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Indecent Pursuit

Page 16

by Ray Gordon

  ‘I’m in the pub,’ she finally replied.

  ‘I’ll be outside in a minute to pick you up.’

  ‘What? But . . . Why?’

  ‘We have to talk, Sheena. Raymond is besotted with you and he’s been going on and on about the bloody wedding. We have to talk.’

  ‘Talk about what?’

  ‘About a payoff. I’ll see you in a minute.’

  As he hung up, Sheena realised that he was serious. How much was he willing to give her? she wondered. Ten thousand? Fifty thousand? Her heart racing, she went back to the table and told Nat that she’d be back in half an hour at the most. Ignoring the girl’s protests, she left the pub and looked up and down the street as she again wondered how much Rod was willing to give her. She hadn’t expected this. She’d realised that Rod and Charles would try to ruin her plans with Raymond, but she hadn’t expected to be offered a payoff.

  ‘Get in,’ Rod snapped as he pulled up and pushed the passenger door open.

  ‘Rod –,’ she began, sitting beside him.

  ‘OK, here’s the deal. I’ll give you two grand to disappear from the face of the earth.’

  ‘Two grand?’ she echoed, frowning at him. ‘If you think you can buy me off with two grand . . .’

  ‘Take it or leave it, Sheena. Either way, you’re finished with Raymond.’

  ‘What do you mean? It’s not up to you, Rod. It has nothing to do with you, so . . .’

  ‘Charles and I have been having a little chat about you, and we’ve discovered something.’

  ‘Oh, that.’

  ‘Yes, that. You’ve been screwing both of us, taking money from both of us.’

  ‘I’ve been having a chat with the girl who rang Deborah,’ she countered. ‘The girl who said that she was having your baby.’

  ‘What? Sheena, was it you? It was you, wasn’t it?’

  ‘No, of course it wasn’t. I did some checking, asking around, and I found out who it was.’

  ‘I don’t believe you. The town is full of girls, how come you found the very one who rang Deborah?’

  ‘I’ve been talking to Deborah’s photographer friend. The girl was one of his models.’

  ‘Christ, this gets worse. Who is this girl? Whoever she is, she’s bloody lying.’

  ‘Her name is Hannah.’

  ‘That’s the name Deborah mentioned.’ He frowned and held his hand to his head. ‘So, why did she phone Deborah and say that she was pregnant with my baby?’

  ‘She was trying to cause trouble because of some fallout Deborah had with another girl about porn modelling.’

  ‘That’s crazy, I don’t believe a word of it. Look, this has nothing to do with you and this farcical marriage,’ Rod sighed. ‘This girl you’ve spoken to, whoever she is, doesn’t change anything. This is nonsense, and you know it.’

  ‘Hannah don’t think it’s nonsense. She’s after Deborah, and she won’t stop.’

  ‘After her?’

  ‘I don’t know the details, but she found out that Deborah was planning to set up in business with the photographer and she don’t like it. Why don’t you ask Deborah about it?’

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous, Sheena. Deborah has already told me that it’s over, she won’t be modelling again.’

  ‘Then why was she there yesterday?’

  ‘She was at work yesterday.’

  ‘All day?’

  ‘Well . . . Look, this has nothing to do with you and Raymond.’ He took a wad of notes from his jacket pocket. ‘I’m offering you two grand, Sheena, in cash.’

  Taking the money, she grinned. ‘OK,’ she said, stuffing the notes into her handbag.

  ‘You’ll leave Raymond alone now? You’ll tell him that it’s off?’

  ‘I might.’

  ‘Sheena . . .’

  ‘Where’s Deborah now?’

  ‘I’ve just taken her home. Why?’

  ‘Come round to my place later, and you can fuck me and my friend.’

  ‘It’s my friend and me.’

  ‘Whatever it is, you can fuck both of us.’

  ‘What the hell are you up to now?’

  ‘Nothing. I just thought you might like to fuck two horny teenage sluts.’

  ‘OK, but this doesn’t change anything.’

  ‘I know that.’

  ‘All right, I’ll see you in an hour or so.’

  Sheena left the car and watched Rod drive off. She had no idea what her plan was, but she knew that an idea was stirring somewhere in the depths of her mind. If she could get hold of Deborah, get her to turn up at the bedsit and witness Rod screwing Nat . . . No, that wouldn’t work, she decided. Hoping that Nat would be up for it, she clutched her bag tightly and walked back into the pub. Deciding not to mention the money as she joined her friend at the table and sipped her drink, she grinned.

  ‘Want to share a cock with me tonight?’ she asked her.

  ‘What the fuck are you on about?’

  ‘Rod, Raymond’s brother, wants to fuck us at my place later.’

  ‘How much?’

  ‘Don’t worry, he’s loaded. We’ll sort out the money later. Are you up for it?’

  ‘Yeah, why not?’

  ‘Good. It looks like you’ll be able to suck spunk out of my pussy after all.’

  ‘It’s been a long time since we kissed each other with a tasty knob between our lips and . . .’ Nat’s words tailing off, she frowned at her friend. ‘What are you up to?’ she asked her.

  ‘Nothing,’ Sheena replied, winking.

  ‘Come on, tell me.’

  ‘I was thinking that it would be funny if Rod’s girlfriend turned up and caught him fucking you.’

  ‘It would be bloody hilarious, Sheena. I’d end up in a cat-fight and . . . Why the hell do you want her to find out?’

  ‘It’s a long story. Rod is trying to split up me and Raymond. If I had something on him, something I could threaten him with . . .’

  ‘Has your mobile got a camera built in?’

  ‘Yes, why?’

  ‘Think about it, Sheena.’

  ‘I don’t understand. How will that help?’

  ‘You could take a photo of Rod fucking me and threaten to send it to his girlfriend.’

  Her face beaming, Sheena took her phone from her handbag and gazed at the buttons. The idea was brilliant, she thought happily. To take a photo of Rod screwing Nat with the very phone he’d given to Sheena as a present was a nice touch. Wondering whether she could lure Charles to her bedsit and take a photo of him screwing Nat too, she reckoned that she was now well on the way to ending the brothers’ interference. With photographic evidence of their infidelity, the playing field would be level.

  ‘Come on, then,’ Sheena said excitedly, knocking back her drink.

  ‘I’m not pissed yet,’ Nat complained.

  ‘I’ve got vodka and stuff at home. How about a photo of you with a bottle stuffed up your cunt?’


  ‘The photo would show Rod drinking vodka from the bottle.’

  ‘I’m not sticking a fucking great bottle up my cunt, Sheena. You really are a dirty little bitch.’

  ‘And I get worse,’ Sheena said, giggling as she led her friend out of the pub.

  Pondering the idea of taking photographs as she walked back to her bedsit with Nat, Sheena was sure that she could pull this off. Once Rod saw the photos, he wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. The door to the family home was finally wide open for her, she thought as she led Nat into her bedsit and poured two large vodka and tonics. All she had to do now was wait for her prey to walk into her trap, and she’d be home and dry.

  ‘Leave the money to me,’ she said, passing Nat a drink. ‘I’ll talk to him about paying us.’

  ‘I’m stone broke,’ Nat sighed. ‘We must get our little business up and running.’

  ‘Rod will be our first punter. I think we should get him to strip us rather than start off naked. If you go first, I’ll take the pictures.’

‘Don’t let him see you taking photos, or he’ll go fucking mental.’

  ‘He’ll be so busy licking your wet pussy out that he won’t notice me. Right, let’s down a few vodkas before our victim gets here.’

  Sheena paced the floor as Nat grabbed the vodka bottle and sat on the bed. This had to work, she mused anxiously as she gazed at her mobile phone. It was strange to think that Rod had given her the phone, she thought dolefully as she recalled the meal they’d enjoyed at the new restaurant. He’d given her the phone, taken her out, arranged membership of the club . . . And now they were fighting. Funny how love can be.

  Rod had been the one she’d wanted all along, she thought as Nat refilled the glasses. Had Deborah not been in the way . . . It was no good looking back, she decided as she downed her drink. There had never been a place for her on Rod’s map. But she had her own map now. And Raymond was in the centre. Downing more vodka, she felt her heart leap as a knock sounded on the door. This was it, she thought, grinning at Nat and taking a deep breath.

  ‘Hi,’ she said, opening the door to Rod. ‘Come in.’

  ‘Two little girlies,’ Rod announced, grinning at Nat as he walked into the room. ‘You’re a sexy little thing.’

  ‘This is Nat,’ Sheena said. ‘Why don’t you join her on the bed and get to know her?’

  ‘Yes, I think I will.’

  Sheena sat on a chair by the window as Rod joined Nat on the bed and lifted her T-shirt over her head. Watching as he squeezed the girl’s firm breasts, she thought it odd she’d once believed that she’d been in love with him. She’d wanted him so much, she reflected as he sucked Nat’s ripe nipple into his mouth and slipped his hand up her short skirt. Had she been in love? she wondered. Was she in love with him now?

  She sipped her vodka as Rod removed Nat’s clothes, then watched him dive between her open thighs and run his tongue up and down her wet sex crack. This was the man she’d hoped to marry, she thought as she listened to the slurping sounds of sex. Would she have remained faithful to him? By the way he was carrying on with Nat, it was pretty obvious that he’d never remain faithful to anyone. Deborah was at home making wedding plans while her future husband was with a couple of teenage sluts.

  Maybe Raymond was the better bet, she thought as Nat ordered Rod to tongue-fuck her wet cunt. Raymond was free and single with no apparent problems, and he wasn’t bad-looking. At least he’d asked Sheena to marry him rather than her having to ask him. The brothers’ father seemed to like Sheena and . . . Wondering what David, the fourth brother, was like, she hoped that he wouldn’t cause problems.

  ‘Aren’t you going to join us?’ Rod asked, his pussy-wet face grinning.

  ‘In a minute,’ Sheena replied. ‘You give Nat a good fucking and then I’ll join in.’

  ‘You’re good,’ Nat breathed as Rod sucked on her erect clitoris. ‘Give me a good licking and bring me off.’

  Sheena took her phone from her handbag, held it up and took a couple of photos of the writhing couple. Rod didn’t notice a thing as he licked and sucked Nat’s solid clitoris. This was going to work out perfectly, Sheena thought excitedly as Nat cried out in the grip of a powerful orgasm. Sheena felt her own clitoris swell as her juices of arousal seeped into the tight crotch of her knickers. Her arousal riding high, she could hardly wait to join in. But she wanted more evidence of Rod’s debauchery first.

  Eventually Rod stripped naked and lay on top of Nat with his hard cock hovering above her open vaginal slit, and Sheena got the photos she wanted. She felt sorry for Rod, but he’d dumped her and then tried to pay her off, and that had upset her. They’d had a good time together in the restaurant. Had it not been for Deborah . . . Then again, Rod had never had any plans for Sheena, apart from using her for sordid sex. Charles would be the next victim, Sheena thought as she took several more photographs. Once she had proof of his adultery, she’d be laughing.

  Sheena hid her phone and slipped out of her clothes before joining the naked couple on the bed. Locking her full lips to Nat’s gasping mouth and kissing her passionately as Rod shafted her friend’s tight vagina, she felt her young womb contract as his hand slipped between her parted thighs and a finger drove deep into her sex-dripping vaginal sheath. Sheena pushed her tongue into Nat’s mouth, breathing heavily through her nose as Rod’s thrusting finger massaged the hard nub of her clitoris and sent her arousal soaring.

  She had two thousand pounds in cash, she thought happily as Rod slipped his finger out of her tight pussy and ordered her to face-fuck Nat. Kneeling astride the girl’s face, she lowered her young body and pressed the hairless lips of her vulva over her friend’s gasping mouth as Rod shafted Nat’s squelching vagina. It had been a long time since she’d enjoyed two tongues, she realised, jutting her rounded buttocks out and offering her bottom-hole to Rod. He parted her firm buttocks and licked the delicate brown tissue of her tight anus as he repeatedly drove his solid cock into Nat’s spasming vagina, and Sheena was in sexual heaven. Two thousand, she mused dreamily, wondering what to spend it on.

  Rod’s tongue entering the tight duct of her rectum as Nat slipped her tongue deep into her contracting vagina, Sheena threw her head back and gasped, her naked body shaking uncontrollably. This was real sex, she thought as Nat licked and slurped between her bald pussy lips and finally sucked her swollen clitoris into her mouth to run her tongue over its sensitive tip. She had two thousand in cash, she was enjoying real sex, and she had marriage to look forward to . . . Life was looking good, she thought. Wondering whether the day would come when Charles made up a foursome, she cried out as her powerful orgasm erupted.

  ‘Yes, yes,’ she gasped, her vaginal milk drenching Nat’s face. Rod announced that he was coming as he rammed his solid cock into Nat’s contracting vagina with a vengeance, and Nat began to tremble and writhe as her own climax neared. This had cost Rod two thousand pounds, Sheena thought in her wickedness as the two tongues attended to her most private holes. Again crying out as her orgasm peaked and rocked her young body, she reckoned she’d soon be having sex with Rod and his brothers in a huge double bed in the family home. Would David succumb to her teenage charms?

  Rod’s tongue left Sheena’s anal hole as he sat upright. ‘Bloody hell,’ he gasped. ‘That was bloody amazing.’

  ‘Keep fucking me,’ Nat begged. ‘I’m still coming.’

  Sheena rocked her hips, sliding her dripping vaginal flesh back and forth over Nat’s gasping mouth as Rod repeatedly propelled his solid knob deep into the girl’s contracting vaginal duct. Hitting another peak, she felt her young womb rhythmically pulsing as she pumped out her orgasmic milk and flooded her friend’s mouth. Nat slurped and gobbled, drinking from Sheena’s vagina as her own body convulsed and shook violently.

  ‘We’ll swap places in a minute,’ Sheena said, her orgasm waning as Rod continued to shaft Nat’s swollen vaginal duct. ‘I’ll take Nat’s place and you can fuck me senseless.’

  ‘Give me a lesbian show,’ Rod said as Nat writhed and gasped in the grip of her orgasm. ‘I’d love to see you two tonguing each other.’

  Reclining on the bed beside Nat, Sheena grinned at him. ‘Just think, you’ll never see us again,’ she said impishly as he finally slowed his shafting rhythm.

  ‘Well, I . . .’

  ‘You want me off the face of the earth, remember?’

  ‘What the fuck are you talking about?’ Nat gasped, her eyes rolling as she drifted down from her orgasm.

  ‘It’s a private joke,’ Sheena replied.

  Rod frowned. ‘It’s not a joke. I’d like to see you two again, but this changes nothing.’

  ‘Don’t it?’ Sheena grinned as Nat yanked Rod’s deflating cock out of her sperm-bubbling vagina and clambered off the bed.

  ‘Will you tell me what you’re talking about?’ Nat asked, swaying on her unsteady legs as she poured herself a large vodka.

  ‘Sheena,’ Rod began. ‘You’ve had the money so . . .’

  ‘You’ve already got the money?
’ Nat said accusingly, gazing at Sheena. ‘You cheating little bitch.’

  ‘Nat, will you shut the fuck up?’ Sheena hissed. ‘And sit down. You’re dripping spunk all over my fucking carpet.’

  ‘The carpet wants chucking out anyway.’

  ‘I know but – shut up and drink your vodka.’

  ‘Sheena –’ Rod began again.

  ‘And I want you to shut the fuck up, Rod,’ she snapped. ‘Honestly, you two are like a couple of fucking old women.’

  ‘Fucking,’ Nat said, giggling as the alcohol finally began to affect her. ‘Nice choice of words, babe.’

  Grabbing Rod’s flaccid cock as Nat flopped into the armchair in an alcoholic daze, Sheena smiled. ‘We’ll be one big happy family,’ she whispered.

  ‘Sheena, no.’

  ‘And you can see me and Nat again.’

  Rod shook his head and sighed. ‘Charles went crazy when he discovered the game you’d been playing with both of us,’ he said. ‘And I must say that I wasn’t too impressed either. Raymond is my brother, and I don’t want him marrying a . . .’

  ‘Say it, Rod.’

  ‘With all due respect, I don’t want him marrying a slut.’

  ‘But you’re about to marry a slut,’ she retaliated. ‘What’s the difference?’

  ‘Deborah is not a slut.’

  ‘You’re blind, Rod. I’ve never met anyone as blind as you. Open your eyes, for fuck’s sake.’

  ‘Deborah has a past, as we all have.’

  ‘Deborah also has a present, Rod. That’s what you should be worrying about.’

  ‘Look, I didn’t come here to talk about Deborah. Are you going to give me a lesbian show or not?’

  ‘Nat, get on to the bed,’ she ordered her friend.

  ‘I think I’m pissed,’ Nat gurgled.

  ‘That’s even better,’ Sheena returned. ‘You’re a filthy little bitch when you’re pissed. Now, get on to the bed.’

  Rod sat in the armchair as Nat lay on her back on the bed with her spunk-dripping thighs parted wide. Sheena positioned herself between the girl’s long legs, peeled her bald sex lips wide apart and gazed at her pink folds, the solid nub of her erect clitoris, her cream-oozing vaginal hole. It had been a long time since she’d enjoyed her young friend’s wet pussy, she realised as Rod waited expectantly for the lesbian show to begin. Running her tongue up and down Nat’s sperm-drenched vaginal slit, she lapped up the opaque liquid as Nat gasped and writhed, eventually swallowing the creamy offering.


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