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Wicked Weekend

Page 4

by Gillian Archer

“Look at me.”

  Lauren pried her heavy lids open and looked into his eyes.


  With a flick of her clit, she broke. Her body went into spasm after spasm of pure bliss. Unable to hold herself up any longer, she slid bonelessly onto his chest.

  After a moment, Lauren realized he was still buried to the hilt inside her, still hard. She shuddered. Her nipples pulsed. In all their play, she had forgotten about the clamps. She’d never been so focused that anything could have happened and she wouldn’t have cared.

  “Gorgeous.” Jay’s softly spoken praise drew her attention back to him. She squeezed him in reply.


  “I thought we had worked out all those bratty tendencies. Do we need to have another session?”

  Another session with her over his knee? Oh hell yeah. She opened her mouth to tell him as much when he cut her off.

  “The second time won’t be for pleasure. Punishments aren’t meant to be enjoyed.”

  Lauren shivered. Was it twisted that his threat made her pussy throb? She was suddenly confused if it was his words or his still rock-hard cock that had such an overwhelming effect on her.

  “Do we need to have another session?”

  Her nipples pulsed in rhythm with her pussy. She had an answer, but she knew it wasn’t the one he was looking for. “No, sir,” she whispered finally.

  “Good girl.” He reached up and tweaked one of her nipples. “I think it’s time to take these off.” He quickly detached the clamp from her left nipple.

  As the blood rushed back into her distended bud, every muscle in her body spasmed, including the one wrapped around his cock. “Oh God. Oh God. Oh God,” she whimpered. “Please, it hurts.”

  “Ah, kitten, it’s okay.” He leaned up and bathed her hurting nipple with his tongue before sucking it gently into his mouth. As he soothed one nipple with his mouth, he detached the remaining clamp. A whole new burst of sensation washed over her body. He thrust up into her while he calmed one nipple and provoked the other with his fingers, plucking and pinching it until she couldn’t take it anymore.

  “Please. Please, sir,” she whimpered. The feeling overwhelmed her and totally centered in her right nipple. If only he would give her a little relief. Finally after endless torture, he switched and moved over to soothe her throbbing nipple. She shuddered. The sensation of him nuzzling her breasts telegraphed straight to her clit where his thumb continued to circle and tease. She was so close. Just a little more…something, and she would come.

  He groaned against her breast. “Come,” he gasped.

  She panted and thrust back, taking control of their rhythm. She rode him, rising up and slamming back down. She hovered at the peak, and then she broke. Her entire body shuddered as wave after wave of pleasure washed through her body. Completely spent, she collapsed against his chest for the second time that night.

  Jamie cupped the back of her head with his hand and nuzzled the side of her face. “Good girl,” he whispered huskily.

  Lauren’s entire body flushed with pleasure at his praise. God, that was the most amazing climax she’d ever had. Hell, it was the best sex she’d ever had. Maybe there really was something to this whole BDSM thing. It totally lived up to her expectations. Jamie had made her fantasy a reality.

  “I’ll just be a second.” He rolled from beneath her and padded over to what she assumed was the bathroom. She enjoyed the view of his black T-shirt stretched taut over his muscular shoulders before a thought overtook her. Had he come? She hadn’t even noticed. God, she was horrible. A horrible egotistical lover. In every book about BDSM she read, the submissive served her master, fed off his pleasure. But not her. She was so wrapped up in herself, she hadn’t even thought of his enjoyment once. That wasn’t what submission was about. Maybe she wasn’t cut out for this lifestyle after all.

  Jamie came back into the room and she avoided looking at him. She couldn’t bring herself to meet his eyes and focused instead on the sheet in front of her. Tracing a finger over the thousand-plus thread count, she nibbled her bottom lip. He had called her “kitten” and “good girl,” but had she done it right? Had she truly pleased him? His feet edged into her field of sight.

  Jamie touched her underneath her jaw and tipped her head up to his face. “What’s wrong, kitten? Was the scene too much? I tried to go easy on you since it was your first time. Was I too tough?”

  The concern in his eyes and his tender words undid her. She couldn’t stop the tears welling in her eyes. She shook her head helplessly.

  “Ah, darling. Come here.” He opened his arms and swept her into his embrace. Lauren fought for a moment. She didn’t want his comfort. He was practically a stranger, for crying out loud. Somehow seeking comfort in a stranger’s arms felt weirder than using him for her pleasure. She tried to tamp her emotions down. Her gasping breaths sounded loud in the quiet room. But moments later she collapsed into him and wept.

  Jamie held her tight and made comforting sounds against her temple. She couldn’t believe what she was doing. She was a grown woman who’d just had the most amazing sex of her life and now she was crying like a sixteen-year-old virgin on prom night. She pulled back and made a meager attempt to break free, but Jamie’s arms were like bands of steel and she couldn’t get away. Giving up, she just sat there and cried.

  After a few minutes, her hiccupping sobs abated. Now more than ever she felt overexposed. She still sat completely nude in Jamie’s lap—his fully clothed lap. Pulling her hair forward, she tried to cover her naked chest. “Uh, I think I—”

  “Here you go.” Before she could finish her sentence, Jamie had her bundled head to toe in a plush, white bathrobe. “I was trying to give it to you when you…uh…”

  “Freaked?” Lauren couldn’t hold back her smile. The man had seemed so confident earlier, both when he was dominating her and when he held her after. Now he couldn’t seem to find the words to describe her meltdown.

  He grunted in reply.

  She buried her cheek into the soft lapel and tried to find a graceful way to leave. But apparently that ship had already sailed. “Thanks,” she whispered.

  Jamie tipped her head up and kissed her gently. “Thank you,” he whispered back when he pulled away.

  Oh, she definitely had to get out of here if she wanted any hope of leaving with her heart still intact. Lauren pulled the robe close around her, stood then walked over to the chaise lounge where she had disposed of her clothes what felt like eons ago. Had it really been the same night? She felt like such a different person since she met Jamie in the hotel bar just an hour or so ago. She was no longer that silly girl moping over her unrequited crush. Now she was a woman with secrets. Kinky one-night-stand kind of secrets. Grabbing her clothes, she headed for the bathroom.


  She turned and met Jamie’s eyes from across the room.

  “If you’re up for it, maybe you could swing by tomorrow afternoon for some more fun?”

  Unable to find any words to express the elation coursing through her without sounding like a buffoon, she nodded silently and closed the door behind her. She dressed quickly and left the bathroom. She paused to smile at Jamie before practically leaping at the door in her scramble to get out.

  She waited for the elevator to take her back down to her floor, and she couldn’t help but wonder what she had gotten herself into. How was she going to go back to her boring existence and lackluster sex life after an experience like that?

  At least now Pierce wasn’t the sexy, forbidden man on her mind.

  Pierce who?

  Chapter Five

  Lauren stood at the top of the Bunny Hill and looked around at the crowd of people also taking advantage of the resort’s ski lessons. A group of teenage girls giggling over their instructor had her rolling her eyes. Lauren hoped she hadn’t been as transparent last night. Oh who was she kidding? She knew she had been. At least in her case it had been worth any amount of embarrassment she felt
at the time. The wicked things Jay could do with his hands…

  She shivered at the memory. Her nipples still felt sensitive from the clamps. She was aware of them every time she moved and they rasped against her bra. There were no lingering sensations from the spanking though. Was it sick she felt a little sad about that? She had hoped for more tangible evidence from her wild night than just her tingling nipples. Some physical proof that it had happened. She felt so different after all.

  A shrill scream drew her attention from her naughty thoughts and back to the crowd surrounding her. Judging by the hilarity of his friends and the snow-covered teen at the bottom of the hill, someone had just bit it. Lauren appraised the rest of the crowd on the Bunny Hill. Aside from the parents watching on the sidelines, she was the oldest person there. God, this was mortifying. Maybe she should just pack it in and have a few drinks at the bar. At least until a sufficient amount of time had passed and she could escape to Jamie’s room. She didn’t want to appear too desperate.

  “So are you ready to try again?”

  Lauren blinked up at her ski instructor, Barry. Shit, had he been talking to her the whole time she’d been wool gathering? So much for not looking like a moron today. Although she had probably accomplished that the third time she rolled down the hill. “Uh, I was actually thinking about calling it a day. Spend some quality time in the spa or something.”

  “We’re not giving up now are we?” Barry unleashed his million-watt smile. A few teen girls behind her sighed. Lauren tried to work up a little enthusiasm for the lesson and the hottie in front of her. Unfortunately both were a wash. She was never going to be a skier and Barry… Well, Barry just wasn’t Jamie. He didn’t have that oomph, the physical power Jamie had that drew her in and made her want to do naughty things in the dark.

  “…little more practice and you’ll have it.”

  “I think we both know that’s a little optimistic.” Lauren might not have heard all of his pep talk, but she knew a lost cause when she saw one. Or was one. “I think it’s time to call it a day.”

  “Ah come on. How about one more time for me?” Barry batted his amazingly long eyelashes and grinned again.

  Lauren sighed. She must have sucker tattooed across her forehead. “Sure. One more. That’s it.” She listened intently as Barry went over the snow plow position with her for the fifth time. It sounded simple enough. She dutifully assumed the position: knees bent, hands just above her thighs and the tips of her skis pointed slightly inward. After a deep breath, she pushed off and began to coast downhill. The farther she went, the more her speed increased. She was certain soon she would be flying past the resort and straight onto the highway. Remembering that the key to speed was the angle of her skis, she pulled her knees together and pushed her heels apart. Her skis pointed inward and she immediately slowed.

  Unfortunately, her skis continued to move toward each other. Before she could remember how to maneuver them outward, her skis crossed and tangled. Knowing that she was going to end up on the ground again, Lauren didn’t fight the fall and gave in to gravity. She twisted her body to the side and took the brunt of the impact on her shoulder and hip. Falling seemed to be the only thing she could do well when it came to skiing. It was the next part she hated with a passion—getting up.

  She lay in the snow for a few moments, not wanting to move. Maybe if she lay there long enough, winter would be over and no one would want to continue this stupid sport. Watching six-year-olds skiing circles around her really wasn’t her idea of a good time. Why’d she let Crystal talk her into skiing today? It’s not like they were spending quality time together—Crystal was on the real slopes while Lauren was stuck in kiddieville.

  Just as her bottom started to numb with the cold, a hand appeared in front of her. Figuring the nearest ski instructor had taken pity on her, Lauren bit back her grumble, placed her hand into the palm and tilted her best game face to the figure standing over her.

  “Thought you might need a hand after that spectacular fall.” The deep voice washed over her before he pulled her upward and onto very unsteady legs.

  “Ah, thanks, Pierce.” Lauren looked into his tanned, smiling face and felt…nothing. Strange. Even after the engagement announcement, just catching a glimpse of him sent her heart racing. But now? Meh. “I didn’t expect to see you on the bunny slopes.”

  “Well, I knew you’d be here.”

  “And you thought Crystal wouldn’t be far behind?” She forced out a laugh. “Like she would be anywhere near these slopes. I think you’d have better luck at the other end of the ski lift.”

  “I know exactly where Crys is and it’s nowhere near here. No, I came over to see you.”

  Lauren jerked her hand out of Pierce’s grasp. She didn’t like the tenor of that. “I-I, uh, I should really get inside. I’ve been out here for a while and um, I’m starting to get cold.” She tried to point her skis around him and not get tangled up again. Her legs felt like lead, weighing her down and unresponsive.

  “I’ll see you inside. There are a few things I think we should discuss.” He was probably trying for a seductive tone, but all Lauren got from it was a slimy, dirty feeling.

  And not the fun kind of dirty.

  The marked difference between his and Jamie’s approach made her really see Pierce for the first time. He wasn’t the gorgeous Adonis she’d believed him to be. He was actually kind of…smarmy. Suddenly she was very glad she hadn’t been the one for him. At least he’d given notice about taking a new job a few weeks ago so she would only have to see him at family functions.

  “Oh, about the wedding? I’m sure we could find Crystal and go over whatever details together. The three of us.”

  “Well, Lauren, I’m shocked! I mean, I always had you pegged as a good girl. The goody-goody brownnoser.” His gaze swept her body before he stepped close to her and ran a hand down her arm. “Who knew all that sheen of perfection hid such a raunchy party girl. First a one-night stand with a stranger you just picked up at the bar last night. And now you’re proposing a threesome with your own sister. That’s kinda hot.” His hand slid under her as he cupped her butt and squeezed. “You think we can convince Crystal?”

  Lauren slapped his hand away. She couldn’t keep the revulsion from showing on her face. “You sick fuck. There’s no way in hell that’s going to happen. You couldn’t convince me. And by the time I’m done talking to Crystal you won’t have a fiancée in your bed tonight either. Get the hell away from me.”

  She found some dexterity for the first time all day and managed to move around him and down the hill without falling.

  The gall of the man. Who did he think he was? God, she couldn’t believe she’d ever found him attractive. She’d been trying to remind him that he was engaged, not invite some twisted play with her own sister.

  Oh crap. Crystal. What was she going to say to her? They weren’t the best of friends by a long shot but she had to tell her something. This wasn’t the time to be a chicken shit! She wouldn’t let a perfect stranger marry that scumbag without saying something. Her own sister deserved to know the truth. Lauren really wasn’t looking forward to the scene. This wasn’t going to be pretty.

  * * *

  Lauren stared at her sister’s door with trepidation. She didn’t really want to see her again this weekend. After the scene in the bar last night, she could probably happily live the rest of her life without Crystal, Drama Queen Extraordinaire. Unfortunately her wish would never come true. Their mother or their grandmother would find a way to keep throwing them together—they’d done it for the past ten years or so, ever since her little sister had hit puberty, discovered boys and became too cool for her big sis. With a heavy sigh, Lauren knocked on the door and waited.

  And waited.

  Just when she was ready to give up and leave, the door handle jiggled before the door opened a crack.

  “What do you want?” Crystal scowled through the small opening.

  Fantastic. Her sister was in one o
f those moods. Lauren was tempted to leave and put this ugly scene off for a few more days but that would just be postponing the inevitable. Probably better to do this quick, like pulling off a Band-Aid. “Uh, can we talk for a minute?”

  Crystal sighed heavily and opened the door with a pout. “Fine. But you’ll have to talk while I get ready.” She flounced across the room to stand in front of the mirror.

  “What’s on the itinerary for tonight?” Lauren sat on the edge of Crystal’s bed, watching her sister primp. So much for the Band-Aid approach. Now that the moment was here, she didn’t know what to say. She couldn’t even bring herself to look Crystal in the eye. A heavy weight sat in her tummy. Maybe if she dabbled in a little small talk first, she could relax enough to come out with it.

  “Well, we’re going to do the naughty scavenger hunt, dinner and then back to the hotel for an adult version of truth or dare.”

  Lauren shuddered. She had to come clean with Crystal now. There was no way in hell she would play truth or dare with that jerk. He’d probably dare Crystal to kiss her sister. Repulsive.

  “Uh, Crys? There’s something I need to tell you.”

  “Is this about your friend from last night? Because I got to say—”

  “No, it’s not about him. It’s about Pierce.”

  Crystal turned away from the mirror and faced Lauren with a set jaw. “What about Pierce?”

  “Well, uh, today at the, um… We were—well, I was skiing and he, uh—”

  “Just come out with it already! You threw yourself at him didn’t you?”

  Lauren stared at her sister in horror. “What? No. I didn’t come on to him. He came on to me.”

  Crystal turned back to the mirror and began to apply her lipstick. “And?”

  “And what? Did you not just hear me? Your fiancé wanted to sleep with me.”

  “Lauren,” Crystal trilled in laughter. “Sweetheart, don’t you think it’s time you grew up?”

  Lauren opened and closed her mouth, stumped for a response.


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