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The Book of Joshua II - Believe (The Gems & Gents Series 3)

Page 25

by Iris Bolling

“That’s nice man,” Luke smiled knowingly at his brother. “I’m happy for you.”

  “There is nothing like having the right woman in your life,” Samuel smiled at Cynthia.

  “I’ll second that,” Zack kissed Diamond’s cheek.

  “Does she have a suction cup or something between her legs, cause she just sucked your playa card right from under you?”

  “Phire,” Pearl censored her little sister. “Mom, you better do something with that child.”

  “I’m going to send her up there with you,” Sally replied as she gave her youngest daughter a stern look.

  “I’m just saying…”

  “You are just saying your last words,” Joe cautioned.

  Ruby smiled. “I have the feeling Joshua is done with the playa card. It takes a real man to be able to express his feelings like that. I’m proud of you little brother. What’s her name?”

  Joshua looked over at Adam. He knew his answer was going to have an impact on him. He held his brother’s eyes. “Her name is Rochelle Delany.”

  The look in Adam’s eyes was confusion at first, then understanding. He sat forward. “You know, that’s interesting,” he held his brother’s eyes. “I have a professor named Rochelle Delany.” There was a touch of anger in his voice when he spoke again. “Did you impregnate her?”

  Eyes around the table went back and forth between Joshua and Adam. Joe and Sally glanced at each other in surprise then turned back to the children.

  “Did you?”

  “I knew somebody was prego…,” Phire exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

  Adam stood angrily, “Did you?”

  Joshua stood, placing Phire on her feet. He never took his eyes from Adam. He knew his little brother had a crush on his advisor, he just didn’t know how deep it went. “Adam,” he spoke softly. “I’m in love with her. I want her to be my wife and I need your help to do that.”

  “Why would I help you with that?” he pushed his chair away from the table.

  “Adam,” Joe cautioned.

  “No Dad,” Joshua spoke then walked around the table to where his little brother stood. He had grown into a formidable young man. Joshua recognized that as he watched him on campus with Roc. He also noticed how Adam looked at Roc. It was clear to anyone who could see that Adam was infatuated with his professor. “Adam,” he spoke in an understanding tone. “She’s a beautiful woman and believe me, I understand. But you’re not in love with her and she’s not in love with you.”

  Adam pushed his brother in the chest, “How the hell do you know?”

  Samuel stood, with the intention of separating the two. He knew Joshua would never strike Adam. However, he wasn’t sure what Adam would do.

  Jade, Adam’s twin, then walked around to him. “Adam,” she stepped between her two brothers. “I would never take anyone’s side against you,” she looked over her shoulder, “Not even Joshua,” She took his hands. “You know, Professor Delany is cool people and she cares for you. Put you also know, she doesn’t feel the same way. You told me yourself, that you hoped she would find a man deserving of her love.” She looked at Joshua. “Who is more deserving of a love like hers than Joshua?”

  Adam inhaled as he pulled his hands away from her. He looked around the table at his family, who all displayed concerned expressions. He looked up at Joshua. “She’s a good, God fearing woman.”

  “I know,” Joshua continued, treading lightly as Jade stepped away. He stood face to face with his brother. “I promise she will never have a day go by without knowing how much I love and cherish her,” he took his brother’s shoulders between his hands. “I love you too Adam. I would never intentionally hurt you. But, I love her and I need your help to tell her that.”

  Sally watched as her sons squared off on each other. Her heart was breaking for Adam, but filled with joy for Joshua. Her Adam was so smart, yet very sensitive. To her knowledge, he had not been involved with any of the girls on campus. Now, she knew why. Glancing at Jade, she could see the concern on her face. The twins were close. Jade was a few minutes older than Adam and felt it was her responsibility to protect him, even from their own brothers. She knew Jade would be there to help Adam through this.

  “You called this council together for me…didn’t you?”

  Joshua nodded, “Yes. I didn’t want you to deal with this alone. I tried that and it’s not the answer. There are times when even as men we need the love and support of family to help us though rough times.”

  Adam inhaled, then looked around at his brothers. “Go ahead Matt, get out all your virgin jokes, so I can move on.”

  “No jokes, man,” Matt held his brother glare. “All I can say is she must be a fine sister to pull two Lassiter men.”

  “Three,” Samuel added.

  “Excuse you,” Cynthia interjected.

  “I know Roc and at one time I too was attracted to her.”

  “Is that why you and Joshua were fighting in my kitchen?”

  “Yes, and no,” Samuel replied. “He wanted to know how to find her and I wouldn’t tell him.”

  “Who is this woman, that had three of my brothers’ attention?” Opal asked.

  “She’s the woman who rescued Joshua and nursed him back to health,” Pearl offered.

  “So is that what you call it now,” Phire smirked. “How do you know it’s not the Knight in Shining honor syndrome? You know when you think you are in love with the person who rescued you.” She looked at Adam. “Just like Zsa Zsa, you know she thinks she is in love with Joshua. This Roc person could be just a little side piece that has you distracted.”

  “Say one more word,” Joe stared at his daughter, “ and you and I will be having a private conversation that your behind is not going to like.”

  “Daddy, I’m eighteen years old you can’t spank me.”

  “He can’t, but I can and will. Now sit down and be quiet.”

  “Look,” Joshua was getting a little frustrated. “I’m the one she is in love with.”

  “Again, I ask how do you know?” Adam asked.

  “Because I said she is.”

  Timothy laughed. “Now, that’s the Joshua I know.”

  “Arrogant to the bone,” Opal smiled.

  “I only speak the truth,” Joshua smiled.

  Samuel watched the expressions playing across Joshua’s face. He was joking, but glanced Adam’s way. He was concerned about his little brothers. This was a new Joshua, a man secure in who he is, yet insecure about the step he was about to take. Then there was Adam. He had all the book sense in the world, but was unskilled in the art of women. He still wore his heart on his sleeve. Samuel glanced at his mother. She smiled and nodded her head indicating to him all would be well. Samuel sat back down. “Well, Adam. How do you think Joshua should approach Roc?”

  Adam, hesitated, then shook his head. “I guess if I have to lose her to someone it might as well be you.”

  His little brother wasn’t so little anymore. Adam was standing six-two and a solid one-hundred-ninety pounds. Joshua shook his brothers hand, then pulled him into a bear hug and whispered so only he could hear. “Thank you for trusting me with her.” He pulled away, holding his brother at arms length. “I will love her as I love the church.”

  Adam could see Joshua was serious, but that didn’t ease the hurt. He knew Professor Delany didn’t have those feelings for him. For the last few years, she had inspired him to become the man he was today. He would do whatever he could do to contribute to her happiness. He also loved his brother and would give his right arm to see him settled and safe. He exhaled. “I have your back. What do you need me to do?”


  Richmond, VA

  "Why did I agree to this?"

  Laughter erupted from the front seat of the vehicle. "Because you love him," Shelly replied. "Everything else is secondary."

  "If you hadn't agreed the President was ready to charge you with crimes against the Country," Royce smiled at his wife, then looked in t
he rear view mirror at Rocy.

  "Besides you will have to eventually tell him about the baby. Might as well get it all out in the open now. You are too old to go through this pregnancy alone."

  "You make it sound like I'm ancient."

  Shelly turned in her seat to look at her best friend. "I didn't mean it that way. I just want you happy," she smiled. "Royce believes Joshua is the man to do that." She turned back in her seat. "Hell any man who can give you multiple O's in one day is worthy."

  "And you know, he can," Rocy laughed. She sat back thinking about that day in the backseat of his automobile when he introduced her to the Absolute Experience. The man had her so shaken she could barely walk straight. It took every ounce of will power she could gather to get into that chopper and return home. It wasn't long after her return that she realized the Absolute Experience had very little to do with his sexual powers. No, it went much deeper than that. The experience revolved around the essence of the man known as Joshua Theodore Lassiter. The danger, the charm, the faith, the loyalty and yes, the overpowering sex appeal of the man is what the experience is about. The more she thought about it the more she knew she couldn't and would never get over him. She started singing I Can't Get Over You, by Kem.

  Royce and Shelly smiled as they continued the drive, for they were certain things would end as they should tonight.


  "What the hell do you mean no?"

  Everyone in the room’s attention was on the couple in the center of the floor. They did not know if they should laugh or run for cover. The cool collected Joshua was pissed by the reply they were certain he did not anticipate. The woman, who they just learned was Rochelle Delany, his brother Adam's professor did not seem to be one bit fazed by Joshua's displeasure.

  It all started out like a fairy tale.

  The Lassiter's had gathered to celebrate several accomplishments. Luke had learned he was traded to the Washington Redskins, with a very lucrative new contract thanks to his new agent Nicholas Brooks. Opal and Timothy had completed their Master's program at Norfolk State and Hampton, respectively. Jade had graduated from Spelman. However, the biggest celebration of all went to Adam. He had been awarded a contract with the United States Defense Department to design counter-terrorism weapons. The family had reason to celebrate and they decided to do it in grand style.

  The night began in the ballroom at the Davenport Estates. Zackary and Diamond were the hosts, using their estate for the celebration. A beautiful May night enhanced the open doorways to the ballroom, displaying the city of Richmond’s skyline as the backdrop to the event. The warm breeze, coming from the James River, mixed in with the jazz sounds of Thasaint, delivering a romantic atmosphere for the attendees.

  Secret Service agents discreetly remained vigilant in the background as President Harrison conversed with Joe and Sally, raving about Pearl, Samuel and Joshua. They were all valuable to him in different ways. Also there, was Prince LaVere’ who owed the Lassiters so much for saving his little sister Zsa Zsa from kidnappers. Of course, the architect who designed Davenport Estates and the brother-in-law to Diamond, Xavier was there to show his support of the family, for they had accepted him as a part of them, no questions asked. James and Ashley Brooks were in attendance, to show their appreciation to Joshua for saving their daughter Jada. What highlighted the night was to see Douglas Hylton, there with Karen Holt, the ex-wife to David Holt. She was absolutely stunning. It looked as if David’s death took ten years off of her life. Samuel and Cynthia were there talking with Pearl and her friend Dr. Prentiss. Everyone was shocked the two were still going strong. And of course, all the Lassiter children, Matthew, Luke, Opal Jade, Ruby, the ever-adorable Phire and her friend Zsa Zsa rounded out the people in the room.

  All was going well, when a beautiful woman dressed in a royal blue off the shoulder dress, hugging every curve on her luscious body walked in with Secretary Davenport and his wife, Shelly.

  Adam was the first to greet her, with a hug. “Professor Delany, it looks as if you came dressed to break my heart.”

  “Sounds as if you have been taking charm lessons from your brother.” Rocy smiled as she kissed him on the cheek.

  “You still have a chance to fly with me to the South of France. We can get married there and he will never find us.”

  Shelly looked from Adam to Rocy and laughed. “What did you do, seduce the entire family?”

  “Just a few of the brothers,” Royce laughed as he took his wife’s hand and pulled her away.

  Rocy watched as her so called friend walked away laughing. “Okay, Adam,” she exhaled. “No promises, but I’m here.”

  “Thank you. He loves you more than I do.” He took her hand and placed it in the crook of his arm. “You have no idea how much it pains me to admit that.”

  Rocy smiled. “You will always be my little bomber.”

  “Ha,” Adam laughed as he walked over to his parents.

  Joshua knew the moment she walked in the room. He watched from the French doors which led to the garden. She was more beautiful than he remembered. Her hair was up in curls, with a single strand of diamond earrings hanging down. There was nothing on her neck, just her smooth skin shimmering from the touch of the light in the room.

  “I never thought I would see the day when the great Absolute was afraid.”

  Joshua knew it was Monique behind him. For only she would have the nerve to approach him in that fashion. “I’m not afraid. Just…”

  “A little nervous?”

  “No. I got this.”

  “Looks like your little brother has her to me.”

  Just then Rocy laughed at something that Adam said, then turned towards him.

  The moment stopped her in mid-laugh. It seemed everything and everyone in the room stopped. There were no voices or music heard, just the crackle of tension filled the room. People stepped out of his line of vision as if the red sea was parting. Adam and his parents stepped back, leaving Rocy there in the middle of the room alone.

  Joshua knew, it was on him to take that first step. So….he did. The strut was so arrogant it made the men in the room groan.

  “Humble my brother, humble,” Samuel whispered as Joshua passed him.

  Unfortunately, Joshua Theodore Lassiter did not have a humble bone in his body. He walked right up to Roc, pulled her into his arms and kissed her with a passion that had the women in the room fanning.

  Rocy did not flinch, not once. She gave as good as she got. People in the room were downing water in gulps and holding their glass out for more, the heat radiating from the two was so hot.

  Finally, Joshua ended the kiss, took her hand, then dropped to one knee.

  There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear:

  because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made

  perfect in love. 1 John 4:18

  “God planted a seed when he sent you to me. You pushed away my fear to love and opened my heart. I trust that God has granted a perfect love. I believe you are that love for me.” He held out his other hand. Inside was a stunning five carat solitaire diamond, encased in a platinum band. The brilliance of the ring sparkled in her tear filled eyes. “Be my wife Roc.”

  You could hear the intake of breath echoing around the room. All eyes were on the couple, with bated breath.

  Rocy, was overwhelmed with his proposal. “No.”

  Gasps of disbelief filled the air as shocked faces looked at each other.

  “Oh, hell no,” Monique yelled. “Wrong answer,” she started to walk towards Rocy, pulling off her earrings, when a set of strong arms circled her waist stopping her. She swung around and stopped mid-swing when she saw the sexiest set of brown eyes staring back at her.

  “Joshua will have to handle this,” Luke said to the short, spitfire of a woman.

  “What the hell do you mean, no?” Joshua stood.

  “Would you like to talk about this in private?” Rocy asked in her quiet way.

ll no, I don’t want to talk in private,” an angry Joshua yelled. “I just poured my heart out to you.”

  “And it was beautiful, but I need more, Joshua.”

  Joshua ran his hands down his face looking up to God, not understanding what had gone so wrong. He had planned this, wrote every word of what he wanted to say. Rehearsed it over and over, just so it would be right. “What more Roc? You have all of me. What more do you want?”

  It was very seldom Rocy ever lost patience with anyone, but this man standing in front of her dressed in his tailor made suit, fitting like he just walked off of Fashion Avenue in New York, could try the patience of JOB. She took her clutch, popped it upside his head, then kicked his legs from under him sending him to the floor. The Lassiter girls, could be heard in the background.

  “Oh hell no, she didn’t.” Several of the men in the room had to hold them back.

  Rocy put her high heel clad foot in his chest and looked down at him. “I want to hear you say it.”

  Joshua looked at her, then remembered when they were in a similar position. He began laughing with relief. “Aww Roc, do I have to?”

  Rocy simply raised an eyebrow, then put pressure on his chest. “Repeat after me.”

  Joshua laid his head back on the floor and repeated what he had once said after her.

  “You will concede that I am the more capable and you are merely a male, albeit a fine one, playing at being superior. And at some point you too, will be at my feet bowing to my superiority. For I am a woman. God put us here to rule. He put men here to love us.”

  Joshua reached up with lightening speed and pulled her down to him. She kissed him as they laughed together and the crowd sighed in relief. “I love you Rochelle Delany. Will you marry me?”

  “You and those darn dimples,” Rocy smiled. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Joshua placed the ring on her finger then looked down into her loving eyes. “I will love and cherish you all the days of my life. All I ask in return is that you trust and believe in me.”


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