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The Book of Joshua II - Believe (The Gems & Gents Series 3)

Page 10

by Iris Bolling

  “That remains to be seen.” Roc had her weapon in hand, ready to fire at the first sign of trouble.

  The door opened and the steps were lowered. Samuel had Joshua over his shoulder, as Roc descended the steps first. “Name and rank.” She called out as she pointed her weapon at the male standing inside the hangar.

  “You going to let her shoot me?” The man smiled up at Samuel.

  Samuel shrugged, as if Joshua was not on his shoulder. “Him, you can shoot, her, no.”

  Roc looked at Samuel, then turned in the direction he nodded to see a female dressed in black pants, turtleneck, boots and a black blazer, step from the opposite side of the plane. She reached behind her and pulled another weapon, pointing it at the woman.

  “Roc, no,” Samuel called out as he took a couple steps down. He knew Roc did not ask questions. She took out whomever she perceived as a threat.

  “I don’t like this.”

  “Magna, lower your weapon.” Samuel yelled.

  Magna Rivera never took her eyes off of the woman with the gun aimed at her. “Right after she drops hers.”

  “Not going to happen,” Roc stated.

  “Now Magna,” Samuel demanded.

  Magna watched as Samuel walked between the two women.

  “Women,” Brian grinned.

  The two women turned and glared at him. Brian threw his hands up. “I have two at home. Love them dearly.”

  “Then don’t make comments that might get you killed,” Roc stated as she holstered her weapon.

  “What in the hell is going on Samuel?” Brian asked as Samuel placed Joshua in the back of the SUV parked near the door.

  “That’s what we have to find out.” He turned to Roc. “Brian Thompson, Magna Rivera, meet Roc. Joshua’s protection is her mission and she takes it very seriously.”

  Roc nodded. “I will feel a lot better when we are in a secure location.”

  Samuel nodded. “Let’s get the pilot out of here and on his way.”

  Roc took a position next to the SUV where Joshua was on the back seat. Using her handheld, she pushed a button to scramble the signal on the camera. She did not want the plane tracked. The doors opened and the plane began taxiing out of the hangar. They all watched as the plane taxied down the runway and went airborne.

  “He going to be okay?” Brian nodded towards the SUV

  “Roc is going make sure he is, even if it kills him.”

  Brian lifted a brow, glanced at the woman, then looked back at Samuel. “He’s giving her a hard time?”

  “You can say that,” Samuel smirked. “Like I said, Roc will whip him back into shape whether he wants it or not. I know, she did it for me.” Samuel hesitated. “The President is in trouble. Someone is coming after his administration.”

  “What do you have?”

  “Do you remember the name Jonas Gary?”

  Brian thought for a minute.

  “The Munford case,” Magna spoke from behind them.

  “That’s right,” Samuel nodded.

  “What’s he got to do with the President?” Brian asked.

  “Nothing concrete. Can you get a secure call between Joshua and the President without White House tracking?”

  Brian stared at Samuel perplexed. “I can work that out.”

  “Good,” Samuel patted Brian on the shoulder, as he walked off. “The sooner he can make that call, the better.”

  Satisfied, the plane had departed safely, Brian turned to Samuel. “The vehicle is fully loaded.” He handed the keys over to Samuel. Hit the red button on the console and instructions on its use will be read to you.”

  “Appreciate it.”

  “You want an escort to Quantico?”

  “We’re good,” Samuel climbed into the vehicle. “Make that call happen.”

  Brian and Magna watched as the vehicle pulled out. “Wasn’t Gary into weapons trafficking back then?” Magna asked.

  Brian nodded, “Yes, he was.” He stared at Magna over the top of the vehicle they were about to enter. “That’s the second time today that Munford has come up.” He looked away for a minute then tapped the top of the vehicle. “Get a location on Gary. Let’s see what he’s been up to the last few years.”

  “You got it, Boss.”


  The ride from Reagan National to Quantico was less than an hour’s drive if they took Interstate 95. Under the circumstances, Samuel felt it was best to take Route 1, which was longer and more of a rural area. If anything were to hop off on 95, there was no escape. Using Route 1, would give them a number of options. Samuel wasn’t one to anticipate impending doom, however, he had worked as a Seal long enough to prepare for the worst.

  “Brian Thompson wouldn’t happen to be the President’s personal security guard, would he?”

  “That he would be.”

  Frustrated, Roc shook her head. “Samuel,” she sighed. “What part of I don’t trust people do you not get? It was a United States chopper that tried to take your brother out.”

  “That may be. But I would bet my life on it, that JD is not aware of that.”

  “Are you willing to bet your brother’s life on that. Because that’s what you just did.”

  “Look Roc, I understand you don’t know JD like we do. In this, you will have to trust my judgment.” He exhaled. “Do you think for one minute I would do anything to put my brother’s life in jeopardy, or yours for that matter? You know me better than that.”

  Roc knew Samuel would not jeopardize any of them, but for some reason her nerves were on edge. The closer they got to their destination, the more an intense sense of danger thickened around them. “Does anyone else know we are here?”

  “Not from me,” Samuel looked over at her. “Why?”

  Looking out the window in all directions, Roc shook her head. “I don’t know Samuel, something just doesn’t feel right.”

  Samuel looked in the rear view window. There weren’t many cars on the road. None that had been with them long, for he had been randomly checking to make sure they were not being followed. He pushed the red button on the console that Brian had mentioned. “Let’s see what we’re carrying.”

  “Good evening,” the console spoke. “Who do I have the pleasure of serving today?”

  Roc and Samuel glanced at each other. “Samuel Lassiter.”

  “Please hold while I do a voice analysis to verify your identity.”

  “What the hell?” Samuel grinned.

  “May I call you Samuel or do you prefer Sammy?”

  “Samuel is fine.”

  “I can’t seem to locate you in our data base Samuel. Have you used our technology before?”

  “It’s hard to say since I have no idea what technology your are referring to. Why in the hell am I talking to a car?”

  “No need to be insulting, Samuel. I am not a car. I am the state of the art in automobile designs.”

  Roc laughed. “Samuel, I think you hurt her feelings.”

  “You have someone with you?” The console replied. “Please identify yourself.”

  “Hello, Genevieve.”

  Roc turned to see Joshua sitting up.

  “Joshua, how wonderful to hear your voice.”

  “Genevieve, Samuel is my brother. Please do not eject him from your warm embrace.”

  “Your verification is all I need. Please proceed with your request.”

  Roc gave Joshua an open mouthed stare. “You talk vehicle.”

  “Automobile,” Joshua replied. “State of the art automobile. Watch. Genevieve, please search the surrounding automobiles for any unusual chatter.”

  “Anything for you Joshua,” the console replied. A click occurred, as the lights on the dashboard began to flicker.

  “Force fields are in place. You have two bogies tracking you, one from above, the other two vehicles behind you.”

  Everyone became alert. “What are they tracking?”

  The console lights bounced as if a mind was thinking. “GPS loc
ated in the passenger in the back seat.”

  Roc turned to Joshua. “You have a tracking system implant. That’s how I located you in Mexico.”

  “The only people with access are CIA personnel,” Joshua glared at her through the dark interior.

  “Where is it located?” Roc asked as she climbed into the back seat with him.

  “You really don’t want to know.”

  The light on the console began to flash again. “A vehicle to your left is approaching at an increasing speed. Shall I take evasive action?”

  “Yes,” Samuel replied. The vehicle lurched forward as Genevieve took control of the gas pedal and steering wheel. “Please secure your seat belts.”

  “A little damn it late Genevieve,” Joshua groaned.

  “Weapons locked to fire, shall I prepare to retaliate?”

  “Hell yes,” Samuel replied. “Can she control this vehicle Joshua?” Samuel asked as he pulled his weapon.

  “Yes. Open the weapon tray Genevieve.” The ceiling of the vehicle opened revealing a selection of automatic weapons. Joshua pulled out a Uzi.

  “What the hell?” Roc smiled. “Where is the GPS located Joshua?”

  “In his left thigh, near his groin,” Genevieve replied.

  “Oh,” Roc replied. “Since you located it, can you deactivate it?”

  “No, however, I do have scramble capabilities. Would you like for me to implement the scrambler?”

  “Yes,” they all yelled.

  “Scramble sequence activated. Another vehicle is approaching from the right.” Genevieve announced.

  Roc pulled a weapon down. “I want some of this action. Do we have to wait for them to fire at us?”

  “Hell no,” Joshua yelled, as the vehicle’s speed increased. “Genevieve, take the next right.”

  “Affirmative,” Genevieve replied. “They have been firing. My anti-shields are up. The ammunition is bouncing off as it should.”

  Roc looked at Joshua and grinned. They both rolled down the window and began firing at will. Samuel shook his head thinking they were acting like children at Christmas with a new toy. Genevieve took a sharp right as instructed, throwing Joshua against the door.

  “Ouch, damn it. Take it easy Genevieve.”

  “Missile locked from above.”

  “Haul ass Genevieve, haul ass,” Samuel yelled. “Can you counteract?”

  “Counteraction initiated.” The vehicle shook. Then they heard a whistle sound. Occupants in the vehicle stopped and watched.


  Samuel looked on as Roc and Joshua sat back watching the explosion in awe. “Hell, if a car can do all of this why do we need an army?”

  Genevieve fired two more shots taking out the vehicles trailing them, then came to a complete stop. “I am not a car. I am a state of the art automobile. One more insult and I will eject you.”

  “My apologies, Genevieve.”

  Samuel and Roc stepped out of the vehicle to assess the damage. They looked at each other. There was none. Joshua opened the door to get out of the vehicle, but had the door promptly closed back on him, then blocked by Roc.

  There were fires and destruction all around them. “We need to get out of the area.” Samuel stated. “This place is going to be crawling with local, state and federal authorities in a minute.”

  “And they are going to be pissed,” Roc added as they entered Genevieve. “You okay back there?”

  Joshua was in excruciating pain, but there was no way he was going to tell her that. “Alive,” he replied frowning. “Take us home Genevieve.”

  Genevieve roared her engine, as Samuel just held the keys in his hand. “I’ve got to get me one of these.”

  Joshua smiled. “A nice toy, isn’t she?”

  Fifteen minutes later, they were a mile away from Joshua’s home. Samuel had regained control of the vehicle. Roc was in the passenger seat, and Joshua was in the back, wishing he had accepted the pain meds offered earlier. Any movement would send sharp pains through his back.

  Roc looked over her shoulder. “His coloring is changing. We have to get him settled.”

  “I’m good,” Joshua said feeling as if his guts were about to spill onto the floor of Genevieve.

  “No, you are not. Genevieve, are you equipped with medical screening capabilities?” Roc asked.


  “Not needed,” Joshua groaned in agony. “I said I’m good.”

  “Give me vitals on Joshua. He’s seated in the back.”

  “Joshua’s body features are my data bank. When he is in our automobiles, we become one.”

  Roc stared at the console, then looked up at Samuel. All Samuel could do was shrug his shoulders. “He has a way with females.”

  “Medical attention needed immediately. Pressure dropping rapidly. Directions to closest medical facility loaded.”

  “Negative, Genevieve,” Joshua closed his eyes as he moaned. “Go stealth mode. Take me home.”

  All of the lights in the vehicle dimmed, the engine quieted to a non-detectable level and began to move forward.

  “Heat sensors show two occupants in a vehicle on the side of the road ahead,” Genevieve advised.

  “Are we able to pass them undetected?” Samuel asked.


  “What’s the problem?” Roc asked.

  “The entrance to Joshua’s home is down the road ahead,” Samuel replied. “We need to make a turn, right in front of them, to get to the entrance.”

  Roc looked around. The area seemed to be deserted, with the exception of one or two houses down the dimly lit road.

  “Are they males or females inside the vehicle?” Roc asked.

  “Males,” Genevieve responded.

  Roc reached up and then removed the band which held her hair in a ponytail. She ran her fingers through her hair, spreading it over her shoulders. “Pull back Genevieve.” The automobile moved back into the shadows. “Give me a name of one of the residents on this street. Genevieve’s monitors came to life.

  “Ian Holmes, house number 2652.”

  “Thank you Genevieve.” Roc, stepped out of the vehicle, bent over to tuck her jeans inside her boots, zipped her black leather jacket. She pulled out her phone, put the earphones in, then began walking down the street.

  “You may want to watch this little brother,” Samuel smiled.

  Joshua opened his eyes to see the back of Roc as she walked down the street. “Damn.”

  Samuel grinned. “Yes, damn is right.”

  Joshua watched the movement of Roc’s behind in those jeans as she moved closer to the vehicle. He may be in pain, but the sight of her in those jeans made part of his anatomy come to life. He watched as she walked past the vehicle, stopped, looked around, then pulled the earphones from her ears. They dropped to the ground. She slowly bent over to pick them up. He groaned.

  Samuel looked at him through the rear view mirror. That was the little brother he knew. “Something to behold, isn’t she?”

  “You two seem chummy.”

  “We’re more than chummy Joshua. We have a connection. Just like you do with any partner.”

  A man got out of the passenger seat of the parked vehicle and was talking to her. Roc flung her hair over her shoulder, then smiled at the man. Joshua’s gut clinched. She was beautiful. The passenger door opened and the other man stepped out. Joshua started to move but was engulfed in pain.

  “No,” Samuel grinned. “Watch.”

  Joshua watched as Roc turned to the other man with the same disarming smile. She pointed to a house as if explaining what she was doing there, then suddenly punched one man in the nose with the palm of her hand, sending him to the ground. Kicked the other in the groin, then in the face, knocking him out. She had taken them both out in less than a minute.


  “Thank you Joshua,” Genevieve responded.

  Samuel laughed, started Genevieve, drove down and parked next to the vehicle. Roc had pi
cked one man up and placed him back inside the car Samuel placed the other man in the driver’s seat. They both got back into Genevieve then pulled off.

  “Did you enjoy putting yourself in danger?”

  Roc looked over her shoulder at Joshua, then sideways at Samuel. “I did enjoy that little action. It’s been a while. But I was in no danger from two men in a car.”

  “They were men,” Joshua seethed.

  “And your point?” Roc questioned.

  Samuel watched Joshua through the rearview mirror wondering what was his problem. He knew none of his brothers had any concerns about their sisters being able to defend themselves against anyone, especially men. There was something else in play when it came to Roc, he just had to figure out what. He turned onto a gravel road, then stopped at what appeared to be trees at the end of the road.

  “Genevieve signal,” Joshua groaned from the back seat. Genevieve flashed her lights to the Lord’s prayer. The trees parted. They drove in and waited.

  Genevieve was scanning the area. The single level, four bedroom, three bath home, was nestled away on four acres of land in Quantico, Virginia, only forty-five minutes from Richmond or Washington, D.C. Views of the river could be seen from many of the rooms in the home. The place had a calming affect on his family when they came to visit. In addition to providing comfort for his eleven brothers and sisters, with its calming water views, the house contained a twenty-seat state of the art theater room, and an indoor heated pool, plus his one-hundred and twenty pound Chow/Rottweiler mix and lovable pooch, Commando. However, like Commando, the home and its surrounding grounds were a danger zone for unwanted visitors. Anyone approaching could be detected from miles away. The house, located outside of the subdivision, had one road leading into the property. The road was lined with sensors, which could detect the number of people in a vehicle or on foot. Some of those sensors had triggers, which would eliminate unwanted visitors without Joshua ever stepping foot outside. The land was covered with trees and blocked the view of the house from the subdivision. There were land mines strategically placed throughout. The extreme security measures were only activated at times of danger. This was one of those times.

  “The area is clear,” Genevieve advised.

  Roc sat back as Samuel drove the vehicle forward and stopped. The trees behind them closed, and lights appeared, lining the corridor as they moved forward. It looked as if they were driving through a tunnel.


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