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Cole: A Romantic Thriller Novel (For The Love Of A Good Woman Book 2)

Page 6

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “Is Alex okay?”

  “Yeah. We finished talking and she went back to the bedroom. I didn’t tell her why you left. I figured that’s something you’re gonna have to tell her.” I nodded and turned to Sean. “Are you okay to handle her situation? Seems like you two might have a lot in common.” Sean studied me, trying to see that I was okay to stay with Alex.

  I huffed. “I could ask you the same question. This strikes a little too close to home for you too.”

  “This sounds an awful lot like our guy. Have you gone over all the case files?”

  “Yeah. When I found her yesterday, after I got her cleaned up, it started to nag at me how similar the cases were to what I was seeing. I think I’ll talk to her about it in a day or two.”

  “Is that wise? She might run.”

  I scrubbed my hand down my neck. “I don’t know, but it might convince her to stay and help us.”

  “She gave me a description of the guy. I’ll head back to the station and look through her parent’s files and see if it matches up.”

  “You don’t believe it was the same guy?”

  “She said that they caught the guy that murdered her parents and he got a life sentence. If he had been released for some reason, she would have been notified. Besides, our guy started killing twenty years ago. That means at most he was in prison for three years. Something’s off here. I have a lot to check up on. I’ll let you know what I find.” I started towards the door. “If you do talk to her, give me a call and let me know what she’s thinking. She could maybe help us piece some things together, but I’m not gonna push her.”

  I walked Sean to the door and then went to the bedroom to see Alex. She was in bed, leaning back against the headboard, staring into space. She was obviously lost in thought because she didn’t hear me knock or look over when I entered the room.

  “How ya doing, Alex?”

  She looked over at me and smiled uncomfortably. “Can you do me a huge favor?” I nodded. “Can you stop asking how I’m doing? I’m not trying to be rude, but let’s face it, I may not be alright for a long time. The situation is what it is, so let’s not pretend it’s going to be better anytime soon.”

  “I can do that.” I walked over next to the bed and sat down beside her. “So, I know you’re pretty tired, but can I get you something? A book or computer? We should do something to get your mind off everything.”

  “Do you have cards? I haven’t played cards since my parents were alive.”

  “Yeah, I’ll be right back.”

  We got comfortable on the bed and settled in to play several games of War. She was actually laughing and it made me feel good to be able to bring that out in her. After the first game, I got up and made us a tray of snacks and drinks. We spent the whole afternoon in bed playing war and then a few other card games that I taught her. It was close to dinner time when she started to yawn. I’d had fun with her this afternoon, but now she needed some rest.

  “Alright, sleepy. I’m gonna clear away this stuff and you can take a nap. Do you want to eat some chicken and salad when you get up?”

  “I don’t think so. Those snacks were enough for now.”

  “Okay. Sweet dreams, sweetheart.”

  I left the room and spent a few hours going over bills, cleaning up around the house, and watching some t.v. It was around eight o’clock when Alex walked into the living room. She looked unsure of herself, standing at the entrance to the living room.

  “Why don’t you come watch a movie with me. I’ll even let you pick,” I said smiling. Her shoulders sagged a little in relief and she walked over and sat next to me. I put my arm around her and pulled her in next to me. I didn’t want to appear too forward with her, but I liked being able to hold her and she seemed to like it also. I turned on Amazon and looked through it for a movie to watch.

  “How about we watch Top Gun?”

  “Every girl loves Top Gun. Why is that?” I said rolling my eyes while I put the movie on.

  “Well, for starters, there are extremely hot men in it. Second, well, it’s mostly about the hot men.”

  “I like the flying, but really, that scene at the end where she drops two quarters in the jukebox? Totally cheesy.”

  “Um, it was one quarter.”

  “No it wasn’t. It was two.”

  “Sorry, but I have seen this movie more than any other and I’m telling you, it’s one quarter.”

  I looked at her with a cocky grin. “Alright, we’ll just watch the movie and see who’s right.”

  She smiled back. “Fine.”

  The look on her face was so sure that I was starting to think maybe I did have it wrong. When the movie was almost over, we both kept looking at each other waiting for the scene. She would look at me with a little grin and raise her eyebrow at me and I just smiled back. When the scene came, she turned to look at me and just stared at me. She didn’t watch the scene unfold and that’s when I knew in my gut that she was right. I watched Charlie put the quarter into the slot and sighed. Turning to look at her, I held up my hands in resignation.

  “Alright, alright. You were right and I was wrong.”

  “What do I win?”

  “I’ll let you choose the next five movies.”

  “I think I’m going to go to bed. Would you…would you mind lying with me until I fall asleep? It’s just, I don’t like the dark anymore. There was a lot of creepy stuff in that cellar and…” She wouldn’t look at me and I knew she didn’t want to admit that she was afraid to be alone in the dark. I couldn’t blame her. She had spent the past five months alone and in the dark. I could only imagine how little sleep she got most nights, trying to ward off rodents. If she needed someone to stay with her at night so she could get a full nights sleep, I would gladly do it.

  “Sure, sweetheart. I’m kinda tired too. Let’s hit the sack.”

  Alex walked back to the bedroom while I walked around the house, checking the locks on the windows and doors. By the time I got to the bedroom, Alex was in bed under the covers. I took a quick shower and got into some sleep pants. When I walked out, Alex was staring at my bare chest. I hadn’t thought to put on a shirt because I never slept in one. I thought maybe I should do just that, but the look on her face wasn’t screaming disgust. Her mouth was slightly open and she had desire in her eyes. She closed her mouth and looked away as a blush crept up her neck. She must have realized she was staring. I grinned to myself as I walked over to the bed and climbed in under the covers. I laid there staring up at the ceiling, willing sleep to come, but I just wasn’t really tired yet. I only said that so she didn’t feel bad.

  “Can I ask you a question?” she asked in a soft voice.

  “Sure, go ahead.”

  “What happened earlier when we were talking to Sean? Did I upset you?”

  I felt horrible. She thought I was upset with her and there was no way I could let her think that. I turned to look at her. It was only fair she knew. After all, I had just heard everything that had happened to her.

  “I had some flashbacks. I was a sniper in the military and when you started talking about the torture, it brought back memories of things I had seen. I could feel myself getting worked up, so I left the room. I needed to go outside and calm down.”

  “I’m sorry I did that to you.”

  “You didn’t do anything, sweetheart. They come with triggers and sometimes in my dreams. I can’t stop them or predict them.”

  “But you can avoid things that remind you of your time in the military.”

  It was true. I had the flashbacks because of what she told me, but avoiding things doesn’t help either. I turned on my side and looked at her and grabbed her hand.

  “Your story may have caused a flashback, but any number of things do. I have nightmares probably four times a week. It just happens. I deal with it and move on.”

  “Is that what your cousin meant by saying you might know someone who could help me?”

  “Yeah, I see someone every week to
work through shit. I was diagnosed with PTSD while I was serving and I was discharged soon after. It took me about six months to function after being discharged. The first two months, I stayed in bed all the time. My parents would come over and take care of me. There were days my dad had to drag me out of bed to take a shower. I was pretty out of it. I don’t think I even realized they were there sometimes. I was so lost in my head.”

  “What changed for you?”

  “My mom begged me to start seeing a therapist. I started going once a week, but it didn’t do much for me. I understood everything she was telling me, but I still couldn’t function. That went on for another two months when Sean stepped in. He would come over and drag me out of bed and make me shower and shave, you know, look like a human. Then he would take me for a drive. Just anywhere peaceful. I was living in town at the time, so there really wasn’t any escape for me. So, he would take me somewhere to clear my head. We didn’t really talk or anything, but it was a change and I learned to find peace out driving in the country. He did that several times a week and I could feel myself gaining some strength of mind. My therapy appointments started to work and soon I was functioning again.”

  “When did you get this place?”

  “About six months ago. My friend, Jack, has a house in the country. We would have poker night over there and I could tell that it was helping me to be away from the chaos. So, I bought this place and its really helped. I still have issues, but now it’s easier to deal with. I think that’s why it’s so easy for me to help you when I’m dealing with my own shit. If I could do for you what my family and friends did for me…? Everyone should have someone in their life that is willing to go the extra mile for them. To make them feel like they’re worth the effort. That’s what they did for me, and what I hope I can do for you.”

  Alex was quiet for a while and I didn’t know if what I’d told her helped or not, but I actually felt a little lighter having shared with her. She scooted closer to me and I lifted my arm behind her so she could lay on it. She curled into me and laid her head on my shoulder. We slept peacefully that night, neither of us having nightmares. Both of us had demons we were trying to outrun, but I had a feeling that if we tried, we could heal each other.



  The next morning, I woke to the feeling of being wrapped in a warm blanket. There was a tight band around my stomach and when I opened my eyes, I saw that tight band was Cole’s arm. I was laying on my side, Cole spooning me, and I could feel his breath caressing my neck. It was a great feeling to be wrapped in his arms after months of being alone. It had actually been much longer. I moved around so much that I never really formed relationships. I had dated a few men when I was younger, but never found someone that could make me feel safe enough to tell my past to. I stayed the night one time because I had fallen asleep, but when I woke up in the middle of the night screaming and crying, he was not very understanding. I had never stayed over with anyone since.

  Cole stirred behind me and I prayed he wouldn’t wake up yet. I was enjoying the moment and I didn’t want it to end. He went still behind me and I was afraid that he would pull away, but instead he pulled me closer and kissed my cheek. My heart soared at his touch.

  “Are you awake, sweetheart?”


  “Are you okay with this or is this too much?”

  “It’s good. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this safe. You make me feel safe and I’m so happy that I met you.” Shit. That sounded like I only wanted him because of what he provided for me. “I mean, I like you holding me too. That’s great also.” Unless he didn’t feel the same way and then he would never come near me again. “Unless, you don’t feel the same, which is totally fine.” Now I was just rambling. I looked at him and he had a big grin on his face.

  “I like you too, sweetheart.”

  He kissed me lightly on the lips, rolled to his side of the bed, and swung his legs to the ground. He let out a big yawn and stretched. I watched his back muscles flex as he raised his arms above his head and then blushed at the thoughts that accompanied that. He was really tall, maybe 6’3”. His hair was black and his eyes were a chocolate brown. He seemed to always have a little scruff on his face that made me think he didn’t care about how he looked. His body was perfectly sculpted and when his back muscles flexed, I wanted to run my hands over his back.

  He was being sweet to me, but I was sure he was just trying to make me feel better. I was nothing to look at right now. I was think and sickly looking. No man could see me as desirable. After what happened to me, no man would want to be with me. I had scars that would forever be on my body as a reminder of what I endured. It wasn’t pretty and I would never be a normal girl again. I had to remember that and not get my hopes up that we would be more than we were.

  “I’m going to get some coffee started and some breakfast.” He stood and put on his t-shirt and turned towards me. “Would you like breakfast in bed or would you like to eat at the table?”

  “I think I need to get up. I feel a lot better after a full night’s sleep. If I stay in bed any more, my body is going to be sore.”

  “Okay. Why don’t you take your time getting up. I’m gonna get started on the food.”

  He walked over to me and leaned down to press a swift kiss to my lips. Grinning, he pulled away and a smile spread over my face. I chastised myself for the feelings that fluttered through me. I wasn’t the sexy woman that would end up with Cole. I was the damaged drifter that had just escaped the clutches of a murderer. Cole made me feel things I had never felt before, but I needed to bury those feelings deep and focus on getting better.

  I got up and dressed in some yoga pants and a light sweater. After a quick trip to the bathroom where I washed my face, I headed down the hall to the kitchen. Cole had coffee waiting for me and was making eggs and cutting up fruit.

  “That smells delicious,” I said, sitting at the bar stool at the counter.

  “I thought about making bacon, but I think that might still be too heavy for your stomach.”

  “Probably. This is perfect.” He put a plate in front of me and I ate about half before my tummy was satisfied. The coffee was still a little too much for me, so I stuck with water. Cole was finishing up when there was a knock at the door.

  “Mom didn’t say she was coming over today. I guess she decided to just pop on over.” He walked over to the door and I started to follow to greet his mother. I had made my way to the doorway of the living room when I heard an unfamiliar, female voice and stopped.

  “Hi. I’m wondering if you can help me. I’m looking for my daughter. She disappeared a while ago and she was reported to have been seen in the area. She’s about 5’7” and she had shoulder length, brown hair the last time I saw her. She has an oval face with blue eyes.”

  “Do you have a picture?”

  “No, I didn’t bring one.”

  I could see Cole’s shoulders stiffen as she was talking. My breathing increased as the woman talked. She was obviously looking for me, but my mother was dead, so who was this woman? I hung back in the doorway so that I could hear, but wouldn’t be seen.

  “Strange that a woman comes looking for her lost daughter, but doesn’t bring a picture. The woman you’re describing could be any number of women in town. We don’t see many people out here in the country. Perhaps you should ask around town and take a picture with you.”

  “I left the house in a hurry when I heard she had been spotted. I have been such a wreck. I didn’t even think of bringing a picture. Thank you for your time. I will check in town as soon as I’m done with the neighbors.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t get your name.”

  “Uh, Rita.”

  “Do you have a number I can reach you at, Rita? In case I see your daughter.”

  “Um.. No that’s okay. Thank you very much, but I have to be going.”

  I peeked around the corner and saw Cole step outside and watch the car back down
the driveway. As the car turned onto the road, he raised his phone and took a picture of the car. I leaned against the door frame and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths.

  I heard the door close a minute later and opened my eyes to see Cole turn and look at me. My body was shaking, but I tried desperately to hold it together. I had known he would come looking for me, but I assumed it would take longer and that I would be safe in this house with Cole. How had he found me? I hadn’t stepped outside. No one knew I was here.

  “I need you to take me to a bus station. I need to leave. Now.” I turned and fled to the bedroom, grabbing my socks and a pair of shoes that Patricia had brought over. Shit. I had no money. How was I going to get away? Cole came up behind me and grabbed me by the shoulders holding me still, trying to calm me in my chaotic state.

  “You need to calm down.”

  “No. I need to leave. He knows I’m here and I need to leave now. I need to borrow some money. I don’t know when I can pay you back, but I don’t have a choice now.”

  “Sweetheart. He hasn’t found you. Just calm down and listen to me for a minute, okay?”

  I nodded and took a couple of deep breaths.

  “That was a woman that he probably hired to come looking for you. He doesn’t know that you’re here. He’s just asking around, hoping someone will give him some information. You are still safe and I need you to trust that I will protect you.”

  I nodded even though I wasn’t quite sure if I believed it. He pulled me in for a hug and held me until I calmed down.

  “I’m going to call Sean and update him on what happened. Then we need to talk about a few things, okay?”

  “Yeah, okay.”

  “Okay, I’ll be quick. Why don’t you meet me in the living room when you’re ready.”

  I waited a few minutes, taking in deep breaths and willing my mind to go to a happy place. I had to put my trust in somebody. If I didn’t I would be running forever, never feeling safe or knowing if this sicko had been caught. I needed to be strong and fight back for myself and for my parents. They wouldn’t have wanted me to be alone and on the run the rest of my life.


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