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Sympathy For Diablo (Breathless Eternity #1)

Page 18

by S. E. Chardou

“For what?”


  SIERRA AND I would never make it back to my parents’ house. The clubhouse was closer. It wasn’t exactly my Parisian apartment but there were always rooms available and to be honest, I preferred fucking her there.

  She might as well have been my old lady.

  I had no intention of letting her go so perhaps through me, Damien did reap his revenge against their bitch mother.

  I’d never abduct her or restrict her movement but by the time I’d fucked her thoroughly, she wouldn’t want to leave. It wasn’t even something I would have to talk her into. Unlike her coward mother, she was a true free spirit and although she thought perhaps she had a career in Political Science, I’d give her a better one.

  She could become our publicist since the current one, Adele Fournier, was less than adequate despite her top-notch education. I guess she’d been so busy studying at Cambridge that she actually had no social life. She hated posting on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or even Pinterest. She wasn’t exactly good enough to be paying the salary we were giving her.

  Convincing Sierra shouldn’t have been too hard especially since her only reason to fight the decision was if she thought she would lose her independence. I didn’t want her dependent on me anymore than she did but I would have gladly taken care of her—no questions asked—and not given a damn. I had an innate feeling if I put her in that position though, she would end up resenting me in the end.

  Of course, by the time we made it through the woods, the sun was bright as ever and we were both sweaty. The moment I threw open the doors to the clubhouse though, time became irrelevant. It could have been four in the evening or two in the morning, the guys were partying hard and they had their club whores, girlfriends and old ladies there as well.

  There was cocaine on the table, joints and bongs were passed around like party favors, alcohol flowed generously and the windows were open—thank God—otherwise both Sierra and I would have faced the gas chamber a la marijuana and cigarette smoke.

  I grabbed her hand as we maneuvered between the members. It was pretty busy but not enough that there wouldn’t be an empty room. Too many of the club members were having sex out in the open that there was no way all the rooms were taken.

  “What’s going on?” Sierra asked as a random woman handed her a joint and kissed her cheek to check rambling something in French drunkenly even I couldn’t make out.

  “Looks like a prospect was made into a full member of the club . . . last night. Let’s go upstairs where it’s quiet and private.”

  As we climbed the stairs, her in front of me, she said, “You’re assuming a lot—including that there will be available beds not already soaked in sweat, booze and cum.”

  She dragged from the joint before handing it back to me. “I’m not assuming anything,” I assured her as I grabbed a half-full bottle of Jack Daniels from the VP of the club as he walked downstairs with his old lady.

  “You keep stealin’ from me, and I’ll be forced to have a word with Shady,” Clichy said to me.

  “The day you tell Pop anything is the day you’ll be able to control your Jean-Paul.”

  The VP glared at me with those ice blue eyes he’d passed down to Zero. “Is he at your parents’ place?”

  I nodded. “Came in with me today. He missed you too but Annalise kind of took over and you know how that is.”

  Anna, Zero’s mother laughed out loud. “Let the boy have some fun.” She looked over at Sierra and me. “If you see him before we do, tell ‘em we’re at home. We have definitely gotten too old for these two day parties.”

  “Will do.”

  After Sierra and I navigated the stairs, I grabbed her arm and led her all the way down the hall to a lone bedroom. When she attempted to open the door, it was locked. She grabbed the JD and took a healthy swig before grimacing at the taste. “I think I’ll stick with the joint instead.”

  I pulled out a set of my house keys. Joined to them was also a key to my parents’ home, a key to my grandfather’s apartment in Versailles, and a key to the locked door we just happened to stand in front of. I slid it in the lock, opened the door and allowed Sierra to enter first.

  “This is awesome . . . dude, you’ve got posters up of Biggie, Tupac, Eminem and Dr. Dre. Let me guess: this was your room?”

  “Yeah, this was my room during lockdowns and other crazy shit.” I walked inside and shut the door behind us, locking it by shoving the key inside the doorknob while she sat down on the bed.

  “Why are you looking so lost and lonesome for? You said you knew where we could find a room and you made good on your promise.” She leaned back on the bed, her lace blouse riding over her jeans to display her flat stomach as she dragged on the half-finished joint.

  I stood there and drank down a third of what was in the bottle of JD. The burn in my chest was intense but I needed it if I was going to tell her anything. “Listen, when you were gone, and no one knew where you were, it got me to thinkin’ about my future. You may be surprised but I have no desire to be a perpetual bachelor. I know I travel a lot and the fame crap doesn’t help.”

  I sighed and swigged from the JD bottle before Sierra walked over and seized it, giving me the joint instead.

  “Anyway, we lost two weeks. Two weeks in a love affair that was less than a week old. Can I say that I would feel any different if we had enjoyed those two weeks together? I don’t know. No one does because you can’t live your life with the ‘what ifs’.”

  Sierra stared at me intently with her gorgeous hazel-green eyes before she sipped from the JD again. “Yeah, I know. Give me time and I’ll tell you about what happened when I was abducted . . . the few memories I still have.” She closed her eyes and sighed out loud before she glanced my way again. “You know what was so crazy? I’ve always been a pragmatist. I’m not the romantic type—that’s Lizzy. I’m not the girl searching for the wealthy guy who can take care of me—that’s Angie. I was just a slightly cynical woman who couldn’t wait to work for some NGO and actually do something about people in the world who wished they only had first world problems to deal with.”

  “You’ll never believe me then when I tell you I couldn’t stop thinking about you. The only person who understood was Zero because something happened between him and Lizzy too. She’s staying at his apartment in Paris while we’re here. He’s not ready to let her go and . . . I know about his arrangement with my sister but I could never bring myself to be angry at him. How do you control it . . . something that is a force of nature?”

  She smiled back at me as I dragged heavily on the joint. “You mean love. The kind we define as love when you’ve known each other for the exact right amount of time, get engaged for as long as society considers adequate, marry, have two point five kids, and a Golden Retriever.

  “Of course, the charade will last five, ten, fifteen years down the line when you divorce because it turns out we married someone and love had absolutely nothing to do with it. Then it’s just anger and picking the flesh off the bones of the carcass of the marriage—which spouse gets what, child support, alimony, and the fucking family dog.

  “Too many people marry because they were too damned frightened to take a chance on meeting someone else, leaving their comfort zone—whether it be race, class or fear. Perhaps finding that special, mind-blowing love we see in the movies and read in romance novels is enough but not for me. I don’t want to just read about it or see it on the television—I want to live it.”

  Sierra swigged from the JD before she stood up and walked over to me. “I know how you feel because if anyone would have told me a month ago, I’d meet a guy and just fall head over heels for him without this turning into some kind of goddamn European cinema obsession tragedy or God forbid—Nine and Half Weeks—I would have told them they needed to see their doctor because there was something psychologically wrong with them.”

  I took the bottle from her, set it on the dresser and put the still smoking joint in an
ashtray. “I don’t believe in insta-love, Sierra. I know it supposedly exists. Pop told me he knew he loved Sandrine from the moment he saw her. I choose to believe it was some kind of obsessive insanity but what do I know? Your mom had some kind of impact on him. Damien’s always been his favorite child and he never loved my mother the way he loved yours. Maybe he did fall in love with her right then and there and who the fuck am I to tell him he’s mistaken? I wasn’t there.”

  “The more I hear about . . . them, the more I think it just wasn’t one way.” Sierra made a slow walk about the room although by the time she reached me again, there were tears in her eyes. “My mom never has really loved my dad, Adrien. She married him because they were supposed to and he was in love with her. Sometimes, I think she might have snuck back over here and had one last amazing romp with your dad because Caleb and Damien could damn near be twins. Thank God my dad isn’t black Irish. She could get away with him having that fair skin, blondish brown hair and yet, he has the same ice-blue eyes as your dad and Damien. My dad’s eyes are blue-gray.” The tears fell from her eyes and she rubbed them away. “I know I’m my father’s child because we had to do a DNA project in high school. I would still never have questioned Caleb’s paternity but he has certain mannerisms and features like your father.

  “When he came to get me out of the hospital, you know what my first thought was? Through the haze of them trying to get me hydrated and with the lingering drugs in my system, I swear to God I thought it was maybe thirty years in the future and Caleb was coming to my rescue. I actually thought my whole lifetime had passed me by until your father explained who he was and why he was there. It was the same thing with him. He could have sworn he was seeing a ghost when we first set eyes on me. He even whispered, ‘Sandrine’ when he thought I was sleep but . . . I ignored that part and tried to make myself forget it.”

  I couldn’t stand there any longer. I grasped Sierra by her waist and wrapped my arms around her. “What are we going to do? I don’t want to make the same mistake my dad did—”

  “Well, I refuse to make the same mistake as my mom, Adrien! I couldn’t ever be that heartless. I’m not built like her. I have my father’s ability to love and to give more than what I receive in return. Maybe he knows, maybe he doesn’t but I could never live in a marriage like that.

  She placed her hands over mine and breathed in and out for a few moments. “If we plan to make a go at this then there shouldn’t be any pressure or time constraints. I know how I feel about you and my emotions will only grow deeper the longer we are together. I think . . . I loved you after the first night we had sex. It sounds shallow, I know, but I’d never had any man make me feel like that before you and it was then and there you worked your way under my skin, into my bloodstream like the most beautiful, earth-shattering dose of adrenaline I’d ever felt. I’m not ready to let you go yet and I sure as hell am not going back to the States, not when my potential soul mate is living here.”

  I turned her around in my arms like we were in the middle of a slow dance. “Are you sure this is what you want to do? Your whole life has been planned out for you. Don’t let your mother’s mistakes handle the way you live the rest of your life.

  Sierra kissed my lips ever so softly. “Don’t you see? I’m not. I won’t be giving up anything but a lifetime of bitterness and ‘what ifs’—I can’t live like that. I want us to grow, to argue, to always be passionate about one another and even if it doesn’t work out, I’d be loath to give up our friendship.”

  This woman was absolutely amazing and it still made me wonder how the hell I’d gotten so lucky. She seemed to understand and see the real me. She wasn’t staying because there were dollar signs in her eyes and all she could think about was having a relationship with a rock star.

  Sierra truly saw the good in me beneath the darkness and apathy. She had feelings for me—the kind that morphed somewhere along the lines from a deep respect and complete adoration . . . to love . . . to being in love.

  I felt the same about her and just her being within my space, the smell of vanilla and freesia along her skin, her hair smelled like lavender; for the first time, she didn’t look delicate or breakable. She’d lost weight during her ordeal but it was the determination and fire I witnessed in those hazel-green eyes that set my whole body alight with so many different emotions.

  Her leaving had never been an option but she didn’t have to know that. Truth of the matter was I couldn’t let her go, no matter how hard she might have tried to fight me. She was mine and unlike my pop and Sandrine, I didn’t intend for my American beauty to stay anywhere other than by my side.

  This one possessive thought had my dick hard in my pants and I knew she could feel it against her. We were definitely going to fuck before we left the clubhouse, of this I was sure of.

  “Take your blouse off,” I whispered in her ear before I stepped back from her, and sat on the edge of the bed.

  Sierra had changed all right because there wasn’t a sheer trace of embarrassment on her face when she removed her top. She tackled her jeans next, sliding them off as if this was some sort of strip tease for her.

  My cock couldn’t possibly get any harder than it was but when she turned around in her matching bandeau-style bra and thong set and bent over, her eyes watching mine as she slid the thong to the side and inserted a finger into her wet pussy, I just about lost my mind. She stood up straight then and walked over to me.

  “Wanna taste?” My mouth opened and the essence of her drove me wild. That tangy rich flavor of a clean pussy always was my weakness but when it was Sierra’s in particular, it was almost like nectar from the gods.

  I sat her on my lap, claiming her as our lips brushed before the kiss became more demanding. All tongues, teeth and us trying to possess each other in a desperate attempt to wipe the slate clean and start afresh.

  We’d never be able to take the two weeks back we missed from being in one another’s presence but it didn’t really matter. We had each other, now and forever. That’s all I could count and felt blessed for that gift.

  She was determined to drive me crazy as she ground her thong-covered mound over my jean-covered dick. “You like that,” she whispered in my ear? “It feels like forever since you’ve touched me. Fuck me, please.”

  I took over and threw her on my back as she ripped my shirt, buttons flying everywhere as she helped me take it off. Then there was the jean situation, which I took care of as quickly as possible. I had gone commando so I watched her from below me while completely nude.

  Sierra adjusted her position and began to scoot down the bed until her face lined up with my aching cock. “I never did get the chance to thank you for inviting me to Nice. I didn’t show up for obvious reasons but it’s the thought that counts, right?”

  That tone of voice of hers, fuck it was sexy but not as hot as her lips on the tip of my mushroom head, licking and sucking slowly as if I was a frozen popsicle on a humid day. Her hands caressed my cock slowly, before she took me deeper inside her gorgeous fucking mouth. I could feel as I sank lower and lower until the head hit her throat. She gagged a bit but then began to suck me off like a pro.

  My eyes were about to pop out of my head as she bobbed me up and down in her mouth, taking time in between to caress me with her soft hands while tickling the head of my cock.

  What had happened to the sweet and somewhat innocent young woman who I had picked up at our last concert in Paris? Confidence and the ability to own herself as a woman had happened and it was by far the most seductive act I’d seen her perform thus far.

  “Mmm, is this not turning you on, Monsieur Bissette? It sure is turning me on. I’m drenched and would love a head doctor.”

  I stood and bent over to kiss her as passionately as possible. I could taste my pre-cum in her mouth as I took over and fully possessed every part of her. If she hadn’t figured out she was mine before, she’d know before the night was through.

  I ripped her thong and threw it behin
d me, repositioned her on the bed until she was firmly in the middle and she spread her legs wide without any encouragement from me. As I climbed on top of the bed, I couldn’t help but give her a firm swipe across her clit.

  “Oh my . . .” Sierra murmured as I grabbed both her legs and buried my mouth in her pussy. I couldn’t get enough of licking and sucking her clit. I alternated between this and tongue fucking her hole. She was downright insatiable at this point, and so was I. There was no part of her I didn’t want to taste, including her asshole. I swiped and played with it as she moaned out loud, pulling my hair and slowly losing control.

  “Yeah, that’s it. You wanna tongue my asshole? Slide your fingers inside and suck on my clit instead,” she commanded.

  Not to tell the woman I’d been jonesing for much too long for my liking, I did what she asked and fuck me, I was tired of fingers in holes but the sound of her orgasm was like pure solid gold. She trembled under my ministrations, speaking incoherently as she pushed my pussy as close to my mouth as possible.

  I finally let go of her legs and climbed into position before she rolled me over and got on top of me. “I’ve been waiting to do this for a while now.”

  Sierra grabbed my cock and rubbed it gently against her clit. A gentle spasm passed through her before she worked me inside her dripping wet hole. I let out a groan as her complete and utter tightness took over while she slid up and down on top of me like a whole bottle of KY Jelly had been used. She was so wet, willing and ready but I allowed her to do it her way. I knew what she had gone through—secondhand information only—but perhaps she needed to be in control. I was fine with that as long as I didn’t come before she did.

  As she leaned forward toward me while continuing to ride my cock like we were at the rodeo, I slid down her bra, and allowed her gorgeous breasts to hang free. Juicy, dusky pink nipples greeted me and I pinched one while taking the other in my mouth and biting down on it before I slowly licked and suckled on it.

  Sierra’s movements became more aggressive. She wasn’t riding my cock any more, it was in the tight warmth of her beautiful, hairless mound and she wiggled her hips around, teasing me to the point where I was delirious. It felt good but I wouldn’t come like this and neither would she.


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