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Sympathy For Diablo (Breathless Eternity #1)

Page 11

by S. E. Chardou

  She nodded her head before she looked at me. Her eyes were bloodshot and unshed tears made my heart ache for her. “It was my worst nightmare, you know? Thinking that we were nothing to one another but warm bodies and you could so easily replace me with someone else.”

  “No, that is not the case.” I wiped my mouth with a cloth napkin. “Do you think I go down on every woman I’ve been with? Do you think I give a shit about their pleasure? It’s true, most of the time I try to be a gentleman but when some groupie insists on sucking you off and you’re completely exhausted after a concert, you get rid of them afterwards—at least I do. I love sex but I’m not so crazy about it with random strangers, not anymore. Most of the time, I reward them for their efforts—a small trinket of some kind to assuage my own guilt—I shower, fall into bed and go to sleep.”

  I looked away from her before I stared into those gorgeous eyes again. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m far from being a nice guy. I can be but it’s like that Korn song. To me, groupies are just ‘trash.’ I make no apologies for how I feel but I also have a reputation to maintain so I make them feel special but the truth is they disgust me.”

  “Do I . . . have I ever disgusted you?”

  “Course not.” I stood and placed my plate in the dishwasher. “You have never been nor will you ever be a groupie. I approached you, remember? If I only wanted a quick fuck, believe me, I wouldn’t have left you in my apartment to discover all my dirty little secrets.”

  Sierra flashed a white smile. “I don’t snoop. I assumed if there was anything you wanted me to know, you’d simply tell me.”

  I turned toward her and leaned against the kitchen counter. “C’est correct, chérie. You’ll know more about me soon enough but not now. I’m exhausted and I think a nap is in order.”

  “So soon?” The look on her face was pure tease. “I thought you were a young, virile man who could go the distance. If I wanted someone I’d have to pump with Viagra just to get my jollies, I would have purposely looked for one.” She winked at me, a coy smile suppressed on her lips before she walked out of the kitchen.

  Was I merely delusional or had I seen the outline of her nude body under the t-shirt she wore?

  For so long I’d wished for a young woman who would truly be into me—as a person—not my fame, wealth or superstar status, and I’d finally found one but the timing couldn’t be worse.

  Be careful what you wish for, I thought to myself but the damage was already done and it was too late.

  Sierra was like a drug that pumped through my system, and I no longer had a choice whether I would decide to pursue her or not. She’d already made up her mind for me.

  I smiled wryly as I followed her into the living room.

  There was nothing like a take-charge woman to get my juices revving. It was true, I preferred to be in control but when a strong-willed partner was just as determined as you, it made the situation all the more better.

  I CERTAINLY WASN’T trying to play hard to get with Diablo, after all, he’d already seen every part of my body so that ship had sailed. However, I’d suffered through enough schooling and psychological classes to know that a man like him was and never would be an open book.

  The problem with men and women were sometimes we weren’t on the right page with each other. A famous quote existed that simply implied, “Men look for sex and find love. Women look for love and find sex.”

  I would be the last person on earth to go along with such a benign and meaningless saying that assumed all women were alike and all men were just dogs. I’d met my share of great guys and jerks, assholes and pricks, guys who were just too nice and men who just didn’t give a fuck about anything—themselves included.

  On the flip of the coin, I’d met mean girls and sweet virginal types who promised not to part with their hymen until marriage; sluts and women who truly enjoyed sex but were picky about their partners; frigid women who didn’t enjoy sex but thought it was an obligation and women who were damn near asexual because they’d had their heart broken to the point they didn’t think men were worth the effort.

  If I knew one true aspect of Diablo’s personality, it was that we were too much alike. We could be cold as an Eskimo’s dick or loving and very protective over the people we cared about.

  I knew innately there was something about me that he felt quite possessive over so the chances of us being able to part forever after a few hard core days of fucking each other’s brains out wasn’t likely to happen. That didn’t mean it couldn’t happen but it was a slim margin.

  He’d found something in me the same way I’d discovered something about him and we both wanted to explore where it would go.

  I knew he was a man-whore the simple way he knew I was a good girl and what happened between us was not my usual M.O. It usually took months to find my comfort zone in a relationship with a man I considered my boyfriend. How I could have let my guard down, and my legs open wide the first night with someone who wasn’t a boyfriend but just a random guy who chatted me up—rock star status aside—still had me perplexed as hell.

  It wasn’t like I didn’t know famous people. I’d been introduced to all of Winter’s Regret—courtesy of Linx—and Scarlet Fever. I’d also met plenty of other famous society people due to the crowd my family happened to mix with on a regular occasion. Anna Wintour was lovely and there was nothing better than a Meryl Streep after one drink too many. Oprah was sincerely as nice in person as she seemed on television and Robert DeNiro could make you laugh until you literally peed your pants.

  Leonardo DiCaprio had taught me a lot about environmental issues, and Justin Bieber was much charming in person than most people would ever know. Dr. Dre was quiet and only spoke if he had something to say; Marshall Mathers, aka Eminem, was an actual sweetheart in person who was quite shy and quiet spoken. Jay-Z and Beyoncé were ten times more classy than Kanye West and Kim Kardashian but the latter did make for very good company so there was a give and take.

  Those were only a handful of very important and well known society people I’d met over the years but not once did I ever want to pull my panties down and have a quickie with any of the guys in the bathroom

  After a while, they were just ordinary people with everyday issues that we all had to deal with as the clock ticked forward and we kept getting older.

  However nothing had prepared me for meeting Diablo and it had nothing to do with his fame. There was a part of him that spoke intimately to me and in turn, a part of me had crawled underneath his skin, trailing straight for his heart without the intention of ever letting go. It chilled me to the bone but as much as I would give anything to reverse time, I couldn’t—I wouldn’t. No matter what happened between us, whether it changed my life for the good or the bad, it would have to be lived out and I was determined to see where our destiny would lead us.

  “Deep in thought, I see? Not the best way to keep me awake.” He laid on the sofa and placed his head in my lap.

  I grabbed the remote and turned on the television. An episode of CSI: Las Vegas played on the television, complete with dubbed French voices over the original American ones.

  “Ugh, why must you insist on dubbing? Your country really needs to get with the program and go the way of Scandinavia and the Netherlands. Subtitles are so much better than dubbing.”

  Diablo rolled onto his side and grabbed my waist as he got into a comfortable position. “How the hell should I know? Remember, I’m no longer domiciled in France so I can only spend so much time here. Technically, my residence is in Monte Carlo. Otherwise we’d get our asses raped and raked over the coals with taxes. Since I understand English, German, French and several other languages fluently, I don’t much rely on regular television.”

  “You said other languages? Forgive me for being an American idiot who can only speak Gaelic and French fluently along with enough German and Italian to get me through a trip there, may I ask what other languages you speak?” My hands wandered through the silken strands of his h
air. His eyes were at half-mast but I knew he wasn’t asleep.

  “Well, I can speak Alsatian, which is just an antiquated version of German since the area was taken from them and given to us after the Great War. I am also fluent in Castilian, Catalan and a very rare language that most people have never heard of, Euskara Batua.”

  It took me a while before I realized Diablo had to be part Basque. Very few people who weren’t spoke the language. It was a rich and vibrant part of history that had left millions of people straddled between land that was technically French and Spanish. Like the Kurds, the Basques had no real homeland and basically had to make do with what was given to them by the prospective governments they happened to be in adherence to serve.

  “So, I take it your mother is Basque?” I traced his nose while he smirked, his lips tickling my thighs.

  “Half . . . her other half is French. She was brought up in Normandy but due to being born on the Spanish side of Basque territory, she knew the Spanish languages along with her own mother tongue.” He sat up and looked me deeply in the eyes. “I would prefer if this stayed between you and me. Her childhood was very . . . harsh and disruptive. She doesn’t like to talk about it. In fact, the only information we have about her background are the languages. She insisted we learned them. When Damien questioned why, he received a harsh slap across the cheek and none of us ever questioned her again.”

  “Whoa,” I murmured as our lips drew closer to one another. “You’re some enigma, you know that, Diablo?”

  “I told you to call me Adrien.” His mouth devoured my own and I allowed him to as we exchanged positions on the sofa until I sat in his lap, my bare pussy against his hard cock, still encased in his jeans.

  I ground my body against his, feeling bold and confident as his tongue traced the inside of my mouth before he licked my bottom lip and bit it slightly. I ran my own tongue over it to feel the damage but he simply grabbed my face and pulled me in for another earth shattering kiss that made my skin tingle from the inside out.

  It was a primal response deep in my body as my nipples hardened under the shirt and I could feel myself getting wetter by the minute as he teased my supple mouth with bruising kisses that I would feel tonight and tomorrow.

  Finally, I managed to pull away and inquired, “Should we take this to the bedroom?”

  Diablo pulled mere inches apart from me with blue eyes so bright they scorched my skin and seemed to touch a spot all the way down in my soul. “You’re the one who said we should christen the house. We haven’t fucked in here yet. Next, we’ll try the kitchen. That should be fun.”

  I laughed out loud before he pulled me closer to him after he slipped off my t-shirt. Underneath, I was naked with tortured breasts that begged to caressed and sucked while my pussy throbbed for a good hard pounding from his cock. My whole body felt like it was no longer my own and simply was his to do what ever he pleased.

  He stared into my eyes again before he began to pinch my nipples hard with his fingers. That fine line between pleasure and pain caused me to arch my back against him. “Take them in your mouth—you have better things to do with your hands.”

  “Indeed, I do,” he whispered before his mouth surrounded one of my aching areolas and teased my nipple with his tongue. His breath was warm against my skin and it felt so good but heaven came when he bit down on my nipple before swirling it gently with his tongue.

  I was in complete and utter ecstasy and yet there was absolutely no one else who could possibly bring these feelings out me other than Diablo.

  My fingers played with silky strands of his hair as his thumb teased my clit while sliding three fingers inside me. If I was unsure how much kinkier our sex could get than me riding his fingers like it was his dick while moaning out loud was getting pretty close.

  He knew my body so well that all it took was a few strokes to my G-spot and I came all over his hand while a second orgasm followed on its trail from my clit. My whole body shook and my limbs felt like they were made rubber.

  I pulled his head from my breasts and glanced into his eyes. It should have been a fun-filled moment full of satisfying sex play with a rock star but I seemed to have skipped that whole plain and straddled between emotions I shouldn’t have felt and the fear of what happened when they weren’t reciprocated.

  “What are you doing me?” I managed to stand on shaky legs and backed away from him. “I can’t do this with you . . . and pretend like this is just fun and I can just go back home after my vacation. I’m not that kind of woman, Adrien. I can’t . . . it’s just too painful—the aftermath.”

  He stood and approached me slowly as he shed articles of clothing until he was as naked as me. “What? Do you think just because I’m a man that I can’t be scared too? I’m not too much of a pussy to admit that all I can see you is walking down the aisle with some pompous, rich Ivy league asshole who doesn’t know how to fuck, and sure as hell doesn’t deserve you.”

  I stopped when my back hit a hard wall. “What are you talking about? Is that why you want me stay here while you go to Nice?”

  “I want you to stay here to convince you that I’m serious about exploring something between you and me . . . even if I know you’ll break my heart.” He reached out to me and his arms encircled my waist. “I’m not a fool, Sierra. This is just an ‘experience’ for you but you’ll go back to your old life and all I’ll get out of this is a fifth album full of broken hearted love songs. Perhaps I shall call it Psalms According to Diablo.”

  The tears came despite me trying to prevent them from leaving my tear ducts. “That’s not fucking funny.”

  “I never said it was supposed to be, ma chérie.”

  I sighed out loud and wrapped my arms around his neck. “This doesn’t happen to anyone. Who are we fooling? We’re obsessed with each other but it’s not love or anything deep we could . . . build on . . . and become something real.”

  Diablo’s mouth met mine in a brutal kiss while he moved my own tongue like he owned it before he pulled away. “Does that feel real?”

  “You know what I meant—”

  He caressed my breasts before he allowed them to wander down my body until they rested on my ass. “Am I faking this too, Sierra?”

  “I didn’t mean—”

  When he lifted me up like I weighed nothing and thrust his cock deep inside me, I gasped and threw my head against the wall.

  “The only one who enjoys these wicked games is you, not me,” he whispered in my ear. “This is all Disneyland fucking make believe to you so tell me . . .” He fucked me hard yet I couldn’t get enough as I wrapped my arms tighter around his neck until I felt like I was strangling him. “So go on—ma putain salope for just a little while . . . tell me you love me . . . even if it’s a lie.”

  The tears didn’t cease to fall, not when I knew what he was calling me but that didn’t exactly cool my body down either. I needed to come badly so I was willing to put up with his insults, if I meant I could be satisfied.

  We ended up on the blond wood floor as he wrapped my legs around his neck so he could get the deepest penetration. I wanted this to end and I wanted to get off but he was purposely delaying both our orgasms.

  The more he thrust inside my body and my pussy wrapped around his cock like a fucking vice, the less I felt like this was just a fluke or a love affair meant to last for a fleeting moment in time. I wanted every inch of this man—not just what he could do for me sexually.

  How was I supposed to tell him when one hand was around my neck? He’d finally given my legs a much needed respite. I’d wrapped them around his waist as he leaned down and kissed me with a passion I couldn’t ever remember any man ever making me feel.

  The feeling of him inside of me, and my oncoming orgasm seemed to approach at the same time as he let go of my neck. I gasped out a much-needed breath as he continued to use me as a paid companion for the night. We couldn’t continue on this course, and it was up to me to rectify it.

  My hands gra
sped his face, making me face him, his eyes a dark glacier blue. “I don’t know what this is between us but it isn’t a joke or a fantasy. It’s real life. Please don’t punish me for speaking what I thought was the truth at the time. I’m a woman—I get to change my mind hundreds of times a day but that doesn’t making me a whore or a slut . . . it . . . just . . . makes . . . me . . . human . . .”

  Diablo grunted before he withdrew right before a monster orgasm planned to rock me out of this solar system. I wasn’t ready to be flipped on my back and pulled up onto my knees.

  He pistoned his dick into my pussy, and I moaned out loud. The mix of pleasure from him being inside of me, and hitting my G-spot over and over again against the feeling of my knees on the hard floor—it was indescribable simply because I would have never allowed another man to treat me this way.

  The weight of his body as his chest met my back while whispering sweet somethings in my ear à la française was the ultimate aphrodisiac.

  As his fingers rubbed my aching nub, I came in spasms that I was almost sure would cause a heart attack. At the same time, I felt him empty his cum inside of me, I spread my legs wider while resting the side of my face on the cool wood.

  Diablo stood and left the room while I laid on my back. The feeling of his cum leaking out of me made me cover my face—not in shame but because I couldn’t believe I was actually trying to start an argument just days before he would be leaving.

  He might not have been the ultimate gentleman but I would rather be with him and all his fucking flaws than anyone my parents picked out for me. Unless it was a distant cousin on the Carter side of the family who was a criminal rogue and that would never happen, not while my mother was upright and breathing.

  Diablo finally came back and picked me up like I weighed nothing and walked me to his luxurious bathroom. There was water running in his huge tub that could easily fit three or four people. A lavender-vanilla scent had been poured in the water and despite the lack of bubbles the water had a milky appearance to it.


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