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Have a Heart 2

Page 3

by Rachel Burns

  This was his third year doing this crap. The first year it had been Hannah. Last year, it was Maureen, who was being a perfect angel this year and dreaming about becoming a veterinarian. But this year Jessica was his problem child. She liked to push his buttons. If he didn’t know better, he would say that she liked getting spanked.

  He knocked on her door and waited for her to open it up. First the music stopped, and then the door opened.

  “Scott, you’re back from the hospital already.” She pretended to be surprised.

  “Just in time to hear your music. Which was once again too loud. This is the fifth time this year, and I told you last time that I paddle you this time.” He couldn’t understand why she would do this. She should have learned to behave by now. The one thing that surprised him was that he had never had to spank her publicly. He had been spared that this year. The girls had taken his word for it.

  He stepped into her room and closed the door.

  Jessica stared at the paddle, worried that she had gone to far. She liked it when Scott made her get undressed, baring herself to him. Then he told her to lay herself over his strong legs. He would then lay an arm around her middle and pull her close to him.

  She wished that he was her husband, and that he would spank her every evening when he came home from work. It was her favorite daydream. She dreamed about it so much that her grades suffered, meaning more visits from him. This place was the best thing her parents had ever done for her.

  But now he was telling her that he wanted her to stand behind her chair. He wouldn’t be holding her close.

  She did as he told her, but she was disappointed as she laid her hands on the back of the chair.

  “Take three steps straight back away from the chair.”

  Jessica once again obeyed. This new position made her backside stick out. She felt incredibly sexy in this position. She pressed her thighs tightly together, putting pressure on her clitoris. Her shirt was hanging low away from her body in the front.

  Jessica looked down her body and saw that she could see the whole way down her body. She could see her legs, her pelvis, her tummy and her breasts in her bra. Her nipples were standing out with excitement, pushing against the satin fabric.

  “I think ten should cure you.” Scott let the paddle sail down on her bottom with a loud thwack.

  Jessica, who was already pressing her legs together, clenched her legs even tighter together. “Oh god,” she called out loudly.

  “I hope this helps you learn. Of all the girls here you seem to have the biggest problem adjusting. You need to learn that when I say that I will punish you, that I really will do it. And only by obeying can you avoid a sound spanking.” He let her have it seven more times while she moaned and sobbed.

  “These last two will help you remember every time you sit down.” Scott let the paddle sail down at her bottom in a wide arch that landed right on her sit spot.

  Jessica screamed out, jumping away from the chair. Her hands moved back to cover up her red bottom. Her fingers were spread widely so she could feel the heat coming off of her backside. She was still pressing her legs together, and she could hardly wait for him to leave so she could play with herself until she came, but she needed to hear him say the words that meant that he would come back.

  “Get back into position. I guess, I will be stopping by every night this week.” Scott was getting mad. This happened again and again with her. He had even offered to hold her hand, but when he did that, she rolled off of his knees. She was the worst of the worst.

  Jessica laid her hands back on the chair. She took a deep breath and squeezed her legs together will all of her might.

  Scott sighed. “If you relax, it will hurt less and bruise less.” He pitied her a little. She was obviously one of those girls who sorely needed attention.

  Her knees were shaking because her knees were pressed so tightly together. This waiting for it was turning her on too. She liked that she wasn’t in control of her pleasure. Scott let her have the last one. It wasn’t as hard as the others had been, but it did land on her cheeks low, right where her thighs started.

  “Good evening, Jessica. I’ll be seeing you tomorrow.”

  Jessica went to bed thinking that this was the world’s best school.

  Chapter 3 – Caught

  Scott heard the knock and looked up. The Dean was standing in his doorway again. “May I come in?” He smiled kindly at him.

  “Of course.” Scott stood as the Dean closed the door and came in. He sat down. “Her parents are with her. She’s awake. She will be just fine once again. Charles is doing his whole trooper routine. She managed not to roll her eyes.”

  Scott grinned, remembering.

  “The first word she said when she woke up was your name. In fact, she seemed surprised that you weren’t there. She claimed you are always there when she wakes up.”

  “Coincidence. I was there when she woke from her coma, and this summer when she passed out on her birthday.”

  The Dean nodded. “That explains it, but the odd thing was when her parents arrived, they ask where you were too. They seemed just as surprised as Brianna was that you weren’t there.”

  Scott didn’t know how to answer that. He shrugged his shoulders.

  “The truth, Scott.” The Dean waited patiently.

  “The truth is that I have very strong feelings for Brianna. I guess saving her life makes me feel very responsible for her. Her parents are also close with my parents. She is my sister’s best friend. We go to the same church. Our paths cross a lot.”

  “That’s nice. Now tell me the truth.” Again the Dean just sat there watching him and waiting. His light blue eyes seemed to be looking into Scott’s soul.

  “I love her, but she has no ideal. I won’t act on anything along those lines until she is finished with this school. I swear, my intentions are honorable. My parents know. They knew before I did.” This last bit he said to himself. “Her parents know too.”

  The Dean sighed. “I sincerely can’t let her stay on this floor.”

  “But she needs me. I take her medical problems very seriously and like I said she doesn’t know. I am not doing anything inappropriate with her. I love her enough to wait.”

  The Dean nodded. He figured that something like this was bound to happen, but why did it have to be his own godchild?

  “No one else would take better care of her.”

  The Dean recognized Scott’s desperate attempt to keep Brianna and do right by her. It was clear that Scott truly loved her. He nodded, “I’ll discuss this with her parents, but even if they want you to stay with her, consider yourself warned. She walked into this school a virgin, and she better leave it still being one.” The Dean left, shaking his head.

  He left Scott alone to think about what the consequences of his forced confession would bring with it. The idea of Brianna moving to another floor was driving him crazy. Some other man would sit on her desk chair and discuss her misdeeds with her. If he didn’t feel she had lived up to his expectations, then he would make her bare herself, and she would have to lay across his knees. Another man’s hand on his wife’s bottom. Scott felt a need to break something. His fists clenched together.

  He went to Cathy’s room. He closed and locked the door behind him. “Cathy. The Dean knows.” He had tears in his eyes. “He wants Brianna to move to another floor.” Cathy took him in her arms and held her big brother. She cried right along too.

  “Charles, Eva. I feel that we need to discuss something. I’ve just come from Mr. Greene. He has confessed that he loves your daughter.” The three of them stood out in the hallway in front of her room.

  “We know that already. He is a fine young man, and we approve of him wholeheartedly.” Charles was really fond of Scott. They talked to each other often at least every two weeks. With him the old saying that ‘he wasn’t losing a daughter but gaining a son’ was true.

  “Yes, he told me, but you have to understand that our school has very
strict rules about things like that. I can’t turn a blind eye.” Martin frowned, but his resolve was steadfast.

  Eva pushed her husband to the side and scowled. “We owe him her life. If he hadn’t been there, –” Eva saw a picture of herself standing in the cemetery in front of Brianna’s casket. “I don’t trust anyone else with my daughter. We want her to stay by him. He is taking care of her, and she has no idea. We believe him to be an honorable young man. She stays with him.” Eva flushed red.

  Charles smiled at his wife as proud as could be. Eva had been voicing complaints about them pushing Brianna and Scott together too soon, but now she was fire and flames to let them stay together.

  “Eva, I understand your concern, but all of our floor monitors have been trained in first aid. They are all capable of keeping her alive. This is just too risky. I could lose my school over something like this. This is a scandal.” Martin was shaking his head.

  Charles pushed past his wife and stood in front of him. “Martin, I swear if you do that to her, I’ll kick your ass.”

  “Charles, this isn’t back then. You can’t bully me on this,” Martin was having a hard time trying not to laugh. He remembered the last time the two of them had fought. It had been over Eva. She refused to have anything to do with either of them for weeks afterwards.

  “Martin please,” Eva stepped forward again, “I feel better knowing he is near her. I worry about her so much, but thanks to him we are relaxing a little, knowing that he is taking care of her. Please don’t take my peace of mind away from me.” She had tears in her eyes as she begged for her daughter.

  “Eva, don’t cry. I’ll think about it.”

  “No, that’s just a new worry. Now I have to worry what you will decide.” She turned to her husband and cried on his chest. “I think we should just take her home with us.” Eva was tired, and she just didn’t need any extra problems.

  “Now Eva, you don’t want to be doing anything rash. She is my godchild, and I enjoy having her here. We go to church together every Sunday. She and her little friend sit next to me. No one has done that since Mary died.” He turned away from his closest friends in the world. “Fine, she can stay, but if anything happens, no matter how tiny, I will move her out personally.”

  “Deal. Martin it’s a deal. He won’t tell her. He had already sworn that he wouldn’t, but I will talk to him again. A good fatherly warning.”

  “I’ll be warning him too.” A warning from his boss my carry more weight than one from a father who already seems to be planning their wedding.

  He went into Brianna’s room. She was coughing up blood. He called Eva in and watched as she took care of her sick child. Brianna just looked so young and small. Scott was so tall and strong. Martin would keep a very close eye on them.

  “Cathy, I want to go visit Brianna this morning after everyone is in class. Do you want me to say anything from you?” Scott asked.

  “No. I mean, yes. Tell her to get well soon. I’m just so worried that she won’t come back here. Scott I would miss her so much.”

  He smiled at his little sister and nodded. He had thought through everything last night too. If she had to go to another floor, then they would have to give her some kind of explanation. Maybe it would even speed things up for them. He longed to hold her hand and walk with her and talk with her.

  But if she did have to go to another floor, then he would threaten the other floor monitor. They would have to be told why she was being moved; he would make his position very clear. She was so good anyway.

  What could she pull anyway?

  He would get through that as well. It was just a matter of months, and Christmas was just around the corner. He would see her then, a lot. He wasn’t going to work this time around. Scott dropped his application for graduate school off and drove on to the hospital.

  Scott found her room, and he could hear her coughing from where he stood out in the hall. Her father jumped up to greet him. “She isn’t feeling well today. Maybe we could have a quick talk before you visit her, son?”

  Scott was shaken by the sound of her coughing. It was so much worse than yesterday. He slowly turned to go with her father. “She isn’t alone, is she?” His eyes remained on her door.

  “Her mother is with her. Eva is taking good care of her, but it is a full blown lung infection now. Brianna isn’t even putting up a fuss anymore. She is doing exactly as she is being told. That is something that she hasn’t been doing at all lately, as you know.” He waited for the elevator.

  The doors opened, and the Dean stood in front of them. “Brianna can’t have visitors at the moment. We are going to the cafeteria to talk. Care to join us.” Charles was looking forward to this powwow. He and Scott stepped into the elevator.

  They all got themselves a cup of coffee and then sat down at the table. The Dean was the first to speak. “I spoke with Mr. and Mrs. Banks, they were both very adamant that Brianna should stay on the floor with you. They are both very thankful that you saved Brianna’s life back then. I hope you will live up to their trust.”

  “Of course I will. I have no intention of hurting her in any way. She is completely in the dark, and she will stay that way until summer vacation,” Scott replied.

  “We have the utmost faith in him. He has always had her best interests at heart. But we have a more pressing problem. Brianna is really sick. She will be in here at least another week. Is there anyway she can make up school and not fall behind again. She needs the grades from this semester to send to her next college. What can you do, Martin?”

  “She can repeat the trimester, of course. This is a very special case. An exception could be made.” Martin liked that idea. He could keep her a bit longer that way.

  “Martin, that can’t be an option. Besides, Scott can’t put off going to grad school any longer. He should be there now, but the idea of another man laying his future wife over their knees just made him too sick.” Charles was staring very seriously at Martin.

  Scott was turning red with embarrassment. He had never told anyone that, but it was true, the idea disgusted him.

  “Fine, I’ll talk to her teachers. What kind of grades has she had up until now?” He looked at Scott.

  “She’s perfect, straight A’s in all of her classes.” He wanted her to have a fair chance. She had worked so hard. “She takes school very seriously. She doesn’t deserve to be knocked down again. Missing that trimester last year hurt her personally. She is eager to prove herself. She would use a second chance wisely.”

  The Dean was impressed with how Scott spoke of Brianna. He thought of her as a smart woman. Maybe he was the best thing for her. “I’ll see what I can do, but she will move on normally, even if I have to test her myself.”

  Charles smiled at his friend. “I knew you had it in you, Martin.”

  “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean? I have always had her best interests at heart.” Martin and Charles did end up relaxing. They told Scott about their old college days, and that they had both been interested in Eva.

  Scott couldn’t believe that the Dean could be anything other than stuffy and proper. He didn’t say that aloud. He was even having fun talking to them. They were both lawyers. They gave him suggestions about which classes he should take. He told them that he had just sent off his application for Birmingham Law. Then he looked at his watch. He wanted to see Brianna.

  Once he was gone, Charles leaned into his friend. “He is already accepted.”

  “What did you do?”

  “I played golf.” He gave his friend an innocent look. “Don’t give me that look. That is how we got in too. Lots of young men apply and lots have the best of grades. I just made sure that he was one of the ones who got their rightful place.”

  “What if it doesn’t work out between the two of them? She has yet to say yes.” Martin kind of liked the idea that Brianna could still foil all of their plans.

  “He saved her life. I owe him everything. Plus I like him, and Brianna is drawn to him
. He was able to wake her up out of a coma just by holding her hand. I’ve watched them together. They are even the talk of the town.”


  “They went to the coffeehouse together once this summer. They apparently acted like an old married couple. People ask us all the time when the two of them are going to get married. Everybody but Brianna knows. She must feel something for him. She watches him when she thinks that no one is looking.”

  “I hope you’re right, or it will break his heart.”

  Scott knocked on her door. Her mother opened it and smiled at him, but she looked dead tired. He saw the extra bed that had been made up in Brianna’s room. He was guessing that Mrs. Banks was staying here. “Did I wake you?”

  “That’s fine. I have to get something to eat anyway. Can you stay with her until I get back?”

  “Of course.” He laid a hand on her shoulder.

  “I’ll hurry, but when she coughs, blood sometimes comes up too. She is really weak.” Eva slowly walked away. She was dead on her feet, but she needed to keep going for her daughter, so she would.

  Scott went to Brianna and kissed her on the forehead. This seemed like routine already. He pulled up a chair and sat down and took her little hand in his.

  He listened to her heavy breathing and worried about their later life together. She would be sick a lot then too.

  Did it pay to spank her when her life was filled with so much pain anyway? He thought back to how he felt as he waited for her to show that one afternoon last spring. He wouldn’t be able to help himself. If she endangered herself, he would take her in hand.

  Scott looked at her hand, picturing himself slipping a ring on her finger. He gave himself a shake. He was acting like a little lovesick girl. What was wrong with him? The problem was he had finally figured out what he wanted to do with his life. He wanted to get started with it, with her at his side.


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