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Samantha Steel is...The Spy Who Did Me--The First Coming A Samantha Steel Erotic Thriller

Page 5

by E. K. Santo


  My eyes opened upon darkened light. The dawn was just about to break, a very vague ray of sunshine was attempting to peek it's way around the drapes.

  I was in bed, in a suite, in Vegas. The General was on my mind, as I recalled my dreams...all from past memories. Memories of how this all came to be.

  All those questions I had...they were answered. And then some.

  I reached down between my legs, feeling the hot wetness there. The dreams I used to have, and still do, of the General...God they made me hot. Just the memory had me dripping. I was just a kid back then, but there was no doubt about my lust for that man.

  I stretched my body across the bed, suddenly aware that my bed mate's erection was rubbing against my leg. No wonder I felt it in my dream. I turned on my right shoulder, just enough light in the room to see his hazel eyes, watching me. “Mm mm, good morning.” I said, giving a quick three stroke to his manhood. He closed his eyes, a quiver of a smile spreading on his face.

  I arose from the bed, needing to pee again, before we got started on the morning exercise. I held up a finger to my lover, letting him know I'd be right back. I threw a silk sheet around my body, after noting the coolness in the room. I wanted my body to stay hot...not cool down. That dream I lit a burning fire in my loins. As I said, I'm insatiable.

  I quickly did the bathroom thing, and returned to Mr. No-Name. He was waiting for me outside the bathroom, standing in the dimness...a grin, an erection, and a lust in his eyes. He stepped at me, his cock bumping in to my naval, as we kissed. Our tongues collided...fondling each other. Feeling the softness of his tongue, I allowed some extra saliva to drip into his mouth from mine. I waited for his reaction. My secret weapon...I know it wasn't necessary to use, but I loved the effect it had.

  Five seconds, ten seconds...fifteen seconds later, and suddenly my hazel eyed companion lost control. He picked me up, cupping my buttocks with his hands, and quickly threw me down on the silk sheets. He attacked my pussy, spreading my legs wide with his hands, his mouth and tongue licking my clit and the lips of my pussy with ferocity. His tongue darted in and out of me. A finger found my clit, and quickly flicked at it, over and over. He joined his finger with his tongue, ravishing my button...I moaned, my body quivering as a burning hot orgasm ripped through me. His face was covered with my wetness, but he didn't stop...he continued at my clit with finger and tongue, swirling and flicking. He inserted a finger inside me, quickly pumping into the wetness that was there.

  I began to spasm again...another stream of my juices engulfed his finger, the orgasm causing me to buck wildly. I groaned passionately. He let up for a second, watching my body writhe in ecstasy. This was my chance to return the favor.

  I quickly slid underneath him, to the edge of the bed, standing him up in front of me while I sat, his penis now inches from my face. I cupped his balls with one hand, and slowly began to stroke him. I wanted to slow this down a bit. My saliva had really got him going, but now I wanted slow, hot sex.

  I took his cock in my mouth, first swirling my tongue around his head. Mr. No-Name's body stiffened, a guttural moan escaping his lips. I released the muscles in my jaws, and took his cock in. His head touched the back of my throat, and I clenched my jaws, grasping his manhood tightly between the roof of my mouth and my tongue. He gently rocked his hips, one hand coming up to grasp the back of my head.

  I released his cock, and then began to slowly bob my lips, but just on the head. He grew anxious, attempting to thrust his cock deep into my mouth again, but I slowed him down, my hands pushing him back against his abdomen, his rock hard abs tensing against me. I grabbed his shaft with a strong grasp. He looked down at me, a mad lust on his face. He tried to force his cock back in my mouth, moving my hand off of him, when I whispered, “Relax.” He immediately calmed down. “Close your eyes, and enjoy.” He did as he was told. My saliva was almost magical.

  I took him back in my mouth, swirling my tongue up and down his shaft. I began to bob my head, up and down...sometimes taking him part ways, other times deep-throating him. He put his hands in my hair, and he slowly began to fuck my face...pumping in and out in a slow rhythm. When he began to move himself in and out of my mouth faster and faster, I pulled him from my mouth, and stood up. I didn't know how much staying power he had left in him, and I wanted him deep inside me.

  I spun around, my back to him now, and I propped both of my knees on the bed, never letting go of his hardness. I reached underneath my crotch with my other hand, and guided him inside of me. He entered me slowly, parting my lips just a bit...first just the head, and then slowly giving me inch after inch of himself. I held myself up with one hand, my other I used to tweak my nipples. They reacted growing hard and taut.

  He was now pumping me rhythmically, and I pushed back against him, meeting his thrusts. He reached underneath and around my thigh, giving my button some attention. I felt the hardness of the muscles in his arm which surrounded my leg. A few circular strokes of my clit, and I began bucking wildly against his pumping cock, another small, hot orgasm escaping me. My moans seemed to really turn him on, because he picked up the tempo of his thrusting.

  He had both his hands now on my buttocks, every so often caressing the middle of my back down from the nape of my neck to the crack of my ass. Every time he did this, I would thrust back at his cock, the tickling spurring extra juice flowing through my pussy.

  He continued his humping, stopping occasionally while his shaft was completely inside me, swirling his hips...trying to fill me up. As he did this, he started to finger my rectum with his thumb. I began to moan at the feeling of the double penetration.

  With his cock deeply inside me, and his thumb in my ass, I felt an immense heat begin to burn inside me. Building and heart pounding. Inside me, he began to thrust wildly, and I felt the head of his penis enlarge as he thrust. He began to moan loudly, his body beginning to jerk with his thrusting, as he unleashed his orgasm inside of me. I reached down, fingering my clit one last time, the wet heat becoming unstoppable. I exploded, thrusting my hips back at his, waves of pleasure coursing through me. I moaned from deep within the back of my throat. I felt the wetness of my orgasm run down my loins.

  He fell forward... releasing himself from me, and fell next to me on the bed. I placed my hand on his muscular chest, feeling his hot sweat. He moaned at me, grinning. “That was fucking amazing.” he said. “You can call me for a gig any time you're in town.”

  I smiled at him. “After that performance...yeah, I'll keep your number.” I said, sounding cocky.

  I breathed deeply, satisfied. For now.

  I rose up from the bed, feeling hot and sweaty all over. “I'm gonna take a quick shower.” I kissed his cheek, and headed to the bathroom.


  The water coursed down my body, hot and massaging.

  I turned on the jets of the shower, and water spurted at my body from eight different directions. I twirled slowly through the spurting water, tingling all the parts of my body. I allowed one jet of water to settle on my chest, massaging my nipples...feeling them harden.

  I began to massage them, my fingers brushing the taut, wet skin. I loved touching my body...the feel of my skin along my was so relaxing. I let my mind flow freely, feeling the water cascade down my skin. I became lost, almost dreaming...

  That's when I heard the gunshots...not the loud shots you'd here in a gunfight, but silenced. Another one of my gifts...enhanced hearing...picked up on it immediately. My instincts kicked in, my training taking over.

  I bolted from the shower, grabbing a towel, shutting the light in the bathroom. I left the water running in the shower. I didn't want to alert anyone that I was aware of their presence.

  I unlatched the door, and allowed it to go ajar just an inch. I sprawled on the floor, wishing I had my Walther PPK Pistol, which currently resided between the mattress and box spring of the hotel suite bed.

  I heard shuffling movement
just past the door...a dragging sound. I waited ten seconds, opened the door a few feet, and without looking, shimmied myself on the carpeted floor, towards the bed. I moved quickly, catlike...silent. I had no idea what or who I was up against, so I had to play defense, instead of rushing out, trying to take down whoever it was that invaded my territory.

  I slid under the bed, the carpet scraping my elbows and nipples, like small razor blades. I lay under the bed, frozen...listening. I couldn't see anything from under the bed, the linens lay draped over the side, blocking my view. I continued to wait for sound, keenly aware of the thumping of my own heartbeat.

  Then...voices. “The target has been secured.” followed by the crackle of a radio. “Copy that,” came the reply. “Await further instructions.”

  “The target was secured?” I questioned. “Who was the target? The guy I just fucked?”

  I shimmied...trying to get to a different part of the bed's underside. My head was now at the foot. I was still too far from my gun, but I was able to stick my head out from underneath the bed, to get a look at the invaders.

  The room was still a bit murky. I saw two figures, in all black fatigues, and black boots. Their faces were covered with black, hooded ski masks. One of the hooded figures was carrying a large rifle, silenced at the muzzle. The other carried a pistol, also silenced. I became aware of the scent of blood. I assumed it was Mr. No-Name. Then I noticed the body bag, lying by the feet of the rifle-carrying invader. That must be him. I usually don't feel remorse...part of my programming, as well as training...but shit...I was just screwing that guy fifteen minutes ago.

  The radio on the pistol-carrier crackled to life. “You're clear to bring Sam Steel's body out. Use the freight elevator route. You have one hundred and eighty seconds. Be quick about it. The boss needs the body while it's still warm.”

  “We're on the move.” The radio crackled off. The invaders each grabbed an end of the body bag, and removed themselves quickly from the room. I quickly jumped out from the underside of the bed, grabbed my pistol from underneath the mattress, and bolted to the door. I didn't give a shit that I was naked...I just wanted a crack at these guys.

  I entered the hallway slowly, gun held up to my face. I checked my clip, saw it was loaded, and popped my head around the corner of the doorway...looking left, then right. Nothing. The lights were all out. I figured the invaders knocked them out...wouldn't want to be seen.

  I sprinted to the end of the trace of them. Unfortunately, I didn't know where the freight elevator was on the hotel floor, so I didn't know which way to turn, as I encountered a break in the hallway. Right or left. Precious time was ticking away. I chose right.

  I continued my sprint, gun held up at the ceiling, when I came to the end of the hallway. No freight elevator. I frowned, and quickly made my way back.

  As I approached my room I caught sight at the end of the suite hallway. Wind was rushing in through a broken window. I ran to it, my breasts bouncing with every step. I realized how uncomfortable it was to run in the nude.

  I reached the window, only to see two ropes and a winch hanging outside of it. They must have escaped through this window, and winched themselves to another floor...and then used the freight elevator. I was too late. I looked out the window, taking in the Vegas strip...the flashing lights, the hot desert air...the city that never sleeps.

  I have a place on the outskirts of town, and I always came here for down time...but I never expected this.

  I sulked back to my room. I closed the door behind me, turned on the lights, and surveyed the place. Nothing out of place save for the blood-stained bed. Poor No-Name. It looked like they took him out just where I'd left him. He never saw it coming.

  I sat at the edge of the bed, my mind analyzing...seeing everything that just took place...running over it like a tape recorder. The voice on the radio that one of those assholes was carrying...he said “you're clear to bring out Sam Steel's body”.

  But I'm Sam Steel.

  Was that an attempt on my life? They shot a man. Maybe those morons thought the target was a man named Sam Steel. A simple case of bad intel may have just saved my life.

  My cellphone started to vibrate on the table next to the bed. An incoming text from HQ...


  Better late than never?

  My ass!

  So someone just tried to take me out. Considering I'm GESS's biggest secret, and best weapon, no surprise there. But who knew I was here? Only a few people.

  Someone fucking set me up!

  And I'm gonna find out just who it was.


  Authors Final Note

  If you've enjoyed this book, you'll be happy to know there's more coming...this was just an in introduction!

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  Keep having fun, and keep it hot!








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