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Diary of a Lottery Winner's Daughter

Page 9

by Penelope Bush

  And it was like that for the rest of the day. Every time I asked Lauren something or tried to talk to her, Stacy would butt in. I was desperate to get Lauren on her own so I could tell her about the nightmare shopping trip but it was impossible. Lauren seemed to be avoiding looking at me. In science, when Lauren asked to go to the loo, I was so desperate to talk to her alone I put my hand up and asked to go as well. Of course, the teacher said I’d have to wait until Lauren got back and Stacy gave me a really sly grin. I was so frustrated I could feel tears forming and had to bend over the experiment to hide them, which nearly made me throw up because we were dissecting a heart.

  At lunchtime Lauren and Stacy went off to detention together so I had lunch with Karly and Tiffany. That was a complete nightmare as well, because all they wanted to talk about was what it was like to have your mum win the lottery. I wanted to say,’ It’s not all it’s cracked up to be,’ thinking about how it was causing all these problems, but I knew that would sound ungrateful and I couldn’t be bothered to explain. I just said it was great which sounded really lame, and they wanted to know if I was going to go on the school skiing trip now. Do I look like someone who can ski? What is wrong with everyone? Why do they think I’ve morphed into a completely different person all of a sudden?

  Because I wanted to change the subject, I asked them what they thought of Stacy.

  ‘She great,’ said Karly. ‘She said her mum’s a hairdresser and she’s going to get her to cut my hair next week. She said she’s got loads of make-up I can try out as well.’

  Probably all nicked from Boots, I couldn’t help thinking. I wondered what they’d say if I told them about the shoplifting. I was seriously considering it when Tiffany said,’ Stacy told me she thinks I could be a model. She knows some people in London and she’s going to send them some photos of me.’

  At this point I gave up. Karly and Tiffany were both under the Stacy spell, but then she wasn’t trying to come between them.

  By home time I still hadn’t managed to speak to Lauren and I was feeling totally fed up. It didn’t help that it was raining.

  When I got off the bus at the mini-mart and was faced with the hill to climb, I felt really miserable. I was rooting about in the bottom of my bag, looking for my umbrella, when Annabel tapped me on the shoulder.

  ‘Charlotte, could you do me a really big favour?’ she asked.

  That was the last thing I needed, I thought as I put the umbrella up.

  ‘I really need to go into the shop. Do you think you could hold my bag for me? I won’t be long.’ She passed me her bag, even though I hadn’t said a word, and disappeared into the shop.

  I stood on the pavement for what seemed like an hour. I thought she’d only gone in for a Kit Kat or something, but when she finally came out she was lugging two carrier bags stuffed full of food. No wonder she’s overweight.

  ‘Sorry,’ she said,’ there was a really long queue. That no bag rule is so annoying. If it wasn’t for you, I’d have had to go home and then come back again to get the shopping.’

  I didn’t have the heart to give her bag back so we dragged ourselves up the hill; I was carrying her bag as well as mine and trying to hold the umbrella over both of us.

  When we got to the top we stopped outside the Health Spa shop. Annabel put her carrier bags down, put her hood up and I handed her bag back.

  ‘Have you got much further to go?’ I asked, wondering if I ought to offer to help her as far as her house.

  ‘No, I’m just round the corner,’ she said. ‘See you tomorrow.’

  I watched her walk away and wondered why she had so much shopping in the first place. I still don’t know much about her. I’m sure she’s an only child who lives in a big posh house with her mum and dad who are probably quite old and protective or they wouldn’t let her out looking like she does with her long white socks, knee-length skirt and sensible shoes. Mind you, at that moment, I was almost envious of her sensible shoes because my little pumps were soaked through. I couldn’t wait to get home and dry off.

  I thought I might go straight upstairs and get into my pyjamas, but when I let myself in there was a commotion going on in the passage to the kitchen so I went to investigate. Mum, Dad and Spencer were all admiring the new bathroom which the builders had finally finished today. I squeezed through to get a look.

  So much for not ruining the authenticity of the house. The new bathroom was seriously modern and it wasn’t just a shower room either. There was a corner jacuzzi bath, two sinks as well as a shower and a loo. I noticed there were speakers set into the ceiling. That was it - I had to try the new bath out. I could see Mum was dying to get in there too, but she let me have a go first because I was cold and wet and she was worried I’d get ill again.

  I lay in the bath thinking that, if this was what it was like to be a millionaire, then maybe it wasn’t all so bad. The bubbles were bubbling around me and it was like they were literally washing all my cares away. I’d ring Lauren later and put her straight about Stacy. In fact, if it wasn’t for Stacy, everything would be perfect. I lay back and said loudly,’ I wish Stacy didn’t exist.’ Then I felt bad. What if Stacy got run over or something because I’d wished she didn’t exist? I know I can’t stand her but I’d feel terrible if something like that happened and it was all my fault.

  A loud knocking on the door brought me to my senses. It was Chelsea demanding that I let her in so she could see the new bathroom. I told her to go away. I might not have big breasts yet or anything else much to speak of, but I wasn’t going to have people traipsing through the bathroom while I was in the bath.

  I rang Lauren on my mobile when I was all tucked up in my new fluffy dressing gown and sitting on my bed with Missy.

  ‘Hello, Charlotte,’ she said, when she finally answered the phone. ‘What do you want?’

  She definitely sounded frosty but then I had stood her up on Saturday, as far as she knew.

  I decided to get straight to the point.

  ‘Listen, you know Stacy?’ I began.

  ‘What about Stacy?’ said Lauren.

  I wasn’t going to be put off by her unfriendly tone. ‘Well, yesterday we went shopping but —’ I was about to explain about the text from Lauren’s phone and how I thought I was meeting her in town, not Stacy. But I didn’t get any further.

  ‘I know all about your shopping trip. Stacy told me and I know what you’re trying to do.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ I asked.

  ‘You knew I was coming round and you arranged to meet Stacy and then tried to buy her friendship by buying her all those clothes. You are so pathetic.’

  I was speechless but Lauren didn’t notice. I could hear giggling in the background. Stacy.

  ‘Did she tell you about the shoplifting?’ I shouted down the phone.

  ‘What?’ said Lauren.

  ‘Did she tell you that she was going to pinch the clothes from the shop and I had to buy them to stop her getting us into trouble? And did she say how she took your phone and used it to make me think I was meeting you in town in the first place?’ I knew I wasn’t explaining things very well but I was under a lot of pressure here. There was a muffled conversation at the other end but I couldn’t make out what they were saying. Then Lauren came back on the line.

  ‘Stacy said you’d try something like this. Of course she didn’t have my phone. It was under my bed all the time. She just found it for me. As for that shoplifting thing, you’ve always had a vivid imagination but I can’t believe you expect me to believe that!’

  ‘But it’s the truth!’ I was shouting with frustration. ‘Can’t you see what she’s doing?’

  ‘You know what? You’ve changed, Charlotte Johnson, and if that’s what having money does to people then I’m glad we haven’t got any.’ And she hung up on me.

  I’ve been sitting on my bed stroking Missy, who’s been purring and rubbing her silky head against my arm. At least there’s someone who likes me.

  I can’t belie
ve Lauren believed all those lies Stacy had told her. And what did she mean I’ve changed? I haven’t changed. It’s so unfair. She thinks I’ve changed because of the money but I know I haven’t, which means she’s changed towards me because of the money. I think she’s jealous and Stacy knows that so she’s encouraging her to think it’s all about the money when it isn’t.

  I hate Stacy, but if she thinks she can get rid of me that easily, she’s got another thing coming.

  I went to see Spencer because he’s always good in a crisis but, when I knocked and opened his bedroom door, it looked like Spencer was having a crisis of his own. He was sitting on his bed surrounded by open books and he looked about as miserable as I felt.

  ‘What’s up?’ we both said at the same time. Normally that would have had us both in hysterics but today it hardly raised a smile.

  ‘Homework?’ I asked, pointing to the books.

  ‘Sort of,’ said Spencer.

  I looked around his bedroom. It’s pretty basic, just a bed, a desk, a wardrobe and a chest of drawers. He had plans to build scenery for his War Hammer collection and have it all out on display. I guess he hasn’t had time because of all his homework.

  ‘Alec has signed up for the War Hammer club at school,’ I told him. I didn’t mention how lonely Alec had looked.

  Spencer took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes. He looked worn out.

  ‘Do you still go to the Games Workshop with him on Saturdays?’ I asked.

  ‘I haven’t been for ages. I haven’t had time,’ said Spencer.

  ‘I don’t think they should give you so much homework if it means you can’t have a life,’ I told him. ‘Friends are important as well.’

  I wished I hadn’t said that because it reminded me of Lauren and how she didn’t seem to want to be my friend any more.

  I will not cry, I told myself, clamping my teeth together and staring at the carpet.

  ‘Hey, what’s the matter?’ said Spencer, pushing his books and problems aside for me. ‘Come on, it can’t be that bad.’

  So I told him about how Stacy had moved into our old house and was now taking over my best friend and there wasn’t anything I could do because we were stuck on this hill away from the estate and everyone liked Stacy anyhow.

  I didn’t mention the shopping trip because the whole thing would have sounded deranged and I didn’t want to admit that I’d been duped so easily.

  When I’d finished, I was red in the face and I think Spencer realised that it had been difficult for me to talk about, because it’s not easy admitting you’re a loser and that your best friend doesn’t like you any more.

  Spencer could see I was embarrassed but he didn’t offer any advice because he’s a boy and they don’t have best friends, they have mates and hang out in packs.

  Instead, he told me how when he got to the new school he found out he wasn’t as clever as he’d thought he was and he wasn’t the top of the class any more. What he was doing wasn’t homework, he was just trying to be better. He looked pretty embarrassed about it and I knew he’d only told me to make me feel better, like we were two losers together.

  I couldn’t believe it though. Spencer’s the cleverest person I know. I was sure he was doing fine and was just a bit put out that he wasn’t top in everything.

  ‘Why does it matter if you’re not top of the class?’ I said. ‘It’s not like you can’t do the work, is it? Can’t you just make do with being middle of the class and then you’ll have time for other stuff, like your War Hammer and computer games?’

  Spencer put his glasses back on and glared at me through them. ‘Yeah, and you can always get new friends. You don’t have to be friends with Lauren, do you?’

  I was about to protest that they were two completely different things when I realised that what Spencer was actually saying was that being top was as important to him as being friends with Lauren was to me.

  Then we heard Mum calling us down for tea. I felt much better now I’d told someone and I think Spencer did too because, when we got down to the landing, Chelsea was coming out of her room and Spencer put on his David Attenborough voice and said,

  ‘The dragon occasionally leaves its lair to feed, and to harass and terrify the people.’

  Chelsea gave us a withering look and swept past us.

  As we went down to the kitchen I decided that maybe things weren’t as bad as I’d thought and that tomorrow everything would be fine. I would be able to tell Lauren what really happened because we’ve got drama second period and Lauren and I are partners for that. Then Lauren will know what an evil witch Stacy really is.

  Tuesday 9th November

  Lauren and Stacy pretty much ignored me during registration but I pretended not to notice. I was biding my time until the drama lesson.

  The first lesson today was maths and I had to sit next to Stacy because there were no other seats. I could see Annabel sitting at the back next to a geeky boy and decided that I would bribe him to swap seats with me next maths lesson. Maybe I should have confronted Stacy about the lies she told Lauren about me and the shopping trip but somehow I knew it would have been pointless. Besides, I didn’t want to talk to her. Ever again. I kept looking at the clock and willing the lesson to end. Then, about halfway through, Stacy handed me a piece of paper. I thought it was going to be a bitchy note or something but, when I looked at it, I saw she’d drawn another of her cartoons and this time it was of Annabel.

  I looked at the drawing. It was really cruel. Stacy had made Annabel look way fatter than she actually is and put her in a frilly party frock and, for some reason, had drawn her crying like a baby. Stacy was nudging me and giggling. I pushed the piece of paper back towards her, all the time keeping my eyes on the front of the class. I couldn’t even look at Stacy I was so mad. What had Annabel ever done to her?

  Stacy was annoyed that I wasn’t laughing and admiring her artwork. She scrunched it up into a ball and threw it to Annabel where it landed in front of her on the desk. I twisted round, willing her not to look at it but she must have thought it was a note. My heart leapt to my throat - she might think it was from me! I couldn’t look. Stacy was still giggling beside me and I would quite happily have strangled her at that moment.

  I sneaked a look at Annabel, expecting to see her crying or at least looking red and upset, but she was totally composed and was staring ahead as if nothing had happened.

  I willed the lesson to finish so I could get to drama.

  Of course, if I’d known what was going to happen I wouldn’t have gone. I’d have pretended I was ill or something, or hidden in the loos. Anything to avoid the humiliation.

  When we got to drama, the teacher told us to get into our pairs and work on the scenes that we’d been making up. I went to join Lauren and found Stacy glued to her side. I ignored her, waiting for her to go away but she said,’ You’ll have to find another partner. Lauren and I were together last week when you were off sick and we’ve been working on this at home ever since.’

  I looked at Lauren, waiting for her to say something, but she just looked away. Stacy was grinning at me triumphantly and for the second time today I wanted to strangle her. I didn’t move for a bit because I didn’t know what to do. I always partnered Lauren. Always.

  Then the teacher saw me. Stacy had linked arms with Lauren and moved away so I was standing on my own.

  ‘Come on, Charlotte. Find yourself a partner.’I looked around wildly and saw Annabel. I’d have to partner Annabel. But then I saw she already had a partner. I could hear Stacy sniggering behind me.

  The teacher came to stand beside me and clapped her hands, then raised her voice above the hubbub.

  ‘Has everyone got a partner?’ she shouted. The noise stopped and everyone turned to look at her - and me. ‘You’ll have to join a pair. Who’s going to let Charlotte join them?’ she said, looking around.

  I could see Stacy out of the corner of my eye, whispering to Lauren but I wasn’t going to look at them. I wanted t
o die, or at the very least cry. My eyes were going all hot. Then I remembered Annabel when she’d seen that drawing and how composed she’d been. I could do that, I thought, holding my head up and staring straight ahead as if I didn’t have a care in the world.

  There were a few couples who had their hands up.’Go and join one of them, then,’ said the teacher. She was beginning to sound impatient.

  Annabel was looking at me but she didn’t have her hand up. She must have thought I had something to do with the horrid cartoon.

  Lauren looked as though she was about to raise her hand but Stacy grabbed her arm and held it down. I turned away and went to join Karly and Tiffany.

  Somehow I made it through until the end of the day, pretending that nothing cataclysmic had happened.

  When the bell finally went and it was home time, I hurried to the bus stop. I wanted to find Annabel and explain to her that I had nothing to do with the cartoon, but she wasn’t on the bus and I had to walk up the hill on my own.

  Friday 12th November

  Dad’s lost his job. He’s been made redundant. I don’t know what he’s so upset about. It’s not like he needs the money. In fact, that’s why he lost his job. His boss said that he had to let someone go and he couldn’t do it to any of the others because they had families to support and, while he didn’t want to see Dad go, it seemed only fair to get rid of the person who didn’t need the job.

  Dad’s moping about the house and I feel really bad because, if I hadn’t made those wishes, we wouldn’t have won the lottery and he’d still have a job. Mum’s told him he might as well get on with redecorating Morticia’s boudoir so that Grandma and Grandpa can come and stay sometime. I nearly told him not to do it because, if they have to sleep in there as it is, you can be sure they’ll never come to stay again. But I didn’t because I’ve caused enough trouble as it is.

  School was awful today. Lauren and Stacy ignored me again during registration. Karly and Tiffany have cooled towards me as well. I don’t know what Lauren’s told them but, whatever it is, I know they’ll side with her because Ratcliffe girls always stick together and I’m not a Ratcliffe girl any more.


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