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For Life

Page 8

by Debra Kayn

  She became more determined to bring out the love he hid so fiercely. A complex man, he made her try harder and in her heart, he was worth the extra work.

  His bulk settled on her and her nipple popped from his mouth. She smiled. This was her happy place with Cam on top, holding her down. His body twice the size as hers, he made her feel safe and loved. Nothing could hurt her when he gave himself fully to her.

  "You know what I want?" he asked.


  His eyes softened. "That's a given, but no. I want you on your hands and knees, your ass in the air. I want to nail you until my name is the only one that comes out of your mouth."

  She framed his face with her hands. Everything happening with Merk had him second-guessing his position in her life. He had nothing to worry about, because she loved him.

  "Honey, it's only you I want," she said.

  "I..." His jaw worked, moving his beard. "I need this."

  "Okay." She wiggled out from underneath him and got on her hands and knees, her ass tilted in the air. "Is this okay?"

  "Yeah, just like that," he said.

  Cam moved off the bed, gripped her hips, and dragged her to the edge of the mattress. She swayed her hips side to side, until he placed his cock at the entrance of her pussy. An overwhelming urge to push back and sink herself on him set her to rocking on the bed.

  "You want me?" He growled, running his hardness over her wet slit.

  Her sex pulsed with his teasing. "Yes."

  He plunged inside of her and held still. She muffled her scream of pleasure in the blanket covering the bed. The overwhelming fullness vibrated her from the inside out. She couldn't move, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't muster the strength to beg. He wanted to make a statement, and he did. He owned her soul completely.

  His hands dug into her hips. "This is us. I don't care where you are or what you're doing. Remember what it's like for me to be in your body. It's where I'm supposed to be."

  She nodded, rubbing her cheek against the softness of the blanket. Moisture blurred her vision. He made living without him impossible. She'd always need him.

  After her parents were murdered, she believed she'd fail to move on and wither up and die without them in her life. She wasn't a person who thrived on her own or enjoyed solitude. Cam came along and filled her to a point of dizzying insanity. First, writing back to her as an anonymous prisoner, and again as her savior when he locked her in the bedroom.

  "Please." She trembled.

  He remained, pulsating inside of her, not moving an inch. Emotionally and physically held prisoner, she rather he thrust into her, marking her body and reminding her that he was here. He kept tight control of his own body and denied her what she needed most.

  Sobs racked her body. Her chest ached, hollow inside. She needed him.

  "Cam...please. Please." She sucked in air, and her body constricted, desperately attempting to keep him inside her. "Please."

  "Only me," Cam whispered.

  "Yes. Yes." She wailed, unaware of the noise she made until the sound hurt her heart.

  "Fucking mine." Cam pulled her off him and plunged back inside.

  His assault on her body soothed the starvation in her soul, filling her with love. Her body awakened, moved, met him thrust for thrust.


  God, yes.


  She greedily impaled herself on to him, withdrawing, only to rock back and take more of him. It'd never be enough. In his hands, she fought to go faster, feeding off his grunts, his raspy breath, his strength. She gave up on trying to move and put control back into his hands to carry her higher. The fight for control turned her tears to laughter. The noises leaking out of her mouth sounded foreign and yet familiar. The rush of emotion, the same overwhelming urge to become an us with Cam grew.

  Nothing compared to the way he made her feel when he was inside of her. Nothing.

  Her breasts swayed painfully. Her arms shook. Her butt cheeks stung from the slap of bare skin on bare skin. Her pussy, caught in a seizure of spasms, coated his cock with wetness. Cam's movements became jerky. She arched her back, wound tight and reaching for that oasis.





  Then he took over. She arrived.

  Her jaw locked and she groaned as her body pulsated in a climax. Unaware of what Cam continued to do to her body, her sole focus centered on him.

  "Mine." He groaned, plunging in and once again holding her captive. Her sex convulsed with each spurt of his come. Taking, taking, taking, until she gasped for breath and lost the strength in her arms to hold herself up.

  She lay down on the bed. Her ass held in Cam's hands. Her mind floated along with her body. Her lungs expanded, and she inhaled deeply. Clarity came along with her first full intake of air.

  "Don't ever leave me again," she whispered.

  Cam pulled out of her body and lay down beside her. "Don't ever leave me or you'll end up dead."

  She stared into his hard, brown eyes. This was Cam. He spoke plainly and harsh. He never waffled between his feelings. Life with him was all or nothing.

  "I won't," she whispered.

  Chapter Nine

  Tiff jumped off the porch, her blonde hair swinging around slender, bare shoulders. Jeremy swept her up into his arms and carried her over to his motorcycle. Cam tightened the bolt on his motorcycle by touch and watched the kid leave the yard with his girl on the back of his bike.

  "How old is Tiff?" Cam asked.

  Merk shrugged. "Eighteen or nineteen. I know she's out of school."

  "How much does she know about Moroad?"

  Merk tossed the grease rag over to the step on the travel trailer. "Not much. She comes around for the parties, but Jeremy keeps her out of his business."

  "Have you talked with him about keeping his mouth shut?" Cam asked

  Merk turned around, picked up the toolbox, and carried it over to the edge of the trailer, sliding it underneath the hitch. Cam straightened and waited for an answer.

  When Merk gave him nothing, he asked. "Have you talked to the kid about keeping his mouth shut?"

  "No." Merk walked over and sat on his motorcycle, toeing the kickstand.

  "Why not?"

  "Because that's your fucking job." Merk started the bike and over the noise, he shouted. "Don't you think it's about time you stepped up and became a father to that kid instead of pushing him off on Christina to raise?"

  "You, son of a bitch," he muttered, lunging for Merk.

  Merk sped off, leaving Cam standing alone in the yard. He reached behind him for his gun, planning to shoot the asshole, and came up empty. He'd left the pistol in the house. "Fuck."

  He marched three steps over and kicked the end of the toolbox, sending the sockets rolling in the grass. Frustration fueled the high level of adrenaline already pushing through his veins. He had to do something about Merk.

  V.P. or not, he wanted Merk gone from the club and away from Christina. He left the tools scattered and walked toward the house. He'd seen the way Merk watched Christina as if waiting for Cam to turn his back.

  He grabbed a leftover beer from the cooler on the porch and ignored the water dripping off the bottle. The warm beer did nothing to ease the tension. He'd need to down a case to forget the way Christina laughed and joked around with Merk in his own fucking house and the way Merk always watched out for Christina when protecting her was Cam's job.

  He chugged the rest of the beer, wishing he could continue to drink. Tonight, he'd ride out on the chain and he needed his head on straight. He tossed the empty bottle into the grass.

  The door opened and Christina stepped out, noticed the bottle, and walked out and picked it up. "There are garbage cans all over for you to put the trash in."

  "Don't tell me what I can do at my own house." He lit a cigarette and leaned against the porch, looking out at the mountains.

  Christina hesitated, looked away, and walked over a
nd dumped his trash in the garbage can. "I wasn't bitching, just reminding you since you weren't around when I cleaned up the yard."

  He sucked on the end of the cigarette and blew smoke. "Well, you sound like a bitch."

  She gawked at him. He tossed his smoke out in the grass to prove his point. She shook her head and turned around to go back inside the house, and he grabbed her arm.

  "What did you come out here for?" He tugged her closer. "Did you have something else to complain about, because I'm doing it wrong?"

  Her brows wrinkled. "Cam, let go of me."

  "Don't forget who you're with." He lowered his head and kissed her hard. "I don't expect you to treat me like I'm still an inmate."

  There was nothing gentle about how he touched her. She belonged to him, and he'd prove it.

  He forced her mouth open and thrust his tongue between her lips. She jerked away, and he cupped the back of her head, keeping her from retreating. His dick twitched to life. One taste and he wanted to prove he was man enough to make her do anything.

  She bit down on his tongue. He jerked back without letting her go. Blood tainted his tongue and he spit on the porch.

  "Maybe you think Merk would treat you better," he muttered, wiping his free hand across his mouth. "Is that it? Did he fill your head on how things should be run around here?"

  He let her go and spit again. Damn, she got him good.

  "Where is all this coming from?" She rolled her shoulders inward and hugged her middle.

  He walked over, grabbed another beer, and drank deep, washing out his mouth. What bothered him wasn't any of her business. He strolled over and dumped the rest of the beer over the railing. He had a mind to toss the bottle in the yard, but changed his mind and put it in the trash.

  "Happy?" he asked.

  She shook her head. "What's wrong with you?"

  He ran his tongue over his top teeth, checking to see if she took a chunk out of him but his tongue seemed to be in one piece. His indecision on what to do with Merk came back on the club. He picked the only thing she had a say in, and could change. Hell, all he wanted to do was brush off his past and move on.

  "You've seen Jeremy make a life for himself with Moroad." He leaned against the porch post and crossed his arms. "He's got a girl and with the club runs we've kept up the last couple of years, he's bringing in good money for an eighteen year old kid."

  "He's finding his place." She nodded. "He's happy here."

  He reached for another cigarette and stopped. "His mom's dead. Who knows who is dad is...probably some John hyped up on drugs if you go by his mom's lifestyle choices and how she ended her life."

  She stepped closer. "What are you saying?"

  "I don't think the kid needs to know I'm not his father," he said. "The only one it's going to hurt is you."

  Now that he gave his opinion, he lit his cigarette. The best thing for the kid was to believe he belonged. He had the club, Christina, and his MC brothers.

  "Oh, no." She reached for him and pulled her hands back before making contact. "Don't blame me. I know the truth. How will telling him hurt me?"

  "Because he'll be angry and he'll take off. He'll leave you, he'll leave the club, and I can't let him walk away. He's patched in. He's taken an oath until death."

  "What do you mean?" Her hand went to the base of her neck before she turned away from him.

  "It's better for everyone involved if he goes on thinking I'm his old man."

  Christina whipped around. His chest tightened.

  "You promised me," she said, hissing her words. "After I received the letter from your attorney telling me you stole Jeremy away from the state, forged the DNA papers making you his birth father, and used him to kidnap me, you said you'd fix everything and tell him the truth when you got out of prison. Dammit, Cam, you promised me."

  "He'll be taken away from you."

  She raised her hands. "You're only thinking about yourself. If Jeremy wanted to pay you back, and that's a big if, he could go to the sheriff and tell him what you did. They'll throw you back in prison before you could blink. You're being selfish, denying him what is rightfully something he should know, and worried you'll get arrested."

  He shook his head. "I wouldn't let myself get arrested."

  "It can happen. Jeremy's an adult now. The system isn't going to place him in another home. He's over eighteen years old." She shoved her hands in her hair and paced the porch. "You have to break the news to him and do it in a way he has time to think about what you've done and what he needs to do to go on with his life. He's a good person. He'll realize his life is better living within Moroad than it ever was living in foster care. You have to give him the opportunity to accept the truth."

  He continued to shake his head.

  Christina's eyes got bigger. "We chance losing him, but he deserves to know the truth. He's got money, and...he'll understand. He's a smart young man. You'll have to give him time. That's all he needs is time to understand and he'll realize you might not be his real dad, but you took care of him."

  "Come here," he said.

  She shook her head, tears filling her eyes. "Cam, you promised me as soon as you were released, you'd tell him the truth before too much damage is done."

  "I did, and if you press me, I'll tell him." He held out his hand. "I'll take the chance of going back to prison."

  She walked into his arms and leaned against him. He braced his chest when she thumped her forehead against his vest in frustration.

  "Stop, baby." He cupped the back of her head, keeping her from beating herself.

  "I can't lose him or you," she whispered.

  "I'm not too hot on going back inside quite yet either." He blew out his breath. "Since I got home, all I've done is fight to catch up with the shit that's going on here. I need to figure out what to do with Jeremy, if Reds aim to take over our runs, I need to stop them. I never expected Merk to..."


  He shook his head. "He's stepping over the line, and I don't like it."

  "I told you, I talked with Merk. He understands, and he'll learn you're the only one for me. If he has any questions that make him think otherwise, I'll make sure he knows where I stand. He probably just needs to get on his feet, find him a woman. You know he hasn't been out of prison long. He's adapting, too."

  Bull shit. He knew the difference between needing a woman and wanting one woman. That's why he'd worked his way around the court system and gained custody of Jeremy. He wanted Christina, and he wouldn't let anything stop him from getting her.

  "I need to deal with Jeremy first," he said.

  He had no intention of getting rid of the kid. Jeremy was a hell of a biker, loyal, and proved his worth at running the gun chain. He peered down into eyes tinged with fear and obviously upset.

  Christina had only grown closer to Jeremy during his absence. He'd tried to explain to Christina what would happen, but she failed to understand. Hell, maybe her mind wouldn't let her hear what he'd been telling her would happen if the truth came out.

  He'd put that patch on Jeremy himself to protect himself. He believed Christina would be more in tune to keeping the secret if she knew Jeremy couldn't walk away from Moroad alive. Making Jeremy a lifer sealed his fate. He'd never get a chance to tell the authorities what crime Cam committed, and he'd make sure Christina never told anyone. All he had to do was confess to Christina, and they both could move past the subject of Jeremy's DNA.

  "I think if we both sit down with him, maybe after dinner on a night he's not seeing Tiff, he'll have an easier time accepting what you need to tell him." Christina stepped back and nodded her head as if going over the consequences in her head before speaking them aloud. "That way when he has questions, we have the time alone to discuss what really happened. He had little options, because of his age. He knows about the lack of safe homes for older teenagers, so—"


  Her gaze snapped to him. "What?"

  "I put a patch on him. He's
a Moroad MC member," he said.

  "I know. I sewed it on his jean vest the next morning for him." She smiled. "He almost seemed embarrassed to admit he doesn't know how to sew."

  Christina's gaze softened. She enjoyed being in Jeremy's life. He made her feel needed, and she loved taking care of him. She was a natural nurturer. What he had to tell her would break her heart, and he worried about the repercussions. He didn't want to put her back in the bedroom, locking her away until he'd stripped the pain away. He enjoyed having her standing beside him, supporting the club. But, he couldn't put off their talk any longer, because there were other matters pressing on his shoulders.

  "Listen to me, and don't interrupt," he said.

  She tilted her head, the light in her eyes dimmed. "Okay."

  "Once the kid knows the truth, he's either going to leave or he's going to get angry and want to make me pay for what I did." Cam paused, letting the information sink in. "He's an adult, but he's still a kid emotionally. His mom's death is fresh on his mind."

  "We won't let him leave until he understands," she said.

  He raised his hand, shutting her off from saying anything more. "He's a Moroad MC member for life. A member can't leave."

  "Of course they can leave. Everyone has a right to—"

  "No. When a member leaves the club, they're killed. A member betrays the club, they're killed. Each member understands the rules when they accept the patch. In our business and because we're all either incarcerated, on parole, or walking a thin line, we can't risk information leaking outside of the club. To do so would jeopardize me, you, and every member here."

  Her eyes widened and she blinked trying to keep up with what he said. He grasped her upper arms. She had to know the truth.

  "If I tell him, there's a good chance he'll leave because he's pissed off. I won't allow him to step off my property. If he does, I'll have to kill him." He squeezed her arms, prepared to take her weight when what he said sunk in. "Or he'll turn me over to the sheriff and I'm going away for the rest of my fucking life. If that's the case, you're losing both of us, because Merk or Gunner will kill Jeremy for betraying his president. I couldn't stop them, and I wouldn't stop them."


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