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Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros Book 2)

Page 12

by M T Stone

  Me: Are you sure?

  Renegade: Positive! Had a shoot-out just outside Reno

  Me: Well, the contract expires tomorrow. Can you make it back?

  Renegade: Yeah. Sable brought the bike.

  Me: 8:00 tomorrow night. The shit goes down.

  Renegade: We’ll be there

  That’s exactly why I hadn’t pursued any answers after Victoria Love disappeared. Renegade is either much braver or much more stupid than I am. Probably both. I knew exactly where he had been hiding out. There was a little old dilapidated shack out in the middle of the Mojave Desert. He loved that fucking place. There weren’t even any windows left in it. No one would ever believe that he could survive living out there. They simply did not know Renegade. He had always been one tough son of a bitch.


  It was still dark when my phone rang Saturday morning. It was Amber.

  “You and Gunner stole all of the members last night, and now you get my spot tonight?” she asked in an obviously foul mood.

  “I’m sorry, what?” I shook my head to come alive.

  “Last night was the worst turnout Blade and I have had for a show. He said it was because everyone was watching you and Gunner. Now I got a text that our show tonight is cancelled!”

  “It wasn’t anything we did. Members can only watch upper level shows live. Blade should’ve known enough to pick a different time slot,” I countered.

  “So you guys get our spot tonight, too?”

  “Carter did that,” I explained. “He announced that my level ten show is tonight at eight o’clock. Suzanne didn’t have a choice but to go with it.”

  “Why would he do that?” she pressed.

  “We think he was high on something. Our level nine show had been scheduled for Wednesday and our level ten was next Friday.”

  “What the fuck?”

  “I have no clue, hun. I’m just glad this whole ordeal will be done tonight,” I said with a sigh. “Make sure you watch tonight’s show, though, it’s going to be good!”

  “Great, I’m excited for you,” she replied sarcastically. “Maybe you can pay my rent next month.”

  “Oh, I don’t think it’s that bad, but I’m sorry your schedule got messed up.”

  “It’s obviously not your fault. I’m just so pissed right now!”

  “I’ll make it up to you somehow. Just have Blade reschedule your shoot for next weekend.”

  “Okay. Well, good luck tonight,” she said sheepishly.

  “Thanks, Amber. Make sure you watch, okay?”

  “I will.”

  Even though I felt bad that we had killed Amber and Blade’s ratings, it was completely Blade’s fault. He must have thought that he could steal some of our thunder, but since ours had been a “live only” show, the members had flocked to it. The way Suzanne is promoting tonight’s show, there’s no telling how big it will be.


  The dungeon was buzzing with energy when I stopped in just after six pm. Everyone was there early and Raven was already in makeup. Blade and Sapphire were sitting in the dressing room joking around, giving Raven and Jasmine a hard time.

  “Don’t you two have something better to do?” I teased them as I walked through on my way to Suzanne’s office.

  “Fuck no!” Blade blasted back. “Not after you fuckers cancelled our show.”

  “Yeah, it was us.” I shook my head and kept walking. Dumb ass.

  Suzanne was hustling around her office, looking like there were a million details that she was trying to wrap up.

  “Can I help you with anything?” I offered.

  “No. I just got everything ready for J.O. and the Marshall’s office. And Carter has been calling me every 20 minutes to see how many members have registered for tonight’s show,” she said with a laugh.

  “He still thinks tonight’s show is about defiling Raven?”

  “Oh yeah… he couldn’t be more excited.” She smiled. “He wants the whole world to see him and his buddies giving it to her.”

  “I can’t wait to see his face…”

  “Me neither!” she said, totally cutting me off. “I’ve waited a long time to take him down. Now I get to do it in front of 350,000 people.”

  “It doesn’t get any better than that.”

  “No… It’s going to be sweet.” She beamed again. “Just give me a few minutes to wrap up things and I’ll meet you guys up there.”


  Before the show began, Gunner wanted to take me up to the ballroom to show me how things would play out. As we came to the side entrance, I could see there were already dozens of people inside, and a huge line of people waiting to sign paperwork.

  “Carter is very thorough on the disclosure documents,” Gunner commented.

  “So everyone has to sign one?”

  “Yes. No one can get into the room without one.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That is the custom wooden bed that Carter had made for level ten events.”

  “What’s so special about it?” It looked like a really ancient hospital gurney.

  “Your arms and legs will be restrained, with your head resting on the small pad,” Gunner explained. “He will come up to you and tap his dick on your forehead a few times. Then he will push the lever on the right and your head will drop backwards.”

  “So he can shove it in my mouth?”

  “You’ve got it!” Gunner chuckled. “Unfortunately for him, when he reaches for the lever, that’s when they will grab him.”


  “Blade and Renegade. We’ve got everything all planned out. Our little Mister Carter is going to shit a brick when he finds out what happens after that.” He flashed me that evil grin.

  I can’t wait to find out what happens next!

  Chapter 15


  Raven paced nervously as she looked out at the standing room only crowd that had gathered in the ballroom. She knew that Carter was going to be even more unpredictable than he had been the night before. It was also more nerve wracking now that she knew who many of the VIPs were. It’s always more difficult to perform in front of people you know, but it’s especially true in this line of work. At least they all wore masks during the show, so it made it a little less intimidating.

  “Just remember, they don’t have a clue who you are,” I reminded her.

  “No thanks to Carter. Thank God we were able to stop him last night.”

  “Oh, speak of the devil. It’s time for our introduction.”

  I could feel Raven’s hand trembling as we stood there listening to Carter’s introduction. He seemed a little more normal than he had been the night before, but there was still something a little off.

  “Without further ado, here is the star of tonight’s show.” He cleared his throat in jest. “Raven St. Claire!”

  “He’s such a dick,” Raven spouted as I took her arm.

  “Do you know why you are here tonight?” Carter asked Raven as we joined him in the center of the room.

  “I do,” she replied simply.

  “Why are you here?” he prodded. Wanting to hear her say what was about to happen.

  “I believe I’m here because you and your friends want to use me as your dirty little whore,” she replied in disgust.

  “That is correct!” Carter yelled with an excitement I had never heard in his voice before. “Gunner, prepare her for me!”

  I led her over to the table. “Would you like a blindfold?” I asked, already knowing what her answer would be.

  “Hell, no… I want to see this,” she whispered back.

  I tugged at the zipper on the back of her dress and pushed it off her shoulders. I could see men adjusting themselves as her nude body came immediately into view.

  “No underwear,” I commented. “You surprise me, Miss St. Claire.

  “I knew I wouldn’t be needing them until afterwards.” She smiled.

  “Enough chit chat! Get on with it
!” Carter fumed.

  “You heard the man, up on the table!” I commanded, instantly turning on my dark side for the benefit of the audience.

  “Yes, Sir,” she complied, crawling onto the table and positioning herself as I had told her.

  I cuffed both ankles and secured them tightly. While walking around the table to secure her wrists, I saw Renegade, Blade, J.O., and Sapphire come through the back entrance. “Everyone’s here,” I whispered while tightening the final restraint.

  “She’s ready for you, Sir,” I said, giving Carter a nod.


  A shudder went down my spine when Carter approached me. Even though I knew exactly how this was going to play out, I still felt nauseated by his shirtless presence. The way he stood over me with that sickening black mask made me glad that I hadn’t given in to him a decade earlier. Who knows what would have happened…I was so naïve back then.

  “This has been a long time coming,” he hissed as he unbuttoned his pants. “I’m already getting hard, just looking at you.” He pulled out his dick and began tapping it against the top of my head.

  “Don’t you have anything to say, Raven?” he taunted.

  “No, Sir.”

  “I know that you have been waiting for this as long as I have,” he whispered in my ear and began to lower my head. Stopping half way, he ran the tip of his cock along my forehead and tapped the bridge of my nose. I could feel my heart pounding and felt as if I could have thrown up at any second.

  “Still nothing to say? I guess you are ready then,” he said, grabbing the lever once again to allow my head to go all of the way back.

  He looked at me with those evil, beady eyes and I reciprocated with the harshest glare I could muster. His mask obviously blocked his peripheral vision because he never saw Renegade and Blade making their way to the center of the room to join Gunner.

  “Open that mouth of yours, sweetie,” he demanded as my head fell back. He tapped his dick disgustingly against my lips.

  I simply kept my lips closed tightly, knowing that the end was imminent.

  “I said open…” were the last three words that escaped his lips as Blade and Renegade each grabbed an arm, pulling him away from me.

  “What’s going on?” he yelled, thrashing his head from side to side to see who had grabbed him.

  “Hello, Carter, I’m back!” Renegade seethed.

  “You were supposed to be taken care of,” Carter hissed back.

  “Your days of taking care of people are over,” J.O. informed him, as Renegade and Blade slammed his naked ass onto a wooden chair.

  “Who the fuck are you?” he yelled.

  “I’m with the Marshall’s office, Mr. Randolph.” J.O. smirked. “We’ve been investigating you for the past few months.”

  “You have nothing on me!”

  “Actually, we have everything,” he replied, lifting Carter’s black mask and motioning to Suzanne.

  “A little help here?” I asked as I was getting tired of watching everything upside down.

  “Sorry about that.” Gunner said, immediately lifting my head and loosening the restraints.

  “This is for you,” Suzanne told J.O. as she handed him a box. “And this is for you,” she said, handing me a robe.

  I slipped on the robe and turned to Carter. The stunned look on his face was priceless as the cameraman focused in on him. I could tell by his contorted expressions that he was having a hard time keeping up with the rapidly evolving scene.


  Carter seemed blown away by the fact that everyone had turned against him. He sat there shaking his head and reminding us all what he had done for us.

  “You may have helped each of us, but you have been blackmailing us ever since,” I told him to provide a little insight.

  “I have enough evidence to put each of them away,” Carter told J.O. as he desperately sought to save his own ass.

  “I’ve looked through everything and come to the conclusion that all of the crimes pale in comparison to the ones committed by you,” J.O. replied. “You have been a one-man corruption machine for the past thirty-five years. I don’t know how you got away with it for so long.”

  “What have you done?” he asked Suzanne with a look of horror crossing his face. He tried to jump to his feet, but Renegade and Blade immediately restrained him.

  “What have I done?” she retaliated. “What have I done? How do you even dare ask me that question?”

  Carter fell silent momentarily, obviously trying to find a way out. Everyone in the room sat there in silence, possibly thinking about their own transgressions.

  “Raven, is there anything you would like to say or do to get things started?” Suzanne asked.

  Raven stood up and walked over to Carter, pulling her robe tightly around her. “This man tried to force me to have sex with him when I was barely nineteen years old,” she told the spectators. “I refused, so ever since he has tried to make my life a living hell.”

  I immediately grabbed a ball gag and stuffed it in Carter’s mouth, knowing that he would take this opportunity to reveal her identity. Her eyes widened as she realized that danger had been averted. “Thank you,” she mouthed.

  “Pull that gag tight,” Suzanne added. “He is in listen only mode tonight.”

  “Is there anything you would like to add?” I asked Raven, handing her a riding crop.

  She smiled and looked down at his now limp dick lying on the wooden chair. Without a second of hesitation, Blade and Renegade each grabbed a knee and spread his legs wide for her.

  “Here’s for trying to force a nineteen year old to have sex with you.” She whacked him hard enough to make his eyes instantly bulge out.

  It must have felt pretty good to her because she immediately went to item number two on her agenda. “This is for trying to ruin my career!” She gave him a second hard whack. He closed his eyes and groaned in misery.

  “One more for trying to trap me into having sex with you here,” she yelled, whacking him even harder. I could see the veins bulging in his neck as he fought to scream in spite of the ball gag.

  After the third swing, she let out a sigh of relief, looking up at the ceiling. She began to turn away but then took one last, hard swing. “That one’s for being a creepy, asshole pervert!” She walked over to Suzanne and passed the baton.

  “Oh, no. That was just a warm up, sweetie. Go grab the cattle prod.” There was a collective gasp in the room. “I want him fully restrained!” she ordered, crossing her arms and staring down at him.

  As Blade and Renegade applied the restraints, Carter continued to spew forth threats. No one could really understand what he was saying as he sounded like a raving lunatic with the ball gag in his mouth.

  “Good news,” Raven whispered as she returned with the cattle prod. “We have a ninety-eight percent approval rating so far.” She simply beamed as she hit the button to charge the coil.

  “Let me see that,” I said, cranking it up to maximum power. For his sake, I hope they don’t intend to use this on his dick.

  Chapter 16


  I had always been amazed by how Carter had held a grudge against me for so long. However, as I watched him struggling in his chair, hurling out accusations and threats in spite of the ball gag, I realized that he was no ordinary man. He was either psychotic or deeply delusional. The fact that he was still fighting was angering Suzanne to the point where she was actually starting to lose it.

  “You sit there and shut up!” she yelled right in his face. “Or I’m going to hit you right in the balls with this cattle prod.” She pressed it up against him.

  His face grew stern and he glared directly at her. “You wouldn’t dare,” he muttered against the gag.

  “Oh, really?” She instantly released the trigger.

  Again, there was an audible gasp throughout the room as it literally jolted Carter straight up in the chair. “Jesus! Who turned it on high?” She laughed, handing it back to

  That last jolt really took the steam out of Carter. He sat there drooling on his ball gag and mumbling while Suzanne began to tell her story.

  “Some of you might be wondering what’s going on here tonight,” she started out. “You came here in anticipation of sticking your dick into this beautiful young woman. Well, Raven wasn’t here by her own free will. So I couldn’t let that happen.”


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