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The Book of Joshua II - Believe (The Gems & Gents Series 3)

Page 18

by Iris Bolling

  “Use your left hand to open the door, then step out, slowly.” The voice said.

  Law enforcement. That was the first thing that came to Roc’s mind. The person with the gun was law enforcement or had been at some time.

  “Is there something wrong, Officer?” she asked while she opened the door.

  “You’re watching my building and I want to know why?”

  Stepping out of the vehicle, Roc noticed people on the street looking at them, but no one made a move to interfere. “I like the building,”

  A hand struck her across the cheekbone as she turned. “Wrong answer.” Before the man knew what hit him, Roc struck him in the face with the back of her fist, turned, delivered a kick to his groin, then saw the fist of a second man right before it connected to her face. The blow drew blood, but did not immobilize her, she kicked out taking both men down. Roc ran across the street, dodging cars, ignoring the horns blaring and the angry words coming her way. She jumped on the hood of one car, slid across the top, dropping on the opposite side. Following Joshua’s path she ran between the buildings, only to be stopped when she heard the magazine to an assault weapon, that was pointing at her, click into place. She slid to a stop, narrowed her eyes, then put her hands up.

  “Join us inside, why don’t you.” The man she knew to be Jonas Gary stated.

  Roc did not resist. She turned then walked in the direction towards which the man pointed. Her jaw was stinging and she was sure her face looked a fright, however, she grinned when she saw the two men limping as they followed them into the building.

  Joshua was right. There was a stockpile of crates around the walls. She did not have x-ray vision, but she was willing to bet there were weapons in each one.

  Gary was disgusted with his men. He pushed her forward causing her to trip and hit the floor. “Who the hell are you?”

  Roc wiped the blood from her nose, “Your worst nightmare.”

  He raised his leg to kick her, she grabbed it and pulled him off his feet. Roc jumped up, but froze when one of the men came back in with a gun drawn on her.

  Jonas stood, then yanked up the gun he’d dropped. He raised it to hit her with the butt, when the sound of a bloodcurdling roar caused him to whirl around. He saw one man being thrown against the wall, while a knife sailed through the air landing in the other’s forehead. When he recognized the man, he moved quickly, grabbing Roc up to shield him from the man in the suit, with murder in his eyes. “Hold it, right there,” Jonas held the barrel of his gun to Roc’s temple.

  Joshua paid the man no mind. “You good,” he nodded at her as if it was only the two of them in the room having a conversation.

  “I have a bit of a headache.”

  “Did he do that to your face?”

  “Hey, up here. I’m the one with the gun.”

  The look in Joshua’s eyes chilled her to the bone. “You’re a non-entity.”

  Jonas cocked the gun, “You want to try that again?”

  Joshua stood with his feet braced apart, arms folded across his wide chest, showing no emotion, other then a raised eyebrow. “You should have killed me when you had the chance.”

  He turned the gun on Joshua, tightening his grip around Roc’s neck. “We can always remedy that.”

  With a flick of his wrist, Joshua flipped a round metal device with spikes at the man’s arm, causing his hold on Roc to loosen and the gun to drop. Just as quickly as he hit the floor Joshua was over him pulling Jonas up by his neck. “Don’t ever touch what’s mine.”

  The anger was radiating so fiercely from him, it caused Roc to pause. She could see his body shaking. “Joshua,” Roc touched his arm. “We need to take him back to D.C.” He did not respond, in fact, his features hardened at her touch. “Joshua, the President needs information from this man. We need him alive.”

  “Do you believe in karma?” Joshua did not take his eyes away from Jonas. “I ask, because I believe when a man is about to meet his maker, he should at least know why.”

  “I believe you have me mistaken for someone who gives a shit,” Jonas spat out.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Some say one’s actions, in this and previous states of existence, play a role in deciding their fate in future existences. Your fate was sealed the moment you put your hands on my woman. Oh, you may not die at my hands this moment, but make no mistake, your hours are numbered.” Joshua released his hold on the man’s neck, and then hit him with a powerful blow, which rendered him unconscious. He turned to Roc.

  The gentleness of his gaze seared her right through to her heart. “It’s not that bad.”

  He pulled a handkerchief from his inner pocket and gently took her face in his hands to examine the bruise. “No man should ever put his hands on what belongs to me,” He began to wipe the blood away. His touch was like a warm caress. It was difficult for Roc to concentrate with him touching her in such a caring way.

  “Does that mean we’re going steady now?”

  The sparkle in her eyes let him know she was kidding, but he felt compelled to clarify. “Went down that road,” he held her gaze, “not going again.”

  His words were contradicting his touch, but Roc learned a long time ago. Take a man’s words at face value. She took the handkerchief from him, then continued wiping her face. “You might want to contact Ned, to get this cleared out.”

  Joshua felt he had disappointed her with his words, but neither her face, nor her voice showed any reaction to his words. “Roc, there will not be more.” He held her gaze to ensure understanding.

  “You came through loud and clear,” Roc watched as he nodded then turned away.

  Washington DC

  “It has come to my attention that key individuals have been detained and are en route. It could be detrimental when they reach their destination.”

  “We have a scape goat if needed.”

  “Good to hear.” The call was disconnected.


  “Mr. President,” Calvin greeted as he walked through the door of his office into the Oval Office. “The chopper carrying Admiral McGary has landed. Do you want him brought here?”

  JD sat at the desk with his sleeves rolled up, suit jacket on the back of his chair and his tie lying on the desk. Papers were literally lying all around him. The events of the last few days had distracted him from the education bill and he was determined to read through every inch of it before he signed the document.

  He looked up as Calvin spoke. “No, he doesn’t deserve to step foot in this office,” an angry JD replied. “Have him taken to the bunker.” He threw the pen he was writing with on the desk, then sat back in his chair. “How could a patriot like McGary be turned against his country?”

  Calvin sighed, “Let’s be clear,” Calvin said as he sat in the chair next to the desk. “If what Ned’s team has discovered is true, McGary is no patriot. A man true to his country would never jeopardize its citizens the way McGary has.”

  “Could the man hate me to that extent?”

  “Fanatics don’t need a reason to dispense hate. But I think we have a more pressing situation,” he pressed a button on the desk. Joshua’s face appeared on the monitor on the desk.

  “Good evening Mr. President,” Joshua spoke.

  There was something in Joshua’s tone that made JD smile. “It’s Mr. President tonight, Joshua? Either you are about to blow up something or you are trying to soften me up for a blow. Which is it?”

  Joshua smiled. “Soften the blow. Gary is not talking, however, according to McGary he received orders from the Vice-President’s camp. Not the Vice-President, but his camp.”

  “Who in his camp, if not him?” JD asked.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Calvin replied. “He is responsible for all actions taken on his behalf.”

  “Roc here, Mr. President. The Intel suggests the Vice-President may not be aware of this activity. According to McGary, he had a conversation with the VP where he alluded to the plan and it appeared the man knew nothi
ng of it.”

  “I have to agree with Calvin on this one.” Joshua stated. “He is responsible for whatever actions the people in his camp make. I say take them all down.”

  “It’s wrong to hold one person responsible for the actions of another,” Roc held his gaze then walked away.

  “How did McGary communicate with the person?” JD asked.

  Joshua’s attention was still on Roc, who had walked away and taken a seat in the back.


  “Cell phone. Ned tracked it. It’s registered to the VP’s office, the same with Gary and Holt.” Joshua hesitated. “JD, I have to get a little personal here. Does this Holt guy have a connection to your wife?”

  “They went to school together,” JD replied as he sat forward. “But the history is with my sister Ashley.”

  “How so?” Joshua asked.

  “Family business Joshua,” JD replied.

  “All due respect Mr. President. Your family business may be at the very heart of what’s happening here.”

  “How so?”

  “It seems Holt approached both, Gary and McGary. He is also connected to the McClintock camp.”

  “Holt wouldn’t have the clout to pull something like this off,” JD stated. “There is no way he could persuade McGary to be part of a conspiracy against this country. He doesn’t have the political connections to get the Senate to act so quickly and decisively.” JD shook his head. “No, someone else is behind this, Joshua. I need to know who. Bring them to the bunker. I need answers.”

  Joshua stepped out of the chopper at a private airstrip near the Pentagon, with Gary in handcuffs, held by the arm. Roc had McGary the same way. They were walking towards the SUV Ned had arranged when a black sedan and another SUV pulled to a stop between them. Two men stepped out of the vehicle flashing credentials, while four armed men dressed in military wear, emerged from the SUV.

  “Absolute,” one man extended his hand and flashed his credentials. “Jackson, Homeland Security. We have orders to take your captives to the bunker. The President is eager to speak with them.”

  Roc pushed McGary to the ground, put a foot on his back, then pulled her weapon. The man seemed friendly enough, but something about the scene did not feel right. Joshua watched as the men from the SUV held the back door open, but never drew their weapons.

  He looked over his shoulder at Roc. “What do you think?” He asked, certain she understood he was talking about the odds of six to two.

  Roc shrugged her shoulder, still pointing her weapon at the military men. “I’m cool with it, but I was kind of looking forward to meeting the President in person.”

  Joshua smiled, turned back to Jackson. “I don’t want to disappoint the lady. We’ll see this one through.” He stepped around the man. “You’re welcome to join us.”

  “I’m afraid, I must insist,” Jackson stated with a frown in his brow. “You’ve served your country by capturing these traitors. You and the lady will be honored for your actions.” The man smiled.

  Roc started singing the chorus to the song Poison, by Bell, Biv, Devoe. Never trust a big butt and a smile. If I were you, I’d take precautions.

  While the burst into song confused the agent, Joshua grinned, then discreetly pulled a button from his coat.

  “Get us the hell out of here,” Gary sneered at the agent.

  Joshua looked from the prisoner to the agent. The agent was clearly pissed by Gary’s statement. “You two know each other?” He sounded surprised.

  “Look around you,” said Jackson, the friendly tone now gone. “I prefer this go down without bloodshed.”

  Roc shook her head. “We saw your face, you can’t let us walk. Which means we will have to kill you and your men to leave here alive. And make no mistake gentlemen, I have every intention of leaving here alive.”

  “There’s six of us, only two of you,” He smirked, “I like our odds.”

  Joshua laughed. “You think you have the advantage?”

  Agent Jackson looked around the seemingly deserted airstrip, then smirked. “I do.”

  Joshua looked over at Roc. “Arrogant little roach, isn’t he.”

  Agent Jackson took exception to that, nodded his head and his men immediately pulled their weapons. Before any of them could pull the trigger, shots rang out. The first shot hit Jonas Gary center forehead.

  Joshua didn’t have time to wonder who, he flipped the button towards the SUV. It exploded on impact. Gunshots filled the air, taking out agent Jackson and his partner. Roc covered the Admiral. Not sure who was firing, Joshua took cover behind the sedan, then drew his weapon. “Let me see your face Roc,” he called out in desperation. “Roc!”

  Hearing the desperation in his voice, she looked up. “Good, over here. Good guys or bad?”

  “Not sure, but I would say good, since they took out the bad guys.”

  “I don’t like working on assumptions.”

  “Get me the hell out of here,” McGary cried out.

  Joshua grinned at Roc, who was now, behind the sedan, beside him, They both had their weapons ready as they looked around. “Should we leave him there?”

  Roc looked at McGary who was on his stomach, with his hands strapped behind his back, in the line of fire. “Oh, I don’t know, now that his partner is dead, he may be willing to talk a little more.”

  “I don’t think he has much more to tell us.”

  “I do, damn it, I have information the President will want to hear.”

  Joshua and Roc looked at each other. Roc shrugged. “Oh, all right.” She reached out and pulled the man, behind the sedan with them.

  “You two plan on sitting there much longer?”

  Joshua looked up to see, Al “Turk” Day, his wife Ryan and Tucker Donovan, standing with weapons drawn. “I’ll be damned. The calvary has arrived.”

  Joshua stood. “How’s Melissa Sue?”

  “Healing,” Al replied as he looked over at the SUV which was now on fire. “You still playing with explosives, I see.”

  Joshua grinned, “Never know when something needs to be destroyed.” He looked at Tucker. “What are you doing on the East coast?”

  Tucker walked over to Jonas Gary’s body. He kicked it over. The man eyes stared up at him. “Protecting what’s mine.” He looked at Roc. “He do that to your face?”

  Roc touched the bruise she had forgotten was there and shrugged. “I’ll live.”

  Tucker shot Gary’s body again. “He won’t.”

  Al did not give anyone a chance to question the statement. “Let’s move before the other good guys appear.”

  Roc stood, pulling McGary to his feet. “How did you know we were coming to this airstrip?”

  “Airway chatter.”

  They all walked towards the SUV left by Ned. “Who was on the box?”

  “Homeland Security and the AG’s office.” Ryan replied. “My question is how did they know you would be here?”

  Joshua placed McGary in the backseat of the SUV, closed the door, then turned to Al. “I don’t like not knowing all the players,” he turned to Roc. “Too much is at stake. The President needs answers.“

  Chapter Nineteen

  The bunker was filled with people wanting exactly what Joshua indicated, answers. They stood behind the glass partition, as Joshua questioned McGary.

  Brian, James and Royce listened as Roc just looked on. While the men were focused on McGary’s responses, her mind was on the man. No, not McGary, she knew that fool was going to spill his guts before it was all over with. No, she was watching Joshua. There was no denying, the man was back to full form. She was no longer needed. A sadness washed over her with the realization. Yet, a sense of happiness engulfed her as well. Joshua “Absolute” Lassiter was back. The United States’ deadliest weapon was ready for duty and she’d had a hand in delivering him.

  Joshua loomed over McGary as if he was nothing. Firing question after question, until the man had no choice but to tell all he knew. He was relentless
and Roc was enjoying every moment for she knew her heart was going to take a long time getting over this Lassiter. Joshua touched her in a way Samuel never had. This man had a quality she just could not explain. He was charming, funny, arrogant, yet humble, kind but firm and he was fine. There was just no other way to describe Joshua, she thought as she watched him pick McGary up by the collar demanding names. There was nothing boastful about the man, for he could back up every word he used to describe his skills, from the battlefield to the bedroom. Roc sighed. She would not feel that again. She closed her eyes and shook her head as the memory of the night before filled her.

  “Thinking about me, aren’t you Angel?”

  Roc opened her eyes to see Joshua standing in front of her with those damn dimples. She stood straight. “What do we have?”

  “A location for a meeting taking place,” he grinned. “McGary is supposed to provide security. Care to join me?”

  It was time for her to cut her losses. “You can handle it. It’s time for me to move on.”

  Joshua had turned to leave the room when her words stopped him. A look of confusion was there for a brief moment then disappeared. “Move on? As in leave…now? You’re leaving before the job is done?” his eyes narrowed.

  “My job is done.” She walked out to the open door as she continued. “You are able to function at your full capacity. You don’t need a nursemaid.” She wanted to tell him he needed her…the woman, but that was something he would have to conclude on his own.

  Yes, she was right again, but he wasn’t ready for her to go…not yet. “I believe the President ordered you to be backup on this case. The case isn’t over. We have a man to take down.” He opened the door and held it until she broke eye contact and walked through. Uncertain why the thought of her leaving cut…it cut deep.


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