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The Book of Joshua II - Believe (The Gems & Gents Series 3)

Page 22

by Iris Bolling

  “Is my mommy outside too?” Jada asked.

  “Yes, your parents are outside also.”

  Jada ran to Roc and jumped in her arms.

  Joshua slowly walked over to Jazzy who still had the phone in her hand. He had no idea what could trigger the device and did not want to startle the girl. He bent down in front of her and smiled. “We haven’t officially met.” He held out his hand. “My name is Joshua.”

  “It’s a bomb, isn’t it?”

  Joshua held the girls eyes. He never underestimated the intelligence of children. “Yes.”

  “Do you want to know the code?”

  Joshua was a little surprised. He thought the girls would be a little squeamish, but this one wasn’t.

  “There’s two you know.” She pointed to the phone. “There’s the code that he used to test and the actual detonation code.” The girl shifted on her feet. “See these? The prints show they were used regularly, in sequence 274. That is probably the test code. Then see these ones, 872., that is probably your boom code.”

  Joshua couldn’t help himself, he had to smile. The child had a logical reason for her choices. He held out his hand. “May I?”

  “Sure,” she hesitated, then tilted her head. “You know what they mean, right?” She asked as she gave the phone to him.

  “No,” he stood and looked down at her. “Ash and Trac. Both codes are connected to my mom and aunt.” She walked over and took Roc’s hand, then looked over her shoulder as they walked out of the back door. “Are you coming?”

  Joshua smiled, then walked over to her. He kissed her on the cheek. “I’ll be out in a minute.

  “Okay. You can leave him in here.”

  Roc stared at him. “You got that?” she nodded towards the device.

  “Child’s play.”

  She held his eyes for a moment, then turned and took the girls out the back door.


  JC watched as his parents gathered Jasmine in their arms. The scene was surreal. The sirens, the lights from the emergency vehicles, the secret service, FBI, local police, the television cameras, the helicopters above. There was a happy outcome. Neither Jasmine nor Jada were harmed. That thought brought a smile to his face. Then he turned. His eyes met David Holt’s who was sitting in the backseat of a police cruiser. There was something in the man’s eyes that struck him as odd. He wasn’t frightened by his future in prison. There was no remorse in his eyes. There was a smirk on his face. And in that moment JC knew, if given the chance, David Holt would strike again. There had been too much violence against his family. Most of it caused by men like Holt. Men who wished to be like his Dad.

  He didn’t remember when his father was shot, or when his mother was beaten, or the time when David Holt tried to rape his Aunt Ashley, or when his uncle Brian was shot four times in the back trying to save him. He did vividly remember the night his Dad was elected President of the United States. He remembered the stage being sprayed with bullets. He remembered smiling up at his Dad one minute, then the burning sensation that struck him in the chest. But most of all, he remembered his mother’s scream. That gut wrenching sound still woke him up every morning. He never wanted to hear that sound from his mother again.

  JC walked over to the vehicle where David sat. “May I have a moment with him?” He asked Joshua, who was standing by the door.

  Joshua wondered if the boy knew his intent was written all over his face. He believed the boy had a right to feel as he did. Joshua sent a text to Brian as he spoke. “It’s a dangerous line you are about to cross, JC. The outcome could change the course of your life. Do you believe you can handle the consequences of your actions? If that answer is no, then I want you to turn around and walk back over to your family.”

  JC looked up at Joshua. “Would you walk away knowing this man will return one day in some way to harm your family?”

  Joshua knew he should say yes, but he couldn’t bring himself to lie to the boy. “No.” He nodded to the Secret Service agent that was ten feet away. “Give us a few minutes here, would you?”

  The agent gave Joshua a knowing look, stepped away then turned his back to ensure there were no witnesses to what was about to happen. Brian walked up behind JC, put his hand on his shoulder and squeezed. He was about to pull his weapon when Douglas walked up. He pulled his weapon, put the silencer on the tip, then held it out to Brian.

  Brian held the weapon as he turned JC to face him. “I want you to look at the faces around you.”

  JC looked up. There was Brian, Douglas and Joshua, who were all surrounding him. But it was the face over their shoulder that meant more to him than all of them combined. His father was there, in the distance, with his Uncle James standing next to him. He held his father’s eyes. Eyes that told him, he understood the turmoil he was experiencing. But more than that, he saw the love his father had for him and that…was all he needed. He didn’t take the weapon from Brian. He looked up at Joshua.

  “Open the door.”

  Joshua opened the door to the cruiser and held it.

  David looked out and grinned. “So what’s this the inquisition? I’m shaking in my boots.” He laughed.

  All the men turned their backs to allow JC to have his moment.

  “Mr. Holt, why do you hate my father?”

  “Your father,” David spoke with a smirk. “I don’t hate your father. I hate what he stands for. The great American way of truth, honor, loyalty. He’s a damn boy scout.” he looked away then turned back and looked the boy dead in his eyes. “Now, your mother, I hate that hoe. She ruined my life sticking her nose into something she had no right to. Now her, I’ll be back for. “

  JC didn’t doubt David’s words for he could see the hate in the man’s eyes. “You once told me I was like my father.” JC smiled, but there was no warmth in it. “You are right I am. He’s a good man. I’m not a man yet. I’m still a susceptible child, especially in the eyes of the law. I could take your life and not a court in this country would convict me.”

  “You are your father’s son. He didn’t have it in him when he confronted the man who killed his father.” David grinned. “You don’t have the nerve.” He leaned forward. “You’d be surprised what a man can accomplish while in prison. Know this little man, that bitch mother of yours will pay.” He taunted.

  JC held his head down, thought for a moment. “I want you to remember me every time you get on your knees in prison as somebody’s bitch.”

  “Jon-Christopher,” Tracy called out as she rushed towards the group standing near the vehicle.

  The next chain of events happened as if in slow motion. David, kicked the door open, pulled the gun from the Secret Service Agent’s holster and pointed it at Tracy.

  JC grabbed the gun from Brian and before he thought to stop himself he put two bullets in the kneecaps of David Holt. David’s gun fired hitting the Agent who was now, pushing Tracy back towards other agents. They quickly whisked her away as she screamed for her son.

  The man howled as Joshua reached him. Brian grabbed JC and quickly walked him over to his father. JD took his son by the shoulder, looked at Brian who shook his head no, letting him know JC did not kill Holt. JD exhaled, then was surrounded by agents who walked briskly to the waiting sedan leaving all the other men behind. The agents closed the door ensuring no danger to the President or his son.

  Standing at the vehicle with a bleeding David, were Joshua, James, and Douglas. Brian saw the look on James’ and Douglas’ faces. He looked at Joshua. They both turned their backs as a single gunshot filled the air.


  “What is taking so long dammit, it's been over 15 minutes,” Monique exclaimed. “We should have a result by now.”

  “The security level of the person must be up there,” Ned explained. “I’ve hit three security levels. There are only five.” He looked over his shoulder at her. “We go any further and we may not be able to match the prints.”

  “Keep at it,” Monique sighed. “Yo
u’re the best. If anyone can do this, you can.”

  “We have to find out who the son-of-a-bitch is before 9 am tomorrow.”

  “What happens then?” Monique asked.

  “The Attorney General has to make a resignation announcement or appear before the House to testify.”

  “Can they call the President to testify?”

  “They could, but he will refuse to testify against the AG.”

  “He’s loyal like that. If he refuses, can he be impeached?” Monique raised an eyebrow.

  “According to the constitution they can sanction him. For this President, that will be a death sentence.”

  The computer beeped indicating a match had been found. They both gaped at the monitor and could not believe the reflection looking back at them

  “Oh hell," Monique exclaimed as she ran from the room.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Washington, D.C.

  “We have to get to the White House. I want to see this go down.” Roc’s excitement showed as she jumped into the SUV.

  Joshua hesitated. He hadn’t been back to the White House in three years.

  “What’s wrong?” Roc asked as she noticed his hesitation.

  “Nothing,” he shook it off and jumped into the vehicle.

  When they reached the West Wing, Joshua’s steps began to slow. The memories of the last time he was there came back full force. Pain he hadn’t felt in days began to return in his back. His long black trench coat that had the wind blown motion going on whenever he swaggered into a room was now limp. He stopped outside the Oval Office. “You can go in Joshua,” Mrs. Langston said.

  He turned to Roc, “You go. I’ll catch up later.”

  “Hey,” she touched his arm, “We broke this together. Don’t you want to see them slaughter him?”

  “You can tell me about it later.” He kissed her cheek then turned and walked away.

  She looked at Brian who had just opened the door to the Oval Office. “What just happened?”

  “The last time Joshua was in this office was three years ago.”

  Roc was confused for a moment, then it came to her. “The Akande situation,” she sighed. She wanted to kick herself. The decision to leave earlier was the right one. She let his dimples and that tongue of his sway her thinking.

  “Yeah, that. You coming?” Brian tilted his head.

  “Sure.” Roc knew how to control the feelings which were chasing around inside. Reality hit her like a brick. Joshua was still not over Akande. After all they had been through, their laughter, their talks, their lovemaking. He was still not over her.


  “Thank you for coming Gavin,” Calvin shook his hand patting him on the back. “I can't tell you how much JD appreciates you standing behind him and supporting him the way that you have. He's anxious to speak with you.”

  “I always have JD’s back no matter what. Let’s get this dirty mess over with.”

  Gavin walked into the room to find JD standing at the window with his hands in his pockets and his head down. He could see JD was in a distressed state with everything that had happened.

  Gavin walked over to him. “It’s been a hell of a day. Tell me what you need.”

  JD turned “Have a seat Gavin. Thank you for coming over so late.”

  “Anything you need, you just name it.” He pulled a document from his coat pocket. I have this document with the Vice-President’s signature accusing you of ordering him to approve the movement of weapons into the country. If you want me to destroy this document I will.

  JD held out his hand. “May I?”

  Gavin gave him the document.

  “Say the word, and it’s gone.”

  “That would mean destroying evidence.” JD glanced at the document to ensure it was what they needed. “I wouldn't want you to do that.” He handed the document to Calvin, then nodded to Special Agent Dumas, who opened the door. Calvin stepped out.

  Brian took a step closer behind Gavin. Noticing a movement, Gavin looked over his shoulder. He turned back to JD, “JD.”

  “President Harrison,” JD’s eyes narrowed.

  Calvin stepped back into the room. “The Vice-President states, this is his signature, but he did not generate the letter.” Calvin gave the document back to JD.

  Gavin looked around at the people in the room. “You are the Commander-in-Chief. I serve at your pleasure. You know my loyalty is with you. Can you say the same for McClintock?”

  “I appreciate the support Gavin. But I have a question for you. Did you really think you would get away with it?” A vein began to pulsate in JD’s neck.

  Gavin chuckled nervously as he looked around at the people in the room. “What, what are you talking about?”

  The door opened and Secretary Davenport walked in. “Gavin Roberts, turn around. You are under arrest for treason against the United States of America.”

  Agents walked behind Gavin. “What the hell is going on here JD?” Gavin stammered.

  The door opened and in walked his wife, Carolyn Roth-Roberts. A distraught Carolyn looked at her husband. “Did you do this?”

  “No, Carolyn, no.” Gavin exploded, “JD what is this?” He looked to Calvin and Brian. “What’s going on?”

  JD just stared at the man that he had considered his mentor, his friend for over 15 years “Your plot didn’t work Gavin.”

  “JD, stop this. Plot, what are you talking about?”

  “You son-of-a-bitch.” JD’s simmering anger began to surface. “You put this country in jeopardy by planting weapons of mass destruction on U.S. soil, near homes and families. You put my children in jeopardy. You had a known rapist take my daughter. If it was in my power, I would have your ass disappear and no one would ever find you. Unlike you, I care about how this is going to impact your wife and your son. So I'm going to do what you didn't do for me and I'm going to make sure that your family is protected. But make no mistake, you are going to suffer for what you have done to this country and my family.”

  Gavin looked at his wife. “Carolyn,” he pleaded.

  “Why would you jeopardize my life, our son’s life in this way? What were you thinking?”

  Gavin held his wife’s glare, then looked around the room and stopped at JD.

  “What was I thinking? Give me a minute while I contemplate that question.” He smirked. “The righteous, JD Harrison.” Gavin snarled. “I made you who you are. I was the one who brought you into the AG’s office. It was me. I didn't have to, but I did. I made sure that you had a job because I felt guilty about your father’s death. I mentored you. I taught you everything I knew about the law and how did you repay me? How did you pay me back when you had an opportunity? Did you do right by me? No.”

  “Gavin, what the hell are you talking about?” JD was genuinely confused.

  “You had the opportunity to name your own Vice-President and what did you do?” You chose a redneck Republican as your Vice-President and left me standing there with nothing.”

  “I gave you what you said you wanted. What I thought you deserved. Hell, Gavin I made you the Attorney General of the United States.”

  “I should have been President, you righteous son-of-a-bitch. I did it the right way.” He sneered. “I was Governor, then Senator, the next step for me was the Presidency. But, no, the sweetheart of the party, JD Harrison, got the blessing from the DNC. Leaving me with no choice but to settle for your hand me downs. Just like with my wife. Then you do the unforgivable. You gave the Vice Presidency to McClintock. That’s what you did. You made a Republican the next man in line to run the country. You went outside of the party. Where was your loyalty when you made that decision JD?”

  “My loyalty was with my country.” JD’s anger rose. “I was trying to bring this country together while people like you were trying to pull it apart. I would still make the same decision. It’s not what’s good for the party. That’s the way the people on the other side of the aisle think. I make my decisions based on w
hat is best for this country. Your actions proved I put the right man in office. As much as you tried to put this in Jerry’s lap, he would never stoop as low as you did, just because his feelings were hurt. That’s something a bitch would do.”

  The agent began to move Gavin out.

  “JD, wait, wait a damn minute.” Gavin was heaving, “JD, you can’t do this. Think of Carolyn, think of my son.”

  “Did you think of them? Once during the entire time you were planning this, did you think of them?”

  Gavin stopped struggling and smirked as he turned to Carolyn to see tears in her eyes. “Don’t worry darling,” he glanced around. “Jeffrey Daniel Harrison is too decent of a man to put his mentor behind bars. After all, he found a way to pardon his brother-in-law. I’m certain he will find an acceptable deal for me.”

  “Get him the hell out of my office.”


  Roc, watched as Gavin got his due, but her mind was on Joshua. She loved the man, with all her heart, but he did not love her. She stood as still as a statue as the boom came down on Gavin, never showing any emotion, but her heart had just been ripped out of her chest. It was her own fault. She should have listened to Samuel and never crossed that line. She should have listened. Her sense of self-preservation kicked in, just as the President turned to her.

  “Roc, where’s Joshua?”, he asked looking around.

  “You know Joshua, he pops in and out at will.”

  “Yes, I know.” JD smiled. “Thank you for being an agent this Government can be proud of. You did a hell of a thing here today. Tell me what we can do for you.”

  Roc knew exactly what she had to do. It wasn’t what she wanted, but it was what she needed.


  Joshua was waiting out by the SUV as they walked Gavin out in handcuffs and put him in the back of the town car. He grinned as Secretary Davenport walked out of the doors. “Another one bites the dust,” Joshua grinned.

  “This was wild, and it’s going to hurt us politically,” Royce stated. “But right now, I’m going home to my wife and let her ease the roughness of the day out of my body.” He laughed.


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