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Pure Elemental (Evelyn Storm Series Book 3)

Page 20

by Tamara White

  My mission was to kill three humans. It didn’t matter who they were but I was told they had to be men. I did my job but my father said because they were guilty of a crime, it wasn’t classed as a good kill. I’m still not sure why he would want me to kill men and send their souls to the afterlife rather than his domain but it’s done now.

  Since then he’s sent me back and forth so many times that I’ve lost count but I was only given kill missions on souls that would benefit my father’s army. Until you,” he says ominously.

  Silence falls on the group and we all stare at him. I’m not shocked because I remember he said he was planning to kidnap or hurt her but maybe the others weren’t really paying attention.

  “Wait I thought you were here to check her out, not kill her?!” Dane says glaring daggers his way.

  “Well yes and no. Sorry, I should have explained better.

  My father sent me here with the order to capture Evie but if it seemed impossible, I was to kill her. I’m not sure why when all he wants is the barrier opened when to have it permanently opened you need to be dead. Having you alive, gains him no good with the barriers which confuses the hell out of me.”

  Huh, that’s a good point. Why does he want her?

  “I might have an idea about why he wants me alive. I had a vision with the Creator last night,” Evie says shocking us into silence.

  “The Creator? As in the Creator who created the earth and the angels? The Creator who controls the afterlife? That Creator?” Jeremy asks stumbling over his words in his haste to ask.

  “Yeah but I can’t talk about it here. You can come back to our place again and I’ll tell you all what happened then. For now, we need to get to Gym.”


  I can’t believe she did this!

  We all got to the gym and it only took me a second before I realized Evie was gone. I tried to contact her but I couldn’t get a response through the bond.

  “Guys have any of you seen Evie? She disappeared after I walked through the door and she won’t answer me through the bond. Where could she be?” I ask the guys trying not to panic.

  I still feel her but not as well as the others can so I have no idea how to track her down without just running through the school checking each room.

  The guys all start concentrating on her bond and rush to the locker in the gym. When we get there, no one opens the door so we barge in and are shocked to see Evie fighting Catherine.

  “You’re lucky I’m pregnant, bitch!” she screams swinging another punch.

  All of us are frozen but Jeremy and I, so we rush in grabbing her, stopping her from being hurt or causing more damage.

  “Let’s get out of here. Come on,” I say dragging her out while she shakes in our arms.

  Obviously, something happened while she was in here but why come here in the first place? She had to know it would end badly.

  “Coach we’ll be leaving class early today. We’re going to take Evie home to rest. She’s not feeling the best,” Ky says in front of us.

  “Yeah sure that’s fine, I’ll let her art teacher know,” he says looking over at her shaking in our arms not saying a thing. He frowns but lets us leave without question.

  We all get back to the house and rush Evie inside. She’s still trembling but she hasn’t spoken one word. Jeremy ended up carrying her inside using his persuasion to keep her calm. It was the only way to stop her crying.

  “Evie honey can you talk now? We need you to tell us what happened,” Dane pleads crouching down in front of her.

  She barely looks at us but when Christian walks in, she leaps out of Jeremy’s arms straight into Christians before sobbing into his chest. He cradles her and looks up at all of us glaring.

  “What the fuck happened?” He growls as Zeke walks in behind him.

  “We don’t know, she won’t tell us. We found her in the girl’s locker room punching that Catherine chick,” I tell him.

  Zeke looks between us and Evie before choosing to approach her.

  “Evie, we all want to help you but you need to tell us what happened,” he says coaxing her softly.

  She looks up meeting our eyes before speaking, “She knows. She knows about me and what I am. She tried to take me to the underworld. She said Jeremy told her.”


  What the hell happened today? Christian and I spent the day outside talking but the moment we heard voices too soon for everyone to be home, we rushed inside.

  Evie was trembling in Jeremy’s arms and the others were trying to get her to talk but she refused to speak choosing to latch on to Christian instead.

  When she told us she was almost taken to the underworld, I almost lost it. How could they let her be alone? They knew exactly what we were trying to do by having Zach with her at the school and they left her alone long enough to be taken?!

  “Where we you?!” I say turning on Zach.

  He had one job and he lost her. How could he? What if she had of been taken? None of the others could go after him but Jeremy and I. Even if we followed after there’s no guarantee we’d get her back without a fight and the two of us can’t take on the underworld alone.

  “And you! You better hope to god that Catherine was lying, because if you had anything to do with it, I’ll make the underworld look like a picnic to what I’ll do with you,” I say glaring at Jeremy.

  I had hoped he was sincere in his feelings about Evie but now, I can’t help but doubt him.

  “I was with her I swear. One minute she was there and the next she had disappeared. I didn’t even know she had walked away,” Zach says frustrated.

  “He’s right. I needed to pee so I went to the locker figuring I could go by myself for a bit of privacy and be back before he would notice but Catherine saw me. And I don’t think Jeremy told her. I think she was lying.”

  Chapter 21


  This is embarrassing. I feel incredibly stupid but I just wanted a moment to myself. Why couldn’t I go to the bathroom by myself just once without being chaperoned?

  Unfortunately, my luck wasn’t that good because Catherine caught me as I was leaving.

  “I just wanted time to myself. I didn’t think anyone would be in there so I didn’t see the harm in sneaking away quickly.

  Catherine grabbed my arm on the way out, demanding I come with her, saying there was someone she needed me to meet. She said it was ok that Jeremy knew and he was waiting too but he was with us when we got to the gym so I was pretty confused. It was pretty weird and based on past interactions I was wary so I told her I had to take one of you with me.

  That’s when things got out of hand. She said I was a whore and that I was going with her whether I like it or not so I pulled myself out of her grip.

  She grabbed me by the hair saying that my powers couldn’t save me and Jeremy told her all about my weaknesses. She said he asked her to take me to the underworld and maybe after the ruler of hell has his way with me, then maybe I’d behave like a good little bitch.

  I used the move Dane showed me to get away but she kept trying to hurt me. She kicked me in the stomach and I punched her. That was when you guys walked in.”

  I stay huddled in Christians arms trying not to think about it. The pain when she kicked me was unimaginable but all I could think about was getting away from her. I needed my guys.

  “it’s ok guys, I’m fine now but I have to tell you something about last night.”

  I need to tell them about the vision. Dealing with Catherine gave me an epiphany.

  “Last night while Mike and I were trying for a vision, I had one in which the Creator appeared.

  It was to show me I was going to make a wrong choice and it would lead to all of you dying and me being controlled by Jeremy’s father.

  Today I realized I can’t make decisions without all of you. You’re my bonded and these are your children too. My choices affect not only myself and our children but the rest of you too. I know now I have to let things play out
and trust that the Creator has a plan for us.”

  It took me a night of contemplating for me to finally come to the conclusion that the Creator wouldn’t tell me about my bonds for no reason. He told me as much as he could without giving away the farm so it took me a while to realize my decision to try and make a deal was obviously the wrong choice and it had a catastrophic reaction.

  The world ending is a big enough reason for anyone to re-evaluate their life.

  Today being isolated with Catherine made that real for me. I’m always going to need one of them. They make me complete. We’re not individuals but all part of a whole.

  “I figured you would want to make a deal with him but I was hoping you’d come to me or one of the others before deciding to do something so risky. Obviously not so the Creator had to interfere,” Zeke says to me sadly.

  His disappointment is clearly felt through the bonds and I feel it from the others too. I’m ashamed that I didn’t think through my options before deciding on a course of action but I wanted to keep them safe.

  All I thought was maybe Jeremy could help me get in to the underworld and make a deal with his father so no more people would be hurt and demons could live on the earth. That way everyone wins.

  “Alright guys, I’m sure Evie is beating herself up enough but right now I want to take her back to the mansion to check on the babies. Catherine kicked her in the stomach and that’s not good for her or the babies. We need to make sure she didn’t cause any damage,” Christian says placing me on my feet.

  “Sure, I can take you two easy then I’ll get Raphael or Spencer to come back for the rest of you.”

  “Uh Zeke, aren’t you forgetting something? I’m part angel. Between the two of us we can take everyone. You’ll just have to lead the way because I don’t know where we’re going. Besides you could always use Evelyn’s power to fuel you up,” Jeremy says looking at Zeke slightly perplexed.

  To be honest I don’t think any of us thought to use my power. We really need to get a hang on this bond. I’m sure there’s so much more we could be doing together if we used the power available to us.


  Thank god everything’s ok.

  When Christian said he wanted to look over Evie after she was hit, I think we all went into panic mode.

  If that bitch had of hurt Evie or one of the babies, I don’t know what we’d do. I’m just glad Evie was able to defend herself and keep Catherine from taking her to the underworld.

  Christian informed us everything was ok but my heart is still racing. I’ve never been more scared in my life.

  I’m downing a beer when Zeke and Zach walk into the kitchen looking as pale as what I imagine I look like. I left Evie in the room while Cristian went over a few measurements with her. Apparently, all was well but the babies haven’t grown as much as he expected for their estimated due date. Now he’s wondering if she might be pregnant for longer so she was staying behind for him to measure them to get an accurate date.

  “Hey grab me one too,” Jeremy says as Zeke hands Zach a beer.

  He hands him a beer as well and we all take a seat at the table not really knowing what to say. Evie had planned to run off without any of us to try and make a deal with the devil.

  “So she was planning to make a deal,” Jeremy states breaking the silence.

  “What was she thinking? Did any of you know what she was planning?” Zach asks looking around the table.

  “Well I didn’t know for certain but I suspected. It’s what I would do. She had just been handed information that one of her bonded had access to the person sending demons through.

  From what Christian told us through the bond, she had a meltdown over not having any answers so it’s natural to assume she would want a way out.

  I’ve lived for hundreds of years as an angel and nearly the same as a fallen. She’s been in this life what 2 months? If it was me in her shoes, I’d be long gone by now. As it is, I’m pretty surprised she hasn’t asked her grandfather to hide her away,” Zeke says bluntly making us all think.

  Would she leave us?


  I run the wand back over Evie’s stomach one more time to confirm my findings. Their growth rate has slowed dramatically.

  “Well, looks like you’ll be pregnant a bit longer, sorry. My guess would be maybe another two months however they may speed up again so we’ll keep a close eye on them.

  For now though, you need to take it easy so that means no more fighting,” I say chastising her. I know she was stopping Catherine from taking her to the underworld but from now on she needs to be more aware of her body and the precious cargo she’s carrying.

  “Ok, I’ll be good. I swear,” she says with a cheeky smile that has me doubting her promise. No one smiles like that if they mean to keep their word.

  “Alright then, I’ll leave you to get dressed. Meet you downstairs?”

  “Yeah, I won’t be too long. Guys, can you leave too? I’ll be fine.”

  Dane, Mike and Teddy get up following me out of the room and down to the kitchen. We happen to overhear what they’re talking about and I feel sorry for them. The doubt they have for her is really grating on my nerves.

  Evie would never leave us. She cares too much.

  “Zeke may be right that some people would want to leave but Evie’s different. She wouldn’t leave us and risk being hurt without us. Plus, she’s too strong of a person to back down out of fear. Maybe you should stop doubting her or you really will push her away,” I tell them hoping they put more faith in her.

  “Seriously, guys?!” Evie says startling me.

  We all spin to see her standing in the door glaring daggers our way. That’s not a look that you want to see on a pregnant woman’s face.

  “Yes, I made a decision without talking to you but I’d never leave you guys. It’s not just me anymore. I’m just a small part of what will make us great. Being together is the only way we win.

  It may have been a stupid decision to make but you know what if it had of worked without any of you getting hurt, I would do it. You guys are everything to me, I can’t see you get hurt,” she says ending on a sob and almost collapses into my arms.

  “Hey, it’s ok sweet heart, I’ve got you.”

  I pull her with me and take a chair. After sitting down, she ends up wiggling around until Ky takes her off me. Somehow, she ends up in Jeremys lap and we all settle for a while talking about anything and nothing.

  I love how brave she is but I worry that her bravery will get her killed.



  I hear footsteps thundering through the mansion after my grandfather calls my name panicked. I don’t know what’s going on but he’s petrified. We all stand up ready to find him when he bursts in.

  “Grandfather!” I gasp when he comes into the kitchen, Spencer close on his heels.

  They’re both panting and covered in blood but what’s more surprising is that Richard, Neil, William and Victor all come in after them looking just as haggard.

  “How many?” Spencer asks

  “Fifteen unaccounted for but the boundaries are back up again. We have no idea what happened but they’re long gone,” Victor says defeated.

  “What happened?” Dane asks handing Spencer a cloth to wipe the blood off his face.

  “Evie’s parents arrived at the prison today and we wanted to add some more boundaries to stop them from escaping but we were too late. Somehow, they started a riot causing a lot of fighting. A lot of them tried to get away.”

  “So, what are you saying?” I ask hoping I’m wrong. He can’t mean what I think he does.

  “Thirteen prisoners are gone. Including your parent’s.”

  So that’s the end of Book 3. Now for those of you who follow my page, you’ll know that I’m currently working on releasing the first three books including a novella about Zeke and Alyssa. For those who don’t follow my page well now you know.

  The boxset releas
e will be put up for preorder at the end of March so keep an eye out.

  As for the next instalments of the series, book 4, 5 and 6 will be combined as one book and will hopefully be finished first draft by the end of June but I will update my progress as I can.

  I hope you enjoyed this book as much as the previous ones and remember to sign up for my newsletter if you want to keep in touch for updates.




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