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The Book of Joshua II - Believe (The Gems & Gents Series 3)

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by Iris Bolling

  Something was amiss in Washington. The broadcast was showing President Harrison being bombarded with questions surrounding Attorney General Roberts. According to the reports, Attorney General Gavin Roberts is being accused of misrepresenting information regarding weapons found on U.S. soil. Attorney General Roberts claims to have no knowledge of the weapons, however, documentation showed a trail leading to the Attorney General’s office.

  “President Harrison, are you protecting your friend Attorney General Roberts from prosecution?”

  “President Harrison were the weapons found in Texas a part of a shipment sold to our enemies, by our government?”

  “President Harrison, did our own weapons bring down one of our aircraft killing several military personnel?”

  The President stopped then turned to the group of reporters who were shouting out questions to him. “The information is coming in on the weapons found in Texas. I would caution all, including the Republican delegation, on the course of action taken until we know all the facts. I am curious as to how the delegation can be calling for hearings on the Attorney General’s actions, when the information was only received less than an hour ago. We live in a democracy which gives everyone the right to a free trial when accused. Nothing I have seen thus far points to any wrongdoing by the Attorney General or anyone from his office. More will come from my office once all the facts have been determined.”

  The President turned to walk away, when another reporter yelled out. “Mr. President, wasn’t Roberts the Attorney General of Virginia when then Police Chief Wilbert Munford was gunned down in his home? At one time you suspected Roberts in that deal. Did you not, Mr. President?”

  It was clear the question rattled the President. However, his response showed no indication. “Until all the facts are reviewed, Attorney General Roberts has my full support.” He turned and walked into the entrance of the White House.

  “Only a hand full of people know the facts of the deal,” a voice said from behind her.

  Roc, smiled as she sat her glass on the table, and pulled her legs from the chair they were in. She turned and smiled at the six-six, two hundred-twenty pound Samuel Lassiter as he leisurely leaned against the doorframe of her kitchen door. “Hurricane, you are a sight for sore eyes.”

  He walked towards her with a swagger not matched by many and his arms opened. Roc walked right into them as if it was the most natural thing in the world. He gently kissed her lips. “You look good enough to eat.”

  She leaned back looking up at him. “You sound surprised.”

  “You called me out of the blue. It’s been what, ten years? I know how reckless you used to be. I figured I’d find you tied up with gasoline poured around you and a man with a match about to send you to the depths of hell.”

  She stepped back and grinned. “Does that sound like something I would get involved in?”

  Samuel folded his arms across his chest. “No, you’re right. That sounds a little too calm for you.”

  The two smiled at the memory of him saving her from the situation and a few others better left in the past. “How’s the wife and girls?”

  Samuel’s face lit up. “Beautiful and happy.”

  “The family life suits you,” Roc smiled. “You look good.”

  “What about you Roc? Anyone special yet?”

  “No,” she put her hands on her hips and looked down at his feet. “They would have big shoes to fill.”

  Samuel tilted his head. “Roc, you know my rule. I never cross the line with anyone I work with. Doesn’t mean I wasn’t tempted once or twice.”

  Roc smiled, “That’s a good thing for a girl to know Samuel.” She waved him off. “I got past your rejection when I was twenty-five. I called you for another reason.” She frowned, “Now, that I think about it, this operative reminds me of you a little. Not quite as handsome, with all the hair on his face. But, now that I think about it, there is something about him that resembles that quiet strength of yours.”

  “Operative? What’s his name?”


  Samuel tensed and grabbed her. “Where is he?”

  Stunned, she pulled away. “In one of the recovery rooms.”

  Samuel anxiously turned and hit the button on the keypad next to the refrigerator. The wall in the hallway opened and Samuel quickly descended the staircase that came into view.

  “Samuel,” Roc called out as she hit the button on the panel inside the opening to close it behind them. She followed him down to the recovery room located in her basement, which was not detectable to the normal eye.

  “Joshua?” Samuel called out as he pushed open several doors.

  “He’s in number 3,” Roc called out as she ran to catch up with him.

  “Joshua,” Samuel exhaled when he reached the open door. He stopped at the sight of his brother on the bed, then ran into the room and grabbed Joshua by the shoulders. “Joshua.”

  “Hey, hey, careful Sammy. That hurts like hell.”

  “Joshua,” Samuel was so overjoyed he couldn't say anything else. It had been three years since he’d seen his little brother. Oh, he had seen him on monitors when he was handling a mission, but not in person to touch him. JD told him of Joshua’s situation and the steps they were taking to get him home, but he wasn’t given any details.

  He looked over at Roc who walked into the room behind him and watched. “This is my brother.” He walked over to Roc, hugged her, picking her up off the floor, kissed her then sat her back down. “You brought my brother home.” He went back to Joshua, towering over him. In a demanding voice he said, “Call your mother right now.” He pulled out a cell phone.

  “She’s giving you hell, huh?” Joshua grinned.

  Samuel looked down at him. “You may wish you were dead once she gets a hold of you.”

  “Samuel,” Roc walked over to him then took the telephone. “You can’t do that.”

  Samuel grabbed at the phone. “Oh hell, yes we can.”

  Roc stepped away. “No, we can’t.”

  Anger flared through Samuel as he reached to take the phone, but quickly found himself on the floor with Roc’s heel at his throat.

  “Whoa,” Joshua yelled as he looked up at Roc, then back down to Samuel on the floor.

  “Listen to me Samuel.”

  Samuel looked up at Roc. The fact that she took him down was no surprise, he knew her skills, for his life had depended on them a time or two. The reason for it was what confused him. “What in the hell is going on, Roc?”

  Roc stepped back, extended her hand, then pulled Samuel up. “The US government is trying to take him out. They take him, they take me and now you. You have a wife and children. I plan to have a boatload of children myself one day. I have to live to accomplish that.”

  Joshua began to laugh, then grabbed his side. “Oh man that hurts.”

  “Then stop laughing,” Samuel scowled.

  “Man, I’ve never seen you taken down like that,” he continued to laugh.

  “One of you better start talking,” Samuel growled.

  Chapter Seven

  Atlanta, GA

  Roc pulled up a chair for Samuel to take a seat. She then pulled another for herself as the two sat next to Absolute, whose actual name, she now knew, is Joshua Lassiter, Samuel’s little brother. This world was too freaking small.

  Joshua sat up as much as he could. The fact that Samuel was in the same room as he gave him the strength he needed to begin the healing process. He hated the thought of being at the mercy of someone he did not know, even if she was sent by the White House. He was now comforted knowing, if anything were to happen, Samuel had his back.

  “Jonas Gary.”

  Samuel starred at Joshua, as he repeated the name. “Gary, police Chief Munford case?”

  Joshua nodded. “The weapons were being brought in by Gary and controlled by Munford, back when JD was Attorney General.”

  “I remember,” Samuel nodded. Gavin was Governor.

I ran into him in Mexico in the middle of an arms deal.” Joshua sat up. “When they completed the deal, I decided to take a look around their warehouse. Sammy, there was an arsenal that made me blush. All assault weapons, even launchers. There was no way I could let those weapons come into the United States.”

  “How do you know they were destined for here?”

  “Gary indicated the weapons were for an operation in the U.S. You know I couldn’t let that stand,” Joshua said as he tried to sit up. Roc started towards him. Samuel stopped her by gently grabbing her hand. Joshua noted the movement, then continued. “I decided to search the office.” He gave up trying to sit up in the bed, frustration clear on his face. “When I searched the office there were pictures of Gary with Admiral McGary and the VP mounted on the wall. Those men are advisors to POTUS. We know JD, he trusts people he shouldn’t. Sometimes it works out, then there are times like this.” He shook his head. “I know he would never be associated with Gary.” He reached under his pillow. “I also found this.” He handed the letter to Samuel.

  Samuel read the letter. “This is a pardon for any actions taken against the United States.” Samuel looked up startled. “Why would Gary need a pardon?”

  Joshua shook his head. “That’s the question we need to ask POTUS.”

  “Whatever it’s for, someone in our government does not want interference.” Roc stated as Samuel passed the letter to her. Joshua saw the action and frowned. “I’ll have it authenticated.” She stood to leave, but stopped when Joshua spoke.

  “That doesn’t leave my sight.”

  Samuel looked from Joshua to Roc. “It’s safe in Roc’s hands.”

  “It may be for you, it’s not for me. I don’t know her.”

  “I do.” Samuel nodded to Roc for her to continue.

  Roc hesitated, then gave the letter back to Joshua. She understood his concern. “I’ll bring the equipment in here. You two talk.” She left to gather the equipment.

  Samuel turned to Joshua. “We have a problem here?”

  “You know her?”

  “Very well.”

  “I don’t,” Joshua exclaimed, “That’s a problem.”

  “She brought you home Joshua. I’m willing to bet she saved your life a time or two in the process.”

  “Until I know what in the hell is going on, this stays with me.” He put the letter back under the pillow.

  Samuel studied his brother. He looked terrible. His hair was in an uncombed Afro. Facial hair covered his once handsome features and he was pale, which was saying something, for his brother was a dark chocolate brother who wore nothing but suits, stayed clean-shaven and never had a hair out of place. The decisions of the last President had taken a toll on him. As close as they were, even Samuel had not been able to penetrate Joshua’s shield after the Akande situation. Since that time, Joshua would kill on a whim. He even blew up an island on U.S. soil, with good reason, but still. He knew Joshua better than any person on this earth with the exception of their mother, Sally. He was hurting, physically and mentally. At the moment his pride was at stake. For now, he would let Joshua have his way. Samuel sat back in his chair after assessing his brother. “You look like crap.”

  “I feel like crap. I need to get to the Cave.”

  “Roc is not going to let you out of her sight until she knows you can take care of yourself.”

  “I don’t give a damn about Roc or whoever she is. I need to find out why there was a stockpile of weapons headed to the United States. And where in the hell is Ned and Monique?”

  “I don’t know what’s happening with Ned. Monique is in Ashmere. What do you mean by was?” Samuel raised an eyebrow.

  Joshua grinned. “BOOM! Took them out. “

  “Then what happened in Texas?”

  Joshua shook his head. “What are you talking about?”

  “The President was on the air when I arrived. Something about weapons being found in Texas that have a connection to the Attorney General.”

  “Gavin Roberts?”

  “The one and only,” Samuel replied with a snicker.

  “I don’t know who gives the man the hardest time you or Brian Thompson.” Joshua sat up. “I destroyed a warehouse full of weapons. Could there have been more?”

  Roc walked back in the room with a computer. She placed it on the dresser, then picked up the remote control. “You better take a look at this.”

  They all looked up at the monitor on the wall, as the news reporter spoke.

  In breaking news, the Republican Senate has called an emergency session regarding the weapons found in Texas earlier today. According to the leadership, indictments will be issued ordering the Attorney General and members of his staff to appear to answer questions regarding the weapons found and the death of military personnel. According to sources, the indictments could go as far up as the White House, including the Oval Office.”

  Joshua looked at Samuel. “They’re going after JD’s administration. Think about it. Who is the next in line if JD goes down?”

  “How would going after Roberts impact the President?” Roc asked. “At the most, it may be an embarrassment on the administration, but it shouldn’t take down the Presidency.”

  “JD is not going to allow them to take Gavin down.” Joshua sat up groaning. “He is going to stand by him to the end. That’s just the way the man operates. If JD does that, the Senate is going to try to indict him. What would that do for his Presidency?”

  Samuel looked at Joshua. “You think that letter from the VP may be the evidence needed to stop this from snowballing into a conspiracy?”

  “It’s hard to say Sammy. First we need to determine if there is a conspiracy,” Joshua pushed the cover aside. “Is Roberts involved in any way, is the next question.”

  Samuel rubbed his hands over his face. “It wouldn’t be the first time he dabbled on the wrong side of the law.”

  Joshua gingerly stood. “I think your judgment may be a little tainted because of your wife’s involvement with the man.” He looked at Roc. “I need my clothes.”

  “Exactly where do you think you are going?” She huffed.


  “In twenty four hours.”

  “No, now. My President needs me.”


  Laredo, TX

  In a bunker near the Texas-Mexico border another meeting was taking place.

  “Any word on Lassiter?”

  “None, since the chopper was shot down.”

  Admiral McGary slammed his fist against the wall. “Find him and kill him. The chopper did not just disappear. Get the FAA involved if you have to. Tell them it’s a matter of National Security. Look at all the footage. Find out who was piloting that chopper and bring them to me. I am not going to be the one left holding the bag on this operation.”

  Jonas was in a back room leaning against the wall as McGary gave orders to his men. He waited until all of them were gone before he made an appearance. “Years ago, there was a man as desperate as you who wanted to take Harrison down. He was unsuccessful. You haven’t shown me anything to indicate the outcome to this is going to be any different.”

  “This plan is years in the making. We are going to bring him down, if not him, his administration.” McGary stated with an air of confidence.

  “Yeah, heard it before.” Jonas stated. “Let me tell you what is not going to happen. If this goes wrong, I will not go down with you. You and the man pulling the strings will die before that happens. Keep that in mind as an incentive to find Lassiter.”

  “Don’t you threaten me!”

  “As Harrison would say, my word is bond.” Jonas opened the door to leave then looked back at the Admiral. “Tick, tick, times a wasting.” He laughed and left the building.

  Inside his SUV, Jonas pulled out a secure cell phone. “Any word on your end regarding Lassiter?

  “Nothing,” the voice replied.

  “Are you certain he has the document from the VP’s office?”
br />   “The safe was underground, and fireproof. When I pulled the box the pardon was gone. Yes, I’m sure he has it.”

  “That’s not good for you, my man.”

  “Let your man know, I go down, he goes down too.”

  Arlington, VA

  A cynical smile crossed David Holt’s face. “I suggest you get a backup. Things are progressing as planned on this end. Check your national news.” The call was disconnected. David turned to the woman next to him in bed, then smacked her on her naked behind. “It’s time for you to talk to your husband.”

  Eleanor McClintock was a beauty. She represented the cream of the crop of grand ladies from Texas. As the wife of the Vice-President, she wielded a great amount of power and influence. Just not enough to satisfy her. Her husband had never been enough to satisfy her in bed, or in life as a whole. However, he was the Vice-President of the United States, in part from work she did lying on her back, or other positions. The woman was talented in many areas when it came to getting what she wanted from men in powerful positions. Early in their marriage, she used the bottle to get past the boredom of being married to Jerry McClintock. Then she turned to men, even his father, Senator Jeremiah McClintock, until he resigned from office after the scandal surrounding the assassination attempt on JD Harrison when he ran for President. That scandal led to the death of the Vice President Elect. As fate would have it, Harrison was a man who believed in uniting the country and had the misfortune of nominating her husband, Jerry McClintock to replace the Vice-President. For some reason, he thought having a Democrat and a Republican running the country would show the world that the two parties could work together. Her husband, as foolish as it may sound, agreed with the man. She, on the other hand, remained quiet through the process and bid her time to make a few adjustments to the plan. To Eleanor, in the whole scheme of things, the country would be better off once her plans came to fruition.

  “What do you need him to say, darling?” She asked as she draped her creamy leg over David’s thighs.

  “A statement condemning the situation in Texas, while encouraging the people of the country to believe in President Harrison. Feed them the usual, ‘I support the President’ crap.”


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