War of the Innocents

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War of the Innocents Page 31

by Michelle Breon

  Angel shook her head. “I’ll answer and then we are done. That was two questions.” She smiled at him reassuringly and he uncovered the microphone.

  “We all die sometime, Mr. Daily. Killing me may upset my people and my friends here on Earth, but someone else will merely take my place and life will go on. The Peace Talks will go on without me. Killing me accomplishes little, so I ask you, why should I fear death.”

  Dr. Williams turned off her microphone and escorted her from the room, ignoring the barrage of camera flashes and questions.

  Mischka and Jason followed. Once the door to their preparation room closed, Mischka pulled her in for a hug. “You did well, rosso coch.”

  Jason and Dr. Williams crossed to her. “You handled the press better than I expected,” Jason admitted. Dr. Williams agreed.

  Detective James came over. “Let’s get you out of that body armor now. I expect that it is chaffing a bit.”

  Her grandfather relinquished her and turned to talk to Jason.

  “Well done,” Detective James said softly as he called the female detective over. “You’ve faced their rude questions before?”

  Angel shook her head. “Twas my first time speaking publicly here.”

  He whistled softly. “Couldn’t tell it. She will help you remove the jacket,” he said indicating the other detective.

  Dr. Williams left with Jason to ensure all the press left the hospital and the route to the CCU was clear. Several minutes later, they returned and escorted her back to Nik’s room.

  Gillian and Mary both hugged her, then left the room to give Nik the few minutes he had requested alone with her.

  “Impressive. A couple of times you reminded me of the President.”

  “She probably would have done better. That last question wasn’t one I expected. Dr. Williams said I could refuse to answer it, but I wanted to. I mean, why try to kill me when I’m not the problem or even part of the solution, just a hopeful bystander.” Doubt crowded into her thoughts. Could Nik be part of some conspiracy plot? She forced those thoughts aside and smiled tightly.

  Nik could think of several reasons, but chose to let her enjoy the moment rather than bring her down with the darker side of the universe. He noted the odd smile and decided to distract her from the harsher questions. “So how many questions did your uncle give to Ryan?”

  “Several. But I asked Ryan to ask the first one about the war. I wanted everyone to know where we stand. I’m just glad he is on our side.” She waved away the rest of the conversation. “Enough on the press conference. How are you feeling?”

  “Better than yesterday. I think I’ll live,” he commented dryly. “Do me a favor though? Until I am well, no public appearances or meetings? Stay with your aunt and uncle, not at the hotel. I cannot protect you and you would feel even worse if Mischka or Andrei were injured.”

  “If I can, I will. Let’s focus on getting you well.”

  Mary poked her head in then. “Is anyone hungry for lunch?”

  The next several days fell into a pattern. Angel and her family spent all day at the hospital with Nik and all night at Jason’s apartment. Jason returned to the university when he had to and maintained a silent watch over Nik, conferring with Dr. Williams on Nik’s prognosis and recovery. Nik slept lightly and frequently during the day and continued to refuse the sleeping medications for the night. Daily his condition improved until he was finally able to stand and walk a short distance on his own. Dr. Williams reduced his condition to stable and transferred him to a normal room. The media left the hospital alone, though Ryan stopped by once to check up.

  “What, no recorder?” Gillian teased.

  Unabashed, Ryan pulled out his small pocket recorder. “I’m never without a recorder. However, it is turned off at the moment. I’m just here as a friend, not as a reporter.” He grinned. “Unless the Cerato wishes to give another statement.”

  Angel laughed and said no. “How is the book coming?”

  “I gave Dr. DeWitt the rough draft yesterday.” He turned to Gillian. “You may want to read it as well, to ensure that I have Llanelyn represented correctly. I’m still working with the Chancellor on his story.”

  “Jason already told me as much. I’m glad you decided to join the Task Force.”

  “General Peterson can be very persuasive.”

  Alone in bed at night, Angel analyzed Nik’s recent actions. Nothing added up. Secret meetings at night. Obviously training due to the soreness he exhibited at times, but Pieter did not seem affected by the same training. How had he seen behind where she had stood? But she also remembered the look in his eyes after Ian’s last lesson. And he had taken the shot meant for her. Why would he protect her if he was part of a plot to kill her? Maybe she should not confide in Nik for everything, until she was sure of his loyalty. But then why did he take the shot? Torn between suspicion and love, she tried to push the questions aside, but slept fitfully.

  Nine days after the shooting, Dr. Williams agreed that Nik was well enough to continue healing away from the hospital. “He may have problems with the transporter, so I recommend staying on Earth a few more days. I will send my full notes to his doctor so that he does not have to come back here for checkups on his progress. However,” he frowned as he continued, “it will still take some time before Nik can resume the physically straining duties of a bodyguard. Do not rush the healing process or you may jeopardize a full recovery. Do you understand?” He looked pointedly from Nik to Angel.

  “Aiy,” Nik agreed reluctantly.

  “Yes, doctor. Thank you for everything you’ve done for Nik.” Angel grinned. “And thank you for putting up with the rest of us.”

  “Yes well, I had little choice. I will release Nik today as soon as all the paperwork is processed.”

  After several days of recuperation at Jason’s apartment, Nik wanted to go home. The daily vidphone call to his parents had alleviated only some of their concern. Andrei transported in to escort Mary home. Morgan took time off to spend with Gillian and Angel. Their vidphone shopping excursions at least broke the tedium of sitting quietly.

  In the evenings, Angel used the vidphone to check the news headlines to keep current. She noted the many stories on the reported conspiracy. Could Nik actually have been part of some conspiracy? What else would explain his disappearances and new tech?

  Jason finally agreed that Nik was strong enough to handle the transporter. He borrowed a wheelchair from the hospital and they waited until almost midnight to head to the transporter at the university. Nik grumbled about the wheelchair but relented when Jason reminded him of the distance.

  As Nik left the security of the apartment building, three men stepped out of the shadows momentarily, each tapping their lapel pins with two fingers on their left hand, and disappearing back into the shadows. No one but Nik noticed Ethan’s men and their salute.

  Morgan accompanied them to the transporter. Good byes were said and hugs given between the group. Mischka transported first, followed by Angel, then Nik. Gillian would be last, as usual.

  Gillian helped Nik to stand up, supporting him until he was stable.

  “Get well Nik,” Morgan said, then hugged Nik as she whispered, “thank you for saving Angel.”

  Nik merely nodded in response.

  Jason shook his hand. “Get well. We will see you back here with Angel soon enough.”

  Gillian helped Nik onto the transport pad, then backed off. Nik signaled the operator and disappeared.

  Gillian turned to Morgan and Jason. “I’ll let you know how he is doing. Dr. Trakus has promised to oversee his recovery.”

  “See you soon, sis,” Morgan said.

  Gillian stepped onto the transporter pad and signaled the operator. Jason and Morgan disappeared to be replaced by Mischka, Angel, and Nik. She noted that Nik was still standing and hoped he had the strength to manage the remaining jumps.

  Chapter 17

  Renewed Vigilance

  The final transporter left Nik fee
ling weak. He sat down on the transporter pad. Angel hurried to him. “I’m fine, just a bit dizzy.”

  Dr. Trakus motioned the rolling bed forward. “I’ll be the judge of that.” Nik knew better than to argue. As Gillian arrived, Mischka and Tashi helped Nik onto the bed, cinching the safety straps down loosely.

  “Tis just precautionary,” Mary said. “Besides, the bed rolls easier than carrying you will feel.”

  “Mi madret will worry if she sees me like this.”

  “Speaking as a mother, she will worry more if you fall down at her feet.”

  Nik’s parents met them at the hospital. Gillian explained the precaution to his parents before they could ask questions, allowing Nik time to compose himself. Angel held back to allow his mother access.

  Once at the hospital and settled into a room, Dr. Trakus forced everyone to leave the room, except Nik.

  “Alright, now that your audience is gone, let’s talk plainly. I have read everything sent to me by Dr. Williams. Truth be told, you are lucky to be alive, let alone able to walk. He warned me that the transporter could affect you because of the damage to your heart. Now, how do you really feel?”

  Nik explained what hurt and Dr. Trakus examined him thoroughly. “Tis mostly just the scar tissue that is pulling oddly then,” Dr. Trakus said. “As you heal, I have ways to help with that. However, until I say so, you will not be training with Tashi or any of the other Apaugallas and you will not be traveling off planet via the transporter.”

  “Tis my job to guard the Cerato,” Nik growled.

  “Not for several weeks. They will find someone else. I want to keep you here overnight for observation, but I think you can rest at home after that. I will arrange for a hovercraft to take you home tomorrow. At home, do not stay sitting, but do not over exert in walking either. Eat small light meals several times a day until you can handle more. You will probably sleep often, but not well.”

  “I’ll manage,” Nik said. “Please do not tell mi famiglia the severity of my injuries. Or Angel for that matter.”

  Dr. Trakus shook his head sadly. “They deserve to know the truth, but as you wish. You will need to come here every few days for a checkup, first by the hovercraft, then you may walk when I say your heart is strong enough.” He paused to assess his patient. “Do we have an agreement?”

  “Aiy,” Nik said grimly.

  Dr. Trakus opened the door and allowed both Nik’s family and Angel’s family to come inside the room, including Tashi. “Nik will recover given time and rest. I wish to keep him overnight for observation but I expect that I can let him rest at home starting tomorrow.” He turned to Angel, glancing at Mischka and Tashi as he spoke. “Cerato, you will need to find other bodyguards for a time. Nik cannot handle the transporter for several weeks. He also cannot train until his injuries have healed more. It depends on him really, but expect up to four months of recovery followed by light training before he can resume his duties.”

  As those three nodded, he turned to Nik’s mother. “Nik will need to rest at home. He will need to take short walks around the house and may sleep many hours for the next few days. As he heals, he will sleep less and be able to do more. He should also eat many, small light meals.” She nodded in agreement.

  “Does anyone have any questions?”

  No one moved.

  “Very well. Nik knows what he is supposed to do and when he is supposed to come see me.” He looked around the room once, making eye contact with each person, leaving Nik for last. When the younger man nodded, the doctor left the room.

  As his mother hovered near Nik’s bed, Angel excused herself to allow him some time with his family. Mischka, Gillian, Mary, and Tashi followed her out.

  Nik explained what had happened to his parents as gently as he could, downplaying the severity as much as he thought they would believe.

  “Why must you do this job?” his father asked.

  “Because the Gods asked me to.” He told them about the dreams he had before the ascension and his more recent ones. “Tis where I am supposed to be.”

  When his father started to protest further, his mother laid a hand on his arm. “Nik cannot go against the wishes of the Gods,” she said softly. Worried as she was, she had also seen a connection between Nik and Angel and the way his eyes softened when he spoke of Angel.

  His mother changed the subject and they talked on local and family matters for several minutes until Nik’s eyes drooped with a sleepiness he could not fight long. His mother gave him a hug and kiss on the cheek. “Get well soon.”

  His father wished him a good night and left, clearly still not content with his choice of guilds.

  Once they had left, Nik shook off the sleepiness and accessed the vidphone to call Angel. “We need to talk.”

  “Aiy. I’ll be there soon.”

  When she arrived, she closed the door behind her. “How are you feeling?” She pulled a chair up near the bed instead of perching on the edge of the bed as she had on Earth.

  “I’ll be fine in a few days. However, you will probably need to travel to Earth sooner than the doctors will allow me to travel. Have you seen Torvuld or Brok lately?”

  “No, mostly Kira and Sirvana. Sirvana mentioned that Torvuld is more sad and withdrawn than ever. Why do you ask?”

  “I want a team with you from now on, especially if I can’t be there. I think Torvuld would like what I do, Brok might, as might Sirvana. Would you ask the others to come and visit me here tonight? I’ll talk to them.”

  “Won’t they have to switch Guilds?”

  “Technically. But if they are not content with where they are, this may be a welcome change, especially for Torvuld. He really wanted Apaugalla, but was pressured into Data Center by his mother.”

  “Aiy, Nik. I’ll ask them all. I think you could use the company as well.”

  “Aiy. I spent too many hours in that hospital room alone, after the doctor forced you to leave.”

  Angel headed for the door. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  Nik wondered about her hesitancy to approach him until he drifted into a light, healing sleep. The dark circles under her eyes told him she was not sleeping well, yet she had not confided anything to him since the press conference. Something was wrong.

  Two hours later Angel returned with several of their friends. Torvuld, Brok, and his cousin Tork had arrived minutes earlier, waking Nik up as they entered the room.

  After some good natured teasing from his friends, Nik turned to Angel. “Please let me talk to them alone.”

  She started to protest, then simply nodded and left. Sirvana would tell her everything later anyway.

  “What’s up Nik?” asked Torvuld.

  “I need your help. I can’t travel for several weeks and Angel must be protected at all costs. While I could let Elder Mischka pick replacements, Angel does not want that. She wants her friends with her. Would anyone like to switch Guilds to become an Apaugalla?” Nik looked directly at Torvuld.

  No one moved.

  Nik sighed. He had expected this. “Aiy, I was shot by a laser while protecting her. But I twas one against many. I want a team. At least three and preferably five, with Angel at all times. Aiy, this is dangerous work.

  “However, I’ve seen people and places that are unlike here. I’ve met some very nice people of other races and planets and count them as my friends as well. And I know much more now than twas ever taught at school.”

  “But why should we risk our lives?”

  “You’ve heard by now how our people came to be here?” At everyone’s confirming nod, Nik continued. “What you don’t know is that there is a sister planet to us. A nearby planet deliberately inflicted the Sleeping Sickness on the population of our sister in order to conquer that planet, enslave the people, and force them to strip the planet of its natural resources until it is a wasteland that will not support life. That planet is almost a twin to ours. Angel’s task is to protect Llanelyn by preventing a war, liberating the sister
planet, and thereby preventing that same aggressive planet from attacking us with their weapon that causes the Sleeping Sickness. If she fails, everyone here could be enslaved and our way of life would vanish forever. Is that a better alternative?”

  The friends looked at one another.

  Sirvana spoke for them. “Surely you jest with us. We’ve not heard any of this.”

  “Nor would you have. Think of the panic in our families if this were known. Then scale that to all villages.”

  Nik looked again to Torvuld. “If you are happy with your Guild choice, then I understand. The travel tis not for everyone. But if not, if you want to see marvels outside our world and if you value the lives of everyone here, join me.”

  Torvuld considered his options. To continue in the dark underground Data Center sounded boring. To travel and protect his friends, family, people, and planet sound much more interesting. To be inside, to know the secrets, and to work on finding the secrets, that sounded enjoyable. His decision made, he looked at the others, then turned to Nik. “Aiy Nik. Count me in. Though mi madret will not be happy, I cannot stay in Data Center any longer. Dark rooms underground watching lights blink is not for me.”

  Sirvana chimed in. “I always did like to fight as the underdog.”

  Brok agreed as well, followed by his cousin Tork.

  Kira shook her head. “I have no desire to leave here.”

  Petra, Lurana and Hichaam agreed with her.

  Gunther spoke last. “Tis why you are not in Agriculture?” At Nik’s nod, he whistled sharply. “Tis not for me. While I would not mind seeing other places, I have no desire to be indoors all day. I need the sun and the wind.”

  Nik sympathized. “I felt the same. But the dreams the Gods sent me told me that my path lay elsewhere.” He explained the dreams in more detail to them than he had told anyone else. “Some parts have already come to pass. Some have not.”

  But Gunther still refused.

  “Tis fine. If I had not had the dreams, I’d still be in Agriculture. I do ask one thing of all of you though. Do not tell Angel or anyone else what I have said. She knows not of my dreams, though she knows everything I told you about her task.” He looked at each friend, waiting until they all had agreed.


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