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The Ivy League

Page 8

by Parker, Ruby

  “You like that, don’t you,” he said, flicking the clip to add to the pain. “You can answer.”

  “Yes,” Krista said, her voice a whine. She did like it. It had taken her some time to come to terms with the fact that this kind of pain turned her on immensely. Now she had learned to just go with it. More than that, she craved it.

  Dan continued to fuck her breasts, painfully squeezing them together. Small droplets of blood leaked from the skin around the clamps. Dan had chosen this particular pair of clamps for the ragged metal edges. It was an advanced device, and although Krista was a novice, he was sure she could handle it.

  One of his hands wrapped around her throat and squeezed. Krista’s eyes grew wide as her breathing was cut off. His grip was tightening. She grabbed at his wrist as her eyes began to black over. She could see him lost in his own pleasure, and she feared that he was going to actually hurt her. Just before she fell into unconsciousness, he let go and a rush of air flooded her lungs. She coughed and gasped, as the blackness cleared from her vision. Just as the haze was lifted, she felt a hard open-handed smack across her cheek.

  “Do not ever,” Dan said, venom in his voice, “try to stop me again. Is that understood?”

  Krista nodded as her fingers prodded at the quickly bruising flesh of her neck, trying to catch her breath. She squealed in pain as he ripped the clamps off her overly sore nipples. His thumb wiped at the blood trickling down her breast.

  “Taste it,” he said, shoving the appendage in her mouth. “That is the taste of disobedience.”

  He forced her up to her knees and pulled her head back with a yank of her hair. He began to stroke himself in front of her face. He knew she wanted to taste him, to feel him inside of her. He had been planning to give it to her, but he would once again deny her that pleasure for her disobedience.

  Krista opened her mouth, eagerly awaiting his release, but Dan had other plans. With a last stroke he finished in her eye, holding her head in place as she tried to pull away. He wiped himself off on her cheek and pushed her away from him.

  Dan glanced at his watch, the only thing he wore at the moment. He didn’t have much time left to play. It was unfortunate, but he would have to send his little pet on her way soon.

  “It looks like our time is over,” Dan said as he glanced down at Krista with a smirk, “I can’t keep my fiancé waiting.”

  Krista’s chest was too tight to breath. A fiancé. He was going to be married. She couldn’t stomach the thought of it. She had to know who it was, who could possibly be a better match for him than she was.

  She gathered herself and left the apartment building that had become her regular meeting place with Dan. She waited around the corner for him to leave, and followed him to a small café, not far down the street, where he greeted his fiancé with a hug and chaste kiss.

  Recognition hit her immediately, but her brain refused to acknowledge it right away. This couldn’t be right. She was all wrong for him. She could never give him the pleasure that Krista could. She was betrayed, but she knew how to make things right.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Sara fiddled with the edge of her shirt as she waited in the Dean’s office. She had received an email telling her to report to his office immediately. The secretary glanced up and offered Sara a smile. Perhaps she was trying to calm the obvious anxiety that showed on Sara’s face. She had never been called to the dean’s office before, but she likened the feeling to being called to the principles office in high school. It was almost never a good thing. She worried it may have something to do with her current failing grade in Banks’ class. She mentally prepared an argument. It’s not like she was failing any other classes. And there was still plenty of time to pull her grade back up, that is, if she stop sleeping with the professor.

  The phone on the front desk buzzed and the secretary picked it up. She set the handset right back and looked up at Sara with another polite smile.

  “He’ll see you now,” she said, motioning to the door just beside her desk. “You can go in.”

  Sara took a deep breath to calm herself as she made her way over to the door of the dean’s office. The seconds ticked slowly by. Sara had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

  “Ms. Weiss,” the Dean said, as she opened the door, “come in.”

  He gestured for her to sit at one of the two chairs opposite his desk. The tone of his voice made the sick feeling in her stomach intensify. He did not look like a happy man. He placed his elbows on the desk, interlocking his fingers as he studied Sara while she took a seat.

  “Do you know why you are here, Ms. Weiss?” he said. He glared at her from beneath thin wire glasses, heavy wrinkles marring his aged forehead.

  “No, sir,” Sara said, with a soft shake of her head.

  “This is a very prestigious school, Ms. Weiss,” he said, leaning back in his chair. “We pride ourselves on the esteem of our graduates.”

  “Yes, sir,” Sara said, the anxiety sticking in her throat, “that’s why I feel very privileged to be admitted.”

  “As you should,” the Dean said, sucking in a heavy breath before continuing. “However, we don’t simply expect our students to do well academically.”

  “I’m sorry,” Sara said, shaking her head, “I don’t understand. What is this about?”

  “We have a code of conduct we expect our students to adhere to,” he said, narrowing his eyes on Sara as if he expected her to read his mind.

  “I completely understand, sir,” Sara said, although she didn’t know what any of this had to do with her. She began to worry that the relationship between her and Banks had somehow been discovered. “I try my best to follow the rules.”

  “Unfortunately,” the Dean said, displeasure thick in his monotone voice, “it has come to the school’s attention that your conduct outside of the classroom is less than desirable.”

  “What do you mean?” Sara said, her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. She had worked so hard to be exactly the type of student the school wanted. Her face felt hot. She needed some cold, fresh air.

  “Ms. Weiss,” he said, his voice flat, “we do not care for your kind in our school. You have been immediately discharged, without any tuition or fee reimbursement.”

  Sara stared blankly at him, her jaw slack. She heard the words he said, she just didn’t immediately understand them. She was in shock. For a moment she thought he must be joking. Like someone had put him up to this just to mess with her. But as the Dean continued to look at her with disapproval on his brow, Sara realized this was all too real.

  “Wait,” Sara shrieked, “What do you mean, I’m discharged?”

  “You are no longer a student here,” the dean said, as if he was growing tired of having to explain things to her. “We would appreciate it if you would leave the campus immediately and not return.”

  Sara felt the blood drain from her face. Her throat was tight. She couldn’t understand why this would happen. Her life was crushing down around her and she was powerless to stop it.

  “But why?” Sara said, as her eyes welled up with tears. “What did I do?”

  “Prostitution is not only unbecoming conduct, Ms. Weiss,” he said, with absolutely no compassion, “it is also illegal in this state. Consider yourself lucky that you aren’t being prosecuted.”

  Chapter Twenty Eight

  “You bastard,” Sara screamed as she stormed into Banks’ office, not caring to look if he was alone. Unfortunately, he was not, in fact, alone, and the student that had been seeking his assistance stared back at Sara with pure shock.

  “Ms. Weiss,” he said, through clenched teeth. He had been so disappointed when he woke to find her missing. A feeling of dread had washed over him when he discovered the engagement ring he had taken off her finger was missing as well. He had been waiting days to see her again. He didn’t have her phone number, and no matter how much money he offered Madame Gwen, she refused to give him her information. “I hardly think that is appr
opriate language to direct toward your professor.”

  The other student quickly dismissed herself, deciding another time would be better to seek out the teacher’s help.

  “You’re not my professor anymore,” Sara spat venomously. “But you already knew that, didn’t you?”

  “I have no idea what you are talking about,” he said, coming from around his desk and reaching out to her. She pulled away from him with a scowl on her face. He closed the door to his office, trying to reach for her again.

  “Don’t touch me,” she yelled at him. “You know what you did.”

  “Sara,” he said, grabbing hold of her shoulders, and holding her firmly as she tried to shirk his embrace again. “Calm down. Tell me what happened.”

  “I’m out,” she said, the tears starting to fall down her cheek. “Someone told them. They’ve kicked me out.”

  “Do you honestly think I would say anything?” he said, looking down at her. “I have more to loose than you. Teacher- student relationships are forbidden, as are lewd and illegal behaviors such as hiring a prostitute.”

  The word prostitute hit Sara a little harder than she had thought it would. She had no delusions as to what she had done, but for some reason the word sounded harsher coming from him. Maybe because she had thought he wouldn’t judge her. But the emphasis he placed on the word sounded a lot like judgment to Sara. She felt like such a fool and could do nothing but run from his office, and from him, the tears streaming down her face.

  Chapter Twenty Nine

  “It was you,” Sara said, as Krista opened the door.

  Sara had come to Krista’s apartment, hoping that her friend would tell her it wasn’t her. But the angered look in Krista’s eyes told her that she was the one who betrayed her.

  “How could you?” Sara said. The hurt she felt came through in her voice. “They kicked me out.”

  “That’s what you deserve,” Krista said, lifting her chin as if she was proud of herself. She was standing in the open doorway of her apartment. “He is mine, and you were trying to take that from me.”

  Sara could see Krista was not herself. Her skin was pale, her hair was oily and stringy. Her nose was red from being constantly rubbed.

  “Are you alright?” Sara said, forgetting her own anger for a moment. She was hurt by what Krista did, but she wanted to get to the bottom of it, and understand why she would do something like this.

  “No,” Krista said, “I’m sick. I’ve been sick for days. And you are taking away the only man I’ve ever loved.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sara said, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I would never try to take someone from you.”

  “Oh really?” Krista said, seeing the blue diamond ring on Sara’s finger. “That ring says otherwise.”

  “Dan?” Sara said, looking down at the ring.

  “Yes,” Krista hissed, turning away from the door, leaving it open for Sara to enter. She had been crying since she had found out, and fresh tears began to roll down her face.

  “Krista,” Sara said with a sigh, stepping into the apartment and closing the door. She stopped in her tracks when she saw the mess that the apartment was in. She had only been to Krista’s home a few times, but every time she had, it was spotless. Something was seriously wrong with her friend for her to suddenly start acting like this.

  “I love him,” Krista whined plopping down on the couch. “But he wants to marry you.”

  “Ok, you’re gonna have to give me a little bit of a back story here,” Sara said, sitting on the couch next to Krista.


  Sara left Krista’s apartment with a heavy heart. They had spent hours talking, and hashing out each other’s stories. She was still very angry with her friend, despite the multiple apologies she made after Sara explained she had no intention of continuing a relationship with Dan.

  She felt so stupid for trusting him. He seemed like such a gentleman, but after everything Krista told her, including many graphic details she didn’t want to know, Sara knew she never wanted anything to do with him. She had given Krista the engagement ring, not even wanting to see him one more time to give it back.

  Chapter Thirty

  Sara sat in her apartment staring out the window. She felt so lost. She spent the last three days crying. Her dreams were a shattered mess. What she had thought would be a future with Dan had been revealed to be nothing more than an illusion. She lost her best friend, her academic future, and her fiancé in one fell swoop.

  A knock at the door pulled her out of her stupor. She was not at all prepared for the person she found standing on the other end, and she immediately regretted her decision to postpone bathing for the past two days.

  “You have no idea how much trouble it was to find your address,” Banks said, as his eyes ghosted over Sara’s bedraggled appearance. She had clearly been slumming it since receiving her bad news, but she was still beautiful to him. “I had to pull quite a few strings to get it.”

  “What are you doing here?” Sara said, brushing at her hair with her fingers, hoping it would somehow make her look not so frumpy.

  “I tried calling you,” he said, “but you didn’t answer.”

  “Yeah,” Sara said, tucking a greasy lock of hair behind her ear, “I didn’t feel like talking to anyone.”

  “Can I come in?” Banks said, as he brandished a thick bouquet of roses from behind his back.

  “Sure,” Sara said with a half-hearted smile, accepting the flowers. She stepped aside, letting him come into her apartment. If she hadn’t been so upset with everything that had happened, she would have been embarrassed. This was the first time he was seeing her apartment, and it looked like a disaster. Clothes and empty tubs of ice cream littered her living room. But his focus was entirely on her, and he even seemed happy.

  “You know,” he said, as Sara went into the open kitchen and rummaged for something to put the roses in, “I hear your surroundings can have a serious effect on your mood. Perhaps you should do a little cleaning.”

  Sara could hear the mocking in his voice, and it made her want to throw his roses right back at him. Here he was, fully aware of what had just happened to her, and he was poking at her.

  “You’re happy about this,” she accused, her voice a high-pitched squeal, as she pointed a finger at him.

  “Of course,” he said, his eyes smiling as he closed the distance between them. “Do you want to know why?”

  “Yeah,” Sara said. She placed a hand on the small curve of her hip. “I do. Why would you be happy about my life being ruined?”

  “Because,” he said, pulling her into him and ignoring her grunt of protest, “now, we can be together.”

  “What makes you think I’m going to be with you,” she said, trying only half-heartedly to pull away from him.

  “Sara,” he said, pulling her firmly back into his body with a hand on her back, “You can’t deny the feelings between us.”

  Sara wanted to argue, but she knew he was right. It was the truth, as much as she didn’t want to admit it. He had a hold over her that she couldn’t deny. She suddenly became all too aware of her appearance.

  “I need a shower,” Sara said, looking down at herself with a scowl. She had been wearing the same sweatpants and t-shirt for days.

  “What an excellent idea,” he said, with a smirk. He unbuckled his belt, whipping it out of the loops before Sara even had time to say no.


  The warm water trickled down Sara’s stomach as she tried to balance herself between the cold tile wall behind her and the delicious man enjoying himself between her legs. She had one leg over each of his shoulders, her hands gripping his hair as he tickled her with his tongue.

  A long, steady moan left her lips. This was almost too much pleasure for one person to stand. The pressure in her abdomen had built to a breaking point, but she needed more. More than just the single finger he was currently using.

  “I want…” she was trying to tell him that she needed more. He gently lifted her legs off his shoulders, setting them down on the ground and kissing a path up her stomach to her collarbone.

  “Tell me what you want,” he whispered in her ear, taking the lobe between his lips and suckling it.

  “I want you,” she said, through heavy pants as she looked up at him with pleading eyes. She just couldn’t bring herself to say anything more, hoping he would know what she meant.

  “You want me to what?” he mumbled into the wet flesh of her neck as he hugged her to him. His engorged length pressed into her abdomen.

  “To…” Sara bit her lip, not comfortable voicing exactly what she wanted. Of course he knew, and she knew that he knew. He only wanted her to say it. He wanted her to be comfortable saying it. He wanted her to be able to tell him anything that she wanted from him.

  “Its ok, Sara,” he said, caressing her cheek. “Tell me what you want.”

  “I want you inside me,” she said, almost too softly for him to hear. “I want you to make love to me.”

  It didn’t take him long to comply with her wishes. He grabbed her buttocks, easily lifting her so she could wrap her legs around his hips. He slid easily into her, and a hiss of stinging pleasure left both of their lips.

  He pushed her back up against the wall, getting better leverage. Sara wrapped her hands around his neck, tucking her head into the crook of his neck as she enjoyed the feeling of him entering her, while the warm water cascaded over them.

  Banks was trying to hold her up, trying to maintain his speed and technique, but the feeling of her wrapped so tightly around him made him weak in the knees. He was already close to the edge, and he couldn’t stop the deep groan from leaving his lips. His face was contorted, almost as if he was in pain, while he tried to last.


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