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Kyle, Jack and Ryan:: Devil Souls Motorcycle Club Novellas

Page 2

by Ashers, LeAnn

  I nod. “Well, what made you wake up today and think to yourself, ‘Hey, I’m going to kidnap that pregnant chick that works for me’?” I rub my hands down my legs, trying to hide the fact that I’m nervous. I look over at him. “I mean, I kind of want to know what it is about me that made you think, ‘Hey that chick is a good prospect to kidnap.’” He laughs loudly. I mean, a head-thrown-back, hand-resting-on-his-stomach, almost-in-full-convulsions type of laugh.

  Well, at least he can laugh, so he can’t be too much of a crazy, right? He hits a bump, and the console in front me opens and I see a bottle of lotion.

  Oh my god.

  “I won’t put the lotion on my skin!” I scream and throw the lotion at him. It hits him on the shoulder, bounces off, and hits me on the leg. I grab it and throw it out the window.

  “Let me out of this fucking truck or I will give you the biggest titty twister ever!” I scream and shake my fist at him.

  I’m pretty sure that Kyle is in tears of laughter at this point. We pull off the main highway. “Oh god, you’re going to put me in a hole and make me rub lotion on my skin.”

  “Chill the fuck out, woman,” Kyle manages to get out as he puts the truck in park.

  “Look, there’s your fucking car.” He points to the front of the house, and I see that my car is parked there.

  “Well how the fuck did it end up here? Trying to hide the evidence, huh?” I eye him, waiting for him to make his move.

  One thing about me is that I’ve never lost my fire. I may have pretended or played innocent, just because it was easier, but that didn’t mean the fire inside me wasn’t burning to come out. Oh, I waited, and I can’t wait for the fucking day when my husband is at my mercy. I want him to be my bitch. I want him to be helpless to fight back as I kick him while he’s down. But I’m also not stupid. I know when to fight and when to run. I had to run.

  “Come on, I want to show you something. I promise you I’m not here to hurt you, darlin’. I would never fucking do that, and I sure as fuck wouldn’t let anyone else hurt you.” He leans over and touches my cheek, and his voice gets deeper, scarier. “I would rip a fucker to pieces if they dared.”

  I nod and he gets out of the truck, leaving me reeling at his words. I never expected that. He opens the door for me, and I look at my car as I pass. It’s the same as it was before. Shitty. We walk to the side of the house, and he unlocks the door. He turns on the light. There are two sets of stairs. One leads upstairs and the other goes to the basement. I step back when he starts in the direction of the basement, and he holds out his hand. “Trust me?” I let out a deep breath as I think it over; then I put my hand in his and decide to throw caution to the wind. I don’t miss the satisfied look on his face as I let him lead me down the stairs. He takes out another set of keys and unlocks the door at the bottom of the stairs.

  He pushes the door open, and I’m greeted with a cute little apartment. The first thing I see is a leather couch and a flat-screen TV. On one side of the room is a kitchen. It’s small but equipped with new appliances. Behind the cozy living room area is a bedroom. It’s adorable. I love it. “Is this where you live?” I ask.

  He shakes his head and turns my hand over, placing the keys inside it. “This is where you live.”

  My stomach, my heart, all of it drops to the floor right there. I laugh nervously. “I swear I just thought I heard you say that I live here.”

  He leans against the kitchen bar, with two stools under it. “You heard me right. I live upstairs, but you have your keys and you have the only set of keys to get into the basement.”

  I rub my forehead as I try to process what’s happening right now. “Please explain to me.”

  “Darlin’, I can’t let you stay in your car another night. This is yours as long as you want it.” My stomach twists at his words. He knew I was staying in my car, and I’m embarrassed.

  “Is this why you’re doing this, you feel sorry for me?” Shame burns deep inside me.

  He shakes his head and puts his hand on my face, rubbing his thumb across my cheekbone. “No, darlin’, it’s not because I feel sorry for you. Get that shit out of your head right now. I will not let a woman of mine sleep inside her car. You may not be ready to hear that, but fuck rules, I will prove that shit to you.” I just stare at him; that’s all I can do. “I also know shit is going on with your life, and you will share that with me when you’re ready. I’ll be upstairs if you need me. I’ll let you get used to your new home.” He leaves just like that, leaving me standing here, mind blown and panties destroyed at his alpha-male words. I look at the stairs he just went up. I am so fucked.

  Chapter Three


  I find my bags waiting for me on the couch and the kitchen fully stocked with food. I want to cry at the amount of food I have. I know it might seem stupid to some, but if you had barely eaten for a long time, you would understand. And I relish small comforts: being cool when it’s hot and warm when it’s cold.

  I take my bags into my bedroom. Wow. My bedroom. I stare at the white duvet and soft pillows on the bed, and it hits me that he’s gone through a lot of trouble to make this place comfortable for me.

  I wonder if he has a washing machine I can use? I’ll walk up and ask him after I shower.

  I spend way too long in the shower, letting the water beat down on my back, loosening the sore muscles I have accumulated from sleeping crouched in the car. I let my hair hang down my back, the ends touching my butt. It’s grown so much during my pregnancy.

  I need to go to a doctor before I skip town again. I’ve only gone a couple of times since I got pregnant. I also need to ask Kyle about the rent and utilities since I’ll be living here. I gather up the clothes I have to wash and make my way upstairs.

  I try to calm my nerves as I knock on the door and wait for him to open it. A little bit later he opens the door. “Hi, I just wanted to see if you have a washing machine I can use?” I lift my basket. He waves me inside, and I follow him through the house. It’s beautiful and modern, mostly white with some black. It’s such a beautiful house for a man, something I never expected. Most men don’t even have furniture, let alone home decor. “Your house is beautiful.”

  He smiles and picks up a photo of an older man and woman. I can see the resemblance between Kyle and the guy in the photo. “My mom decorated it for me.”

  “That was sweet.” I smile at the thought of his mom fretting over him.

  He opens a side door. “This is the laundry room. Feel free to use it anytime, but let me know whenever you need to wash clothes. I’ll carry up the basket for you. I don’t want you to fall.” He takes it from me and places it next to the washer; then he reaches above the washer and hands me the laundry detergent and softener. He really is the sweetest and most thoughtful guy. He does things for me that most men would never even think about. He starts to walk out, but I put my hand on his arm. “I want to ask you about the rent. Can you just take it out of my paycheck?”

  His eyes soften. “There is no rent. I want you to take care of yourself and the baby, yeah?” He puts his palm on my stomach, which shocks me. I look down. His hand is huge and covers most of my belly.

  “Kyle, I can’t ask you to do that,” I whisper. My insides are shaking from the overwhelming number of things that have been happening. I have a new home and someone basically taking care of me and treating me so nicely. No one has ever treated me like this. I’m sure this is normal for most people, but having someone thinking of my needs is something new. “I don’t know what to say,” I say softly.

  “Don’t say anything, sweetheart. If you want to do something for me, you can watch a movie with me?” he suggests.

  I smile widely. “I would love that. Let me put my clothes in to wash. Do you have any you want me to throw in with mine?”

  “You don’t have to do that.”

  I tilt my head, eyeing him. He laughs and motions to his basket.

  “Thank you, Kyle,” I call as he wal
ks out of the room.

  * * *


  I am a fucking pussy. It thrilled me that she came upstairs to ask me for something. It was my hope that since she would be living downstairs, she would spend the majority of her time upstairs with me.

  I just ordered us a pizza and some cheese sticks to be delivered, and I pull up some movies for rent so she can choose. I grab some drinks from the kitchen and place them on the coffee table.

  She walks into the living room, and she looks cute in her sweatpants and T-shirt. Her hair is wet and hanging down to her butt. Her hair is a natural, beautiful blonde. “What movie do you want to watch?” I ask her as she sits beside me, curling her legs under her.

  “Anything but romantic stuff I’m fine with.”

  I look at her like she has two heads. “You’re the first woman I have ever seen that doesn’t love romantic movies.”

  She laughs and shrugs, turning her attention to the TV, dismissing me. I put in an action movie, make her a plate, and hand it to her. She barely looks at me, deep in her thoughts. I can tell something is bothering her; she has ghosts in her eyes. She’s looking at the TV, but I can tell her mind isn’t into it. She’s being haunted.

  * * *


  Why do I do this to myself? Just a few simple words and I’m depressed. I think back to the bad things that happened.

  Romance? I never experienced that. I have never even been properly kissed. I was never raped—I had sex willingly because I thought that was what I had to do as a wife—but I never enjoyed it. And we never really kissed. His lips would brush mine in passing before he would roll off of me and we would go to sleep. That was my life. I lived every single day getting beaten over things that just didn’t make sense. How could I do things the way he wanted when he just made things up as he went? It was so hard. Life was just hell. I never slept a full night until I was out on the road by myself and knew that I wouldn’t be woken up in the middle of the night to him finding something else wrong.

  “Honey?” Kyle touches my shoulder, and I finally snap myself out of my thoughts, before I get buried so deep that it would take me days to get out.

  I smile, pushing wet strands of hair behind my ear. “Yeah?” Trying to play it off.

  His eyes search my face. “You okay?” he asks, and I nod, putting on a smile because what else can I say? I have not voiced my past to anyone. My own family can’t even accept me; how can someone else? I just can’t right now. I think I need the chance to accept it myself first before I let anyone else in.

  I wave my hand. “I’m fine.” I lean over and take a slice of pizza, trying to make it less awkward. He takes a long drink of his beer, and I know it’s forgotten when he turns on the movie. I kind of feel bad in a way because he’s been so kind to me without asking for anything in return, but how do you start talking about something so painful?

  I sit back, pulling my feet up under me, turning my attention to the movie. I just want to enjoy the moment. An hour into the movie, I’m hyperaware of Kyle sitting next to me. We’re just an inch apart, and my hand is right next to his on the couch. I feel like I’m in high school and I’m waiting for my crush to hold my hand for the very first time. I feel Kyle laughing beside me. I peek over and he’s grinning at the TV like it’s the best thing he’s ever seen. I’m taken aback at how beautiful his smile is, but I won’t be fooled by that. He has this very dangerous edge to him; he’s a dangerous man without a doubt. Without thinking, I stick my pinky out, wrapping it around his. I don’t look at him. I just pretend that I don’t notice it at all. I just want to touch him. I don’t care if it’s just this. He has been so kind to me today. He pulls his pinky from mine, and I look down just as he intertwines our fingers. I smile happily. This is much better.

  The movie ends way too soon. “I guess I’d better get some sleep.” He nods and helps me off of the couch. I rub my belly, feeling her or him kick.

  “Is it the baby?” He nods toward my stomach.

  “You want to feel?” I ask him. He smiles, and I reach forward and take his hand, placing it on my belly where the baby is kicking. His eyes widen in wonder, and looks at my stomach like the baby is going to jump out and snatch him.

  “That’s amazing.”

  It is amazing. It’s hard to believe that I’m carrying a baby in my body. The miracle of life is so amazing.

  “I’ll help you down the stairs, don’t want you to fall.” He takes my hand again, intertwining our fingers, and walks me down the stairs. I feel special. I know it’s stupid and he’s just being nice. That’s all this can be. I’m pregnant, very pregnant. Me being attractive flew out the window a few months ago. I push open my door and step inside, looking back at Kyle.

  “Goodnight,” I say softly, smiling.

  “Goodnight darlin’.”

  I pull the door shut, my eyes closed. I let out a deep breath and walk to my bedroom, ready to sleep for days.

  Chapter Four


  One Week Later

  “Darlin’, your appointment is at four, right?” Kyle asks, sticking his head in the door.

  “Yes, it’s right around the corner.”

  This past week has been heaven on earth compared to living in the backseat of my car. I’m now getting adjusted to staying with Kyle, and we have become best friends, honestly. Ones that flirt relentlessly with each other. He winks and leaves me alone once again, and my stomach twists. God, why does he have to be so attractive?

  I go back to my work, ordering parts for the guys. Today is the first appointment I could get to see the doctor. I’m excited to find out if I’m having a girl or a boy, but I feel kind of bad that I haven’t seen a doctor in such a long time. That’s kind of hard to do when you don’t have insurance.

  Kyle has decided he must drive me everywhere, which I don’t mind at all because I’m so sick and tired of my car.

  The back door bursts open and I spin around, confused, because no one ever uses this door. Some man I’ve never seen before steps inside the office, clawing his skin until it bleeds.

  “Are you okay, sir?” I ask. His eyes snap to mine. His eyes are blood red, and I know instantly that he’s on something. I also know that I’m in danger because he doesn’t look like he’s in his right mind.

  I clear my throat and try to make myself as friendly as possible. I’m beating myself up because I should have locked the door. I’m not even sure how he got past the guys in the first place. I push myself away from my desk so I can run if I need to. “Why don’t you sit down there, sir, and I’ll help you in a second.” I motion to the seat beside me. He just continues to stare at me.

  I reach under the desk and hit the alert button the guys installed a few days ago in case of an emergency. He doesn’t move, he doesn’t even blink, and saliva is dripping from the side of his mouth. One second he is stoical, the next he’s running straight for me. I scream and push my chair at him as hard as I can, throwing him off balance. I run out the door into the main garage with him close behind me. Fear is lodged deep in my throat, not allowing me to scream.

  I look around for someone to help me, and Kyle runs into the building. His eyes narrow, and I turn around just as the crazy guy reaches for my hair. Kyle is there in a second, and his hand closes around my assailant’s hand. Kyle all but picks me up to put me behind him, and I stare in shock as I see Kyle in a whole different light. He picks up the guy and slams him facedown onto the concrete floor. I wince at the crunching sound the second his face connects.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Kyle growls, pushing his face harder against the floor. Blood pools around the guy’s face. Torch comes in and pulls me farther away from the scene playing out just a few feet in front of me.

  “I need it!” the crazy guy screams from the ground, trying to push Kyle off of him. My eyes widen at the sight of him screaming, kicking, and clawing the ground.

  Kyle closes his eyes, shaking his head. “I can’t fuc
king help you, Phillip. We have told you one hundred times we don’t sell that shit here! Now you’ve fucked up. You’ve decided to come after a woman. A woman in this club, as a matter of fact.”

  Phillip stops moving and his eyes connect with mine. I can see the deep-rooted fear in them.Kyle looks over at two guys wearing cuts in the corner of the room. The patches on their cuts say “Prospect.” They reach down and carry Philip out of the room kicking and screaming. Kyle walks over to me. “Are you okay, darlin’?” His face is full of concern, and he touches my face tenderly.

  I smile. I can’t help it; he’s being so sweet right now. “I’m fine, he just startled me is all.”

  Kyle drags his hands from my face, down my arms, to my hands. “Good, that just saved his fucking life.” His face is tight with anger at the thought of Phillip hurting me. Wait, what?

  Kyle walks me back into my office, helps me sit down, and locks the back door. “I am going to get a fucking better alarm system installed. This shit won’t ever happen again,” he spits out, glaring at the door like it’s the cause of all of his problems. He takes out his phone. “You know what to do. I’ll be there in five minutes.” He puts his phone in his pocket and turns to me. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  I laugh. “Yes, honey, I’m fine. He’s just a sick man. He needs his ass beat and then rehab.”

  His face lightens, grinning. “I plan on doing one of those. I’ll be back to take you to your appointment. Techy, get your ass in here and watch over Chrystal!” Kyle yells, and one of the prospects walks back into the room and sits down in the chair across from me. I stare at Kyle’s back, watching him leave, then I look at Techy, who is busy typing away on his phone. I guess that’s where he got his name from.


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