War of the Innocents

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War of the Innocents Page 33

by Michelle Breon

  Angel looked to Mischka and Tashi, who both nodded. “Yes. Though I do have to ask, what will this cost us?”

  Ethan smiled. “I know everything about Llanelyn that has been in the news. The hotel rooms and food while we are here will be sufficient.” He turned to Tashi. “You were a challenge, but I know more fighting styles than you do. If you want to watch or have any of your other top trainees watch, that would be fine. But too many and it will slow us down.”

  Tashi nodded.

  Ethan signaled his men and they paired off with Brok, Torvuld, and Tork, leaving Sirvana for him. Ethan turned to Sirvana. “How close are you to the Cerato?”

  “We are good friends,” Sirvana said, as Angel nodded in agreement.

  “Good. Off-planet you will become inseparable. Wherever she goes, you go. You will need to train in your normal daily clothes. And you will need to train harder than the others, for while they will be in a group to defend your Cerato, you may be alone. For you will be her security guard in disguise as her personal assistant. Any concerns with that?”

  Sirvana shook her head.

  Ethan indicated a padded fight area in a corner that was unoccupied by the others. “I will join you there.”

  As Sirvana left, he turned to Angel. “Cerato, I must ask that you leave now.”

  “Why? I want to watch.”

  “You want to watch me hurt your friends,” he stated, then shook his head. “I highly doubt that. And I guarantee that they will get hurt. They will be bruised, sore and tired. Do you really want to watch that?”

  Angel thought back to Nik’s initial training and soreness. “No, I guess not.”

  “I didn’t think so. However, I would like to have a daily meeting with everyone here before your evening meal, you included.”

  Angel agreed to attend and left the building.

  Ethan turned to Mischka and Tashi. “Nik will explain our training as we go along. You are free to watch anything, but please do not interfere.”

  Once both nodded, he turned away and crossed the room to Sirvana.

  Mischka chuckled mirthlessly. “Arrogant, isn’t he?”

  “Aiy,” Nik agreed. “But good at what he does.”

  Angel returned that evening to the Training Center. Torvuld sported a black eye and Brok a split lip. Both grinned from ear to ear. Tork looked exhausted. Sirvana was pale, but Angel noted the determined gleam in her eyes.

  Once everyone had gathered around Nik’s chair, Ethan ran down their status and outlined the individualized training plan for each.

  “This will be your only evening off. For the next seven days, you will take every meal here and will sleep here. You will not leave this building. You need to become a team and need to learn to trust each other in addition to learning the necessary skills to protect her. When you report tomorrow, come with everything you need for that time.”

  “If your famiglia’s object, tell them to talk to me,” Mischka growled.

  Once the meeting ended, Nik took Ethan and his team to the hotel. Ethan asked him to stay for a brief, private discussion. Nik agreed and followed him inside, waiting until they had checked into their rooms and the hospitality person had left.

  “You chose well, though they are very rough. Sirvana is learning faster than I expected.”

  Nik chuckled as he settled onto a chair. “Sirvana has always been a fighter.”

  “Good. You realize that they will not be completely ready by the time the Cerato needs to travel again?”

  “Aiy. But I suspect they will be more ready than I was.”

  “That I guarantee.”

  “You wanted something?”

  “What have you told them about my organization?”

  “That you train security guards and nothing more. As you said, you choose who you recruit.”

  “Good. Leave it at that for now.” Ethan looked at him straight, studying the younger man for any hint of deception as he asked, “Do you trust me?”

  “Aiy y niet,” Nik replied honestly. “I trust you mean no harm to anyone here. I also know there is more to you and your operation than you have shown me so far.”

  Ethan chuckled. “Well said. Someday I may tell you more. I will choose if and when. For now, trust that I mean your client no harm, despite what I may say or do. I will need you to keep that head trainer and your client’s grandfather in check when the time comes.”

  “When will that be?”

  “You will know. Now go rest and heal.”

  Nik frowned. “Do you know your way to the Training Center?”

  “I memorized the landmarks. We will meet you there in the morning.”

  Nik said good night and left. Obviously, Ethan had something planned, something that involved Angel. But he believed Ethan would not hurt her.

  Ethan looked up at the hidden security camera and waved to it. He glanced at his watch, then strolled over to the microphone and whispered. “Goesh nicht, Nik.” Then he settled in to sleep.

  At home after everyone else had retired to their bedrooms, Nik accessed the main computer via the vidphone and replayed the security footage from the four hotel rooms. He grimaced as all four waved to the cameras and found the microphone, confirming his suspicion that Ethan knew much more than what he had trained Nik on so far.

  Every evening Angel joined the team at the Training Center for the meeting. The soreness became evident quickly, but none asked to leave. Tashi stayed with the team all day, only leaving the center at night. Mischka stopped by often, bringing different Apaugallas to watch various exercises.

  Three different nights Ethan awoke the team in the middle of the night to go over dark fighting and weapons training, which he knew from Nik that both Mischka and Tashi would object to.

  During the breaks and mealtimes, Nik asked many questions of Ethan, some of which Ethan never really answered. He showed both Nik and Torvuld how to encrypt the transmissions from the vidphones and provided a transponder code for his training center. They discussed the transporters, alternate routes from Llanelyn to Earth, from the hotel to the government buildings, and escape routes from everywhere Angel had visited, including the nightclubs. Nik detailed the transporter jumps to Torvuld, as he was fast becoming the leader of the team. Ethan told them how to use the transporter at the hotel rather than the one at the university, as it would afford better protection with less ground time.

  The final day arrived. Ethan asked Mischka to gather anyone he wished to watch the final demonstration. Mischka called all the Apaugallas on planet, as well as Gillian and Angel.

  Ethan calculated the odds of the twenty people ranged behind Nik’s chair. He crossed to his men for a final word.

  “Remember, let them win but make them work for it. Do no permanent damage.”

  Each handed him a small piece of the side arm they had smuggled onto the planet. Ethan assembled the weapon as he walked back towards Nik.

  Tashi had arranged his standard training implements around the room, to provide both obstacles and self-defense weapons for the team. The team lined up at one end of the room. Ethan’s men took position between them and Ethan.

  “Cerato, I would like for you to see the capabilities of your team up close. Would you join me here?” Ethan tucked the now assembled weapon up his sleeve, waiting patiently.

  Angel strode trustingly forward.

  Nik grimaced and prepared to battle Mischka and Tashi. And the rest of the Apaugallas.

  Suddenly Ethan reached for Angel and grabbed her arm, dragging her close to him. “You trust too easily,” he said loudly. To the team he said, “I’ll be leaving now. And she’s coming with me.”

  Nik clamped his right hand firmly onto Mischka’s arm before he could move. “Niet. Watch the team.”

  Sirvana, Tork, Brok, and Torvuld looked at each other confused.

  “The law,” Angel began.

  But Ethan interrupted her. “Will only stop the honest. It won’t stop me.” He gripped her arm tighter until she cried out.
  “You’re hurting me.”

  Torvuld roared as Sirvana ran forward. Their actions broke through Brok’s and Tork’s confusion, setting them into motion as well. Ethan stood still as his men met the charging team. Combat ensued until first one then a second operative was down. Brok struggled to his feet shaking his head as Torvuld helped Sirvana up. Tork closed on the remaining operative from the main exit. The operative faded back, closer to Ethan, but still off to the side.

  Ethan palmed the weapon and deliberately trained it on Angel. “You are pathetic,” he taunted the team. “You claim to care for her, but can’t even get to me. We’re leaving now. You,” he said as he indicated Tork. “Join the others where I can see you.”

  Unwillingly Tork moved away from the door.

  Ethan backed towards the door roughly pulling Angel with him, his operative now in front as cover. “You cowards. A baby could best the lot of you. Your trainer failed you.”

  As Angel struggled, Ethan continued to hurl taunts and insults at the team.

  Nik felt the shift to his left and grabbed Tashi’s arm. “Niet. He is trying to anger them. Just watch.”

  Tashi stopped and leaned down to Nik. “If you are wrong I will skin you alive.” The fury in his hoarse whisper was not lost on Nik.

  Torvuld looked to the others. “You would not dare to hurt her. You are merely playing a game. She tis of no goesh to you dead.”

  Ethan stared him down calmly and Torvuld swallowed hard. “You think I jest.” With that he pointed the weapon at a nearby object and pulled the trigger. The energy wave burned a hole in the back of the chair and the table that had been upended during the previous battle.

  Nik felt the Apaugallas behind him tense. “Just watch,” he begged Mischka and Tashi, never taking his eyes off Angel.

  Mischka looked down and noticed the fear and strain in Nik’s face. “Finish this,” he called to the team. “Protect your Cerato.”

  As Ethan swung the weapon back to Angel, the team attacked. Several minutes later Torvuld none too gently deposited Ethan at Mischka’s feet while Sirvana led a shaking Angel to Gillian.

  “Thank you Nik. For a minute it looked like I would have to take on everyone here.” Ethan stood and faced an irate Mischka. “The more they believed this was potentially real, the harder they would fight. You may not like my methods, but they are as ready as possible at this time.”

  He waited for the older man to react, but when Mischka only nodded once, Ethan turned to the team. “Not too bad, considering the time we had.”

  “You went easy on us,” Sirvana challenged.

  “Perhaps. But I could have easily walked out of here with the Cerato had I not.”

  “You dared to bring a loaded weapon to a training exercise,” Torvuld accused.

  “I will dare many things. Try firing it again.”

  Torvuld looked uneasy until Ethan nodded at the disarrayed fight area. Torvuld aimed at a pot of dirt and pulled the trigger, but nothing happened.

  “A one charge weapon. I play dirty, not stupid.”

  Ethan turned to Angel. “I trust you are actually uninjured.” At her confirmation, he continued. “Good. I needed you to react as realistically as possible. From what you have just seen, and what you know currently of Earth, do you think your team can and will protect you?” Ethan stressed the word will.

  Angel shook off her fear. “Aiy.”

  Ethan’s respect for her increased. He had seen others nearly hysterical after similar displays. She was stronger than he had originally surmised.

  He turned to Tashi. “Any questions?”

  “Aiy many.” Tashi’s tight voice spoke to his anger. “For now though, I think the rest of you may cleanup the area and return to sparring.”

  Torvuld looked to Tashi, who indicated for the team to help in the cleaning. The operatives joined them as well, talking over the recent fight.

  “May we go someplace to talk,” Ethan requested quietly to Mischka.

  Mischka led the way to his office. Ethan indicated for everyone remaining to join them. Nik closed the door behind everyone.

  Before Mischka or Tashi could talk, Ethan took control of the meeting. “Let me start by answering some of the questions that I suspect you are going to ask. Yes, I forewarned Nik that something would happen, but did not tell him exactly what. I wanted everyone’s reactions to be real. Once the adrenaline wears off, the team will be exhausted. But now they know how they will each react should a kidnapping ever potentially take place. Since they charged a loaded weapon, the Cerato also knows that her team will do what they must, including like Nik, potentially lay down their lives for her. Tork was correct in cutting off the route to the door, and in yielding the position when the Cerato was threatened. Torvuld took advantage of my distraction when firing, which he taunted me into doing by the way, to take out my last man. And no, even if they had failed, I would not have harmed the Cerato. But the next time this happens, it will not be me or any of my men with her. Then it will be real and that law will not prevent her from being harmed. And yes, I teach my men how to taunt and how not to get angry from being taunted. For anger can be both a weapon and a liability. A clear head is always best. And yes, I taught them to handle a weapon.” He paused to look around the room. “Did I miss anything?”

  Gillian stepped into the charged silence. “You answered all of mine for now. Anything else I can ask Nik later. While I approve of the results, I’m not so sure I approve of the methods. Ultimately though, tis the Cerato’s choice.”

  Everyone turned to Angel. Recalling everything that Nik had told her about Ethan and his organization, she could see much beyond the training the team had gone through this week. General Rochaerd’s final words resonated in her memory. Her four friends wanted to fight, for her, for their people, and for each other. “Will the team be able to continue training with you on Earth?”

  “Yes. Nik as well, once he has recovered enough.”

  “Then I think we are ready for the next meeting on Earth.”

  Ethan looked past Mischka to the sparring area, then indicated for the others to look. The team was demonstrating several different maneuvers to the other Apaugallas. “Let them teach. It will help improve their skills.”

  “I have much to learn from them,” Tashi acknowledged begrudgingly.

  Before Ethan left, he asked Angel to accompany him and Nik to the transporter chamber via the hovercraft. His men walked with the team, continuing to discuss the battle and other training topics.

  As Ethan waited for his men, he answered Angel’s questions regarding the training. Once she ran out of questions, he changed the topic. “I’m glad you accepted Steven’s help. He’s a friend of mine.”

  “The shield ships?”

  “Aiy, Cerato. Like Steven, I protect, not destroy.” He continued the statement silently to himself, “Unless I have a reason to.” To her he merely continued, “I thought he could help you.”

  “You sent Steven?”

  “Yes. At the request of a mutual friend.”

  “General Peterson or Dr. DeWitt?”

  “I’m not at liberty to say who, Cerato. For now, please know that help is available, should you need it. Though I do believe it would be a good time to tell everyone that the ships are helping you, not just the diplomats. Video from the attacks would help the sales pitch.” And with luck the, the embarrassment would taunt the mercs or their employer into making a mistake.

  “I will think about it.”

  “You should know that there was a successful assassination attempt on one of the other ambassadors. The Chicaran Ambassador’s transport pod was sabotaged and crashed. The Drotz have not claimed responsibility, but there was evidence at the scene that point to them.”

  His men arrived and Ethan sent them first. “And Cerato, you should get some self-defense training as well.” He motioned to the operator and disappeared. Nik asked the operator to let Tuttenrock know to send Ethan’s team on.

  A few day
s later, Angel and the team transported to Earth for a three-day meeting on the identity records, the status of the Task Force, and an interview with Ryan Jute on the shield ships. Nik accompanied them to the transporter and ensured Torvuld remembered the sequence of jumps, as well as what to tell each operator. He pulled Torvuld aside and showed him how to use the recorder Ethan had provided. Frustrated, Nik stood by and watched them transport out before returning home to wait for their trip to end.

  Torvuld and Tork transported first, followed by Angel, Sirvana, and finally Brok. Angel grinned as the team scrutinized each location, noting the different beings and industrialized state of each planet on the multiple jump route to Earth. They arrived at the hotel with enough time to check in and drop their bags before meeting Joel. Angel checked them in and allowed the staff to provide a tour of the new multi-room suite for the team.

  Once everyone had chosen a room, Angel led the way to the lobby to meet Joel. She introduced the new team to Joel, the Chancellor and Pieter. Brok and Sirvana accompanied her to the meeting that day while Torvuld and Tork reported to Ethan for training. Ethan sent one of his operatives from the training on Llanelyn to guide them to the training center.

  That first evening, tired from being awake for over thirty hours, everyone headed to their rooms. Sirvana stayed in the second bed in Angel’s room, while Tork shared a room with Brok. Torvuld took Nik’s place on the sofa, rather than in the remaining available room.

  The second day the team traded places, with Torvuld and Tork attending the meeting. Ethan again sent an operative to guide Sirvana and Brok to the training center. Cecelia invited her to join the group at The Zanzi and Angel refused. She suggested Saturn’s Rings and, after a brief discussion, Cecelia thought she could get some of the others to change locations.


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