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Pigsty Princess

Page 32

by Nancy S. Brandt

  “You don’t know anything about it,” the Queen said, anger turning her voice into something like a snarl.

  Mariana had never heard her mother sound like that, and clearly neither had Ramone or Liliana, because all three of them stepped back from her.

  “Your father had to fight to hold on to his reign. The Queen of Heyton would gladly march her troops through this land and take over, but we fought them back. No one knows better how to rule our people than we do, and no one is going to cast us out just because of an accident of birth.”

  “An accident of birth?” Raulin shook his head. “Jonathan, none of us are where we are but for the accident of our birth. Surely you don’t believe you have some special right to sit on that throne, any more than our father did or his father before him. The Virtuous Kings and Queens of Valborough aren’t deities appointed by the Elements because they are somehow better than anyone else. The crown is a sacred trust, and a sovereign is a servant first.”

  “It is what you taught us,” Liliana said in her gentle fairy-tale Princess voice. “It’s what we all believe.”

  The Queen laughed, but it wasn’t a pleasant sound. Mariana wondered if her mother was losing touch with reality. She’d heard young noblewomen whispering at parties about how some Sensitives who grew too dependent on their Abilities began to slip into a kind of delusion they were somehow chosen by the Elements and set apart.

  “Of course we told you that. Doesn’t it sound so noble? Serving the common people, helping to make their lives better? In truth, the common people are nothing. We are the elite, those of us with power, and it is our duty to keep the power to ourselves, to make the Sensitivities stronger.”

  “Mother.” Liliana sounded so shocked, Mariana worried she’d faint or worse. “You aren’t well. Surely you can’t mean that.”

  “Grow up, Liliana,” the King said. “Always caring about the poor, the orphan children, always so good. It’s a good thing Nigel married you and took you away to have babies because you are weak. You are all weak. I have to hold on to this throne and crown as long as possible because none of you have the strength to rule this kingdom. Those people out there, the ones with no magic—they would tear me down and throw me out of the palace if they knew about Mariana, and I couldn’t let that happen.”

  He shook his head. “Even you, Ramone, my son. In any other kingdom, you would be a knight and lead armies to crush our enemies. Your mother knew you were to be my heir, so I put up with your endless days of studying history and farming and the Elements know what else, but you were not the son I wanted. I hoped we would have another boy, one I could raise to be strong and a fighter, but all I got for my trouble was girls.”

  “Jonathan, I’m sure you will regret these words one day, and I’m also sure you don’t mean them.” Raulin reached a hand out to his brother. “These are your children and grandchildren. You are destroying them with these hurtful words.”

  Ursula was weeping, and Nigel had rushed to Liliana’s side and was holding her. Orlando put his arm around Mariana’s shoulders.

  “Are you all right?” he asked her in a whisper.

  “I may be better than I have been in a very long time,” she said.

  Raulin spoke again. “Please, Jonathan, before it’s too late. Retract the angry words and heal the rift in your family.”

  “My family? Except Alexandria, they have all been disappointments. Not one of them is fit to wear the crown when I’m gone.”

  “That settles it.” Mariana stepped forward until she was directly in front of her father. She met his eyes and said:

  “In the sight of my brother and sisters, with Kylan and Brother Raulin as witnesses, I, Mariana, Princess of Valborough, challenge Jonathan, Virtuous King of Valborough, for the throne.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Mariana had been allowed to use her old apartments to prepare for the challenge. The Queen protested, but Raulin and Kylan reminded her Mariana was still a member of the royal family and had the right to that much consideration. Jessamae, who’d gotten a job in the kitchens, returned to Mariana’s side as her maid.

  The preparations, at least as far as her appearance, were finished, and Mariana stood in front of the full-length mirror in her dressing room, amazed at the change. Even more than on her wedding day, she was a Princess.

  She’d never seen this dress before, but somehow Jessamae had found it by searching through her wardrobe as well as Liliana’s and Ursula’s, although the latter hadn’t spoken to Mariana since they’d left the audience chamber.

  The royal purple satin dress had a hood and pure white lace on the hems. The sleeves were made of a white gauzy fabric from the shoulder to just below the elbow, where it was attached to a wide bell shape made of the same satin.

  The same gauze made an overdress that laced across Mariana’s midriff. The outfit was finished off with a pair of fine, nearly sheer slippers that matched.

  “It seems wrong to wear these trousers,” Mariana said, holding the skirt up so she could see the sturdy brown pants she had on.

  Liliana sat on Mariana’s bed. She said, “It’s probably for the best. You may need to move quickly.”

  Mariana spun to face her. “What does that mean? Do you know what I’ll be doing?”

  “Of course not, but I’m sure it’s better that you be able to move. This isn’t a state dinner or ceremonial ball where all you are required to do is sit and smile and look regal. I’m sure the challenge will be hard, and you may be glad later you weren’t hampered by all the petticoats.”

  “Princess, stand up straight,” Jessamae said. “I need to put this last pin in your hair to hold the tiara on your head.”

  Mariana’s hair was piled on top of her head in soft curls surrounded by a tall silver and diamond tiara Jessamae had taken at Liliana’s insistence. It was the one she’d worn when she was officially named Royal Princess at a three-day-long ceremony.

  “I think you’re ready,” Jessamae said, clasping her hands over her heart. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Don’t be,” Mariana said, taking one last look at herself. She wasn’t sure she knew what she was doing, only that she had no other choice. “I may be making a huge mistake.” She hugged her maid. “Thank you for everything you’ve done for me my whole life.”

  “Oh, Princess. It was my pleasure.”

  Orlando stepped into the dressing room. He wasn’t dressed in fancy clothing, but her heart still flipped over when she saw him. Their bonding had created a deeper awareness of his presence in her. She couldn’t stop her gaze from dropping to his hands and the memory of his touch on her skin made her whole body heat and her mouth went dry.

  “Are you ready, my Queen?” He bowed to her.

  “Don’t mock,” she said, raising her chin and trying to sound imperial.

  “I’m not mocking,” he replied as he straightened. “No one, not even your mother, could look more like a Queen than you do now.”

  “I have to agree.” Liliana joined him at the door to the room. “You are stunning. I think knowing who you are has given you a glow of power and confidence you didn’t have before.” She stood. “I should go see if Ursula is going to be at the challenge. I know she isn’t happy about all this.”

  Mariana shook her head. “I’m sorry she feels I’m betraying Father. I wanted to explain but she wouldn’t listen.”

  Liliana shook her head. “You’re doing what you have to. She’ll come around.” She sighed. “I’ll see you down there.”

  Mariana hugged her sister. “I love you. Thank you for supporting me.”

  “You’re my baby sister. Of course I support you.” Liliana squeezed back and then left the room.

  “Are you ready?” Orlando offered her his arm.

  “I don’t think I’ll ever be ready,” Mariana said, “but there isn’t any more time to prepare. I hope I will know what to do tonight.”

  “The Elements will guide you,” Jessamae said as the couple walked out the door.
br />   When they reached the top of the massive staircase that swept down and out into the main ballroom of the palace, Orlando released her arm and kissed her cheek.

  “This is your moment, my love. You have to go down there alone. Remember, though, there are many people on your side, and don’t let your father intimidate you.”

  “That warning is a little too late,” she said.

  “We’re with you.” Then he hurried down the stairs while she stood back a bit to catch her breath and try to stop her heart from pounding through her ribs.

  After a moment, she stepped back to the top of the stairs and saw dozens of people waiting for her and watching. Holding her head high, she walked regally down the stairs.

  “Princess.” Kylan, dressed in the gold and red academic robes embroidered with a black eagle on the left sleeve, was the first one to greet her. These were the same robes he wore for the Abilities testing. He would be overseeing the challenge, along with Ramone and several high noblemen who had been summoned.

  “Are you still determined to challenge the King according to the First Law of Valborough?”

  Mariana nodded. “I am. It is the right thing to do.”

  Kylan led her to one side of the ballroom, where many of her friends from Talla stood, including Adindira and a handful of the rebels.

  “You look so royal,” Dira said. “Will you be Queen when this is over?”

  “Or dead.” Mariana embraced her sister-in-law. “I’m so glad you were able to come. I hoped I could see you again.”

  Traren leaned against a column, wearing a tabard and trousers that were new and brightly colored. “We jumped at the chance to get inside the palace, truth be told. Might try swiping some gold. There are still prisoners being held in Heyton who need ransoming.”

  Mariana approached him. “I don’t know what is going to happen today, but I promise you this. Should I be made Queen, I will listen to what the rebels have to say and do what I can to address your grievances.”

  “Well, you’re going to have to,” he said. “You’re one of us, you know.”

  With a grin, she kissed his cheek. “Thank you for that.”

  Kylan moved to the King, who stood on the other side of the room with the Queen and some of his advisors.

  “Sire, are you prepared to take on the challenge of Sensitivities as issued by the Princess Mariana, or will you concede her claim to the throne is valid and step aside?”

  The King glared across the room at Mariana. “I will not step aside, but I am willing to forgive this outrage if she will rescind the challenge.”

  Mariana took a few step closer to her father. “Father, your powers are weakening and the First Law of Valborough is clear. ‘He who has the power shall rule.’ You no longer have the power. I won’t let you disregard the law this country was built on.”

  “This is not about the Law. This is about you wanting revenge for all the years you thought you were an Insensitive.”

  Mariana started to respond, but Orlando touched her arm. “Don’t,” he said. “He’s scared and trying to taunt you. Let the challenge decide.”

  She took a deep breath and said to Kylan, “I will not rescind the challenge.” She walked back to her supporters.

  “We should get started.” Kylan, carrying a long red staff that was taller than he was, moved to the center of the floor between the two camps. Ramone, George Evan, and the other observers joined him in the middle of the ballroom.

  “The Sensitivity challenge was created as a way to fulfill the First Law of Valborough. ‘He who has the power shall rule.’ This is the law our kingdom was built on, but it has been a hard law to follow at times. Who is to say who is the strongest? Sensitivity to the Elements determines who is noble, and strength and power determines royalty. In recent years, due to strong Sensitives bonding with other strong Sensitives, we’ve seen our Kings and Queens coming from the same family line, but it wasn’t so in the past. If a Sensitive believed he or she was stronger than the reigning King or Queen, a challenge was issued. A test of Abilities, with the winner taking the crown.”

  He bowed to the King, then to Mariana. “King Jonathan has been challenged by Princess Mariana, who believes she is the strongest Sensitive and should, therefore, be named Queen by Virtue of her Abilities.

  “A challenge for the crown has always been a serious matter because of the implied treason. In recent years, no one has stepped forward because of the immediate execution that is prescribed for a failed challenger. However, even when that was not always the case, a failed challenge always ended with a death. The death of a loved one.”

  “What?” Mariana exclaimed. “What does that mean?”

  Kylan took a deep breath. “Princess Ursula is hidden somewhere in the royal forest, bound and gagged. Several Sensitives have worked together to prepare her prison so she is safe, but only for a time. Using only your Sensitivities, you must find her and save her before the sun comes up. The first one to find her will be named Virtuous King or Queen. However, if neither of you find the Princess, she will die.”


  The challengers went to the edge of the royal forest, led by Kylan, who faced them when they’d reached their destination.

  “You can take three people with you, but they are forbidden to use their Sensitivities. George Evan will be following the King and monitoring that no one is assisting him. Gillespie, Margrave of Bertram, will follow Princess Mariana, and I will be monitoring the entire forest for random Sensitivities that would not be available to the challengers.”

  “What about Mariana?” the Queen asked. “As a Chaos Sensitive, she can use all the Abilities and therefore, anyone could help her without you knowing this.”

  Kylan nodded. “I have thought of this. The Princess will only be accompanied by commoners. The Margrave of Geindara, her husband, will remain here.”

  Mariana gasped. “Orlando can’t come with me? But…”

  “Princess, the challenge has to be conducted fairly so we know you are victorious on your own. This is to test your Abilities.”

  “It’ll be fine,” Orlando said, hugging her and kissing her cheek. “You’ll triumph. Adindira and Elnys will go with you.”

  She nodded. What Kylan said made sense, of course. She had to show her father she was stronger than he was all on her own. Still, though, she wasn’t sure she would be strong enough, emotionally, to do this without Orlando by her side.

  “I’ll go with Mariana, too,” Traren said. “You know, to make sure things are on the up and up.”

  This made her smile, which she suspected was why he said it. He patted her shoulder. “You’ll find your sister.”

  At that, Mariana’s heart pounded harder than it had been. Ursula was out there, somewhere in the forest, probably frightened. What kind of prison had Kylan and whoever helped him made for her that she was safe until sunrise? What would happen then?

  She pushed these whirling thoughts out of her head. She had to concentrate on what she had to do next.

  Kylan spoke again. “Whenever you’re ready, Your Majesty, Your Highness. I promise you, this will not be an easy challenge. May the Elements be on the side of the stronger, and may they keep the weaker safe from the dangers of the forest.”

  With that, he and Orlando walked away from the edge of the forest. Orlando looked back over at her but said nothing.

  The King and his three companions, the Queen and two of his most trusted advisors, rushed into the forest, followed by George Evan.

  Honoria and Raulin stayed with Mariana as the rest of the people went back to the palace to wait for the outcome.

  “I don’t know what to do,” Mariana said, looking at her uncle.

  “Trust the Elements, my dear.” He placed his hand on her head.

  “Fire and Water, Air and Earth, Flora and Fauna, Blood and Metal. You have blessed this daughter of yours with strength and Abilities she hasn’t begun to understand, but you have seen fit to bring her to this place. Bring her through
it victoriously, not just for herself but for all of Valborough. Keep her safe and give her wisdom and guidance.”

  He took his hand from her and kissed her forehead. “You have the Ability to win this, Mariana. I believe in you. You will be a great Queen.”

  She took a deep breath and wiped an errant tear from her cheek. “I hope you’re right.”

  Honoria embraced her. “You have already done more than you realize to make Valborough a better place. The secret of the King’s Abilities is out in the open, and the people will soon see the need to demand he leave the throne. Even without this challenge, things will soon improve.” She stepped back. “And you’ve made Orlando happy as well as helped Andreas and me find our way to start to reconcile.”

  “I am happy for that,” Mariana said. Then she spoke to her friends. “I think I need to get started. Father may have already found Ursula and all this is for nothing.”


  Mariana was tired. She and her companions had walked into the deep of the forest as she’d concentrated on feeling where Ursula was. Night in the woods was like a black cloth covering the four of them, and she was able to create a small torch from a branch and a strip of cloth from Adinira’s underskirt.

  Lighting the fabric on fire had taken longer than Mariana had expected and the effort had worn her out.

  “I don’t know how I’m going to find her,” she said after they had walked until her feet hurt. “I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do.”

  She dropped down to sit on a large rock and held her head in her hands. “I’m sure Father has found her by now anyway.”

  “Those Abilities you have must be worth something,” Traren said as he leaned against a tree. “Can’t you, I don’t know, hear her breathing or something? I mean, that’s what Air Sensitives can do, right?”


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