Book Read Free


Page 7

by stacey-leanne

  Fancy dinner as in posh ‘fancy’ or fancy dinner as in do I want to eat? Xx

  Lana laughed to herself and began typing again.

  Very cute! I’ll bring you something then? Chinese food? Your place? Xx

  Sounds good see you in a bit xx

  Smiling even more broadly she threw her phone back into her bag and headed for the car park.

  “Lana!” Miranda called from behind her. Lana slowed but didn’t stop.

  “I have a meeting to get to.” She called over her shoulder.

  “I think we both know that’s a lie.” Miranda called loudly.

  “What do you want?” Lana span around her face flushed with anger.

  “That’s no way to greet a friend.” Miranda scolded lightly as she moved alongside her.

  “You are a lot of things but friend definitely isn’t one of them.” Lana hissed.

  “Is Mrs Taylor a friend doctor?” The older woman’s voice was cool and mocking.

  “What she is, is my business and nothing to do with you especially since you stopped her coming to her sessions, you did me a favour actually.” Lana turned and began to move away once more.

  “That’s not exactly true though is it? You see I am still her employer more or less Doctor Hill so I’m afraid her welfare is my business.” Miranda smiled, her peppered hair pulled into a small knot at the base of her head.

  “I sent you the report. She is fine to go back to work, she doesn’t need to come to anymore sessions. My paperwork shows that and is dated to a week ago.” Lana stated.

  “I don’t think I received that document I’m afraid, so as of now she is still a patient.” The frog like smile pulled even tighter.

  Lana stepped forward. “You just happened to ‘loose’ that document I guess?”

  “Be careful Lana.” The smile faded and Miranda tutted slowly. “What am I going to do with you? You have to stop breaking hearts honey.” She placed a finger under the lapel of Lana’s jacket and stroked it briefly. “You always did like the broken toys didn’t you?” Her voice was low.

  “Fuck you.” Lana replied pulling away from the touch.

  “I’m hoping.” She grinned and pushed the square glasses back up her nose. “Call me tonight and I’m sure I can rethink where I put that paperwork, after all that would mean Mrs Taylor is no longer a patient of yours, in fact I might even have something to show she attended a different Doctor all together and therefore hasn’t been a patient at your practice for a very long time. Now wouldn’t that be handy?” She switched her briefcase to the opposite hand and walked away. “I’ll expect your call about seven.” She shouted back to where Lana stood glaring down the street.

  “Hey.” I grabbed at my phone my hand still wet from the shower.

  “Hi, are you ok you sound out of breath?” Lana asked from the other end.

  “Yeah I’m good I was just in the shower.” I laughed and wrapped the towel tighter to my body shielding off the cold.

  “I’m so sorry, I completely forgot but I have to go to this thing tonight.” I felt my heart sink.

  “Oh it’s ok, of course, don’t worry at all.” Too eager, it was obvious I was devastated.

  “No its not, I really wanted to see you.” Lana sounded genuinely upset at least. “It’s a family thing, I have to go to my dad’s party. It’s his sixtieth and he really wanted me there, I’ve never met any of them so it’s kind of a big deal that I really can’t blow off.” Her accent made me smile.

  “Well how about this, you go and then, I don’t care what time it is but come back and crash here?” I was being hopeful.

  “That’s sweet, but it’s closer to my place and is probably going to be a real late thing. What if I come round tomorrow? I have the day off so I could come at lunch time and stay as long as you will have me?” It sounded good to me so I agreed hurriedly before saying goodbye and ending the call. Still I couldn’t shake that nagging feeling that something wasn’t quite right.

  Lana lay her forehead against the leather bound steering wheel, tears spilling down her cheeks. It had been a long time since she had let herself actually care for someone, or imagined a life where she wasn’t alone. How typical it had to happen like this! She clenched and unclenched her hands a mixture of anger and sadness causing her to shake. The question was did she trust Miranda enough to stick to her word? As if on cue her phone lit up with a beep.

  I completely forgot about the event tonight, I’m not that heartless, so we can rearrange for later in the evening. Say eleven-ish? That should give you plenty of time to meet the sperm donor’s family and get to my place. I believe it’s close by how lucky!

  Lana punched the panel of the door and screamed in anger causing a few people nearby to turn and stare. The clock on the dashboard flashed six thirty. She slammed the car into gear and sped forwards towards home.

  “Doctor Hill your dry cleaning is upstairs.” Christine chirped as Lana stomped up the staircase.

  “Thank you.” She muttered as she punched in a security code and heard the lock click.

  Inside was a huge open space, the internal walls had been knocked down leaving only pillars in their wake. A shining glass panel in a rainbow of colours separated the bedroom area from the rest of the apartment, a large curving sofa pressed itself against the far wall, the tall arched windows allowed the night sky to flood in providing a backdrop of stars. Lana threw her car keys onto the marble topped breakfast bar and flicked on a light. Her pinstripe trouser suit was hooked in its bag over the only door in the place, the one to the bathroom. Kicking off her shoes she strode past it and pulled back the shower curtain to twist the taps of the vintage white bath pulling on an ivory handled lever so that the water rerouted and sprung from a square shower head above. She took a deep breath as the steam rose up. Tonight was going to be a night she wouldn’t forget.


  The party was in full swing by the time Lana pulled up outside, the house was a hulking building its walls red brick interrupted at regular intervals with rectangular windows. She pulled the car up alongside another convertible and switched off the engine, gazing wide eyed at the people who were laughing and clinking glasses inside the various rooms. Her palms stuck to the steering wheel, a fine film of moisture coating their surface, she wiped them briskly and stepped out into the cold night air.

  “Lana! I’ve been keeping watch for you!” A tall man opened the door, his dark hair white at the temples pulled back into a neat ponytail that dangled to the nape of his neck, he wore a white shirt that contrasted too brightly with the maroon suit he was wearing.

  “Hi.” Lana knocked the beads of gravel from the bottoms of her shoes and accepted the hesitant hug he gave.

  “I’m so glad you came.” He was sincere with his smile as he guided her inside.

  “Your house is impressive.” Lana commented accepting a champagne flute from a passing butler. Her father nodded.

  “It’s just a house but Janine likes her ‘things’.” He gave a short laugh.

  “I can see that.” Lana looked around taking in the multitude of pictures clinging to the walls, vases filled with ornate dried flowers in every nook not to mention the array of ornaments crammed on various surfaces.

  “Ah speak of the devil.” Her father stepped to one side and wrapped an arm around the waist of a woman who was darting past following a worried looking waitress. “My love, this is Lana.” He spread a hand out towards her proudly. The woman barely disguised the small squeak that came from between her bright pink lips.

  “Lana, your daughter Lana?” She flicked her eyes to her husband who seemed to wilt a little.

  “Biologically anyway.” Lana murmured holding out a hand for the woman to shake.

  “So very nice to meet you. Aren’t you pretty?” Janine said it in a way that there was no mistaking the bitterness.

  “That’s very sweet, you look beautiful tonight.” Lana smiled warmly, but the heavy blue eyeshadow circling Janine’s eyes only narrow

  “Thank you.” She cooed. “I didn’t really have much time to get ready.” She fluffed her bleach blonde hair “With trying to organise all of this, I barely had time to throw on a dress.” She laughed a high pitched forced gurgle.

  “Well your home is certainly one of a kind.” Lana sipped her champagne.

  “Thank you.” Her father smiled clearly aware of the tension.

  “Have you met your brother yet?” Janine’s face seemed to genuinely brighten as she fixed her eyes on someone in the distance.

  “No, I didn’t realise he was here.” Lana glared at her father who was shuffling nervously.

  “I didn’t have a chance to talk to you properly.” He rubbed his hands together as his wife slipped away.

  “I’m sure you could have mentioned it.” Lana said quietly.

  “I didn’t want to upset you.” He looked close to tears. “How could I tell you that I had another child living like this with me when I hadn’t been there for you? There is a lot to explain, a lot you don’t know.” He added quickly.

  “Lana.” Janine was back. “This is your baby brother.” She said with pride.

  Lana turned with a forced smile, heart hammering in her chest.

  “You!” She exclaimed recoiling almost as much as the man in front of her did simultaneously.

  “This is a joke right?” Ben looked from his mother to his father.

  “You know each other?” Her father frowned.

  “I wouldn’t go that far.” Ben rubbed at the back of his brown hair and stared at the floor.

  “Oh my God Ben you haven’t?!” Janine gawped in horror.

  “No, Christ mum no!” Ben was flustered.

  “You know him though?” Janine turned to Lana, people were looking on interestedly.

  “Yeah, I know him. The woman he attacked was one of my patients, and he decided to terrorise her by waiting outside my office a few weeks ago!” Lana stepped forwards menacingly but Janine appeared in front of her.

  “My boy didn’t attack anyone.” Janine spat, the room seemed to grow quiet.

  “Mum just leave it ok?” Ben looked around at the people staring.

  “I think we both know that he did.” Lana hissed back as she locked on to Ben’s blue eyes. “You are a real piece of shit.”

  The slap rang out before the force of it registered. Lana curved away bouncing into her father’s chest, the champagne glass rolled from her grip smashing across the floor an audible gasp went up from the onlookers.

  “Get out of my house!” Janine screamed. Lana turned and flew back towards her before being halted by a strong grip on her arm.

  “Don’t do it.” A familiar voice came quietly. Miranda. “It’s not worth your career.”

  Lana glared from one face to another, what was Miranda even doing here?

  “Come on.” The older woman tugged at her arm pulling her towards the door and out into the winter air.

  Lana stomped towards her car, shoes slipping on the uneven surface.

  “Lana!” Miranda called from a foot or so behind.

  “What are you even doing here?” Lana span around.

  “It’s a charity mixer, I am always at these kind of things because of the hospital.” Miranda was fishing in her bag for her car keys.

  “You couldn’t have told me that? You knew who he was, you found him so you knew when you sent Rebecca to me that he was my brother?” Lana stifled a sob, a thin sliver of blood was trickling from her cheekbone where Janine’s diamond ring had dug in.

  “No I didn’t know that you had a brother or that it was him.” Miranda shook her head. “It would have been a conflict of interests I never would have sent her to you.”

  “Why did you huh?” Lana barked.

  “Why did I what? Darling you’re making no sense.” Miranda stepped forwards and reached for her hand.

  “Why did you send her to me? Out of all the clinics why me?” Lana pulled back.

  “I wanted a reason to see you.” Miranda smiled as though the answer was obvious. “I didn’t think you would end up sleeping with her.” The smile slipped. “But I guess I should have considered it, this is you we’re talking about.” She gave a short laugh.

  “Fuck you Miranda. I know exactly why you wanted her to come to me because you’re in his pocket.” Lana pointed back to where her father was silhouetted in the doorway, she reached into the silk clutch bag and grabbed her own car keys moving away.

  “Aren’t you forgetting something?” Miranda called.

  “No!” Lana shouted back.

  “I think you are.” Miranda said in a sing song voice. Lana turned slowly to see her standing lighting a cigarette smiling. “My place in ten?” She grinned wider. “Unless you want to just jump in the car? The back seats are bigger in this one than the old one.” She laughed.

  “Keep those memories, because that’s all they are, memories.” Lana turned and unlocked her car throwing open the driver’s door.

  “There’s picture’s Lana.” Miranda shouted. “There are pictures of the two of you and you just let the whole world know that she is you’re patient, don’t you realise you will never be able to be public with this?”

  “Pictures of what? What exactly? Us having coffee?” Lana spat.

  “I don’t think it looks like that.” Miranda came closer her phone in her hand, her painted nails clicking as she scrolled across the screen. She turned it around to show a photograph of Lana with her arm wrapped around a crying Rebecca, her face pressed close, lips parted at her cheek. The next picture showed the two of them standing outside the coffee shop fingers entwined smiling at each other.

  “Nothing was going on! It was completely innocent.” Lana shouted incredulously. “What did you do, follow me?”

  “I just happened to be nearby and saw the two of you.” Miranda shrugged. “It’s enough Lana, you know it is, even without being romantically involved its unprofessional at best. There would be enough doubt to investigate and then what else would they find? Plus as I said you just told everyone in there that she’s been treated by you.” She smiled sweetly. “She’s not the first to fall for it and she won’t be the last.”

  “What do you want?” Lana broke into stifled tears, brushing the flow away from her cheek hurriedly and trying to look stern.

  “I want you silly.” Miranda stepped forwards and looped an arm around Lana’s narrow waist. “You know you have always been mine. It’s me and you. It’s always been me and you, you know that.”

  “There are so many others, pick one of them.” Lana pulled the arm away and stepped into the car.

  “Do you think she will still want you when she knows who you are?” Miranda slammed her hand atop the frame of the door halting its closing. “Then on top of that you will have no job, no career! You don’t know this girl, why risk it all for her?” Lana placed her forehead against her hands on the wheel once more. “Look, come home with me.” Miranda’s voice was soft, pleading almost. “I miss you.”

  “It’s not your home Miranda. It’s your hideaway. Your home is where your husband and kids are waiting. You know what the sad thing is, I did think of it as home with you, I thought that we were real. But we never were, your real life is this.” She waved a hand towards the ongoing party behind them. “It was never us. Please, if you ever cared for me at all, if you still remember what I did for you, just leave me alone.” Lana pulled the door shut leaving the older woman standing finally silent outside the glass.

  “Holy shit!” Lana exclaimed and wrenched the door back open making Miranda jump back a step. “Were these the guys you owed the money to?” She shouted.

  Miranda’s eyes widened and she stuttered. “Of course not!”

  “Oh my God it is isn’t it.” Lana put a hand to her mouth.

  “No I swear it wasn’t, they don’t know anything about it!” Miranda was frantic.

  “I’ve known you long enough to know when you’re lying.” Lana placed her face into her hands.
/>   “He doesn’t know anything about it, I didn’t know who he was or that Simon was supplying for him, I just bought the drugs.” Miranda knelt at the side of the car.

  “So basically I slept with a drug dealer and paid them just under three thousand pounds to clear a debt that was owed by you to my father?” Lana broke into tears again. “Do you know how sick that is?” She screamed. “Get out of the way.” Lana banged the door shut and started the car screeching away down the drive.


  Something wasn’t right I could tell, Lana had been less than vague about what had happened the night of the party and I hadn’t seen her for nearly a week. I glanced at the calendar, my appointment at her office was today, in less than half an hour and I still hadn’t heard back off her as to whether I should actually go or not. That one night was all I had to cling onto, the way she had looked at me, touched me, it had to mean something. I shuddered physically at the thought of her regretting it, I’d replayed a hundred times the hypothetical conversation we would have with her telling me it was only a onetime thing, it couldn’t happen again. I span lightly on the rotating chair in my office the paperwork lying on the desk had been completed at least an hour ago leaving me with nothing to do but think.

  “Hey Beck’s.” Yvonne pushed open the door a coffee mug in her hand and a folder in the other.

  “Hi.” I smiled grateful of the company. Yvonne looked up at the clock.

  “Don’t you have an appointment today?” She asked carefully placing the cup down.

  “Yeah, I should probably leave in a minute.” I rubbed at my stomach trying to dislodge the sickly feeling nestling in the pit, I’d already vomited twice.

  “You ok?” Yvonne dunked a biscuit into her coffee and caught it quickly with her mouth before it dropped.

  “I feel a bit out of sorts.” I admitted a wave of heat making my back prickle. “I best get going anyway.” I said a hasty goodbye grabbed my coat and bag and headed for the doors.


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