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Broken by Love

Page 15

by C. A. Harms

  “Fuck, man, you two are fucking pussies,” Tanner whined. “I’ll go. Sydney Jones, my senior year of high school, in the girls’ locker room after graduation rehearsal. Damn, that girl knew what she was doing.” He shook his head as if remembering that moment in explicit detail. “When she invited Wendy Mitchell to join us, fuck, I thought I had just died.”

  Max snorted. “Seriously, man, she was your best? She was everybody’s go-to girl. She sucked more dick in town than anyone I know.”

  “What about you, Max? Who was your number one?” Max looked down at his beer and picked at the label, thinking over the question. It wasn’t like him to overthink anything. After a long silence he reached out and grabbed a shot off the bar. He tipped it back and swallowed the contents.

  Setting the shot glass back on the bar, he took a deep breath. “My best deserves more respect than I ever gave her, so now… so now I just leave that story untold.”

  Well, fuck me sideways if Max didn’t just floor us all. Everyone within our group was left speechless. If I hadn’t witnessed it myself, I would never believe it. My brother Max had just given Bree the respect no one ever thought he would.

  The silence needed to be broken, and Mr. Peacekeeper himself stepped in. “Kelly rocked my world all through high school. No details needed, just know my life is full of sexual surprises.” Mason tipped back his beer as if he did not just put a temptress image of Kelly in all of our heads.

  Damn asshole.

  Chapter Thirty Nine


  “How the hell do guys walk around with cocks between their legs? This damn thing is annoying. I keep ramming people.” Riley giggled as she wiggled her hips, causing her blow-up penis to flip back and forth.

  “Well, most men don’t have a two foot schlong sticking out in front of them. That thing is scary. Could you imagine?” Lily looked at us with eyes the size of saucers. “I mean, seriously, that shit would hurt like a bitch.”

  We were all so hammered that our conversations were now completely unedited. We had no problem with sharing it all.

  “Max isn’t two foot, but hell if I don’t have an ache after a night with him. A good ache, but he leaves me knowing where he’s been,” Bree freely said.

  Kelly only smiled and leaned forward in an attempt to whisper. “Must be a twin thing, because Mason is packing a python.” I almost spit out my drink and started coughing and sputtering. My nostrils burned from the liquid that had almost shot out through my nose.

  “Oh my god, Kelly I had no idea you could be that way.” I laughed, and she looked at me innocently. “Oh, hell no, don’t you dare look at me like that. You have a hidden naughty side, and I am determined to make you show it.”

  Riley could not stop laughing. She was so fucked up it was hilarious. I glanced over just as she started stroking the blow-up penis and staring at it in amazement. I tapped Beth on the knee to get her attention, pointing toward Riley. Before long we were all watching as she continued to run her hand up and down, her mouth slightly open. I grabbed my phone and hit record. She was going to kill me tomorrow, but I didn’t care.

  All at once she busted out laughing and let her head fall back. “I think I would like to have a real cock for a day.” The group broke out in laughter as Riley looked up. Her expression became completely serious. “No, really, listen to me. I wonder sometimes how it feels to be the guy. To be the one poking instead of the one being poked.” She had no idea I was still recording this shit. I couldn’t wait to share this video. It would be completely worth her being mad at me. “I wonder what the sensation of coming feels like when you’re a guy. I know Zander’s toes curl. Sometimes he groans loud. There are times when he grips my hair hard, and in his eyes it looks like it feels amazing. I just want a cock for one day, ya know?”

  There was not a dry eye in our group. Everyone was laughing to the point of tears, and it was getting hard for me to hold the phone steady. Zander was gonna love this one. I hit save and immediately sent out the video to both Zander and Carson.

  We all gathered everything and made our way to the limo. It was a little after one in the morning; time had gotten away from us. We had one last surprise for Riley, and then her night would be complete. We rented out a junior suite, and I needed to have her there by one-thirty.

  As we piled into the room, I ran around setting up the scene. I pulled the chair over to the center of the room while the rest of the girls kept Riley occupied. The light knock on the door caused a last minute scramble.

  Riley was placed in the chair in the center of the room. She looked around at everyone with a confused expression. I opened the door, and in walked not one, but two strippers. They were both leathered, ready to spend the next hour rubbing all up on my girl.

  I sat back and watched her eyes as she covered her face and laughed. They were relentless as they shook their goods in her face. I chose not to record this portion of the evening because some things are better left just between the girls.


  By the next morning, we were all feeling the effects of our night out. It was like a drumbeat over and over in my head. The groans and moans filling the room as the girls began to move around was almost comical. I would have been laughing my ass off it I didn’t feel like complete shit. I knew my day was completely shot. Checkout time was noon, and we had less than an hour to get our asses moving.

  I rolled off the couch and crawled toward the bathroom, only to find poor Lily lying on the floor. She had drool running down her cheek, and her hair looked like someone had teased it into a heaping pile on her head. Poor girl, I laughed, only to grab my head in pain. I flopped down next to her and moaned, “Oh, fucking hell, this shit blows.”

  I was barely able to hear her response. “Mmhm…” Lily was dead to the world. I was going to need some help with this group. I had no energy to round them up. Not when I felt just as bad as they all looked.

  After a quick text to my hero, I crawled back onto the couch and waited to be rescued.

  The tapping on the door caused everyone to start groaning once again. I slowly and very achingly crawled from the couch and made my way to the door.

  “Holy shit, look at this scene.” I noticed Max’s voice, and for a split second Bree flashed in my mind. I never intended for him to show up, but I guessed Carson would need help.

  I let my head rest back against the wall and closed my eyes. “How much did you girls drink last night, babe? Fuck, you all are gonna pay for this.” Carson chuckled as he lifted me from the floor and carried me to the couch.

  I heard Zander snort, followed by Max whistling loudly, which caused the girls to start bitching.

  “Well, if that isn’t sexy as fuck,” Max groaned, and I opened one eye, trying to focus on the scene he was talking about. “I mean, if Riley wasn’t part of it. Can’t say seeing my sister in the sandwich works me up, but fuck, man, the rest is pretty damn hot.”

  Riley was on her side facing the back of Beth. Beth was facing Bree, and they had their legs all intertwined together. What made it even better was Riley was still wearing her blow up cock. Beth and Bree were in their panties and t-shirts. It was pretty comical, because it looked like Riley was getting Beth up the ass while Bree cuddled her.

  We would never live this down, not with these guys. I knew for years to come we would hear about our girls’ night out, and the jokes would revolve around us, but right now I couldn’t care less.

  Chapter Forty


  After the girls had their crazy night out, they became the butt of all our jokes. Even Max was having fun teasing Riley about her balloon cock and her confession about wanting to be a guy.

  After Riley watched the video Kate had taken, she refused to talk to Kate for an entire day. Then she showed up wearing her blow-up dick at eight a.m. I let her in and watched as she crawled in bed with Kate and snuggled up behind her. A few minutes later I heard Kate scream, followed by their laughter.


e wedding snuck up on all of us pretty quickly, and the ceremony was perfect. Walking Kate down the aisle only made the itch in me stronger. I was ready to marry my girl. It would soon be our day, and I was ready.

  The reception was a little tense at first. Max had been trying to talk to Bree all day, and she did her best to avoid him. I overheard her tell Kate she didn’t trust herself to be alone with him. When Max had suffered enough, he walked straight over to her and spun her around to face him. When Bree tried to shrug away, he knelt down in front of her and threw her over his shoulder. A few people chuckled, mainly the guys. Bree took her tiny fists and beat on Max’s back as he walked out of the room.

  Almost an hour passed before they came back, and the ruffled look they were sporting left little to the imagination. It wasn’t long after that point that Bree left and Max started drinking… heavily. Those two and their fucking drama drove me insane. Either they were balls to the wall in deep, unable to keep their hands off one another, or they could not stand to be in the same room. It was so damn confusing.

  I tried not to take any more time than necessary with their situation. It was their mess to solve. I had my girls, and that was exactly what I needed.

  Tanner once again was paying a little too much attention to Lily, but she was a big girl and knew what she was doing, or so I hoped.

  I watched Kate from across the room as she swayed from side to side with Carley tucked against her. Setting my drink on the table, I slowly made my way to them. Wrapping my arms around her waist from behind, I nuzzled her neck.

  “Hey there, handsome,” she whispered.

  “Thought I would come over here and dance with my beautiful girls.” Carly’s fingers toyed with the tendrils hanging loosely around Kate’s face. “I can’t believe how much she looks like you with each day that passes. We’re gonna be in trouble when she gets big enough to date.”

  Kate laughed. “Well, I guess it’s a really good thing her daddy has the ability to put one hell of a scare in all her future boyfriends. I’m thinking you being a cop might be a little intimidating.”

  “If not, I’ll just sic Uncle Max on them. You know that would scare the shit out of any little punk.” I chuckled at the thought of Max pulling out all the guns. He would spare nothing to prove a point. I felt bad for any boys out there if he ever had a little girl. They had no chance; he would be going on every date with them.

  No one had heard from Kate’s mom yet. She was staying with so-called friends in New York and doing everything she could to avoid contact. I knew Kate’s dad wanted to keep her as far away as possible. I thought if he had the chance and could get away with it, he might have been likely to murder the conniving bitch. Kara and Kate had grown a lot closer, and she even recently went with Kara to meet her real dad.

  I knew Kate loved the fact that she could spend time with her sister the way sisters should. The way her face lit up made my heart race. Kate’s beautiful smile was something everyone should witness.

  With Riley and Zander gone on their honeymoon, things were quiet. Everyone seemed to be taking the time to recover from the wedding and all the planning.


  I’d had the night shift for the last week, and after tonight I would have three days off to spend with the two most beautiful girls I had ever seen.

  The night was wrapping up, and things had been pretty quiet. I had used the shift to catch up on some paperwork I had been neglecting.

  The call came in an hour before my shift ended. A fire in an apartment building. They needed the street blocked to eliminate the havoc of people who felt the need to go check out what was going on, only to get in the way of those who were trying to perform a rescue.

  I took shotgun with Jason, Max’s best friend. It was easier to pair up, and he and I ended up taking the west side of McClure.

  You could see the smoke for miles. The closer we got, the worse the scene became. The fire started on the first floor and took off like mad. This, of course, made it difficult for those who occupied the apartments on the second through the fourth floors.

  Jason cocked the cruiser across the lane as we stepped out to begin directing traffic. Screams coming from the direction of the apartment building caught my attention. I watched as a few firemen carried out people one by one to the awaiting medical personnel.

  I caught ‘Parks’ displayed across the back of a dirty yellow soot-covered coat. Max then turned, heading back toward the apartment building, and my stomach flipped. The thought of my brother inside the burning rubble made my heart race. He was a fucking adrenaline junkie; he lived for the rush.

  My cell beeped, and I pulled it from my pocket to see a text from Kate.

  Have you seen the fire on McClure? It looks really bad.

  I quickly sent her a message back letting her know it was bad, and I had a front row seat to the blaze. The sounds of kids crying and parents yelling out for them filled the area around the apartment. Another rescue squad approached, and I moved the barrier that blocked oncoming traffic, allowing them to enter the scene.

  My chest ached at the thought of someone not making it out. I could feel the heat from the fire, and I was a safe distance away. Another firefighter emerged from the building, smoke barreling out behind him. Clutched tightly to his coat, tucked safely in his arms, was a small child. The little one appeared to be the size of Carley, and my stomach tightened with the image.

  The fire went on for another twenty minutes, and I had yet to see Max. I knew he was still inside, moving throughout the upper floors, looking for survivors.

  I leaned back against the barricade and continued to watch for any sign of him. I was giving everything I had in me not to worry. He did this every day, and I had to remember he knew what he was doing.

  Suddenly a loud rumbling broke through the night, followed by the sound of people screaming. I turned to face the building, and my moments felt as if they went in slow motion. I saw the cloud of smoke pouring out from the front entrance of the apartment, and the firefighters running from the building and frantically backing people away.

  I took a few steps toward the building as my eyes scanned the area around me. With each second that passed, my chest grew tighter. I desperately needed to see the name ‘Parks’ on the back of one of those coats… but nothing.

  Jones, Chester, Milestone, Cape, but no Parks.

  “Max?” I screamed out to no one in particular. I needed to hear him holler back. I had to see his face. Anything.

  I hadn’t noticed I was walking toward the group of firemen until I was within a few feet. “Where’s Max, Max Parks? Has anyone seen Max?”

  “He’s still inside,” someone said from my right, and my knees weakened as the news sank in.

  “What the fuck do you mean, he’s in there? That’s my brother. Someone needs to find him. Get in there!” I was fucking losing it. I stood in the street staring at the burning building. The same building my brother ran into and never came out. This couldn’t be happening.

  Jason gripped my shoulder, and I jerked away, rushing toward the building. I was tackled, and I crashed to the ground. Jason and another guy held me down as I continued to thrash against them. “Fucking let me go, dammit. Max is in there.” The tears burned as they rolled down my cheeks. “That’s my fucking brother in there. I need to get in there.” I finally stopped fighting and cracked. “That’s my brother… my brother,” I sobbed.


  Riley and Zander

  (Honeymoon in Cozumel)

  “Do you think we should leave the room, maybe for an hour today?” Zander chuckled against my neck. His body still lay flush against mine as we tried to come back down from our blissful state. It was well after two in the afternoon, and we still had not gotten out of bed.

  “I think maybe we could sneak out for a couple hours, but I want you back here in this bed… naked. I can’t seem to get enough of you.” His tongue tracing the side of my neck was extremely distracting. I felt him growing hard against me
with each moment that passed. “On second thought, I think we need to stay here for one more hour.”

  It took no time at all for Zander to sink back into me as we began to rock our hips together. I was pretty sure we had spent more time naked and connected in the last week than we had in the last year. I was not about to complain, though, because we only had tonight. We flew back home tomorrow. This was our time, and every moment was completely satisfying.

  My phone ringing from across the room broke through our moans. Fuck the call. I wasn’t about to stop Zander. I was so close, and I knew he was not far behind. He gripped my hair tightly, and I felt his toes curl and tighten against my calf. That was a sure sign that he was on the edge.

  “I’m so fucking close Ry, are you with me?” His voice was strained, and I knew he was fighting his release.

  “Yes,” I moaned as the heat in my core grew, and the overwhelming sensation overtook me. I bucked my hips against his, riding out the orgasm that weakened me completely.

  “Fuck, Ry, I’m coming, baby.” Zander’s face buried in my neck as he pumped his hips until he was exhausted and spent. Once again his body relaxed against mine as we tried to slow our breathing.

  Once we were able to move and I thought my legs would not collapse beneath me, I made my way to the shower.

  Zander entered the bathroom just as I was stepping inside. “You got a message, babe,” he said, holding out my phone.

  “Check it for me would you? It’s probably Mom checking on us again.” I rolled my eyes. I think she called once a day since we arrived here. He was quiet for entirely too long, and I wondered for a moment if he left the room. “Zander?”


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