis. Give her a break.” Ann began to laugh and Cathy followed suit.


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