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Raven's Revenge (The Pleasure Pros Book 2)

Page 15

by M T Stone

  I began moving my hips more deliberately while keeping my lips locked to his. I just loved the feeling of being this close to him. The feel of his tongue pushing past my lips and the intensity with which he was kissing me was driving me crazy. I slipped my hands under his shoulders, wishing I could feel the weight of his arms wrapped around me. Sapphire said something, but we were so self-absorbed that neither of us even acknowledged her. This is what I’ve been waiting for, I thought as I flexed my thighs in an effort to utilize the full length of him.

  “God, I love your cock,” I blurted out, feeling his head probing my most sensitive areas.

  Feelings that had been trapped inside of me for years began to bubble to the surface right there in front of thousands of spectators. Each thrust of my hips, each passionate kiss, and each caress of his muscular body was more than just physical. It was all an expression of what had been building up between us for weeks. After being physically driven to the edge several times by this man, tonight it was raw emotions. My heart was exploding with feelings that I had only hoped I would be able to find once again.

  I love this man.

  I lifted myself from him, pushing my hands against his chest. His rigid cock was now in the perfect position to reach a magnificent mutual orgasm. I felt my ass slap against the top of Sapphire’s head as I began to fuck him in earnest. Gunner began to moan rhythmically with each full stroke that I delivered. My thighs began to burn as I pushed them to the limit, but the sensations flooding up through my body more than compensated for any discomfort.

  Our eyes locked on one another as I continued to fuck him in a way that I hadn’t done in years. The feelings of love, lust, and aching desire all mixed together created an intoxicating effect. I glanced over at the monitor, which was blinking like a set of hyperactive Christmas lights. Right at the top of the screen I saw 99.2%, which meant that not only was this final show having a pronounced effect on me, but it was affecting the members as well.

  I reached for Gunner’s hands. I needed to feel them in spite of the handcuffs. Lacing my fingers between his stretched me to the limit, but the feeling of being suspended was exactly what I needed. As soon as I began moving again, shudders instantly began to race up my spine.

  “I’m right with you, babe,” Gunner groaned, letting me know that he was ready as well.

  My body was so overly excited that I could barely contain myself as I continued to ride the full length of his shaft. The thought of having a mutual climax with him in front of thousands of people suddenly crossed my mind and it sent another shiver through my body. Gunner squeezed my hands tightly as my body began to tremble.


  Raven closed her eyes as her body began to shake, so I knew that she had reached her climax. I bounced my hips in an attempt to join her. Sapphire joined in the action with her tongue once again and I could feel the pressure continuing to build.

  “You were supposed to come with me,” Raven chided as she released my hands and came face to face with me once again.

  “Sorry, I was almost there.”

  “I think Sapphire needs one last taste of you,” she said with a smirk. “She’s been working pretty hard down there.”

  She apparently took my lack of response as a “yes.” She slid off of me and grabbed hold of my throbbing unit and began stroking it with conviction. I could feel Sapphire’s tongue and lips on the back of my balls as the two of them worked together to get me off. When Raven began using both hands, I knew it would only be a matter of seconds. The incredible intensity was more than I could handle and I suddenly felt the surge of an imminent release.

  “I’m coming,” I announced, knowing that she had a plan to include Sapphire.

  She immediately pushed my cock forward into Sapphire’s waiting mouth. Raven grabbed the back of her head and forced her to take my entire length. I could hear the sounds that Sapphire made as I released my entire load deep within her throat. Fuck, that was awesome.

  Chapter 19


  After the scene wrapped up, I released Sapphire from the handcuffs. She actually shot me a sincere smile as she stood up and helped me release Gunner from his restraints. I’m sure all three of us had mixed feelings about the ménage et trios that had just occurred, so no one wanted to be the first to say anything.

  “That was an amazing set!” Suzanne squealed, breaking the silence that hung between us. “It couldn’t have turned out any better if you guys had rehearsed it!”

  “Thanks,” I replied. “I had rehearsed it quite a few times in my head.” I smiled at both her and Sapphire.

  “Yeah, I’ll bet,” Sapphire, replied, rubbing the top of her right hand.

  “Actually, I wasn’t going to go that far with you, but you were so defiant it really pissed me off.”

  “I just wanted to see how far I could push you.” She laughed. “That last crack was enough, though. Fuck that thing hurts!”

  “It’s about time someone gave you a few lashes with that fucker,” Gunner added. “I’ve been tempted to do it myself.”

  The four of us joked around for a minute or two before we all headed back to our dressing rooms. It was strange how much more relaxed the environment had become now that Carter was no longer present. Maybe it was just me, but everyone seemed to be a little more relaxed and friendly.

  “Come talk to me before you leave, Raven,” Suzanne said before heading the other direction toward her office. “All of the numbers were off the charts tonight.”

  “Yeah, this chick’s a natural,” Sapphire agreed, giving me a slap on the ass.

  “Hey, I learned from the best.”

  After getting changed, I came out into the hallway and immediately ran into J.O. He was all dressed up and had apparently been talking to Suzanne and Sapphire. Sapphire had made a miraculously quick transition from her stage look. She now had her hair up, was dressed in a gorgeous black sequin dress and high heels. She looked incredible.

  “Are you back for another level?” I teased J.O.

  “No. I just stopped by to give Suzanne an update.” He gave me a broad smile.

  “What’s that big smile about then? You wouldn’t be dressed like that if this was an official visit.”

  “It probably has something to do with me,” Sapphire replied, slipping in beside him. “He’s taking me to dinner.”

  “That’s awesome! If anyone can handle her, it’s probably you,” I told J.O. giving him a slap on the arm.

  “Yeah, I’ve already hidden my handcuffs.” He laughed and gave Sapphire a squeeze.

  “That’s awesome, you guys! She could use a little discipline from someone like you.”

  J.O. just smirked and glanced lovingly at Sapphire. He’s already whipped.

  “Where the hell did that come from?” I asked Suzanne, joining her in her office.

  “Where does it ever come from?” She rolled her eyes and laughed.

  “That’s so true!” I agreed. “You wouldn’t believe the feelings that I was having during the show tonight.”

  “Oh, I believe it,” she gasped. “Everyone could see it on both of your faces. The sheer intensity between the two of you was incredible. I don’t think any of our members had expected what you gave them tonight.”

  “I’m not so sure I even expected it. The feelings just came flooding to the surface.”

  “You two are pure gold,” she replied, handing me a check for over two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. “That’s your cut so far for the last two shows. I’m sure there will be plenty more in the coming weeks as well.”

  “Wow, thank you. That’s incredible.” I shook my head in complete disbelief.

  “Are you planning on sticking around?”

  “I honestly haven’t thought much about it. I’m just glad I made it through all ten levels without being abused by Carter and his friends. Thank you,” I told her, reaching out to give her a hug.

  “Once again, I’m sorry for luring you here in the first place, but I’m
glad that it all worked out.”

  “Me, too. I’m actually just starting to sleep through the night again,” I admitted honestly. “It was a nightmare there for a couple of weeks.”

  “Everything happens for a reason, Jillian. J.O. has assured me that Carter will never see the light of day again, so my work here is done, too,” she said with a sigh. “I’m willing to keep this place up and running, though, as long as some of you guys have an interest.”

  “Both Gunner and I need a break, but I don’t think either of us would mind earning a few more checks like this one.” I smiled. “Besides, Blade and Amber take center stage tomorrow night.”

  “Yes, they do.” She gave me a sly smile. “Have you talked to Amber lately?”

  “Not for a few days, why?”

  “Blade stopped in this afternoon. Apparently something has transpired between the two of them recently.”

  “Good or bad?”

  “You know, Blade, it’s not his style to elaborate. I was hoping you would know.”

  “Not at all. I thought they were getting along pretty well, but the last time I talked to her, she was pissed at us for bumping them out of their primetime slot.”

  “Well, you might want to follow up with her. Let me know what you find out.”

  “I will… I’ll be in touch.” We exchanged hugs once again. “I think both Dalton and I have grown a little fond of this Raven character.”

  “She’s definitely a hottie!” Suzanne laughed.

  “Yes, she is.” I folded the check and tucked it away in my purse before heading down the hallway. The whole place suddenly seemed to be deserted. Where did everyone go?

  I had to go pick up Hannah, but I had expected to talk to Dalton before I left. Walking back into the dressing room, I was greeted by two-dozen red and pink roses. My favorite!

  I pulled the note and opened it:

  Jillian ~

  I have a few details to wrap up tonight.

  I’ll pick you up tomorrow evening at 5:00.

  We are spending the night in Napa.



  Napa. He must have read my mind. After loading the flowers into my car I pulled my phone out of my purse and called Amber. My stomach fluttered when it went directly to voicemail. That’s weird. I left her a voicemail and also sent her a text letting her know that I wanted all of the details about her and Blade.


  On my way home, I couldn’t help but reflect on everything that had happened and how it had come to an end almost as quickly as it had begun. I will never complain about being bored again, I thought as I made my way down the winding highway. Given the choice between a mundane life and one of chaos, there was no hesitation as to which I would choose. Thank God everything turned out the way it did. Even my mother is okay with the whole ordeal. I still don’t know quite what to make of that.

  My thoughts turned back to Dalton. I had to wonder if the details he had to wrap up had anything to do with our trip to Napa. It will be great to get some alone time with him. I felt a familiar tingle between my thighs just thinking about it.

  Chapter 20

  Late Saturday Afternoon


  Hannah and I spent almost three hours at the mall, so by the time Mom stopped by to pick her up, we were both dressed to kill. Hannah had insisted on wearing her new dress, so we were busy taking selfies when she came to the door.

  “You two are just darling!” she declared, taking out her phone to snap a few pictures of us. For most people, that wouldn’t seem like a big deal, but it was one of the nicest things she had said to me in years.

  “Are you sure it’s okay if Hannah stays with you tonight?”

  “Sure!” she replied with a wave of her hand. “Toots and I have dinner plans, but since this little sweetie is all dressed up, she’s going to blend right in.”

  “That’s great, Mom. I really appreciate it.”

  “Don’t give it a second thought,” she replied, glancing out the window. “A red Ferrari just pulled up to the curb. I think someone’s date has arrived.”

  “Let me see!” Hannah begged, holding her hands in the air for Mom to pick her up.

  “Isn’t that a gorgeous car?” she asked Hannah.

  “Yeah! It’s fun to ride in, too!” Hannah told her with wide eyes.

  I think Dalton was a little surprised when he was greeted at the door by all three of us. The look on his face was priceless as he quickly assessed the situation.

  “Wow, you guys all look great,” he said, flashing each of us a smile. “Are you two coming with us tonight?” he asked, looking at Hannah and Mom.

  “Nooo,” Hannah said, shaking her head. “We’re going out for dinner with Toots!”

  “Oh, well that sounds like fun,” he said with a subtle sigh of relief.

  “You probably don’t have much of a back seat in that thing anyway,” Mom teased him.

  “No, it would’ve been an interesting trip,” he agreed.

  After I gave Hannah a hug goodbye, she extended her arms toward Dalton. He graciously bent over and gave her a hug. “Have a good time with Grandma and Toots.”

  As he stood back up, he was face to face with Mom, so he gave her a hug, too. “Have a nice evening, Felicia.”

  “Wow, you even remembered my name.” Her cheeks instantly flushed. “I’m impressed.”

  Mom then took Hannah by the hand, telling her that it was time for them to go and pick up Toots. As we said goodbye, I couldn’t help thinking about how much her attitude had changed in the past few days. Who would’ve thought that our relationship would actually improve after I told her what Dalton and I had been doing. I don’t think I’ll ever completely figure her out.

  After locking my apartment, Dalton and I headed for the stairway. As we approached, I heard the heavy footsteps of someone running up the steps. Please be Tom. Sure enough, Tom’s head appeared around the corner. To say that he looked startled would be an enormous understatement.

  “Tom, I would like to introduce you to Dalton… or Gunner as you like to refer to him when talking to my mother,” I said. Dalton and I stood side-by-side trapping him in the stairwell.

  “Hi, Dalton,” he replied with a crack in his voice, sticking out his hand.

  “You must be the one who tried to stir up problems with Jillian’s mother,” Dalton replied, squeezing Tom’s hand firmly.

  “I’m sorry about that… I’d been drinking.” He winced in obvious pain.

  “Well, if I were you I would stop drinking, because I’m holding you personally responsible if her identity is ever leaked,” Dalton threatened, gripping his hand even tighter. “I will hunt you down like a bloodhound, buddy.”

  “I haven’t said a word to anyone else.” He groaned. “I promise… I’ll keep it a secret.”

  “Just remember, I know where you live,” Dalton hissed, glaring down at him.

  “I swear, not a word!”

  After a few more seconds of intimidation, Dalton released his hand. Tom instantly started shaking it and squeezed his way past us. We had to giggle as we heard him fumbling with his keys for a full five seconds before finally getting his door unlocked. I don’t think that he will be an issue going forward.


  Four days after Carter was arrested, I was finally beginning to relax. Part of me had been expecting him to retaliate against all of us, so I was nervous as hell. By Saturday morning, I couldn’t take it anymore, so I called J.O. He actually let out a belly laugh when I expressed my concerns.

  “This guy has so many bodies buried all over the place. None of you are even on the radar,” he informed me.

  “That’s a relief. I just got out of my contract with him and didn’t want to end up back where I started.”

  “Go enjoy your life,” he said before hanging up. “You guys have paid your dues.”

  By the time Jillian and I drove out of the city and into the rolling California hills, I could feel the weight liftin
g from my shoulders.

  “What have you been up to?” Jillian asked, suddenly suspicious of my demeanor.

  “I’m just relieved to be done with Carter.”

  “You and me both! I hope I never see that fucker again.”

  “According to J.O., there is a good chance that you never will.”

  I reached over and took her hand. “I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time.”


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