War of the Innocents

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War of the Innocents Page 32

by Michelle Breon

  Nik turned to the four who had agreed. “I will let Elders Tashi and Mischka know. I also have a friend on Earth who is willing to train you. Tashi may or may not object, but I will handle that. For now, until I let you know when training can start, please do not tell anyone anything.”

  Torvuld grinned. “Meaning you haven’t told them yet of your plan.”

  Nik agreed. “I did not want them to talk to you. I wanted to do that. They do not know the full extent of what she faces daily, nor do I want them to.”

  A knock sounded on the door and Angel poked her head in. “Are you about done? It’s lonely out here.”

  Nik forced a smile. “Aiy Angel, you may come in now.”

  They all changed the topic to recent happenings and family matters, teasing each other as they always had. As Nik began to yawn frequently, they all decided it was time to leave and let him rest.

  Angel was the last one out. “Will you at least tell me how the discussion went?”

  “Torvuld, Brok, Tork, and Sirvana agreed, as I thought they might. Would you mind telling Tashi that I need to speak with him?”

  “You should rest.”

  “I will until he gets here and after he leaves.”

  Angel merely nodded, refraining from kissing him on the cheek as she had on Earth. “I’ll come with a hovercraft to pick you up tomorrow.”

  “Danku.” Her continued distance concerned him. She also had not told him anything recently from the diplomatic circles nor come near enough to touch him. Something was definitely troubling her. Did she no longer trust him? He pushed aside that troubling thought and tried to sleep again.

  Angel left and used a vidphone to call Tashi, passing on Nik’s request quickly. Tashi agreed to come tonight as soon as supper was over.

  Nik awoke when Tashi arrived. He briefly explained his plan to Tashi.

  “Angel must travel in two weeks. You want me to train four new guards in two weeks?”

  Why had Angel not told him it would be that soon? “No. I want you to train them for a couple of days. I have a friend on Earth who has been training me. He will take over as soon as he arrives.”

  Tashi’s eyes narrowed at the thought of an offworlder being allowed into the Training Center. Before he could voice his objection, Nik explained all that Ethan had taught him. “Your training was easy compared to what Ethan has put me through.”

  “Does Mischka know of this?”


  “Does Angel?”

  “Minimally. She knows I am training on Earth, but tis all.”

  “You think his ways are better than ours?”

  Nik knew he must tread carefully. “Not better, more diverse and immersive. Tis Angel’s safety that matters, aiy? You already have your hands full with my class of trainees. To have to start over with four new ones will put everyone behind. Ethan can work separately with them, leaving you to continue to train our people. But they will learn the skills they need to deal with Earth. Skills that they can teach the others.”

  “Mischka and Andrei will go with her next time,” Tashi stated flatly.

  “And she would be in this bed instead of me. I know their skills. Ethan taught me things they do not know. I also know that neither would have been fast enough to have prevented Angel from being at least wounded by the laser. And if they had, how do you think Gillian and Angel would have felt if neither had been strong enough to recover?” Nik shook his head emphatically. “I want to only risk Angel’s friends, not her family. And since she did not like most of the Apaugallas that Mischka deliberately picked to volunteer as her tour escort so that she would choose Andrei, she will not accept any of them either. Aiy, she caught on to her grandfather’s game. And there tis one more problem.” Nik explained Cecelia and Angel’s new friends. “Having her friends from home will keep her from going out with that crowd to places even Ian did not trust.”

  Tashi shook his head. “Tis foolish of her. You win this time. I will allow your friend to come and train the new team. But know that I will watch him closely.”

  “Aiy. As I expected that you would. Learn what he does and adapt it to what we need.”

  Chapter 18

  Trust in the Goodness

  The nurse awoke Nik to deliver breakfast. “Eat before it gets cold,” she said as she whisked the lids off the plate of steaming crepes. Several fruit conserves lined the edge of the tray for him to choose from, along with several pieces of fruit.

  “Danku,” he said as he picked up the fork. After the hospital food and Mary’s cold breakfasts on Earth, the steaming crepes tasted like heaven. Nik slowly ate as he watched the nurse bustle about the room laying out the clothes his mother had brought the day before.

  Finished, Nik pushed the plate away, saving the whole fruit for a snack later.

  “Would you like more?”

  “No, danku. I cannot eat too much.”

  She took the tray and left the room, leaving Nik to his thoughts. Why had Angel been distant the last few days? Why had she not told him she had to leave in two weeks? He needed to know what was happening so that he could protect her and help the team to understand what they would be facing soon. He recalled that the doctor had requested a hovercraft and that Angel would bring it. A planned formed to get Angel alone for at least a few minutes before he went home and would be under the watchful eye of his mother. He called Angel and asked her to come earlier than the doctor had originally stated. She agreed, reluctantly.

  Angel arrived in a hovercraft at the time Nik had requested. He was already up and dressed when she reached his room. “Goesh taggen. Should you be up so soon?”

  “Aiy. I cannot stay in that bed any longer. Please get the doctor for me.”

  Concerned that Nik was pushing himself too much, Angel left quickly to find Dr. Trakus.

  Dr. Trakus was not surprised that Nik was already up. That he had remained in a bed this long was surprising. To ease Angel’s concerns, he walked with her to Nik’s room.

  Angel stood beside Dr. Trakus as he talked to Nik. “Ready to leave early I see.”

  “Dr. Trakus, I told the family that I would be home at two, but aiy, I’m leaving now. Tis something that I must take care of before I get home. Do not tell them.”

  Dr. Trakus nodded. “You still can’t travel off planet for several weeks.”

  Nik frowned but nodded. He stood and walked outside to the waiting hovercraft. “I’m driving.”

  “Are you sure?”


  Angel quietly settled into the passenger seat, wondering if this was sensible. With all the rumors about Nik being part of an assassination conspiracy, she wondered if she could trust him.

  Nik piloted the hovercraft out of town, towards the lake. He had to find out what was troubling Angel. She had stopped talking to him and he wanted to know why. He activated the sound shield as soon as he could.

  Angel noticed that he turned the pen in his pocket. Could he be signaling their location? But why would he want to kill her?

  They reached the lake and Nik parked the hovercraft. “Follow me, please.” He chaffed at the fact that he could not help her out, but he did not know if anyone was watching. It simply was not worth the risk.

  Nik was too businesslike and not himself. What if the rumors were true? She had not been alone with him much out of sight of others since the shooting. This would be the first chance he would have to finish the job. But this was Nik. If he was part of the conspiracy, why did he take the shot intended for her? Nothing seemed to fit. She pushed the rumors aside and left the security of the hovercraft.

  Nik pulled the life sign detector from his pocket and activated it. Nothing except the usual wildlife. He reached the spot he was looking for and set the device on a tree stump, then leaned back against a tree crossing his arms over his chest. He noticed Angel had not come close.

  “Ok, Nik. What’s up?

  “I was going to ask you that. Tell me what’s going on.”

g much.”

  “Angel, you’re hiding things from me. I need to know what’s happening out there so that I know what to be prepared for.”

  “I’m hiding things from you? What about what you’re hiding from me?”

  “What am I hiding?”

  “Nik, there are many people that think you’re part of some conspiracy to kill me and the Chancellor.”

  “And you believe them?”

  “What else can I believe? You were acting strangely several weeks before the incident. Disappearing at odd times for several hours or all night. You have several new friends and all these new gadgets,” she said as she indicated both the sound barrier and the life sign detector. “You won’t tell me what’s going on with you, so what else can I think?”

  “So now you don’t trust me?”

  Angel sighed, but held her ground. “No,” she said flatly. “Tell me what’s going on.”

  “I can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Aike Angel, I can’t.”

  “Then there is nothing more I will tell you.” Angel crossed her arms in a good imitation of Mischka and waited to see what he would do if she did not cooperate.

  After several minutes of staring at each other, Nik caved. “Alright, you win. But this goes no further than this area, understood?”

  Angel nodded.

  And Nik explained everything he knew about Ethan, his organization, and the messages passed to him the day of the shooting. “Aiy, I knew you were the target, but twas all. That conspiracy theory is probably because no one could see what I saw.”

  “But if Ethan wanted to help you, why didn't you have a protective jacket like they made me wear at the press conference?”

  “I was wearing it.”

  Angel thought back to that day. “So that's what that was. It was so different than the one I had to wear during the press conference.”

  Nik nodded. “The one I had was designed to hide from you and didn't offer as extensive protection. No longer. The team will have the full coverage ones. Including one for you, if you will wear it. Ethan is bringing them when he comes here to train the team.”

  “It was so uncomfortable.”

  Nik could tell she still was not convinced. “So what does your instinct tell you about Ethan?”

  Angel thought for a moment. “That he's dangerous.”

  Nik smiled grimly. “He is. In more ways than you can imagine. But not to you and me.”

  They talked on about Ethan for a few minutes before Angel fell silent. Finally, Nik could not wait any longer. “So, do you trust me?”

  “Aiy, Nik. I always have.”

  “Goesh. Then we should head home.” He stood and collected his scanner. As he neared Angel, he could not resist any longer. “But before we leave, tis one more thing.” He stepped up to her and took her in his arms, loving the way she felt so right. Without pausing to think about the consequences, he lowered his lips to hers, gently persuading her to return his salute.

  Surprised, Angel kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. Finally he released her lips and she nestled her face into the crook of his neck. “Angel, amourité,” he whispered.

  “Amourité,” she whispered back. “At the hospital I was afraid of losing you and not being able to tell you.”

  “I know.” He caressed her hair and her back, wishing they could stay like this forever. After several minutes, he pushed her back. “But no one must know.”

  “Aiy, Nik.”

  He kissed her gently once more, then pushed her away. “Let’s go home.” He waited until they were in the hovercraft before he spoke again. “And because you have forgotten, I’ll delete the camera footage from your grandmother’s cameras around the lake for the past half hour. Tis why I chose that place.”

  “I forgot about those.” She fell silent until she saw the village on the horizon. “Nik, did you know about the conspiracy theory?”

  “Aiy. Ethan told me when he visited me in the hospital.”

  Neither said another word until they arrived at Nik’s house. His parents came out quickly and his mother fussed over him as she led him inside.

  “I’ll leave the hovercraft here in case Nik needs it,” Angel said.

  His father nodded, frowning.

  “If Nik needs anything . . . .” Angel’s voice trailed off as his frown deepened.

  “We will take care of him now,” his father growled out before turning away from her to enter his house and slam the door.

  Angel kept her head up as she walked away, eyes bright with unshed tears. His father had every right to be angry at her, since she had caused Nik to be injured. That only added to her guilt.

  Later that day Nik finally got a few minutes alone at home to put Ethan’s data crystal into the vidphone. He watched as it connected to a transponder, sent an encrypted message and disconnected. Nik removed the crystal, tucking it into a pocket for safekeeping.

  The collector program on the main computer woke up, sent the encrypted transmission, updated itself with a newer version, then went back to sleep.

  The next morning, Nik checked the vidphone and decoded the message. Ethan Jones would arrive tomorrow morning. Nik recognized the name as a pseudonym. He doubted that was Ethan’s real last name.

  The following morning, Nik took the hovercraft to the transporter chamber to meet Ethan. The operator indicated they had visitors coming through, but they were being held at Tuttenrock until they could be confirmed. Nik told him to send to Tuttenrock that the Cerato was expecting the visitors and to send them through, provided one was named Ethan Jones. The operator relayed the message.

  Ethan arrived first and greeted Nik. “Nice watchdogs.”

  Not sure how Ethan knew, Nik merely stated, “We had some mercs try to come in once. Tuttenrock caught them. I for one appreciate their efforts.”

  Ethan chuckled as the last of his three operatives arrived. “Lead on. This is your domain.”

  Nik led them to the waiting hovercraft. “Doctor’s orders for me,” he said, indicating the hovercraft.

  Ethan sat up front and the other three squeezed into the back seat. Before they started, Nik turned to Ethan. “While I trust you to not delve into sensitive areas, our head trainer does not. I ask that you consider this before you try anything here.”

  Ethan laughed. “We are here only to train your new team. Nothing else.”

  The three operatives in the back mumbled their agreement.

  Satisfied, Nik piloted the hovercraft the short distance to the two-story hotel. “You will be staying here, but I would prefer to show you the Training Center first.” When Ethan nodded, Nik turned and piloted the hovercraft to the Apaugalla Training Center.

  Ethan glanced around at the simple sandstone buildings and plainly dressed people. The pastoral setting reminded him of the pictures in the ancient history books regarding the quiet, country life of the American frontier settlers. He could see the plow beasts in a distant field, reminiscent of the bygone days before tech had made such manual labor unnecessary. He agreed with the many traveler comments, a quiet place to relax but not a place to live unless you enjoyed hard labor.

  Mischka, Tashi, and Angel met Ethan and his operatives at the Training Center, along with Torvuld, Brok, Tork, and Sirvana. Nik introduced Ethan and Ethan introduced his men. Ethan kept his face impassive though he recognized Mischka. He knew without looking that the big empty room had been cleared of anything they did not want him to see.

  “First, I need to see what we have to work with.” Ethan turned to the team. “Show me what you know.”

  They paired off on the thick padded rugs of the training areas and began hand-to-hand sparring. Ethan remained silent for several minutes before turning to Tashi. “How long have they been training?”

  “Two days. They are still rough, but they are coming along nicely,” Tashi replied.

  Nik detected the note of arrogance in Tashi’s voice and saw Ethan’s small smile. He asked Mischka for a
chair. The next few minutes should be highly entertaining.

  Ethan turned to Tashi. “You are the head trainer, correct?” At Tashi’s nod, he continued smoothly. “Care to show me what you know?”

  Tashi’s eyes narrowed speculatively. He called for the team to stop and offered the floor to Ethan. The two faced off on one of the padded fight areas as Mischka set a chair down behind Nik.

  “Sit,” he ordered quietly.

  Tashi circled Ethan once, sizing up the younger man. Suddenly he feinted with a punch and followed that immediately with a series of kicks at Ethan’s head and ribs.

  Ethan ducked all until he chose to strike hard at Tashi’s inner thigh during a kick.

  Tashi dropped the leg to the ground and limped a couple of steps to shake off the blow. Then he motioned for Ethan to attack.

  Ethan threw a punch at Tashi’s midsection that Tashi blocked easily, followed by another hard strike to the injured leg and a kick to Tashi’s ribs.

  Stunned by the blow to the leg, Tashi only half blocked the kick.

  Angel averted her eyes and leaned down to Nik to whisper. “Tis not going to end well for Uncle Tashi, aiy?”


  The two combatants exchanged another series of blows and then another.

  Tashi wiped the blood off his lip. Limping, he tried another unsuccessful kick, only to find himself flat on his back on the floor, the wind knocked out of him from Ethan’s kick to his diaphragm. Tashi gasped for air, finally managing to calm the muscle spasms enough to inhale once, twice.

  Ethan offered a hand to Tashi to help him stand up. Winded and sore, Tashi accepted the help grudgingly.

  Ethan straightened the cuffs of his shirt with a firm tug, dusted off his pants, and crossed to Angel. As he spoke, he glanced from her to Mischka and Tashi. “Cerato, this is what I do. I train the best security personnel. I’ve been training Nik since your first visit to The Zanzi, but recent events indicate you need a team. Will you allow me to train your security team now?”


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