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Page 16

by Druga, Jacqueline

  Bruce scratched his head as he flipped through the document. “Looks pretty feasible, but I think there may be flaws. Mind if I keep this, look this over and so forth?”

  “Be my guest,” Colin said. “So you can build it.”

  “Piece of cake. Structure is done.”

  “Wonderful. You may have to hire on . . . .”

  “Nah. I doubt it.”

  Colin paused. “It’s a pretty big job, are you sure . . . .”

  “So was the crooked house, Bruce stated. “Let me see what we can do. Work it out for a week; then see our progress. We’re pretty fast.”

  Colin smiled. “You wouldn’t happen to know someone that works fast on cars.”

  “You mean like a mechanic?” Bruce asked.

  “No.” Colin shook his head. “We’re wanting to enhance our transportation. Didn’t know if you knew someone with those skills and your work ethic.”

  Bruce grinned and looked at Bobby.

  Colin nodded. “Somehow, I thought the solution to the vehicles would be here.”

  “Yes, sir, we’re your men. As long as we’re along on this survival thing . . . .”

  “Absolutely,” Colin said. “My God, your skills will be needed after as well.”

  “Got yourself the best contractors in the country.” He shook hands with Colin. “May need to hire on if one of us is working on the vehicles. But . . . don’t know. We’ll see.”

  “I have every faith.” Colin’s still blackened eye twinkled in his smile. Phase one of preparations for survival were underway.

  15. PULSE

  June 14th …

  In her base lab, Virginia jumped back with a wince, when the seldom seen temper of Colin Reye reared its ugly head for about three seconds. He slammed paper with a mighty force, while blasting the word, ‘Assholes!’ as loud as he could.

  Virginia blinked.

  Darius snickered.

  After a sigh, Colin ran his hand over the side of his hair, and stepped back. “Food poisoning my ass,” he said. “What’s the point? Someone want to tell me what is the point of lying to the public?”

  Calmly, Darius answered that question. “Why not?”

  “Huh?” Colin looked at him.

  “Face it, Colin, people know. We aren’t the top minds in the world. If we figured out what’s happening, surely someone else has too. So . . . knowing this . . . and knowing nothing can be done to stop it, why cause people to panic?”

  “They’ll have to say something sooner or later. The word will get out.” Virginia added. “We’re letting it out.”

  “And when?” Darius asked. “We aren’t letting it out until we’re close. Bet me that’s what the government is doing as well. Keeping people calm.”

  “While we’re collecting books,” Colin said. “Which I’m late for. Why am I the one collecting books? No, wait, scratch that. If I am responsible for finding the text books that will shape our future young minds, I know it will be done correctly. I don’t want that to be in Dare-Dare’s hands. Hannah Gives Head will be top the Accelerated Reading book list.”

  Darius’ mouth dropped open. “Where is that coming from?”

  “Frustration. Virginia, will you be okay monitoring alone?” Colin asked.

  Virginia flung out her hand. “I’m good here. If I need you, I’ll get a hold of you. Go, I’ll keep both of you posted. Chuck is waiting for you, Colin.”

  “Am I gonna have that Blain fellow too?” Colin asked.

  Virginia shook her head. “No, Blain is coming here. Remember, you promised you’d fill him in tonight.”

  Colin huffed. “As long as he keeps his mouth shut and adheres to our plan.”

  Darius added, “Yeah, last thing we need is for the word to get out. If that happens, those books you and Chuck are getting will be scarce. Everything we need to buy, build, you name it will become difficult. Thank God he didn’t let word out about the radiation sickness. I mean, all we need is for the populace to think they’ll die riding a plane; there goes the airline industry.”

  “Speaking of which . . . ” Virginia said. “Shouldn’t you be getting Bret. You guys have that plane to catch.”

  “Ah, yeah. Packed up and ready. We’re flying…” Darius snickered. “Light.” He stood. “In fact, I’d better go.” He gathered up his things. “Call me, text me, if anything arises.”

  “Will do.” Virginia responded. “I hope this is it. I hope this is the place you’re looking for. We couldn’t fully see inside and below, but the markings were on the floor as stated. So.…”

  “I’m positive that’s it. If it has the markings, it has to be.” Darius smiled. “And you found it. I appreciate you guys taking off to look.”

  “That wasn’t a problem,” Virginia said. “It wasn’t just complex hunting, it was a day away from the kids. Oh, there’s a great steakhouse right next to the hotel. You have to try it. My husband loved it.”

  “Husband.” Colin snapped his finger. “You’re fortunate, Dare-Dare.”

  Darius stopped in his dash out. “Why’s that?”

  “See this?” Colin pointed to his black eye. “If I got this over lunch, good thing for you her husband left her for a teenage Asian virgin. You’re taking her to Texas.”

  “Timing is in my favor, then . . .” Darius smiled.

  “You aren’t planning to bed this woman? Dare-Dare, she still mourning….”

  “God! Colin, stop. No. I’m not planning to bed her.”

  “Good. You haven’t seen her in two days. She’s hit that angry phase.”

  Virginia nodded knowingly, “I don’t blame her.”

  “So a bit of advice,” Colin said. “Don’t mention ‘Chinese’ and ‘innocent’ in the same sentence.”

  Darius left. Colin watch the door close, then turned to Virginia. “He’s thinking sex fest. Trust me.” He winked and then walked out.

  Virginia shook her head with a laugh.


  “Why are you packing items in a diaper bag?” Luke asked Bret.

  “That’s what Darius said to do. He said minimal, pack what can fit in a diaper bag. He’ll buy me clothes there if need be.”

  “You’re gonna be owing him a lot.”

  “I know. But . . . you can spend money you don’t have to pay back.” Bret said. “Done.”

  “Why a diaper bag?”

  Bret shrugged. “I don’t know. Keeps it light. We’ll be gone one night.” She tossed the diaper bag over her shoulder and murmured. “Wallet.”

  “Am I in charge?” Luke asked.

  “Yes. You live here. You’re the oldest, I won’t be gone long.”

  He followed her down the stairs. “Don’t you think the airlines are gonna think it’s odd that you’re carrying a Disney diaper bag when you don’t have a baby?”

  Again, Bret shrugged. “I’m late . . . .” she set the bag by the door. “Okay. You have everyone’s numbers, right?”

  Luke nodded.

  “Bruce is coming by to buy Jesse’s tools before Jesse comes and gets them. If Jesse comes by and causes a fit.…”

  “I know. I know. Call the police then Bobby Weiss.”

  “Who says he has plenty of frustration and is more than willing to come over,” Bret said.

  “But . . . like, is it right to sell his tools.”

  “Was it right to wipe out the bank account for that child bride?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You’re so male. You would say that.” She looked out the door. “Oh, here he is now. Call if you have problems.”

  “I will.”

  Bret gave her son a hug and kiss. “I love you. Be good. Okay?”

  “Call me when you check in.”

  “How about I call you when we land, we’re supposed to go directly to the real estate office.”

  “That works.”

  “See ya.” Bret opened the door, mouthing the words, ‘I love you’ once more, as she walked out.

  Darius waited in the truck and r
eached over, opening the door for her.

  Bret stepped inside the truck.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “Oh, sure, all’s fine.” Bret reached down for her bag to place on her lap. She stared at it while Darius pulled out. “Darius?”


  “Why did I have to pack in a diaper bag?”

  “The airlines only allow you one carryon. But you’re allowed one personal bag if it’s small.”

  “One carry on each.”

  “Yes, that’s the policy,” Darius answered.

  “I don’t have a carry on,” Bret said.

  “I brought one for you.”

  “You…you packed me clothes.”

  “Actually no,” he replied. “You’ll carry one bag, I’ll carry another. I packed…I packed parachutes.”

  Her loud ‘what!’ caused Darius to wince.

  “Bret, please.”

  “Parachutes. As in jumping out of a plane, parachutes.”

  “Yes, in nice neat little bags,” Darius said.

  “Why in the world would we…oh my God.”


  “Oh my God.” She began to panic. “You think the plane is gonna crash.” Bret began to ramble fast. “You think we’re crashing, that’s why you brought them. Huh? The plane is . . . .”

  “Bret, calm down.”

  “I can’t calm down. You brought parachutes.”

  “As a precaution only,” he said calmly. “Trust me. Precaution. The plane is not going down.”


  “Don’t panic,” Darius turned his body toward Bret in the first class of the plane. “But . . . the plane is going down.”

  “What!” Bret snapped.


  Everybody turned around and looked.

  “Check it out.” He held up his cell phone. “From Virginia. Read.”

  “Why do you have that on? The pilot said to turn it off.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing I did. Look.”

  Bret read the display of the text message: EMP SIX MINUTES. YOUR WAY.

  “Oh, my God.”

  “Listen. We have five minutes, maybe less. Calmly stand up, put the diaper bag over your shoulder and follow my lead. Calmly. Nod.”

  “Are we gonna be alright?” she asked.

  “If you do as I say and follow my lead. Okay.”

  Bret nodded. Then she shook her head.


  “I don’t think I can do this.”

  “You don’t have a choice.”

  “Oh my God.”

  She reached under the seat and grabbed the diaper bag.

  “Stand.” He instructed. When she did, he allowed her to stand in the aisle and he reached for the overhead compartment.

  “Here comes the air police.”

  “Huh?” he looked. The stewardess approached.

  “Sir,” the stewardess said. “You have to leave the luggage up there.”

  “I’m so sorry. My wife’s medication is in one of our bags and I want to get it out,” Darius said, his voice sweet. “She needs to have an injection and I need to take her to the back to administer it. As I am sure you understand.”

  Bret gasped.

  “That’s fine. I do understand.” The stewardess even aided in the compartment hunting, allowing Darius to retrieve the two parachutes.

  “Thank you.” He smiled.

  Again, Bret gasped.

  “What?” Darius asked.

  “You disgust me. Flirting. So male.”

  “I’m single.”

  “Not on this flight, mister.”

  “Then not for long.” After taking Bret’s hand he led her through the first class.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Just follow.”


  Darius looked at his phone. “Three minutes.” He moved quickly.

  “Oh, shit.”

  “We’ll be fine.” He pulled her along.

  In the back of the plane they stood by an emergency door.

  “Are you gonna be able to open this? Bret asked.

  “I hope.” Darius strapped on her pack. “Latch that tight,” he instructed, then pulled on his. After the final snap, he manipulated his phone.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Taking out the batteries. We’ll need this.” He shoved them in his pocket. “Ready?”


  “Too bad. Count to like ten, I guess, and pull this.” He showed her.

  “Count to like ten? You guess? You don’t know?”

  “Not really.”

  Bret peeped.

  “Shh.” Darius looked beyond her. “Shit.” He pointed.

  “Excuse me,” another stewardess approached. “What are you doing?”

  “Leaving,” Darius replied. “In about.…” He looked at his watch. “ten, nine.…”

  “You gonna jump out that door?” she asked.

  “Pretty much.”

  “Oh, I don’t think so,” she said smug. “Take your seat or I get the Captain. Your choice.”

  Darius laughed and grabbed on to Bret. “At least we have a choice. I don’t believe you do.”

  “Excuse me?” she asked, confused.

  Black and quiet.

  At that second, all the lights aboard the plane went out and the engines stopped.

  “Now.” Darius, holding on to Bret, turned the crank on the door.

  The stewardess peered around confused. The plane instantaneously started to drop.

  “Hold tight!” he instructed Bret.

  “Oh my God. Oh my God.” She grabbed him and the bar near the door.

  “Ready?” Darius opened the door. He was aware of the dynamics of pressurized spaces, and how the opening of the door was an invitation to be sucked out. He was ready, so was Bret. The stewardess wasn’t. She flew by Darius and Bret, right out of the plane, screaming the entire way. “Oh.”

  “Oh?” Bret asked.

  Darius waved out his hand and spoke over the wind noise. “She was a goner anyhow. Jump.” Without taking a chance on Bret’s hesitation, he grabbed her arm and tugged her out of the plane right along with him.


  Against the original grain of plan, instead of heading to Virginia’s monitoring station, Blain figured it best to stay close to Chuck. After all, Chuck was the story to follow. However, Blain wasn’t aware as to why Colin drove so fast to his house, and moved with the rush of emergency inside.

  The computers in Darius’ make shift lab beeped out of control. “Chuck, hit the mike. Remove the screensavers.”

  “Got it.” Chuck said making a motion around the room.

  Colin pressed a button on the phone. “Tell me you’re there.”

  “I’m here,” Virginia said. “We weren’t affected.”

  “Where are we at?” Colin sat in front of the computer. “I know I missed it.”

  “By forty seconds. Its impact is just being felt now. My God . . . .” She paused. “Screen two. It’s rippling.”

  “Fuck,” Colin whispered.

  “What’s happening?” Blain asked Chuck.

  “Look at this mother.” Colin sated. “Texas, West Louisiana, Northern Mexico.…”

  “I don’t think it made California. Parts of New Mexico though,” Virginia said.

  “Were you able to hack into FAA?”

  “Yes, coming your way now.”

  “Got it,” Chuck called out. “Over here. Looks like a video game.”

  Blain added “A bad seventies one. The dots are disappearing.”

  “Colin,” Virginia said sadly. “They’re just dropping from the sky. One, two five, ten.”

  “What? What’s dropping from the sky?” Blain asked.

  Chuck answered, “Planes. Electromagnetic pulse. Everything running died.”

  “Where are they falling to?” Blain asked.

  “Where ever they land.” Chuck ran his hand across his face. “Oh, shit.” He looked
at his watch. “Bret was in the air.”

  Virginia interjected, “Got the text to him.”

  “Maybe their plane wasn’t hit,” Colin suggested.

  “I have their flight number.…” Virginia paused. “She’s on the screen. Look. 425B.”

  “Found it.” Chuck said. “She’s still.…”


  “Gone.” Chuck’s head dropped. “Their plane just dropped from the sky.”

  Blain turned left to right. “Is this real? Is this really happening? All these planes. People. And these on the ground. Is it real?”

  Colin nodded, “Yes. Make your call, Blain. Be first on this.”

  Blain agreed, but slowly, in shock as he grabbed for his phone.

  Chuck buried his face in his hands. “I’ll have to call Bret’s kids.”

  After a heavy sigh, Colin regained his composure. “No. Darius was prepared. He really was prepared for this to happen.”

  Chuck looked at him. “Did he know?”

  Virginia spoke, “No, but he knew the probability with the increased sun spots. He was prepared. He got the text.”

  “But the question remains,” Colin said. “Did they get off that plane?”


  Thump. Grunt.

  Thump. Grunt.

  Darius landed first, with Bret not far behind or away from him. They’d opened their parachutes, and the graceful downward float to the ground enabled them to watch not only their plane fall and crash to the earth, but two others as well. The explosions sent smoke and flames billowing in the air, especially from one. Though at a distance, it was clearly seen to have crashed dead on into a town.

  Darius was coming out of his roll, and he did it quickly, peering to the sky, just to make sure nothing was falling on him. He turned in a search and saw Bret standing, the straps of the parachute tangled around her.

  He unlatched the chute, and headed to her. “Here,” he said. “Are you all right?”


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